slot0 = class("LevelStageView", import("..base.BaseSubView")) function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "LevelStageView" end function slot0.OnInit(slot0) slot0:InitUI() slot0:AddListener() chapter_skip_battle = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("chapter_skip_battle") or 0 if Application.isEditor then function switch_chapter_skip_battle() chapter_skip_battle = 1 - chapter_skip_battle PlayerPrefs.SetInt("chapter_skip_battle", chapter_skip_battle) PlayerPrefs.Save() pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips((chapter_skip_battle == 1 and "已开启战斗跳略") or "已关闭战斗跳略") end end slot0.loader = AutoLoader.New() slot0.isFrozen = nil setActive(slot0._tf, true) end function slot0.OnDestroy(slot0) if slot0.stageTimer then slot0.stageTimer:Stop() slot0.stageTimer = nil end if slot0.resPanel1 then slot0.resPanel1:exit() slot0.resPanel1 = nil end if not IsNil(slot0.winCondPanel) then slot0.winCondPanel:Destroy() slot0.winCondPanel = nil end if not IsNil(slot0.combomsg) then Destroy(slot0.combomsg) slot0.combomsg = nil if slot0.comboAnimId then LeanTween.cancel(slot0.comboAnimId) slot0.comboAnimId = nil end end slot0:ClearSubViews() slot0.loader:Clear() end slot1 = -300 function slot0.InitUI(slot0) slot0.topStage = slot0:findTF("top_stage", slot0._tf) slot0.resStage = slot0:findTF("resources", slot0.topStage) slot0.resPanel1 = PlayerResource.New() slot0.resPanel1:setParent(slot0.resStage, false) setActive(slot0.topStage, true) slot0.bottomStage = slot0:findTF("bottom_stage", slot0._tf) slot0.normalRole = findTF(slot0.bottomStage, "normal") slot0.funcBtn = slot0:findTF("func_button", slot0.normalRole) slot0.retreatBtn = slot0:findTF("retreat_button", slot0.normalRole) slot0.switchBtn = slot0:findTF("switch_button", slot0.normalRole) slot0.resetBtn = slot0:findTF("reset_button", slot0.normalRole) slot0.helpBtn = slot0:findTF("help_button", slot0.normalRole) slot0.shengfuBtn = slot0:findTF("shengfu/shengfu_button", slot0.normalRole) slot0.teleportSubRole = findTF(slot0.bottomStage, "teleportSub") slot0.deployBtn = slot0:findTF("confirm_button", slot0.teleportSubRole) slot0.undeployBtn = slot0:findTF("cancel_button", slot0.teleportSubRole) setActive(slot0.bottomStage, true) setAnchoredPosition(slot0.normalRole, { x = 0, y = 0 }) setAnchoredPosition(slot0.teleportSubRole, { x = 0, y = slot0 }) setActive(slot0.teleportSubRole, false) slot0.leftStage = slot0:findTF("left_stage", slot0._tf) setActive(slot0.leftStage, true) slot0.rightStage = slot0:findTF("right_stage", slot0._tf) slot0.bombPanel = slot0.rightStage:Find("bomb_panel") slot0.panelBarrier = slot0:findTF("panel_barrier", slot0.rightStage) slot0.shamShopBtn = slot0:findTF("btn_sham_shop", slot0.rightStage) slot0.autoBattleBtn = slot0:findTF("event/collapse/lock_fleet", slot0.rightStage) slot0.showDetailBtn = slot0:findTF("event/detail/show_detail", slot0.rightStage) setActive(slot0.panelBarrier, false) setActive(slot0.rightStage, true) slot0.airSupremacy = slot0:findTF("msg_panel/air_supremacy", slot0.topStage) setAnchoredPosition(slot0.topStage, { y = slot0.topStage.rect.height }) setAnchoredPosition(slot0.leftStage, { x = -slot0.leftStage.rect.width - 200 }) setAnchoredPosition(slot0.rightStage, { x = slot0.rightStage.rect.width + 200 }) setAnchoredPosition(slot0.bottomStage, { y = -slot0.bottomStage.rect.height }) slot0.attachSubViews = {} end function slot0.AddListener(slot0) onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("option", slot0.topStage), function () slot0:emit(BaseUI.ON_HOME) end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("back_button", slot0.topStage), function () if slot0.contextData.chapterVO and slot0:getDataType() == ChapterConst.TypeGuild then slot0:emit(slot1.ON_BACK) return end slot0:emit(LevelUIConst.SWITCH_TO_MAP) end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.retreatBtn, function () slot1 = slot2 = "levelScene_whether_to_retreat" slot3 = nil if slot0.contextData.chapterVO:existOni() then slot2 = "levelScene_oni_retreat" slot3 = true elseif slot0:isPlayingWithBombEnemy() then slot2 = "levelScene_bomb_retreat" slot3 = true elseif slot0:getPlayType() == ChapterConst.TypeTransport and not slot1:isSkirmish() then slot2 = "levelScene_escort_retreat" end slot0:HandleShowMsgBox({ content = i18n(slot2), onYes = function () slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpRetreat, win = slot0 }) end }) end, SFX_UI_WEIGHANCHOR_WITHDRAW) onButton(slot0, slot0.switchBtn, function () if slot0.contextData.chapterVO.getDataType(slot0) == ChapterConst.TypeSham then slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OPEN_SHAM_PRE_COMABT) elseif slot1 == ChapterConst.TypeNone then if slot0:getNextValidIndex() > 0 then slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpSwitch, id = slot0.fleets[slot2].id }) else pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("formation_switch_failed")) end elseif slot1 == ChapterConst.TypeGuild then slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OPEN_GUILD_PRE_COMABT) end end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.resetBtn, function () if slot0.contextData.chapterVO:getDataType() == ChapterConst.TypeSham then if ChapterConst.ShamResetCountLimit <= slot0.contextData.chapterVO.shamResetCount then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("sham_reset_err_limit")) return end if then slot0:HandleShowMsgBox({ modal = true, content = i18n("sham_reset_confirm"), onYes = function () slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpRetreat }) end }) else slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpRetreat }) end elseif slot0 == ChapterConst.TypeGuild and then slot0:HandleShowMsgBox({ modal = true, content = i18n("sham_reset_confirm"), onYes = function () slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpRetreat }) end }) end end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.shamShopBtn, function () slot0:emit(LevelUIConst.IS_FROZEN) if slot0.emit.isFrozen then return end slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OPEN_SHAM_SHOP) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.autoBattleBtn, function () slot0:emit(LevelUIConst.IS_FROZEN) if slot0.emit.isFrozen then return end slot0 = getProxy(ChapterProxy) slot0:UpdateSkipPrecombat(not slot0:GetSkipPrecombat()) slot0:UpdateSkipPreCombatMark() end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.showDetailBtn, function () slot0._showStrategyDetail = not slot0._showStrategyDetail and true slot0:updateStageStrategy() end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.funcBtn, function () slot1 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO.getDataType(slot0) if not slot0.contextData.chapterVO:inWartime() then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("levelScene_time_out")) return end slot4 = slot0:getChapterCell(slot0.fleet.line.row, slot0.fleet.line.column) slot5 = false if slot0:existChampion(slot0.fleet.line.row, slot0.fleet.line.column) then slot5 = true if chapter_skip_battle == 1 then slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpSkipBattle, id = }) elseif slot0:IsSkipPrecombat() then slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_START) else slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_STAGE) end elseif slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachAmbush and slot4.flag == 2 then slot6 = nil -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: coroutine.wrap(function () slot0:emit(LevelUIConst.DO_AMBUSH_WARNING, slot0) coroutine.yield() coroutine.yield:emit(LevelUIConst.DISPLAY_AMBUSH_INFO, coroutine.yield) coroutine.yield() end)() slot5 = true elseif slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachEnemy or slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachElite or slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachAmbush or slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBoss then if slot4.flag == 0 then slot5 = true if chapter_skip_battle == 1 then slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpSkipBattle, id = }) elseif slot0:IsSkipPrecombat() then slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_START) else slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_STAGE) end end elseif slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBox then if slot4.flag == 0 then slot5 = true slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpBox, id = }) end elseif slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachSupply and slot4.attachmentId > 0 then slot5 = true slot6, slot7 = slot0:getFleetAmmo(slot0.fleet) if slot7 < slot6 then slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpSupply, id = }) else pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("level_ammo_enough")) end elseif slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachStory then slot5 = true slot6 = pg.StoryMgr.GetInstance():GetStoryByName("index") slot8 = pg.map_event_template[slot4.attachmentId].gametip if pg.map_event_template[slot4.attachmentId].memory == 0 then return end pg.ConnectionMgr.GetInstance():Send(11017, { story_id = slot7 }, 11018, function (slot0) return end) pg.StoryMgr.GetInstance():Play(slot6[slot7], function () slot1 = (pg.StoryMgr.GetInstance():getSelectedOptions() and (slot0[1] or 1)) or 1 if slot0.flag == 0 then slot1:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpStory, id =, arg1 = slot1 }) end if slot3 ~= "" then slot2 = nil for slot6, slot7 in pairs(pg.memory_template) do if slot7.story == slot4 then slot2 = slot7.title end end pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n(pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance().ShowTips, slot2)) end end) elseif slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachRival then if slot4.flag == 0 then slot5 = true if slot2:isValid() then slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_PVP, slot4.rival) else slot0:HandleShowMsgBox({ modal = true, content = i18n("formation_reform_tip"), onYes = function () slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OPEN_SHAM_PRE_COMABT) end }) end end elseif slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachAreaBoss and slot4.flag == 0 then slot5 = true slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OPEN_GUILD_PRE_COMABT) end if not slot5 then if slot0:getRound() == ChapterConst.RoundEnemy then slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpEnemyRound }) else pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("level_click_to_move")) end end end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.helpBtn, function () if slot0.contextData.chapterVO then if slot0:getDataType() == ChapterConst.TypeSham then slot0:HandleShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = i18n("sham_battle_help_tip") }) elseif slot1 == ChapterConst.TypeGuild then slot0:HandleShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = i18n("guild_battle_help_tip") }) elseif slot1 == ChapterConst.TypeNone then if slot0:existOni() then slot0:HandleShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = i18n("levelScene_sphunt_help_tip") }) elseif slot0:isTypeDefence() then slot0:HandleShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = i18n("help_battle_defense") }) elseif slot0:isPlayingWithBombEnemy() then slot0:HandleShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = i18n("levelScene_bomb_help_tip") }) elseif pg.map_event_list[] and pg.map_event_list[].help_pictures and next(pg.map_event_list[].help_pictures) ~= nil then slot2 = { disableScroll = true, pageMode = true, defaultpage = 1, ImageMode = true, windowSize = { x = 1263, y = 873 }, windowPos = { y = -70 }, helpSize = { x = 1176, y = 1024 } } for slot6, slot7 in pairs(pg.map_event_list[].help_pictures) do table.insert(slot2, { icon = { path = "", atlas = slot7 } }) end slot0:HandleShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = slot2 }) else slot0:HandleShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = pg.gametip.help_level_ui.tip }) end end end end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.airSupremacy, function () pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = i18n("help_battle_ac") }) end, SFX_UI_CLICK) onButton(slot0, slot0.deployBtn, function () slot1, slot2 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO.GetSubmarineFleet(slot0) slot3 = slot1.startPos if not slot0.grid.subTeleportTargetLine then return end slot5, slot6 = slot0:findPath(nil, slot3, slot4) pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("tips_confirm_teleport_sub", slot0.grid:TransformLine2PlanePos(slot3), slot0.grid:TransformLine2PlanePos(slot4), slot5, math.ceil(pg.strategy_data_template[ChapterConst.StrategySubTeleport].arg[2] * #slot1:getShips(false) * slot5 - 1e-05)), onYes = function () slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpSubTeleport, id =, arg1 = slot2.row, arg2 = slot2.column }) end }) end, SFX_UI_CLICK) onButton(slot0, slot0.undeployBtn, function () slot0:SwitchBottomStage(false) slot0.SwitchBottomStage.grid:TurnOffSubTeleport() slot0.SwitchBottomStage.grid.TurnOffSubTeleport.grid:updateQuadCells(ChapterConst.QuadStateNormal) end, SFX_UI_CLICK) onButton(slot0, slot0.shengfuBtn, function () slot0:DisplayWinConditionPanel() end) end function slot0.SetSeriesOperation(slot0, slot1) slot0.seriesOperation = slot1 end function slot0.SetGrid(slot0, slot1) slot0.grid = slot1 end function slot0.SetPlayer(slot0, slot1) slot0.resPanel1:setResources(slot1) end function slot0.SwitchToChapter(slot0, slot1) slot5 = findTF(slot0.rightStage, "target") slot6 = findTF(slot0.rightStage, "skip_events") setActive(slot3, slot1:existAmbush()) setActive(slot0.airSupremacy, OPEN_AIR_DOMINANCE and slot1:getConfig("air_dominance") > 0) setActive(findTF(slot0.topStage, "msg_panel/sham_progress"), slot1:getDataType() == ChapterConst.TypeSham) setActive(slot0.shamShopBtn, slot1.getDataType() == ChapterConst.TypeSham) if slot2 == ChapterConst.TypeSham then setActive(slot0.shamShopBtn, getProxy(ShopsProxy):getShamShop() ~= nil) end setActive(slot0.resetBtn, slot2 == ChapterConst.TypeSham or slot2 == ChapterConst.TypeGuild) setImageColor(slot0.resetBtn, (slot2 == ChapterConst.TypeSham and ChapterConst.ShamResetCountLimit <= slot1.shamResetCount and Color(1, 1, 10, 0.5882352941176471)) or Color(1, 1, 1, 1)) setActive(slot0.autoBattleBtn, slot1:isLoop()) if slot1.isLoop() then slot0:UpdateSkipPreCombatMark() end slot0.achieveOriginalY = -240 setText(slot6:Find("Label"), i18n("map_event_skip")) if slot1:getConfig("event_skip") == 1 then if slot1.progress > 0 or slot1.defeatCount > 0 or slot1.passCount > 0 then setActive(slot6, true) slot5.anchoredPosition = Vector2.New(slot5.anchoredPosition.x, slot0.achieveOriginalY - 40) GetComponent(slot6, typeof(Toggle)).isOn = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("skip_events_on_" .., 1) == 1 onToggle(slot0, slot6, function (slot0) PlayerPrefs.SetInt(slot0, (slot0 and 1) or 0) end) else setActive(slot6, false) if not PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key) then PlayerPrefs.SetInt(key, 0) end end else setActive(slot6, false) slot5.anchoredPosition = Vector2.New(slot5.anchoredPosition.x, slot0.achieveOriginalY) end setActive(slot5, slot1:existAchieve()) setActive(slot0.retreatBtn, slot2 == ChapterConst.TypeNone) slot0.seriesOperation() end function slot0.UpdateSkipPreCombatMark(slot0) slot0.loader:GetOffSpriteRequest(slot0.autoBattleBtn) slot0.loader:GetSprite("ui/levelstageview_atlas", (getProxy(ChapterProxy):GetSkipPrecombat() and "auto_battle_on") or "auto_battle_off", slot0.autoBattleBtn, true) end function slot0.updateStageInfo(slot0) slot2 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO.getDataType(slot1) slot4 = findTF(slot0.topStage, "unlimit") setWidgetText(findTF(slot0.topStage, "timer"), "--:--:--") if slot0.stageTimer then slot0.stageTimer:Stop() end if slot1:getConfig("time") < slot1:getRemainTime() or slot1:getConfig("time") >= 8640000 then setActive(slot3, false) setActive(slot4, true) else setActive(slot3, true) setActive(slot4, false) slot0.stageTimer = Timer.New(function () if IsNil(IsNil) then return end setWidgetText(slot1:getRemainTime(), pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():DescCDTime(slot1.getRemainTime())) end, 1, -1) slot0.stageTimer:Start() slot0.stageTimer.func() end end function slot0.updateAmbushRate(slot0, slot1, slot2) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-7, warpins: 1 --- --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 9-21, warpins: 2 --- if not slot0.contextData.chapterVO:existAmbush() then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 8-8, warpins: 1 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end slot5 = slot3.fleet.getInvestSums(slot4) slot6 = slot3:getAmbushRate(slot3.fleet, slot1) slot7 = ChapterConst.GetAmbushDisplay slot8 = (not slot2 or not slot3:existEnemy(ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer, slot1.row, slot1.column)) and slot6 slot15, slot15 = slot7(slot8) setText(slot9, i18n("level_scene_title_word_1")) setText(slot10, i18n("level_scene_title_word_2")) setText(slot11, math.floor(slot5)) setText(slot12, slot7) setTextColor(findTF(slot0.topStage, "msg_panel/ambush/value2"), slot8) return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #3 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 22-30, warpins: 1 --- if not slot3.existEnemy(ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer, slot1.row, slot1.column) then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 31-32, warpins: 2 --- slot8 = slot6 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 33-34, warpins: 1 --- slot8 = false if false then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 35-35, warpins: 0 --- slot8 = true --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #3 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #3 36-80, warpins: 3 --- --- END OF BLOCK #3 --- end function slot0.updateStageAchieve(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-7, warpins: 1 --- if not slot0.contextData.chapterVO:existAchieve() then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 8-8, warpins: 1 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 9-63, warpins: 1 --- slot3 = findTF(slot0.rightStage, "target") setActive(slot3, true) slot4 = findTF(slot3, "detail") slot7 = findTF(slot4, "click") setActive(slot5, false) setActive(slot9, false) removeAllChildren(slot6) removeAllChildren(slot10) --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 64-114, warpins: 0 --- for slot14, slot15 in ipairs(slot2) do -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 64-94, warpins: 1 --- setActive(findTF(slot16, "star"), slot17) setText(slot18, ChapterConst.GetAchieveDesc(slot15.type, slot1)) slot19 = setTextColor slot20 = findTF(slot16, "desc") if not ChapterConst.IsAchieved(slot15) or not Color.yellow then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 99-100, warpins: 2 --- slot21 = Color.white --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 101-112, warpins: 2 --- slot19(slot20, slot21) cloneTplTo(slot9, slot10):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).enabled = slot17 --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 113-114, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #3 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #3 115-129, warpins: 1 --- onButton(slot0, slot7, function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-26, warpins: 1 --- shiftPanel(shiftPanel, slot0.rect.width + 200, nil, 0.3, 0, true, nil, LeanTweenType.easeOutSine) shiftPanel(shiftPanel, 0, nil, 0.3, 0, true, nil, LeanTweenType.easeOutSine) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot8, function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-26, warpins: 1 --- shiftPanel(shiftPanel, 30, nil, 0.3, 0, true, nil, LeanTweenType.easeOutSine) shiftPanel(shiftPanel, slot1.rect.width + 200, nil, 0.3, 0, true, nil, LeanTweenType.easeOutSine) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end, SFX_PANEL) if not slot0.isAchieveFirstInit then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 130-134, warpins: 1 --- slot0.isAchieveFirstInit = true triggerButton(slot7) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #3 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #4 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #4 135-136, warpins: 2 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #4 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #5 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #5 137-137, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #5 --- end function slot0.updateStageBarrier(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-13, warpins: 1 --- setActive(slot0.panelBarrier, slot0.contextData.chapterVO:existOni()) if slot0.contextData.chapterVO:existOni() then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 14-31, warpins: 1 --- slot2 = slot0.panelBarrier:Find("btn_barrier") setText(slot2:Find("nums"), slot1.modelCount) onButton(slot0, slot2, function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-10, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(LevelUIConst.IS_FROZEN) if slot0.emit.isFrozen then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 11-11, warpins: 1 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 12-18, warpins: 1 --- if slot0.grid.quadState == ChapterConst.QuadStateStrategy then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 19-26, warpins: 1 --- slot0.grid:updateQuadCells(ChapterConst.QuadStateNormal) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 27-37, warpins: 1 --- slot0:selectSquareBarrieredCell(1, function (slot0, slot1) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-8, warpins: 1 --- if not slot0:existBarrier(slot0, slot1) and slot0.modelCount <= 0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 14-14, warpins: 1 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 15-31, warpins: 3 --- slot1:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpBarrier, id =, arg1 = slot0, arg2 = slot1 }) return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end) return --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #3 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #3 38-38, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #3 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #4 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #4 39-39, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #4 --- end, SFX_PANEL) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 32-33, warpins: 2 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end function slot0.updateBombPanel(slot0, slot1) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-13, warpins: 1 --- setActive(slot0.bombPanel, slot0.contextData.chapterVO:isPlayingWithBombEnemy()) if slot0.contextData.chapterVO:isPlayingWithBombEnemy() then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 14-49, warpins: 1 --- setText(slot0.bombPanel:Find("tx_step"), slot2:getBombChapterInfo().action_times - math.floor(slot2.roundIndex / 2)) slot4 = tonumber(getText(slot3)) slot5 = slot2.modelCount LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0.bombPanel:Find("tx_score"))) if slot1 and slot4 ~= slot5 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 52-111, warpins: 1 --- LeanTween.scale(go(slot3), Vector3(1.5, 1.5, 1), 0.2) LeanTween.value(go(slot3), slot4, slot5, (slot5 - slot4) * 0.1):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-8, warpins: 1 --- setText(slot0, math.floor(slot0)) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-5, warpins: 1 --- setText(setText, ) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end)):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInOutSine):setDelay(0.2) LeanTween.scale(go(slot3),, 0.3):setDelay(1 + (slot5 - slot4) * 0.1) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 112-118, warpins: 2 --- slot3.localScale = setText(slot3, slot5) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 119-119, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 120-120, warpins: 2 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end function slot0.selectSquareBarrieredCell(slot0, slot1, slot2) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-20, warpins: 1 --- slot0.grid:updateQuadCells(ChapterConst.QuadStateStrategy, slot0.contextData.chapterVO.calcSquareBarrierCells(slot3, slot0.contextData.chapterVO.fleet.line.row, slot0.contextData.chapterVO.fleet.line.column, slot1), function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-2, warpins: 1 --- if slot0 and _.any(slot0, function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-5, warpins: 1 --- if slot0.row ~= slot0.row or slot0.column ~= slot0.column then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 11-12, warpins: 2 --- slot1 = false --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 13-13, warpins: 1 --- slot1 = true --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 14-14, warpins: 2 --- return slot1 --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end) then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 10-14, warpins: 1 --- slot1(slot0.row, slot0.column) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 15-21, warpins: 2 --- slot2.grid:updateQuadCells(ChapterConst.QuadStateNormal) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 22-23, warpins: 2 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end function slot0.updateFleetBuff(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-15, warpins: 1 --- slot3 = Clone(slot0.contextData.chapterVO.getFleetStgIds(slot1, slot2)) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 16-31, warpins: 0 --- for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0.contextData.chapterVO.getExtraFlags(slot1)) do -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 16-24, warpins: 1 --- if pg.strategy_data_template[ChapterConst.Status2StgBuff[slot8]].buff_id == 0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 25-29, warpins: 1 --- table.insert(slot3, slot9) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 30-31, warpins: 3 --- --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 32-32, warpins: 1 --- slot4 = #slot3 --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #3 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #3 33-35, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #3 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #4 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #4 36-51, warpins: 0 --- while slot4 > 0 do -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 36-36, warpins: 1 --- --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 37-43, warpins: 1 --- if pg.strategy_data_template[slot3[slot4]].icon == "" then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 44-48, warpins: 1 --- table.remove(slot3, slot4) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 49-50, warpins: 2 --- slot4 = slot4 - 1 --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #3 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #3 51-51, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #3 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #4 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #5 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #5 51-56, warpins: 1 --- slot5 = {} if slot1:GetSubmarineFleet() and _.filter(slot6:getStrategies(), function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-9, warpins: 1 --- if pg.strategy_data_template[].type ~= ChapterConst.StgTypePassive or slot0.count <= 0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 14-15, warpins: 2 --- slot2 = false --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 16-16, warpins: 1 --- slot2 = true --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 17-17, warpins: 2 --- return slot2 --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end) and #slot7 > 0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 70-74, warpins: 1 --- _.each(slot7, function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-10, warpins: 1 --- table.insert(slot0, { id =, count = slot0.count }) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #5 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #6 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #6 75-81, warpins: 4 --- slot7 = nil slot8 = 0 if slot1:ExistDivingChampion() then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 82-83, warpins: 1 --- slot7 = { icon = "submarine_approach" } slot8 = 1 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #6 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #7 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #7 84-126, warpins: 2 --- setActive(slot11, false) slot12 = UIItemList.New(slot10, slot11) slot12:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-25, warpins: 1 --- setActive(findTF(slot2, "frame"), false) setActive(findTF(slot2, "Text"), false) setActive(findTF(slot2, "times"), false) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 26-30, warpins: 1 --- if slot1 + 1 <= #slot0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 31-50, warpins: 1 --- GetImageSpriteFromAtlasAsync("strategyicon/" .. pg.strategy_data_template[slot0[slot1 + 1]].icon, "", slot2) onButton(slot1, slot2, function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-17, warpins: 1 --- slot0:HandleShowMsgBox({ yesText = "text_confirm", hideNo = true, content = "", type = MSGBOX_TYPE_SINGLE_ITEM, drop = { type = DROP_TYPE_STRATEGY, id =, cfg = slot0 } }) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end, SFX_PANEL) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 51-58, warpins: 1 --- if slot1 + 1 <= #slot0 + #slot2 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 59-96, warpins: 1 --- GetImageSpriteFromAtlasAsync("strategyicon/" .. pg.strategy_data_template[slot2[(slot1 + 1) - #slot0].id].icon, "", slot2) setActive(findTF(slot2, "times"), true) setText(findTF(slot2, "times"), slot2[(slot1 + 1) - #slot0].count) onButton(slot1, slot2, function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-26, warpins: 1 --- slot0:HandleShowMsgBox({ yesText = "text_confirm", hideNo = true, content = "", type = MSGBOX_TYPE_SINGLE_ITEM, drop = { type = DROP_TYPE_STRATEGY, id =, cfg = slot1 }, extendDesc = string.format(i18n("word_rest_times"), slot2.count) }) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end, SFX_PANEL) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 97-106, warpins: 1 --- if slot1 + 1 <= #slot0 + #slot2 + slot1 + 1 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 107-127, warpins: 1 --- GetImageSpriteFromAtlasAsync("strategyicon/" .. slot4.icon, "", slot2) slot3 = slot2:GetComponent(typeof(Image)) onButton(slot1, slot2, function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-19, warpins: 1 --- slot0:HandleShowMsgBox({ yesText = "text_confirm", hideNo = true, type = MSGBOX_TYPE_DROP_ITEM, name = i18n("submarine_approach"), content = i18n("submarine_approach_desc"), sprite = slot1.sprite }) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end, SFX_PANEL) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 128-181, warpins: 1 --- GetImageSpriteFromAtlasAsync("commanderskillicon/" .. slot5[(slot1 + 1) - #slot0 - #slot2 - slot5].getConfig(slot3, "icon"), "", slot2) setText(findTF(slot2, "Text"), "Lv." .. slot5[(slot1 + 1) - #slot0 - #slot2 - slot5].getConfig(slot3, "lv")) setActive(findTF(slot2, "Text"), true) setActive(findTF(slot2, "frame"), true) onButton(slot1, slot2, function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-8, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_COMMANDER_SKILL, slot0) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end, SFX_PANEL) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 182-182, warpins: 5 --- --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end) slot12:align(#slot3 + #slot5 + slot8 +, function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-5, warpins: 1 --- return slot0:getSkills()[1] --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end)) if OPEN_AIR_DOMINANCE and slot1:getConfig("air_dominance") > 0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 134-136, warpins: 1 --- slot0:updateAirDominance() --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #7 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #8 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #8 137-141, warpins: 3 --- slot0:updateChapterBuff() return --- END OF BLOCK #8 --- end function slot0.updateChapterBuff(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-15, warpins: 1 --- SetActive(findTF(slot0.topStage, "chapter_buff"), slot0.contextData.chapterVO.hasMitigation(slot1)) if slot0.contextData.chapterVO.hasMitigation(slot1) then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 16-31, warpins: 1 --- GetImageSpriteFromAtlasAsync("passstate", slot4 .. "_icon", slot2) onButton(slot0, slot2, function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-6, warpins: 1 --- if not slot0:hasMitigation() then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 7-7, warpins: 1 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 8-36, warpins: 2 --- slot1:HandleShowMsgBox({ hideNo = true, type = MSGBOX_TYPE_DROP_ITEM, name = slot0:getChapterState(), sprite = getImageSprite(slot2), content = i18n("level_risk_level_mitigation_rate", slot0:getRemainPassCount(), slot0:getMitigationRate()) }) return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end, SFX_PANEL) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 32-33, warpins: 2 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end function slot0.updateAirDominance(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-7, warpins: 1 --- slot1, slot2, slot3 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO:getAirDominanceValue() if not slot3 or slot3 ~= slot2 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 10-23, warpins: 2 --- slot0.contextData.chapterVO:setAirDominanceStatus(slot2) getProxy(ChapterProxy):updateChapter(slot0.contextData.chapterVO) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 24-25, warpins: 2 --- if slot3 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 26-27, warpins: 1 --- if slot2 == 0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 28-29, warpins: 1 --- slot4 = 3 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 30-30, warpins: 1 --- slot4 = slot2 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 31-32, warpins: 2 --- if slot3 == 0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 33-34, warpins: 1 --- slot5 = 3 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 35-35, warpins: 1 --- slot5 = slot3 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 36-36, warpins: 2 --- slot4 = slot4 - slot5 --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 37-44, warpins: 2 --- slot0.isChange = slot4 slot5 = slot0 slot4 = slot0.updateAirDominanceTitle slot6 = slot1 slot7 = slot2 if not slot0.isChange then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 45-45, warpins: 1 --- slot8 = 0 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #3 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #3 46-47, warpins: 2 --- slot4(slot5, slot6, slot7, slot8) return --- END OF BLOCK #3 --- end function slot0.updateAirDominanceTitle(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-53, warpins: 1 --- slot7 = findTF(slot0.airSupremacy, "value2") setText(slot4, i18n("level_scene_title_word_3")) setText(slot5, i18n("level_scene_title_word_4")) setText(slot6, math.floor(slot1)) setActive(slot8, false) setActive(findTF(slot0.airSupremacy, "down"), false) if slot3 ~= 0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 54-61, warpins: 1 --- if LeanTween.isTweening(go(slot7)) then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 62-67, warpins: 1 --- LeanTween.cancel(go(slot7)) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 68-116, warpins: 2 --- LeanTween.value(go(slot7), 1, 0, 0.5):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-5, warpins: 1 --- setTextAlpha(slot0, slot0) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-33, warpins: 1 --- setText(setText, ChapterConst.AirDominance[setText].name) setTextColor(setTextColor, ChapterConst.AirDominance[setTextColor].color) LeanTween.value(go(slot0), 0, 1, 0.5):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-5, warpins: 1 --- setTextAlpha(slot0, slot0) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end)) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end)) slot8:GetComponent(typeof(DftAniEvent)):SetEndEvent(slot10) slot9:GetComponent(typeof(DftAniEvent)):SetEndEvent(slot10) slot11 = setActive slot12 = slot8 if slot3 <= 0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 117-118, warpins: 1 --- slot13 = false --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 119-119, warpins: 1 --- slot13 = true --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 120-125, warpins: 2 --- slot11(slot12, slot13) slot11 = setActive slot12 = slot9 if slot3 >= 0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 126-127, warpins: 1 --- slot13 = false --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 128-128, warpins: 1 --- slot13 = true --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #3 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #3 129-130, warpins: 2 --- slot11(slot12, slot13) --- END OF BLOCK #3 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 131-144, warpins: 1 --- setText(slot7, ChapterConst.AirDominance[slot2].name) setTextColor(slot7, ChapterConst.AirDominance[slot2].color) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 145-146, warpins: 2 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end function slot0.updateShamProgress(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-15, warpins: 1 --- setText(findTF(slot0.topStage, "msg_panel/sham_progress/value"), slot0.contextData.chapterVO.progress .. " / " .. ChapterConst.ShamEnemyLimit) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end function slot0.UpdateDefenseStatus(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-9, warpins: 1 --- if slot0.contextData.chapterVO.getPlayType(slot1) ~= ChapterConst.TypeDefence then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 10-11, warpins: 1 --- slot2 = false --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 12-12, warpins: 1 --- slot2 = true --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 13-22, warpins: 2 --- setActive(findTF(slot0.bottomStage, "normal/shengfu"), slot2) if not slot2 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 23-23, warpins: 1 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 24-49, warpins: 2 --- findTF(slot3, "hp"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)).text = i18n("desc_base_hp", "" .. tostring(slot1.BaseHP) .. "", pg.chapter_defense[].port_hp) return --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- end function slot0.DisplayWinConditionPanel(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-5, warpins: 1 --- if IsNil(slot0.winCondPanel) then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 6-19, warpins: 1 --- slot0.winCondPanel = WinConditionDisplayPanel.New(slot0._tf.parent, slot0._event, slot0.contextData) slot0.winCondPanel.ParentView = slot0 slot0.winCondPanel:Load() --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 20-27, warpins: 2 --- slot0.winCondPanel:ActionInvoke("Enter", slot0.contextData.chapterVO) return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end slot2 = Vector2(396, 128) slot3 = Vector2(128, 128) function slot0.updateStageStrategy(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-28, warpins: 1 --- slot2 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO.fleet slot5 = findTF(slot4, "click") slot7 = findTF(slot4, "items").GetComponent(slot6, typeof(GridLayoutGroup)) if not slot0._showStrategyDetail or not slot0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 32-32, warpins: 2 --- slot8 = slot1 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 33-63, warpins: 2 --- slot7.cellSize = slot8 slot9 = findTF(slot3, "collapse") setActive(slot8, false) slot11 = {} slot12 = {} _.each(slot10, function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-9, warpins: 1 --- if pg.strategy_data_template[].type == ChapterConst.StgTypeForm then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 10-15, warpins: 1 --- table.insert(slot0, --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 16-20, warpins: 1 --- table.insert(slot1, slot0) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 21-21, warpins: 2 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end) if _.any(slot1.fleets, function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-7, warpins: 1 --- if slot0:getFleetType() ~= FleetType.Submarine then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 8-9, warpins: 1 --- slot1 = false --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 10-10, warpins: 1 --- slot1 = true --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 11-11, warpins: 2 --- return slot1 --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end) then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 64-90, warpins: 1 --- table.insert(slot12, 2, { id = ChapterConst.StrategySubTeleport }) table.insert(slot12, 2, { id = ChapterConst.StrategySubAutoAttack }) table.insert(slot12, 2, { id = ChapterConst.StrategyHuntingRange }) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 91-95, warpins: 2 --- if #slot1.strategies > 0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 96-99, warpins: 1 --- --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 100-108, warpins: 0 --- for slot16, slot17 in pairs(slot1.strategies) do -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 100-106, warpins: 1 --- table.insert(slot12, { id = slot16, count = slot17 }) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 107-108, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #3 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #3 109-149, warpins: 2 --- table.insert(slot12, 1, { id = slot2:getFormationStg() }) slot14 = UIItemList.New(slot6, slot8) slot14:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-4, warpins: 1 --- if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 5-26, warpins: 1 --- setActive(slot3, slot0._showStrategyDetail) slot4 = slot2:Find("icon") slot6, slot7 = nil if slot1[slot1 + 1].id == ChapterConst.StrategyHuntingRange then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 27-33, warpins: 1 --- slot6 = 1 if slot0.contextData.huntingRangeVisibility % 2 == 1 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 34-35, warpins: 1 --- slot7 = "range_invisible" --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 36-36, warpins: 1 --- slot7 = "range_visible" --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 37-43, warpins: 2 --- setText(slot3, i18n("help_sub_limits")) --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 44-48, warpins: 1 --- if == ChapterConst.StrategySubAutoAttack then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 49-53, warpins: 1 --- slot6 = 1 if slot2.subAutoAttack == 0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 54-55, warpins: 1 --- slot7 = "sub_dont_auto_attack" --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 56-56, warpins: 1 --- slot7 = "sub_auto_attack" --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 57-63, warpins: 2 --- setText(slot3, i18n("help_sub_display")) --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 64-73, warpins: 1 --- slot6 = pg.strategy_data_template[].type slot7 = pg.strategy_data_template[].icon setText(slot3, pg.strategy_data_template[].desc) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 74-93, warpins: 3 --- GetImageSpriteFromAtlasAsync("strategyicon/" .. slot7, "", slot4:Find("icon")) onButton(slot0, slot4, function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-7, warpins: 1 --- if slot0.grid.quadState == ChapterConst.QuadStateStrategy and slot0.grid.quadClickProxy then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 13-17, warpins: 1 --- slot0.grid.quadClickProxy() return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 18-23, warpins: 2 --- if == ChapterConst.StrategyHuntingRange then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 24-35, warpins: 1 --- slot0.grid:toggleHuntingRange() slot2.callback(slot3, slot4, slot5) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 36-41, warpins: 1 --- if == ChapterConst.StrategySubAutoAttack then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 42-71, warpins: 1 --- pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("ai_change_" .. 1 - slot6.subAutoAttack + 1)) pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance().ShowTips:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpSubState, arg1 = 1 - slot6.subAutoAttack }) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 72-77, warpins: 1 --- if == ChapterConst.StrategyExchange then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 78-86, warpins: 1 --- if slot6:getNextValidIndex(slot6.findex) > 0 and slot1.count > 0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 92-102, warpins: 1 --- slot0:HandleShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("levelScene_who_to_exchange"), onYes = function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-23, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpStrategy, id =, arg1 = ChapterConst.StrategyExchange, arg2 = slot2.fleets[].id }) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end }) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 103-103, warpins: 3 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 104-109, warpins: 1 --- if == ChapterConst.StrategySubTeleport then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 110-136, warpins: 1 --- slot0:SwitchBottomStage(true) slot0.SwitchBottomStage.grid:ShowStaticHuntingRange() slot0.SwitchBottomStage.grid.ShowStaticHuntingRange:updateStageStrategy() slot0.SwitchBottomStage.grid.ShowStaticHuntingRange.updateStageStrategy.grid:PrepareSubTeleport() slot0.SwitchBottomStage.grid.ShowStaticHuntingRange.updateStageStrategy.grid.PrepareSubTeleport.grid:updateQuadCells(ChapterConst.QuadStateTeleportSub) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 137-141, warpins: 1 --- if slot8 == ChapterConst.StgTypeForm then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 142-172, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpStrategy, id = slot7:getNextStgUser(, arg1 = slot9[table.indexof(slot9, % #slot9 + 1] }) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 173-179, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(LevelUIConst.DISPLAY_STRATEGY_INFO, slot0) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 180-180, warpins: 6 --- --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #3 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #3 181-181, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #3 --- end, SFX_PANEL) if slot6 == ChapterConst.StgTypeForm or slot6 == ChapterConst.StgTypeConst then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 98-120, warpins: 2 --- setText(slot4:Find("nums"), "") setActive(slot4:Find("mask"), false) slot8 = setActive slot9 = slot4:Find("selected") if slot6 ~= then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 121-122, warpins: 1 --- slot10 = false --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 123-123, warpins: 1 --- slot10 = true --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 124-125, warpins: 2 --- slot8(slot9, slot10) --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 126-140, warpins: 1 --- setText(slot4:Find("nums"), slot5.count) slot8 = setActive slot9 = slot4:Find("mask") if slot5.count ~= 0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 141-142, warpins: 1 --- slot10 = false --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 143-143, warpins: 1 --- slot10 = true --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 144-151, warpins: 2 --- slot8(slot9, slot10) setActive(slot4:Find("selected"), false) --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 152-152, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 153-154, warpins: 2 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end) slot14:align(#slot12) onButton(slot0, slot5, function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-26, warpins: 1 --- shiftPanel(shiftPanel, slot0.rect.width + 200, nil, 0.3, 0, true, nil, LeanTweenType.easeOutSine) shiftPanel(shiftPanel, -30, nil, 0.3, 0, true, nil, LeanTweenType.easeOutSine) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot9, function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-26, warpins: 1 --- shiftPanel(shiftPanel, 35, nil, 0.3, 0, true, nil, LeanTweenType.easeOutSine) shiftPanel(shiftPanel, slot1.rect.width + 200, nil, 0.3, 0, true, nil, LeanTweenType.easeOutSine) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end, SFX_PANEL) if pg.chapter_pop_template[] and slot15.combo_on then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 153-158, warpins: 1 --- slot16, slot17 = slot0:GetSubView("LevelStageComboPanel") if slot17 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 159-166, warpins: 1 --- slot16:Load() slot16.buffer:AfterLoaded(function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-9, warpins: 1 --- slot0._tf:SetParent(slot1.leftStage, false) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 167-174, warpins: 2 --- if getProxy(ChapterProxy).comboHistoryBuffer[] then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 175-184, warpins: 1 --- slot16.buffer:UpdateView(slot19) slot18.comboHistoryBuffer[] = nil --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 185-189, warpins: 1 --- slot16.buffer:UpdateView(slot1) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 190-195, warpins: 2 --- slot16.buffer:UpdateViewAnimated(slot1) --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #3 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #4 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #4 196-197, warpins: 3 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #4 --- end function slot0.SwitchAnchorandShift(slot0, slot1, slot2, ...) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-13, warpins: 1 --- rtf(slot1).anchorMin = slot2 rtf(slot1).anchorMax = slot2 shiftPanel(slot1, ...) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end function slot0.GetSubView(slot0, slot1) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-4, warpins: 1 --- if slot0.attachSubViews[slot1] then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 5-7, warpins: 1 --- return slot0.attachSubViews[slot1] --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 8-20, warpins: 2 --- slot0.attachSubViews[slot1] = import("view.level." .. slot1).New(slot0) return import("view.level." .. slot1).New(slot0), true --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end function slot0.RemoveSubView(slot0, slot1) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-4, warpins: 1 --- if not slot0.attachSubViews[slot1] then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 5-6, warpins: 1 --- return false --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 7-16, warpins: 2 --- slot0.attachSubViews[slot1]:Destroy() slot0.attachSubViews[slot1] = nil return true --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end function slot0.ClearSubViews(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-4, warpins: 1 --- --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 5-9, warpins: 0 --- for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.attachSubViews) do -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 5-7, warpins: 1 --- slot5:Destroy() --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 8-9, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 10-14, warpins: 1 --- table.clear(slot0.attachSubViews) return --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- end function slot0.updateStageFleet(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-57, warpins: 1 --- slot2 = findTF(slot0.leftStage, "fleet") setActive(slot3, false) setText(slot4, slot5(slot2:Find("main"), slot0.contextData.chapterVO.fleet:getShipsByTeam(TeamType.Main, true)) slot5(slot2:Find("vanguard"), slot0.contextData.chapterVO.fleet:getShipsByTeam(TeamType.Vanguard, true)) slot0.contextData.chapterVO.fleet:clearShipHpChange() return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end function slot0.ShiftStagePanelIn(slot0, slot1) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-46, warpins: 1 --- shiftPanel(slot0.topStage, 0, 0, 0.3, 0, true, nil, LeanTweenType.easeOutSine, slot1) shiftPanel(slot0.bottomStage, 0, 0, 0.3, 0, true, nil, LeanTweenType.easeOutSine) shiftPanel(slot0.leftStage, 0, 0, 0.3, 0, true, nil, LeanTweenType.easeOutSine) shiftPanel(slot0.rightStage, 0, 0, 0.3, 0, true, nil, LeanTweenType.easeOutSine) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end function slot0.ShiftStagePanelOut(slot0, slot1) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-58, warpins: 1 --- shiftPanel(slot0.topStage, 0, slot0.topStage.rect.height, 0.3, 0, true, nil, LeanTweenType.easeOutSine, slot1) shiftPanel(slot0.bottomStage, 0, -slot0.bottomStage.rect.height, 0.3, 0, true, nil, LeanTweenType.easeOutSine) shiftPanel(slot0.leftStage, -slot0.leftStage.rect.width - 200, 0, 0.3, 0, true, nil, LeanTweenType.easeOutSine) shiftPanel(slot0.rightStage, slot0.rightStage.rect.width + 200, 0, 0.3, 0, true, nil, LeanTweenType.easeOutSine) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end function slot0.SwitchBottomStage(slot0, slot1) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-13, warpins: 1 --- setActive(slot0.teleportSubRole, true) setActive(slot0.normalRole, true) slot2 = shiftPanel slot3 = slot0.teleportSubRole slot4 = 0 if slot1 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 14-15, warpins: 1 --- slot5 = 0 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 16-16, warpins: 1 --- slot5 = slot0 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 17-28, warpins: 2 --- slot2(slot3, slot4, slot5, 0.3, 0, true, true, nil, function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-6, warpins: 1 --- setActive(slot0.teleportSubRole, ) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end) slot2 = shiftPanel slot3 = slot0.normalRole slot4 = 0 if not slot1 or not slot0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 32-32, warpins: 2 --- slot5 = 0 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 33-43, warpins: 2 --- slot2(slot3, slot4, slot5, 0.3, 0, true, true, nil, function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-7, warpins: 1 --- setActive(slot0.normalRole, not slot1) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end) slot2 = shiftPanel slot3 = slot0.leftStage if not slot1 or not (-slot0.leftStage.rect.width - 200) then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 51-51, warpins: 2 --- slot4 = 0 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #3 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #3 52-60, warpins: 2 --- slot2(slot3, slot4, 0, 0.3, 0, true) slot2 = shiftPanel slot3 = slot0.rightStage if not slot1 or not (slot0.rightStage.rect.width + 200) then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 67-67, warpins: 2 --- slot4 = 0 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #3 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #4 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #4 68-74, warpins: 2 --- slot2(slot3, slot4, 0, 0.3, 0, true) return --- END OF BLOCK #4 --- end function slot0.clickGridCell(slot0, slot1) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-20, warpins: 1 --- slot3 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO.getDataType(slot2) slot5 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO.getChapterCell(slot2, slot0.contextData.chapterVO.fleet.line.row, slot0.contextData.chapterVO.fleet.line.column) if _.detect(slot0.contextData.chapterVO.fleets, function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-7, warpins: 1 --- if slot0:getFleetType() ~= FleetType.Normal or slot0.line.row ~= slot0.row or slot0.line.column ~= slot0.column then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 20-21, warpins: 3 --- slot1 = false --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 22-22, warpins: 1 --- slot1 = true --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 23-23, warpins: 2 --- return slot1 --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end) and slot3 == ChapterConst.TypeNone and slot6:isValid() and ~= then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 34-46, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpSwitch, id = }) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 47-51, warpins: 5 --- if slot2:checkAnyInteractive() then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 52-55, warpins: 1 --- triggerButton(slot0.funcBtn) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 56-62, warpins: 1 --- if slot2:getRound() == ChapterConst.RoundEnemy then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 63-72, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpEnemyRound }) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 73-74, warpins: 1 --- if slot6 and slot3 == ChapterConst.TypeSham then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 79-84, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OPEN_SHAM_PRE_COMABT) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 85-89, warpins: 2 --- if slot1.row ~= slot4.line.row or slot1.column ~= slot4.line.column then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 95-104, warpins: 2 --- if slot2:getChapterCell(slot1.row, slot1.column).attachment == ChapterConst.AttachStory and == ChapterConst.StoryObstacle and slot8.flag == 3 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 113-119, warpins: 1 --- if slot2:getPlayType() ~= ChapterConst.TypeDefence then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 120-129, warpins: 1 --- pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("map_event_stop_tip")) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 130-132, warpins: 2 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 133-141, warpins: 3 --- if not slot2:considerAsStayPoint(ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer, slot1.row, slot1.column) then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 142-144, warpins: 1 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 145-149, warpins: 1 --- if slot2:existMoveLimit() and not _.any(slot2:calcWalkableCells(ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer, slot4.line.row, slot4.line.column, slot4:getSpeed()), function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-5, warpins: 1 --- if slot0.row ~= slot0.row or slot0.column ~= slot0.column then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 11-12, warpins: 2 --- slot1 = false --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 13-13, warpins: 1 --- slot1 = true --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 14-14, warpins: 2 --- return slot1 --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end) then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 169-180, warpins: 1 --- pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("destination_not_in_range")) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 181-195, warpins: 5 --- if slot2:findPath(ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer, slot4.line, { row = slot1.row, column = slot1.column }) < PathFinding.PrioObstacle then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 196-211, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpMove, id =, arg1 = slot1.row, arg2 = slot1.column }) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 212-215, warpins: 1 --- if slot9 < PathFinding.PrioForbidden then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 216-226, warpins: 1 --- pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("destination_can_not_reach")) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 227-236, warpins: 1 --- pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("destination_can_not_reach")) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 237-238, warpins: 7 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- end function slot0.tryAutoAction(slot0, slot1) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-4, warpins: 1 --- if not slot0.contextData.chapterVO then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 5-6, warpins: 1 --- if slot1 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 7-8, warpins: 1 --- slot1() --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 9-9, warpins: 2 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 10-14, warpins: 1 --- if slot0:SafeCheck() then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 15-16, warpins: 1 --- if slot1 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 17-18, warpins: 1 --- slot1() --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 19-19, warpins: 2 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 20-25, warpins: 1 --- slot4 = false slot5 = false --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #3 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #3 26-34, warpins: 0 --- for slot9, slot10 in pairs(slot2.cells) do -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 26-30, warpins: 1 --- if slot10.trait == ChapterConst.TraitLurk then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 31-32, warpins: 1 --- slot4 = true --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 33-33, warpins: 1 --- break --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 33-34, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #3 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #4 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #4 35-38, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #4 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #5 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #5 39-53, warpins: 0 --- for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot2.champions) do -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 39-43, warpins: 1 --- if slot10.trait == ChapterConst.TraitLurk then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 44-49, warpins: 1 --- slot4 = true if slot10.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachOni then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 50-51, warpins: 1 --- slot5 = slot10 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 52-52, warpins: 1 --- break --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 52-53, warpins: 3 --- --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #5 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #6 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #6 54-58, warpins: 2 --- slot6 = slot2:isPlayingWithBombEnemy() if slot4 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 59-72, warpins: 1 --- seriesAsync({ function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-9, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(LevelUIConst.FROZEN) if slot0.emit or slot2 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 13-16, warpins: 2 --- if nil then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 17-17, warpins: 1 --- slot1 = "SpUnit" --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 18-20, warpins: 2 --- if slot2 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 21-21, warpins: 1 --- slot1 = "SpBomb" --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 22-23, warpins: 2 --- if slot1 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 24-34, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(LevelUIConst.DO_PLAY_ANIM, { name = slot1, callback = function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-7, warpins: 1 --- setActive(slot0, false) slot0() return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end }) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 35-41, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(LevelUIConst.DO_TRACKING, slot0) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 42-43, warpins: 3 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end, function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-3, warpins: 1 --- if (slot0 or slot1) and slot2:getSpAppearStory() and #slot1 > 0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 17-27, warpins: 1 --- pg.StoryMgr.GetInstance():Play(slot1, function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-6, warpins: 1 --- if slot0:getSpAppearGuide() and #slot0 > 0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 11-21, warpins: 1 --- pg.SystemGuideMgr.GetInstance():PlayByGuideId(slot0, nil, function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-4, warpins: 1 --- onNextTick(onNextTick) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 22-24, warpins: 2 --- onNextTick(onNextTick) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 25-25, warpins: 2 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 28-31, warpins: 4 --- slot0() return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end, function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-17, warpins: 1 --- slot0.grid:PlaySpotLigthsEffect() slot0:tryPlayChapterStory() if slot0.tryPlayChapterStory:findChapterCell(ChapterConst.AttachBoss) and slot1.trait == ChapterConst.TraitLurk then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 23-30, warpins: 1 --- slot0.grid:focusOnCell(slot1, slot0) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 31-33, warpins: 3 --- slot0() return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end, function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-38, warpins: 1 --- slot0:updateTrait(ChapterConst.TraitVirgin) slot0.grid:updateAttachments() slot0.grid:updateChampions() slot0:updateTrait(ChapterConst.TraitNone) slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OVERRIDE_CHAPTER) Timer.New(slot0, 0.5, 1):Start() return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end, function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-9, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(LevelUIConst.UN_FROZEN) if slot0.emit then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 10-11, warpins: 1 --- slot1() --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 12-12, warpins: 2 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end }) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 73-78, warpins: 1 --- slot0.grid:PlaySpotLigthsEffect() if slot1 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 79-80, warpins: 1 --- slot1() --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #6 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #7 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #7 81-82, warpins: 3 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #7 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #8 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #8 83-83, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #8 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #9 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #9 84-84, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #9 --- end function slot0.tryPlayChapterStory(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-9, warpins: 1 --- if slot0.contextData.chapterVO.getDataType(slot1) == ChapterConst.TypeNone then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 10-19, warpins: 1 --- slot4 = slot1:getWaveCount() function slot5() -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-10, warpins: 1 --- if PlayerPrefs.GetInt("help_displayed_on_" .., 0) == 0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 11-22, warpins: 1 --- triggerButton(slot1.helpBtn) PlayerPrefs.SetInt("help_displayed_on_" .., 1) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 23-23, warpins: 2 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end if slot1:getConfig("story_refresh") and slot3[slot4] and slot3[slot4] ~= "" then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 26-27, warpins: 1 --- if slot4 == 1 and pg.map_event_list[] and pg.map_event_list[].help_open == 1 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 41-50, warpins: 1 --- pg.StoryMgr.GetInstance():Play(slot3[slot4], slot5) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 51-59, warpins: 3 --- pg.StoryMgr.GetInstance():Play(slot3[slot4]) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 60-61, warpins: 3 --- if slot4 == 1 and pg.map_event_list[] and pg.map_event_list[].help_open == 1 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 75-76, warpins: 1 --- slot5() --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 77-82, warpins: 6 --- if slot1:getConfig("story_refresh_boss") and slot6 ~= "" and slot1:bossRefreshed() then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 90-97, warpins: 1 --- pg.StoryMgr.GetInstance():Play(slot6) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 98-107, warpins: 5 --- pg.SystemGuideMgr.GetInstance():PlayChapter(slot1) return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end slot4 = { [ChapterConst.KizunaJammingDodge] = "kizunaOperationSafe", [ChapterConst.KizunaJammingEngage] = "kizunaOperationDanger", [ChapterConst.StatusDay] = "HololiveDayBar", [ChapterConst.StatusNight] = "HololiveNightBar" } function slot0.PopBar(slot0, slot1) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-6, warpins: 1 --- if getProxy(ChapterProxy).extraFlagUpdate then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 7-16, warpins: 1 --- getProxy(ChapterProxy):extraFlagUpdated() if #slot1 < 1 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 17-17, warpins: 1 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 18-26, warpins: 2 --- slot4, slot5 = slot0:GetSubView(slot0[slot1[1]]) if slot5 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 27-29, warpins: 1 --- slot4:Load() --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 30-33, warpins: 2 --- slot4.buffer:PlayAnim() --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 34-34, warpins: 2 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end function slot0.updateTrait(slot0, slot1) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-6, warpins: 1 --- --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 7-14, warpins: 0 --- for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0.contextData.chapterVO.cells) do -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 7-11, warpins: 1 --- if slot7.trait ~= ChapterConst.TraitNone then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 12-12, warpins: 1 --- slot7.trait = slot1 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 13-14, warpins: 3 --- --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 15-18, warpins: 1 --- --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #3 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #3 19-26, warpins: 0 --- for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot2.champions) do -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 19-23, warpins: 1 --- if slot7.trait ~= ChapterConst.TraitNone then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 24-24, warpins: 1 --- slot7.trait = slot1 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 25-26, warpins: 3 --- --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #3 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #4 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #4 27-27, warpins: 1 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #4 --- end function slot0.CheckFleetChange(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-13, warpins: 1 --- slot2 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO.getDataType(slot1) slot3 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO.fleet if _.detect(slot0.contextData.chapterVO.fleets, function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-5, warpins: 1 --- return not slot0:isValid() --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end) then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 14-24, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpRetreat, id = }) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 25-29, warpins: 2 --- if not slot3:isValid() and slot2 == ChapterConst.TypeNone then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 34-39, warpins: 1 --- if slot1:getNextValidIndex() > 0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 40-54, warpins: 1 --- slot0:HandleShowMsgBox({ modal = true, hideNo = true, content = i18n("formation_switch_tip", slot1.fleets[slot5].name), onYes = function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-14, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpSwitch, id = }) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end, onNo = function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-14, warpins: 1 --- slot0.emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, ) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end }) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 55-57, warpins: 2 --- return true --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 58-60, warpins: 3 --- return false --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- end function slot0.tryAutoTrigger(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-7, warpins: 1 --- slot1 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO if slot0:DoBreakAction() then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 8-9, warpins: 1 --- return true --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 10-15, warpins: 2 --- if not slot0:CheckFleetChange() then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 16-20, warpins: 1 --- if slot1:checkAnyInteractive() then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 21-24, warpins: 1 --- triggerButton(slot0.funcBtn) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 25-31, warpins: 1 --- if slot1:getRound() == ChapterConst.RoundEnemy then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 32-41, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpEnemyRound }) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 42-48, warpins: 1 --- if slot1:getRound() == ChapterConst.RoundPlayer then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 49-54, warpins: 1 --- slot0.grid:updateQuadCells(ChapterConst.QuadStateNormal) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 55-55, warpins: 5 --- return slot2 --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- end function slot0.DoSafeCheckOnBegin(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-7, warpins: 1 --- slot1 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO if slot0:DoBreakAction() then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 8-8, warpins: 1 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 9-14, warpins: 2 --- if not slot0:CheckFleetChange() then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 15-21, warpins: 1 --- if slot1:getRound() == ChapterConst.RoundEnemy then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 22-31, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpEnemyRound }) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 32-38, warpins: 1 --- if slot1:getRound() == ChapterConst.RoundPlayer then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 39-44, warpins: 1 --- slot0.grid:updateQuadCells(ChapterConst.QuadStateNormal) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 45-45, warpins: 4 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- end function slot0.DoBreakAction(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-7, warpins: 1 --- slot1 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO slot2, slot3 = slot0:SafeCheck() if slot2 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 8-14, warpins: 1 --- slot4 = slot1.fleet function slot5(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-18, warpins: 1 --- slot2 = slot0:getConfig("defeat_story") table.eachAsync(slot0:getConfig("defeat_story_count"), function (slot0, slot1, slot2) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-4, warpins: 1 --- if slot0.defeatCount < slot1 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 5-7, warpins: 1 --- slot2() return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 8-11, warpins: 2 --- if slot1[slot0] and type(slot3) == "number" and not pg.StoryMgr.GetInstance():IsPlayed(slot3) then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 27-44, warpins: 1 --- pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.STORY_UPDATE, { storyId = slot3 }) slot2:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_PERFORM_COMBAT, slot3, slot2) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 45-46, warpins: 3 --- if slot3 and type(slot3) == "string" then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 52-61, warpins: 1 --- pg.StoryMgr.GetInstance():Play(slot3, slot2) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 62-63, warpins: 2 --- slot2() --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 64-64, warpins: 3 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- end, slot0) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end function slot6(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-9, warpins: 1 --- seriesAsync({ function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-3, warpins: 1 --- if slot0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 4-7, warpins: 1 --- slot1(slot0) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 8-9, warpins: 1 --- slot0() --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 10-10, warpins: 2 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end, function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-15, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpRetreat, win = slot0.emit }) slot0() return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end }) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end if slot3 == ChapterConst.ReasonVictory then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 15-21, warpins: 1 --- seriesAsync({ slot5, function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-8, warpins: 1 --- if slot0:getPlayType() == ChapterConst.TypeTransport then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 9-19, warpins: 1 --- pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("levelScene_escort_win")) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 20-29, warpins: 1 --- pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("levelScene_chapter_win")) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 30-35, warpins: 2 --- slot1(true) slot0() return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end }) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 22-25, warpins: 1 --- if slot3 == ChapterConst.ReasonDefeat then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 26-32, warpins: 1 --- if slot1:getPlayType() == ChapterConst.TypeTransport then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 33-45, warpins: 1 --- pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("levelScene_escort_lose")) slot6() --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 46-56, warpins: 1 --- slot0:HandleShowMsgBox({ modal = true, hideNo = true, content = i18n("formation_invalide"), onYes = slot6, onClose = slot6 }) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 57-60, warpins: 1 --- if slot3 == ChapterConst.ReasonDefeatDefense then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 61-71, warpins: 1 --- slot0:HandleShowMsgBox({ modal = true, hideNo = true, content = i18n("harbour_bomb_tip"), onYes = slot6, onClose = slot6 }) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 72-75, warpins: 1 --- if slot3 == ChapterConst.ReasonVictoryOni then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 76-79, warpins: 1 --- slot6(true) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 80-83, warpins: 1 --- if slot3 == ChapterConst.ReasonDefeatOni then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 84-86, warpins: 1 --- slot6() --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 87-90, warpins: 1 --- if slot3 == ChapterConst.ReasonDefeatBomb then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 91-94, warpins: 1 --- slot6(true) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 95-98, warpins: 1 --- if slot3 == ChapterConst.ReasonVictorySham then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 99-104, warpins: 1 --- function slot7() -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-7, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(LevelUIConst.SWITCH_TO_MAP) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end if slot1.shamResetCount < ChapterConst.ShamResetCountLimit then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 105-115, warpins: 1 --- slot0:HandleShowMsgBox({ modal = true, content = i18n("sham_count_reset"), onYes = slot6, onNo = slot7 }) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 116-126, warpins: 1 --- slot0:HandleShowMsgBox({ modal = true, hideNo = true, content = i18n("sham_count_limit"), onYes = slot7, onNo = slot7 }) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 127-130, warpins: 1 --- if slot3 == ChapterConst.ReasonDefeatSham then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 131-139, warpins: 1 --- if getProxy(ContextProxy):getContextByMediator(LevelMediator2) then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 140-143, warpins: 1 --- slot9 = slot8:getContextByMediator(ShamPreCombatMediator) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 144-145, warpins: 2 --- if not slot9 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 146-156, warpins: 1 --- slot0:HandleShowMsgBox({ modal = true, content = i18n("formation_reform_tip"), onYes = function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-7, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OPEN_SHAM_PRE_COMABT) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end }) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 157-160, warpins: 1 --- if slot3 == ChapterConst.ReasonOutTime then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 161-166, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_TIME_UP) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 167-170, warpins: 1 --- if slot3 == ChapterConst.ReasonActivityOutTime then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 171-172, warpins: 1 --- slot6() --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 173-176, warpins: 14 --- return true --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 177-178, warpins: 2 --- return slot2 --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end function slot0.SafeCheck(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-11, warpins: 1 --- slot2 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO.getDataType(slot1) slot3 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO.fleet if slot0.contextData.chapterVO:existOni() then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 12-16, warpins: 1 --- if slot1:checkOniState() == 1 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 17-21, warpins: 1 --- return true, ChapterConst.ReasonVictoryOni --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 22-23, warpins: 1 --- if slot4 == 2 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 24-28, warpins: 1 --- return true, ChapterConst.ReasonDefeatOni --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 29-31, warpins: 1 --- return false --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 32-36, warpins: 1 --- if slot1:isPlayingWithBombEnemy() then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 37-44, warpins: 1 --- if slot1:getBombChapterInfo().action_times * 2 <= slot1.roundIndex then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 45-49, warpins: 1 --- return true, ChapterConst.ReasonDefeatBomb --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 50-51, warpins: 1 --- return false --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 52-56, warpins: 6 --- slot4, slot5 = slot1:CheckChapterWin() if slot4 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 57-59, warpins: 1 --- return true, slot5 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 60-64, warpins: 2 --- slot6, slot7 = slot1:CheckChapterLose() if slot6 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 65-67, warpins: 1 --- return true, slot7 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #3 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #3 68-71, warpins: 2 --- if slot2 == ChapterConst.TypeSham then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 72-76, warpins: 1 --- if ChapterConst.ShamEnemyLimit <= slot1.progress then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 77-81, warpins: 1 --- return true, ChapterConst.ReasonVictorySham --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 82-86, warpins: 1 --- if not slot3:isValid() then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 87-90, warpins: 1 --- return true, ChapterConst.ReasonDefeatSham --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #3 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #4 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #4 91-95, warpins: 4 --- if not slot1:inWartime() then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 96-99, warpins: 1 --- return true, ChapterConst.ReasonOutTime --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #4 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #5 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #5 100-110, warpins: 2 --- slot8 = slot1:getConfig("act_id") if not and slot8 ~= 0 and (not getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityById(slot8) or slot10:isEnd()) then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 127-130, warpins: 2 --- return true, ChapterConst.ReasonActivityOutTime --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #5 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #6 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #6 131-132, warpins: 4 --- return false --- END OF BLOCK #6 --- end function slot0.HandleShowMsgBox(slot0, slot1) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-11, warpins: 1 --- slot1.blurLevelCamera = true pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox(slot1) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end return slot0