slot0 = class("ShipProfileCvBtn") function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) slot0._tf = slot1 slot0._go = go(slot1) slot0.nameTxt = slot0._tf:Find("Text"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) setActive(slot0._tf:Find("tag_common"), true) slot0.tagDiff = slot0._tf:Find("tag_diff") slot0.playIcon = slot0._tf:Find("play_icon") end function slot0.Init(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot0.shipGroup = slot1 slot0.isLive2d = slot3 = slot2 slot0.voice = slot4 slot0.words = pg.ship_skin_words[] slot5, slot6, slot7, slot8, slot9, slot10 = nil if string.find(slot4.key, ShipWordHelper.WORD_TYPE_MAIN) then slot5, slot6, slot7 = ShipWordHelper.GetWordAndCV(, ShipWordHelper.WORD_TYPE_MAIN, tonumber(string.gsub(slot11, ShipWordHelper.WORD_TYPE_MAIN, ""))) if slot0.isLive2d then slot9 = ShipWordHelper.GetL2dCvCalibrate(, ShipWordHelper.WORD_TYPE_MAIN, slot8) slot10 = ShipWordHelper.GetL2dSoundEffect(, ShipWordHelper.WORD_TYPE_MAIN, slot8) end else slot5, slot6, slot7 = ShipWordHelper.GetWordAndCV(, slot11) if slot0.isLive2d then slot9 = ShipWordHelper.GetL2dCvCalibrate(, slot11) slot10 = ShipWordHelper.GetL2dSoundEffect(, slot11) end end slot0.wordData = { maxfavor = 0, cvKey = slot5, cvPath = slot6, textContent = slot7, mainIndex = slot8, voiceCalibrate = slot9, se = slot10 } end function slot0.Update(slot0) if not slot0.isLive2d then slot2 = slot0.voice.unlock_condition[1] < 0 or (slot0.wordData.textContent == nil or slot0.wordData.textContent == "nil" or slot0.wordData.textContent == "") else slot2 = slot2 or slot3 and slot1.l2d_action:match("^" .. ShipWordHelper.WORD_TYPE_MAIN .. "_") end setActive(slot0._tf, not slot2) if not slot2 then slot0:UpdateCvBtn() slot0:UpdateIcon() end end function slot0.UpdateCvBtn(slot0) slot3, slot4 = slot0.shipGroup:VoiceReplayCodition(slot0.voice) slot0.nameTxt.text = slot3 and slot1.voice_name or "???" setActive(slot0.tagDiff, ShipWordHelper.ExistDifferentWord(, slot1.key, slot0.wordData.mainIndex)) if not slot3 then onButton(nil, slot0._tf, function () pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(uv0) end, SFX_PANEL) end end function slot0.UpdateIcon(slot0) setActive(slot0.playIcon, slot0.voice.key == "unlock" and PathMgr.FileExists(PathMgr.getAssetBundle("ui/star_level_unlock_anim_" .. end function slot0.Destroy(slot0) Destroy(slot0._go) removeOnButton(slot0._tf) end return slot0