slot0 = class("AwardInfoLayer", import("..base.BaseUI")) slot0.TITLE = { SHIP = "ship", ESCORT = "escort", ITEM = "item" } slot1 = 4 slot2 = 4 slot3 = 0.15 function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "AwardInfoUI" end function slot0.setAwards(slot0, slot1) end function slot0.init(slot0) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():BlurPanel(slot0._tf, false, { weight = LayerWeightConst.THIRD_LAYER }) slot0.awards = or {}, function (slot0) return not (slot0.type == DROP_TYPE_ICON_FRAME or slot0.type == DROP_TYPE_CHAT_FRAME) end) slot0.onYes = slot0.contextData.awards.onYes slot0.title = slot0.contextData.title or uv0.TITLE.ITEM slot0._itemsWindow = slot0._tf:Find("items") slot0.spriteMask = slot0._itemsWindow:Find("SpriteMask") if slot0.title == uv0.TITLE.SHIP then slot0.container = ({ items = slot0._itemsWindow:Find("items"), items_scroll = slot0._itemsWindow:Find("items_scroll/viewport/content"), ships = slot0._itemsWindow:Find("ships") }).ships elseif #slot0.awards <= 10 then slot0.container = slot1.items else slot0.container = slot1.items_scroll end for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot1) do setActive(slot0._itemsWindow:Find(slot5), slot0.container == slot6) end slot0.containerCG = GetOrAddComponent(slot0.container, "CanvasGroup") slot0.containerCG.alpha = 1 setLocalScale(slot0._itemsWindow, Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) slot0.titleItem = slot0._itemsWindow:Find("titles/title_item") slot0.titleShip = slot0._itemsWindow:Find("titles/title_ship") slot0.titleEscort = slot0._itemsWindow:Find("titles/title_escort") slot0.itemTpl = slot0._itemsWindow:Find("item_tpl") slot0.shipTpl = slot0._itemsWindow:Find("ship_tpl") slot0.continueBtn = slot0:findTF("items/close") setActive(slot0.titleItem, slot0.title == uv0.TITLE.ITEM) setActive(slot0.titleShip, slot0.title == uv0.TITLE.SHIP) setActive(slot0.titleEscort, slot0.title == uv0.TITLE.ESCORT) if slot0.title == uv0.TITLE.SHIP then setLocalScale(slot0._tf:Find("decorations"), Vector3.New(1.25, 1.25, 1)) else setLocalScale(slot2, end slot0.blinks = {} slot0.tweenItems = {} slot0.shipCardTpl = slot0._tf:GetComponent("ItemList").prefabItem[0] slot0._tf:SetAsLastSibling() end function slot0.doAnim(slot0, slot1) LeanTween.scale(rtf(slot0._itemsWindow), Vector3(1, 1, 1), 0.15):setEase(LeanTweenType.linear):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () if uv0 then uv0() end if uv1.exited then return end setLocalScale(uv1.spriteMask, Vector3(uv1.spriteMask.rect.width / uv2 * PIXEL_PER_UNIT, uv1.spriteMask.rect.height / uv3 * PIXEL_PER_UNIT, 1)) end)) end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) onButton(slot0, slot0._tf, function () if not uv0.inited then return end if uv0.inAniming then for slot3, slot4 in ipairs(uv0.tweenItems) do LeanTween.cancel(slot4) end for slot3 = 1, #uv0.awards do setActive(uv0.container:GetChild(slot3 - 1), true) end uv0.inAniming = false end slot0 = uv0.contextData.onClose if uv0.onYes then uv0.onYes() end uv0:emit(uv1.ON_CLOSE) if slot0 then slot0() end end, SFX_CANCEL, { noShip = not slot0.hasShip }) onButton(slot0, slot0.continueBtn, function () triggerButton(uv0._tf) end) pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(SFX_UI_GETITEM) end function slot0.onUIAnimEnd(slot0, slot1) if slot0.contextData.animation then slot0.inAniming = true slot0.containerCG.alpha = 0 setActive(slot0.container, false) slot0:doAnim(function () setActive(uv0.container, true) uv0:displayAwards() uv0:playAnim(uv1) end) else slot0:displayAwards() slot0:doAnim(slot1) end end function slot0.onBackPressed(slot0) if LeanTween.isTweening(go(slot0._itemsWindow)) then return end pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(SFX_CANCEL) triggerButton(slot0._tf) end function slot4(slot0, slot1) slot2 = pg.ship_data_statistics[] slot3 = Ship.New({ configId = }) = setScrollText(findTF(slot0, "content/info/name_mask/name"), slot3:getName()) flushShipCard(slot0, slot3) setActive(findTF(slot0, "content/front/new"), end function slot0.displayAwards(slot0) slot0.inited = false for slot4 = #slot0.awards, slot0.container.childCount - 1 do Destroy(slot0.container:GetChild(slot4)) end for slot4 = slot0.container.childCount, #slot0.awards - 1 do if slot0.title ~= uv0.TITLE.SHIP then cloneTplTo(slot0.itemTpl, slot0.container) else cloneTplTo(slot0.shipCardTpl, cloneTplTo(slot0.shipTpl, slot0.container), "ship_tpl") end end if slot0.title ~= uv0.TITLE.SHIP then for slot4 = 1, #slot0.awards do slot5 = slot0.container:GetChild(slot4 - 1):Find("bg") if slot0.awards[slot4].type == DROP_TYPE_SHIP then slot0.hasShip = true end updateDrop(slot5, slot6, { fromAwardLayer = true }) setActive(findTF(slot5, "bonus"), slot6.riraty) setActive(findTF(slot5, "bonus_catchup"), slot6.catchupTag) setActive(findTF(slot5, "bonus_event"), slot6.catchupActTag) setActive(findTF(slot5, "name"), false) setActive(findTF(slot5, "name_mask"), true) setScrollText(findTF(slot5, "name_mask/name"), or getText(slot7)) onButton(slot0, slot5, function () if uv0.inAniming then return end uv0:emit(AwardInfoMediator.ON_DROP, uv1) end, SFX_PANEL) end else for slot4 = 1, #slot0.awards do uv1(slot0.container:GetChild(slot4 - 1):Find("ship_tpl"), slot0.awards[slot4]) if #slot0.awards > 5 then if slot4 <= 5 then slot5.anchoredPosition = Vector2.New(-50, 0) else slot5.anchoredPosition = Vector2.New(50, 0) end end end end slot0.inited = true end function slot0.playAnim(slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} for slot6 = 1, #slot0.awards do setActive(slot0.container:GetChild(slot6 - 1), false) table.insert(slot2, function (slot0) if not uv0.tweenItems then function () uv0() setLocalScale(uv1.spriteMask, Vector3(uv1.spriteMask.rect.width / uv2 * PIXEL_PER_UNIT, uv1.spriteMask.rect.height / uv3 * PIXEL_PER_UNIT, 1)) end() return end setActive(uv3, true) if uv0.title ~= uv4.TITLE.SHIP and #uv0.awards > 10 then scrollTo(uv0._itemsWindow:Find("items_scroll"), 0, 0) end table.insert(uv0.tweenItems, LeanTween.delayedCall(uv5, System.Action(slot1)).id) end) end slot0.containerCG.alpha = 1 seriesAsync(slot2, function () uv0.inAniming = false if uv1 then uv1() end end) end function slot0.willExit(slot0) if slot0.title ~= uv0.TITLE.SHIP then for slot4 = 0, slot0.container.childCount - 1 do clearDrop(slot0.container:GetChild(slot4):Find("bg")) end end pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():UnblurPanel(slot0._tf) if slot0.contextData.removeFunc then slot0.contextData.removeFunc() end if slot0.blinks and #slot0.blinks > 0 then for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.blinks) do if not IsNil(slot5) then Destroy(slot5) end end end end return slot0