slot0 = class("NavalTacticsLayer", import("..base.BaseUI")) function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "NavalTacticsUI" end function slot0.setShips(slot0, slot1) slot0.shipVOs = slot1 end function slot0.setSKillClassNum(slot0, slot1) slot0.skillClassNum = slot1 end function slot0.setStudents(slot0, slot1) slot0.studentVOs = slot1 end function slot0.setPlayer(slot0, slot1) slot0.playerVO = slot1 end function slot0.setItemVOs(slot0, slot1) slot0.itemVOs = slot1 or {} table.sort(slot0.itemVOs, function (slot0, slot1) if slot0:getConfig("rarity") == slot1:getConfig("rarity") then return < else return slot3 < slot2 end end) end function slot0.updateShipVO(slot0, slot1) slot0.shipVOs[] = slot1 end function slot0.init(slot0) slot0.shipCards = {} slot0.backBtn = slot0:findTF("blur_container/adapt/top/btnBack") slot0.mainPanel = slot0:findTF("mainPanel") setActive(slot0.mainPanel, true) slot0.helpBtn = slot0:findTF("paint/help_btn", slot0.mainPanel) slot0.UIMgr = pg.UIMgr.GetInstance() slot0.studentContain = slot0:findTF("students/contain/content", slot0.mainPanel) slot0.skillsPanel = slot0:findTF("blurOther/skillsPanel/frame") slot0.skillsMask = slot0:findTF("blurOther/skillsPanel") slot0.skillSelBtn = slot0:findTF("confirm_btn", slot0.skillsPanel) slot0.skillContent = slot0:findTF("skill_contain/content", slot0.skillsPanel) slot0.lessonPanel = slot0:findTF("blurOther/lessonPanel/frame") slot0.lessonMask = slot0:findTF("blurOther/lessonPanel") slot0.lessonSelBtn = slot0:findTF("confirm_btn", slot0.lessonPanel) slot0.lessonCancelBtn = slot0:findTF("cancel_btn", slot0.lessonPanel) slot0.lessonContent = slot0:findTF("bg/lessons/content", slot0.lessonPanel) slot0.UIMain = GameObject.Find("/OverlayCamera/Overlay/UIMain") slot0.nameTxts = {} slot0.deleteStuentQueue = {} slot0.blurPanelTF = slot0:findTF("blurOther") end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) slot0.lessonOverTimer = {} onButton(slot0, slot0.backBtn, function () uv0:closeView() end, SFX_CANCEL) setActive(slot0:findTF("stamp", slot0.mainPanel), getProxy(TaskProxy):mingshiTouchFlagEnabled()) if LOCK_CLICK_MINGSHI then setActive(slot0:findTF("stamp", slot0.mainPanel), false) end onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("stamp", slot0.mainPanel), function () getProxy(TaskProxy):dealMingshiTouchFlag(3) end, SFX_CONFIRM) onButton(slot0, slot0.helpBtn, function () pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = pg.gametip.tactics_lesson_system_introduce.tip }) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.lessonCancelBtn, function () uv0:closeLessonSel() uv0:unblurView() end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.skillsMask, function () uv0:closeSkllSel() uv0:unblurView() end, SFX_PANEL) slot0:initStudents() end function slot0.initStudents(slot0) slot0.studentTFs = {} for slot4 = 1, 4 do slot0.studentTFs[slot4] = slot0.studentContain:GetChild(slot4 - 1) if slot4 <= NavalAcademyProxy.MAX_SKILL_CLASS_NUM then setActive(slot0.studentTFs[slot4], true) if slot4 <= slot0.skillClassNum then slot0:updateLockStudentPos(slot4, true) else slot0:updateLockStudentPos(slot4, false) end else setActive(slot0.studentTFs[slot4], false) end end end slot0.NUM2SHOPID = { 21 } function slot0.updateLockStudentPos(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot0.studentTFs[slot1] setActive(slot3:Find("mask"), not slot2) setActive(slot3:Find("addPanel"), slot2) setActive(slot3:Find("infoPanel"), slot2) if slot2 then slot0:updateStudentTF(slot1, slot0.studentVOs[slot1]) else onButton(slot0, slot4, function () if not id2ItemId(pg.shop_template[uv1.NUM2SHOPID[uv0.skillClassNum - 1]].resource_type) then return end slot4 = slot2.resource_num slot5, slot6 = nil if ~= 0 and (table.getCount(slot2.discount_time) == 0 or pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():inTime(slot2.discount_time)) then slot7, slot8 = unpack(slot2.discount_time) slot11, slot12, slot13 = unpack(slot7[1]) slot14, slot15, slot16 = unpack(slot8[1]) if pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():Table2ServerTime({ year = slot14, month = slot15, day = slot16, hour = slot8[2][1], min = slot8[2][2], sec = slot8[2][3] }) - pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() >= 86400 then -- Nothing elseif slot19 >= 3600 then = i18n("discount_time", math.floor((slot18 - slot17) / 3600)) .. i18n("word_hour") else = i18n("discount_time", math.floor((slot18 - slot17) / 60)) .. i18n("word_minute") end slot6 = i18n("open_skill_pos_discount", slot4, slot4 * (100 - / 100) slot4 = slot4 * (100 - / 100 end pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = slot6 or i18n("open_skill_pos", slot4), onYes = function () if uv0.playerVO[id2res(uv1.resource_type)] < uv2 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("common_no_resource")) return end uv0:emit(NavalTacticsMediator.ON_SHOPPING, uv3) end, discount = { discount =, date = i18n("discount_time", math.floor((slot18 - slot17) / 86400)) .. i18n("word_date") } }) end, SFX_PANEL) end end function slot0.addStudent(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot3 then Student.New({ id = slot2, ship_id = slot1, state = Student.WAIT }):setSkillIndex(slot3) end = coroutine.wrap(function () if not uv0 then uv1:showSkillSel(uv2, coroutine.yield() end if #uv1.itemVOs > 0 then uv1:showLessonSel(uv2,, function () = nil uv0:addStudent(uv1, uv2, uv3) end) else uv1.openMsgBox = false uv1:pushDeleteStudentQueue() pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("tactics_no_lesson")) end coroutine.yield() uv1.studentVOs[uv4] = uv2 uv1:updateStudentTF(, uv2) end) end function slot0.startLesson(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot0.shipVOs[slot1.shipId] slot4 = slot1:getSkillId(slot3) slot5 = slot3.skills[slot4] slot6 = pg.skill_data_template[slot4].max_level slot7 = pg.item_data_statistics[slot1.lessonId].name slot8 = slot3:getName() slot9 = getSkillName(slot1:getSkillId(slot3)) if slot3:isActivityNpc() then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("npc_learn_skill_tip"), onYes = function () pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("tactics_lesson_start_tip", uv0, uv1, uv2), onYes = function () if uv0.level == uv1 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("tactics_max_level")) return end if uv2 then uv2() end uv3:emit(NavalTacticsMediator.ON_START, { shipId = uv4.shipId, skillPos = uv4:getSkillId(uv5), lessonId = uv4.lessonId, roomId = }) end }) end }) else slot10() end end function slot0.updateStudentVO(slot0, slot1) slot0.studentVOs[] = slot1 if slot1:getState() == Student.ATTEND then slot0:addLeasonOverTimer(slot1) end end function slot0.updateStudentTF(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot0.studentTFs[slot1] setActive(slot0:findTF("infoPanel", slot3), slot2) setActive(slot0:findTF("addPanel", slot3), not slot2) if slot2 then slot0:updateShipInfo(slot4, slot2) slot0:updateSkillInfo(slot4, slot2) slot7 = slot0:findTF("start_btn", slot4) setButtonEnabled(slot0:findTF("cancel_btn", slot4), true) if slot2:getState() == Student.ATTEND then slot0:addLeasonOverTimer(slot2) elseif slot2:getState() == Student.WAIT then setActive(slot6, false) setActive(slot7, true) end slot8 = slot0.shipVOs[slot2.shipId].configId onButton(slot0, slot6, function () pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("tactics_lesson_cancel"), onYes = function () uv0:emit(NavalTacticsMediator.ON_CANCEL,, Student.CANCEL_TYPE_MANUAL) end }) end, SFX_CANCEL) else onButton(slot0, findTF(slot5, "add_btn"), function () uv0:goDockYard(uv1, uv2) end, SFX_PANEL) end end function slot0.addDeleteStudentQueue(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) table.insert(slot0.deleteStuentQueue, { slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4 }) setButtonEnabled(slot0.studentTFs[slot1]:Find("infoPanel/cancel_btn"), false) if slot0.lessonOverTimer[slot1] then slot0.lessonOverTimer[slot1]:Stop() slot0.lessonOverTimer[slot1] = nil end slot0:pushDeleteStudentQueue() end function slot0.pushDeleteStudentQueue(slot0) if not slot0.studentVOs then return end if #slot0.deleteStuentQueue > 0 and not slot0.openMsgBox then slot1 = slot0.deleteStuentQueue[1] table.remove(slot0.deleteStuentQueue, 1) scrollTo(slot0:findTF("students/contain", slot0.mainPanel), 0, 1 - math.max(slot1[1] - 2, 0) / (NavalAcademyProxy.MAX_SKILL_CLASS_NUM - 2)) slot0:deleteStudentVO(slot1[1], slot1[2], slot1[3], slot1[4]) end end slot1 = 1 function slot0.deleteStudentVO(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot0.openMsgBox = true slot5 = slot0.studentVOs[slot1] slot6 = slot0.shipVOs[slot5.shipId] slot7 = slot5:getSkillId(slot6) slot8 = nil for slot13, slot14 in ipairs(slot6:getSkillList()) do if slot14 == slot7 then slot8 = slot13 break end end slot10 = getSkillConfig(slot7) slot11 = slot0.studentTFs[slot1] slot12 = slot11:Find("infoPanel/skill_info/exp") slot13 = slot11:Find("infoPanel/skill_info") slot14 = slot11:Find("infoPanel/skill_info/level_contain/level") setButtonEnabled(slot11:Find("infoPanel/cancel_btn"), false) function slot17() slot0 = nil function slot1() uv0.flag = nil uv0.studentVOs[uv1] = nil uv0:updateStudentTF(uv1, nil) if uv0.lessonOverTimer[uv1] then uv0.lessonOverTimer[uv1]:Stop() uv0.lessonOverTimer[uv1] = nil end end if pg.skill_data_template[uv3].max_level <= uv0.level then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ modal = true, hideNo = true, hideClose = true, content = uv1.level < uv0.level and i18n("tactics_end_to_learn", uv2:getName(), getSkillName(uv3), uv4) .. i18n("tactics_skill_level_up", uv1.level, uv0.level) or i18n("tactics_end_to_learn", uv2:getName(), getSkillName(uv3), uv4), onYes = function () uv0() uv1.openMsgBox = false uv1:pushDeleteStudentQueue() end }) else pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ modal = true, hideClose = true, content = slot0 .. i18n("tactics_continue_to_learn"), onYes = function () uv0() uv1:addStudent(, uv3, uv4) end, onNo = function () uv0() uv1.openMsgBox = false uv1:pushDeleteStudentQueue() end }) end end if slot3.level < slot4.level then function (slot0, slot1, slot2) uv0:updateSkillDesc(uv1, { id = uv2, name = getSkillName(uv2), level = slot0, icon = uv3.icon, exp = slot1 and slot1 or getConfigFromLevel1(pg.skill_need_exp, slot0).exp }, true, slot2) end(slot3.level, nil, true) slot0:leanTweenValue(slot12, slot12:GetComponent(typeof(Slider)).value, 1, uv0, 0, function (slot0) uv0.value = slot0 end, function () uv0 = uv0 + 1 uv1(uv0) if uv2.level - uv0 > 0 then uv3:leanTweenValue(uv4, 0, 1, uv5, 0, uv6, function () uv0 = uv0 + 1 if uv0 == uv1.level then uv2:leanTweenValue(uv3, 0, uv1.exp / getConfigFromLevel1(pg.skill_need_exp, uv0).exp, uv4, 0, uv5, uv6) uv7(uv0, uv1.exp) else uv7(uv0) end setText(uv8, uv0) end, slot0) else uv3:leanTweenValue(uv4, 0, uv2.exp / getConfigFromLevel1(pg.skill_need_exp, uv0).exp, uv5, 0, uv6, uv7) uv1(uv0, uv2.exp) end end) else slot0:leanTweenValue(slot12, slot16.value, slot4.exp / getConfigFromLevel1(pg.skill_need_exp, slot19).exp, uv0, 0, slot20, slot17) slot18(slot19, slot4.exp, true) end end function slot0.leanTweenValue(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5, slot6, slot7, slot8) if slot8 and slot8 > 0 then LeanTween.value(go(slot1), slot2, slot3, slot4):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) if uv0 then uv0(slot0) end end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () if uv0 then uv0() end end)):setDelay(slot5 or 0):setRepeat(slot8) end end function slot0.goDockYard(slot0, slot1, slot2) if table.getCount(slot0.itemVOs or {}) <= 0 then if not ItemTipPanel.ShowItemTipbyID(16001, i18n("item_lack_title", i18n("ship_book"), i18n("ship_book"))) then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("tactics_no_lesson")) end return end for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0.studentVOs) do if slot8:getState() == Student.WAIT then -- Nothing end end slot0:emit(NavalTacticsMediator.OPEN_DOCKYARD, slot2, { [slot7] = slot8 }, slot1) end function slot0.addLeasonOverTimer(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0.studentTFs[] setActive(slot0:findTF("infoPanel/cancel_btn", slot2), true) setActive(slot0:findTF("infoPanel/start_btn", slot2), false) function slot3() if uv0.flag then return end uv0.flag = true uv0.lessonOverTimer[]:Stop() uv0.lessonOverTimer[] = nil uv0:emit(NavalTacticsMediator.ON_CANCEL,, Student.CANCEL_TYPE_AUTO) end slot4 = slot1:getFinishTime() slot0.lessonOverTimer[] = Timer.New(function () if uv0 <= pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() then uv1() else setText(uv2:Find("infoPanel/timer/Text"), pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():DescCDTime(uv0 - slot0)) end end, 1, -1) slot0.lessonOverTimer[]:Start() slot0.lessonOverTimer[].func() end function slot0.updateSkillDesc(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) setText(findTF(slot1, "name"), setText(findTF(slot1, "level_contain/level"), slot2.level) setText(findTF(slot1, "descView/Viewport/desc"), Student.getSkillDesc(, slot2.level)) if 26 - math.floor((#findTF(slot1, "descView/Viewport/desc"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)).text - 160) / 40) < 26 then slot6 = 26 end if slot6 > 28 then slot6 = 28 end slot5.fontSize = slot6 LoadImageSpriteAsync("skillicon/" .. slot2.icon, findTF(slot1, "icon")) slot9 = getConfigFromLevel1(pg.skill_need_exp, slot2.level) if slot2.level == pg.skill_data_template[].max_level then setText(slot0:findTF("next_contain/Text", slot1), "MAX") elseif slot3 then slot0:leanTweenValue(slot8, slot4 and tonumber(string.sub(getText(slot8), 1, string.find(getText(slot8), "/") - 1)) or 0, slot2.exp, uv0, 0, function (slot0) setText(uv0, math.floor(slot0) .. "/" .. uv1.exp) end) else setText(slot8, slot2.exp .. "/" .. slot9.exp) end end function slot0.updateSkillInfo(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot0.shipVOs[slot2.shipId] slot4 = slot2:getSkillId(slot3) slot5 = slot0:findTF("skill_info", slot1) slot7 = slot3.skills[slot4] slot0:updateSkillDesc(slot5, { id = slot4, icon = getSkillConfig(slot4).icon, level = slot7.level, name = getSkillName(slot4), exp = slot7.exp }) slot8 = pg.skill_data_template[slot4].max_level onButton(slot0, slot5, function () if uv0.studentVOs[]:getState() == Student.ATTEND then return end uv0:showSkillSel(uv1, function () uv0:updateSkillInfo(uv0:findTF("infoPanel", uv0.studentTFs[]), uv1) end) end, SFX_PANEL) setSlider(slot0:findTF("skill_info/exp", slot1), 0, 1, slot7.exp / getConfigFromLevel1(pg.skill_need_exp, slot7.level).exp) setText(findTF(slot1, "timer/Text"), pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():DescCDTime(slot2:getTime())) end function slot0.updateShipInfo(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot0.shipCards[slot0.shipVOs[slot2.shipId].id] then slot0.shipCards[] = TacticsShipItem.New(slot0:findTF("ship_tpl", slot1), ShipStatus.TAG_HIDE_ALL) end slot0.shipCards[]:update(slot4) end function slot0.showSkillSel(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0:blurView() slot0.openMsgBox = true setActive(slot0.skillsMask, true) slot5 = 0 for slot9, slot10 in pairs(slot0.shipVOs[slot1.shipId]:getSkillList()) do if slot3.skills[slot10] then slot0:updateSkill(slot9, slot0.skillContent:GetChild(slot9 - 1), { isLearn = true, id = slot10, name = getSkillName(slot10), icon = getSkillConfig(slot10).icon, desc = getSkillDesc(slot10, slot3.skills[slot10].level), level = slot3.skills[slot10].level, exp = slot3.skills[slot10].exp }) else slot0:updateSkill(slot9, slot11, { isLearn = false, id = slot10, name = getSkillName(slot10), icon = slot12.icon, desc = getSkillDesc(slot10, slot3.skills[slot10].level) }) end slot5 = slot5 + 1 end for slot9 = slot5, 2 do slot0:updateSkill(slot9, slot0.skillContent:GetChild(slot9), nil) end setActive(slot0.skillContent:GetChild(3), slot5 == 4) slot6 = slot0:findTF("skill_contain/content", slot0.skillsPanel):GetComponent(typeof(ToggleGroup)) onButton(slot0, slot0.skillSelBtn, function () if not uv0.selectedSkillIndex then return end if not uv2.skills[uv1[uv0.selectedSkillIndex]] then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("tactics_should_exist_skill")) return end if slot1.level == pg.skill_data_template[slot0].max_level then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("tactics_max_level")) return end uv3:setSkillIndex(uv0.selectedSkillIndex) uv0.selectedSkillIndex = nil uv4:SetAllTogglesOff() uv0:closeSkllSel() if uv5 then uv5() end end, SFX_PANEL) end function slot0.updateSkill(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) setActive(slot0:findTF("frame/skillInfo", slot2), slot3) setActive(slot0:findTF("frame/empty", slot2), not slot3) if not slot4 then setToggleEnabled(slot2, slot3 and slot3.isLearn) end setActive(findTF(slot2, "frame/mask"), slot3 and not slot3.isLearn) if slot3 then setText(findTF(slot5, "name_contain/name"), LoadImageSpriteAsync("skillicon/" .. slot3.icon, findTF(slot5, "icon")) setText(findTF(slot5, "name_contain/level_contain/label"), slot3.isLearn and "lv" or "") setText(findTF(slot5, "name_contain/level_contain/Text"), slot3.isLearn and slot3.level .. (slot3.additionLevel and "+" .. slot3.additionLevel .. "" or "") or "") setText(findTF(slot5, "next_contain/label"), slot3.isLearn and "NEXT:" or "") slot8 = nil if slot3.isLearn then slot9 = getConfigFromLevel1(pg.skill_need_exp, slot3.level) if slot3.level == pg.skill_data_template[].max_level then setText(findTF(slot5, "next_contain/Text"), "MAX") else setText(slot10, "" .. slot3.exp .. "/" .. slot9.exp) end setText(findTF(slot5, "descView/Viewport/desc"), Student.getSkillDesc(, slot3.level)) else setText(findTF(slot5, "descView/Viewport/desc"), slot3.desc) end if 26 - math.floor((#findTF(slot5, "descView/Viewport/desc"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)).text - 160) / 40) < 26 then slot10 = 26 end if slot10 > 28 then slot10 = 28 end slot9.fontSize = slot10 if not slot4 then onToggle(slot0, slot2, function (slot0) if not uv0.isLearn then return end if slot0 then uv1.selectedSkillIndex = uv2 end end) if slot1 == 1 then triggerToggle(slot2, true) end end end end function slot0.closeSkllSel(slot0) setActive(slot0.skillsMask, false) slot0.openMsgBox = false slot0:pushDeleteStudentQueue() end function slot0.showLessonSel(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot0:blurView() slot0.openMsgBox = true setActive(slot0.lessonMask, true) slot5 = slot0.lessonContent:Find("bg") if slot0.lessonContent.childCount > #slot0.itemVOs then for slot9 = slot4 - 1, #slot0.itemVOs, -1 do setActive(slot0.lessonContent:GetChild(slot9), false) end else for slot9 = 1, #slot0.itemVOs - slot4 do cloneTplTo(slot5, slot0.lessonContent) end end slot6 = slot0.shipVOs[slot1.shipId].configId slot7 = slot1:getSkillId(slot0.shipVOs[slot1.shipId]) slot8 = slot0.shipVOs[slot1.shipId] if slot3 then onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("skill/skilltpl_1", slot0.lessonMask), function () uv0:closeLessonSel() uv0.selectedLessonId = nil uv0.lessonTime = nil if uv1 then uv1() end end) end slot10 = getSkillConfig(slot7) function (slot0) if uv0.skills[uv1] then slot1 = Clone(uv0) slot3 = uv0.skills[uv1] if slot0 then slot4 = slot0 slot1:addSkillExp(uv1, uv2:getLessonAddition(uv1, slot4) * pg.item_data_template[slot4].usage_arg[2]) slot3 = slot1.skills[uv1] end uv2:updateSkill(k, uv3, { isLesson = true, isLearn = true, id = uv1, name = getSkillName(uv1), icon = uv4.icon, desc = getSkillDesc(uv1, slot3.level), level = uv0.skills[uv1].level, additionLevel = slot3.level - slot2.level > 0 and slot4, exp = slot3.exp }, true) else uv2:updateSkill(k, uv3, { isLearn = false, isLesson = true, id = uv1, name = getSkillName(uv1), icon = uv4.icon, desc = getSkillDesc(uv1, uv0.skills[uv1].level) }, true) end end(nil) for slot15 = 1, #slot0.itemVOs do slot16 = slot0.lessonContent:GetChild(slot15 - 1) slot17 = slot0.itemVOs[slot15] updateItem(slot16, slot17) SetActive(slot16:Find("addition"), slot0:getLessonAddition(slot7, > 1) setText(slot19, slot18 * 100 .. "%exp") setText(findTF(slot16, "icon_bg/count"), slot17.count) onToggle(slot0, slot16, function (slot0) if slot0 then uv0.selectedLessonId = uv0:updateLessonInfo(uv2, uv3( end end) if slot15 == 1 then triggerToggle(slot16, true) end end onButton(slot0, slot0.lessonSelBtn, function () if not uv0.itemVOs or table.getCount(uv0.itemVOs) == 0 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("common_no_item_1")) return end if not uv0.selectedLessonId then return end uv1:setLesson(uv0.selectedLessonId) uv1:setTime(uv0.lessonTime) uv0:startLesson(uv1, function () uv0:closeLessonSel() if uv1 then uv1() end uv0.selectedLessonId = nil uv0.lessonTime = nil end) end, SFX_PANEL) end function slot0.getLessonAddition(slot0, slot1, slot2) return pg.skill_data_template[slot1].type == pg.item_data_template[slot2].usage_arg[3] and 1 + pg.gameset.same_color_lesson_addition.key_value / 100 or 1 end function slot0.updateLessonInfo(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = pg.item_data_statistics[slot2] slot4 = pg.item_data_template[slot2] setText(findTF(slot0.lessonPanel, "skillInfo/contain/name"), setText(findTF(slot0.lessonPanel, "skillInfo/contain/desc"), slot3.display) setText(findTF(slot0.lessonPanel, "skillInfo/contain/timer_contain/exp_timer/Text"), slot0:getLessonAddition(slot1, slot2) * slot4.usage_arg[2]) setText(findTF(slot0.lessonPanel, "skillInfo/contain/timer_contain/timer/Text"), pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():DescCDTime(slot4.usage_arg[1])) slot0.lessonTime = slot4.usage_arg[1] end function slot0.closeLessonSel(slot0) slot0.openMsgBox = false slot0:pushDeleteStudentQueue() setActive(slot0.lessonMask, false) slot0:unblurView() end function slot0.blurView(slot0) setActive(slot0.blurPanelTF, true) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():BlurPanel(slot0.blurPanelTF) end function slot0.unblurView(slot0) setActive(slot0.blurPanelTF, false) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():UnblurPanel(slot0.blurPanelTF, slot0._tf) end function slot0.willExit(slot0) slot0.UIMgr:UnOverlayPanel(slot0.mainPanel, slot0._tf) slot0:closeLessonSel() slot0:closeSkllSel() slot0:unblurView() if slot0.lessonOverTimer then for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.lessonOverTimer) do slot5:Stop() end slot0.lessonOverTimer = nil end for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.nameTxts) do slot5:destroy() end slot0.nameTxts = nil end return slot0