slot0 = class("TaskCard") slot1 = 0 slot2 = 1 slot3 = 2 slot4 = 3 slot5 = 0.3 function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1, slot2) pg.DelegateInfo.New(slot0) slot0._go = slot1 slot0._tf = tf(slot0._go) slot0.viewComponent = slot2 slot0.descTxt = slot0._tf:Find("frame/desc"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.tagTF = slot0._tf:Find("frame/tag") slot0.rewardPanel = slot0._tf:Find("frame/awards") slot0._rewardModel = slot0.rewardPanel:GetChild(0) slot0.progressBar = slot0._tf:Find("frame/slider"):GetComponent(typeof(Slider)) slot0.progressNum = slot0._tf:Find("frame/slider/Text"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.GotoBtn = slot0._tf:Find("frame/go_btn") slot0.GetBtn = slot0._tf:Find("frame/get_btn") slot0.storyIconFrame = slot0._tf:Find("frame/storyIcon") slot0.storyIcon = slot0._tf:Find("frame/storyIcon/icon") slot0.frame = slot0._tf:Find("frame") slot0._modelWidth = slot0.frame.rect.width + 100 slot0.finishBg = slot0._tf:Find("frame/finish_bg") slot0.unfinishBg = slot0._tf:Find("frame/unfinish_bg") slot0.tip = slot0._tf:Find("frame/tip") = GetOrAddComponent(slot0._tf, "CanvasGroup") slot0.urTag = slot0._tf:Find("frame/urTag") end function slot0.update(slot0, slot1) slot0.taskVO = slot1 if == 10302 then = end slot0.descTxt.text = HXSet.hxLan(slot1:getConfig("desc")) slot0.viewComponent:setSpriteTo("taskTagOb/" .. slot1:GetRealType(), slot0.tagTF) slot2 = slot1:getConfig("target_num") slot0:updateAwards(slot1) slot3 = slot1:getProgress() if slot1:isFinish() then slot0.progressNum.text = "COMPLETE" elseif slot1:getConfig("sub_type") == 1012 then slot0.progressNum.text = math.floor(slot3 / 100) .. "/" .. math.floor(slot2 / 100) else slot0.progressNum.text = slot3 .. "/" .. slot2 end slot0.progressBar.value = slot3 / slot2 slot0:updateBtnState(slot1) setActive(slot0.urTag, slot1:IsUrTask()) setActive(slot0.storyIconFrame, slot1:getConfig("story_id") and slot4 ~= "" and not slot5) if slot4 and slot4 ~= "" then if not slot1:getConfig("story_icon") or slot6 == "" then slot6 = "task_icon_default" end LoadSpriteAsync("shipmodels/" .. slot6, function (slot0) if slot0 then setImageSprite(uv0.storyIcon, slot0, true) end end) onButton(slot0, slot0.storyIconFrame, function () pg.StoryMgr.GetInstance():Play(uv0, nil, true) end, SFX_PANEL) else removeOnButton(slot0.storyIconFrame) end = 1 setActive(slot0.frame, true) end function slot0.updateBtnState(slot0, slot1) slot2 = uv0 removeOnButton(slot0.GotoBtn) removeOnButton(slot0.GetBtn) if slot1:isFinish() then slot2 = slot1:isReceive() and uv1 or uv2 onButton(slot0, slot0.GetBtn, function () function slot0() if not uv0.isClick then uv0.isClick = true slot0 = uv0.frame.localPosition LeanTween.alphaCanvas(, 0, uv1):setFrom(1) LeanTween.value(go(uv0.frame), slot0.x, slot0.x + uv0._modelWidth, uv1):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.frame.transform.localPosition = Vector3(slot0, uv1.y, uv1.z) end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0.frame.transform.localPosition = uv1 setActive(uv0.frame, false) uv0.isClick = nil uv0.viewComponent:onSubmit(uv2) end)) end end slot1 = nil coroutine.wrap(function () if uv0:getConfig("sub_type") == TASK_SUB_TYPE_GIVE_ITEM or uv0:getConfig("sub_type") == TASK_SUB_TYPE_GIVE_VIRTUAL_ITEM or uv0:getConfig("sub_type") == TASK_SUB_TYPE_PLAYER_RES then slot0 = DROP_TYPE_ITEM if uv0:getConfig("sub_type") == TASK_SUB_TYPE_PLAYER_RES then slot0 = DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE end pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_ITEM_BOX, content = i18n("sub_item_warning"), items = { { type = slot0, id = uv0:getConfig("target_id_for_client"), count = uv0:getConfig("target_num") } }, onYes = function () uv0() end }) coroutine.yield() end slot0, slot1 = uv0:judgeOverflow() if slot0 then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_ITEM_BOX, content = i18n("award_max_warning"), items = slot1, onYes = function () uv0() end }) coroutine.yield() end uv2() end)() end, SFX_PANEL) else slot2 = uv4 onButton(slot0, slot0.GotoBtn, function () uv0.viewComponent:onGo(uv1) end, SFX_PANEL) end SetActive(slot0.GotoBtn, slot2 == uv4) SetActive(slot0.GetBtn, slot2 == uv2) setActive(slot0.finishBg, slot2 == uv2 or slot2 == uv1) setActive(slot0.unfinishBg, slot2 ~= uv2 and slot2 ~= BTN_STATE_FETC) setActive(slot0.tip, slot2 == uv2 or slot2 == uv1) end function slot0.updateAwards(slot0, slot1) for slot7 = slot0.rewardPanel.childCount, #_.slice(slot1:getConfig("award_display"), 1, 3) - 1 do cloneTplTo(slot0._rewardModel, slot0.rewardPanel) end for slot7 = 1, slot0.rewardPanel.childCount do slot9 = slot7 <= #slot2 setActive(slot0.rewardPanel:GetChild(slot7 - 1), slot9) if slot9 then slot10 = slot2[slot7] updateDrop(slot8, { type = slot10[1], id = slot10[2], count = slot10[3] }) end end end function slot0.dispose(slot0) pg.DelegateInfo.Dispose(slot0) end return slot0