slot0 = class("LevelGrid", import("..base.BasePanel")) slot1 = require("Mgr/Pool/PoolPlural") slot2 = require("Mgr/Pool/PoolUtil") slot0.MapDefaultPos = Vector3(420, -1000, -1000) slot3 = Vector2(-60, 84.8) slot4 = Vector2(-50, 20) function slot0.init(slot0) uv0.super.init(slot0) slot0.levelCam = GameObject.Find("LevelCamera"):GetComponent(typeof(Camera)) slot0.quadTws = {} slot0.attachTws = {} slot0.shiningTws = {} slot0.presentTws = {} slot0.markTws = {} slot0.championTws = {} slot0.tweens = {} slot0.markQuads = {} slot0.pools = {} slot0.edgePools = {} slot0.poolParent = GameObject.Find("__Pool__") slot0.opBtns = {} slot0.itemCells = {} slot0.attachmentCells = {} slot0.extraAttachmentCells = {} slot0.onCellClick = nil slot0.onShipStepChange = nil slot0.onShipArrived = nil slot0.lastSelectedId = -1 slot0.quadState = -1 slot0.quadClickProxy = nil slot0.subTeleportTargetLine = nil slot0.subTeleportMode = false slot0.cellEdges = {} slot0.walls = {} slot0.material_Add = LoadAny("ui/commonUI_atlas", "add", typeof(Material)) slot0.loader = AutoLoader.New() end function slot0.ExtendItem(slot0, slot1, slot2) if IsNil(slot0[slot1]) then slot0[slot1] = slot2 end end function slot0.getFleetPool(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.pools["fleet_" .. slot1] then slot4 = slot0.shipTpl if slot1 == FleetType.Submarine then slot4 = slot0.subTpl elseif slot1 == FleetType.Transport then slot4 = slot0.transportTpl end slot0.pools[slot2] = uv0.New(slot4.gameObject, 2) end return slot3 end function slot0.getChampionPool(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.pools["champion_" .. slot1] then slot4 = slot0.championTpl if slot1 == "oni" then slot4 = slot0.oniTpl elseif slot1 == "enemy" then slot4 = slot0.enemyTpl end slot0.pools[slot2] = uv0.New(slot4.gameObject, 3) end return slot3 end function slot0.AddEdgePool(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5) if slot0.edgePools[slot1] then return end slot6 = GameObject.New(slot1) slot6:AddComponent(typeof(Image)).enabled = false slot0.edgePools[slot1] = uv0.New(slot6, 32) slot7, slot8 = nil parallelAsync({ function (slot0) if not uv0 then slot0() return end uv1.loader:LoadReference(uv2, uv0, typeof(Sprite), function (slot0) uv0 = slot0 uv1() end) end, function (slot0) if not uv0 then slot0() return end uv1.loader:LoadReference(uv2, uv0, typeof(Material), function (slot0) uv0 = slot0 uv1() end) end }, function () if uv5.edgePools[uv6].prefab then function (slot0) go(slot0):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).enabled = true slot1.color = Color.New(unpack(uv0)) or Color.white slot1.sprite = uv1 and uv2 or nil slot1.material = uv3 and uv4 or nil end(slot1.prefab) end if slot1.items then for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot1.items) do slot0(slot6) end end if uv5.cellEdges[uv6] and next(uv5.cellEdges[uv6]) then for slot5, slot6 in pairs(uv5.cellEdges[uv6]) do slot0(slot6) end end end) end function slot0.GetEdgePool(slot0, slot1) return slot0.edgePools[slot1] end function slot0.initAll(slot0, slot1) seriesAsync({ function (slot0) uv0:initPlane() uv0:initDrag() onNextTick(slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0:initTargetArrow() uv0:InitDestinationMark() onNextTick(slot0) end, function (slot0) for slot4 = 0, ChapterConst.MaxRow - 1 do for slot8 = 0, ChapterConst.MaxColumn - 1 do uv0:initCell(slot4, slot8) end end uv0:updateQuadCells(ChapterConst.QuadStateFrozen) onNextTick(slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0:AddEdgePool("SubmarineHunting", "ui/commonUI_atlas", "white_dot", { 1, 0, 0 }, "add") uv0:UpdateFloor() uv0:updateAttachments() uv0:InitWalls() uv0:InitIdolsAnim() onNextTick(slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0:initFleets() uv0:initChampions() onNextTick(slot0) end, function (slot0) if uv0.contextData.chapterVO:existOni() then uv0:displayEscapeGrid() end uv0.TeleportSubmarineMode = 0 uv1() end }) end function slot0.clearAll(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.tweens) do LeanTween.cancel(slot4) end table.clear(slot0.tweens) slot0.loader:Clear() if not IsNil(slot0.cellRoot) then slot0:clearFleets() slot0:clearChampions() slot0:clearTargetArrow() slot0:ClearDestinationMark() slot0:ClearIdolsAnim() for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.itemCells) do slot5:Clear() end table.clear(slot0.itemCells) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.attachmentCells) do slot5:Clear() end table.clear(slot0.attachmentCells) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.extraAttachmentCells) do slot5:Clear() end table.clear(slot0.extraAttachmentCells) for slot4 = 0, ChapterConst.MaxRow - 1 do for slot8 = 0, ChapterConst.MaxColumn - 1 do slot0:clearCell(slot4, slot8) end end for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.walls) do slot5:Clear() end table.clear(slot0.walls) slot0:clearPlane() end slot0.material_Add = nil for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.edgePools) do slot5:Clear() end slot0.edgePools = nil for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.pools) do slot5:ClearItems() end slot0.pools = nil GetOrAddComponent(slot0._tf, "EventTriggerListener").enabled = false if slot0.dragTrigger then ClearEventTrigger(slot0.dragTrigger) slot0.dragTrigger = nil end end slot5 = 640 function slot0.initDrag(slot0) slot1 = pg.UIMgr.GetInstance().UIMain.transform slot3 = slot1.rect.height slot5 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO slot6 = slot5.theme slot7 = slot3 * 0.5 / math.tan(math.deg2Rad * slot6.fov * 0.5) slot8 = math.deg2Rad * slot6.angle slot10 = Vector3(slot6.offsetx, slot6.offsety, slot6.offsetz) + uv0.MapDefaultPos slot4 = * math.clamp((slot7 - Vector3.Dot(Vector3(0, -math.sin(slot8), -math.cos(slot8)), slot10)) / slot7, 0, 1) slot13 = slot0.plane:Find("display").anchoredPosition slot14 = uv1 - slot10.x - slot13.x slot15 = uv0.MapDefaultPos.y - slot10.y - slot13.y slot16, slot17, slot18, slot19 = slot5:getDragExtend() slot0.leftBound = slot14 - slot17 slot0.rightBound = slot14 + slot16 slot0.topBound = slot15 + slot19 slot0.bottomBound = slot15 - slot18 slot20 = Vector3(slot14, slot15, 0) slot0._tf.sizeDelta = Vector2(slot1.rect.width * 2, slot3 * 2) slot0.dragTrigger = GetOrAddComponent(slot0._tf, "EventTriggerListener") slot0.dragTrigger.enabled = true slot0.dragTrigger:AddDragFunc(function (slot0, slot1) slot2 = uv0._tf.anchoredPosition slot2.x = math.clamp(slot2.x + * uv1.x, uv0.leftBound, uv0.rightBound) slot2.y = math.clamp(slot2.y + * uv1.y / math.cos(uv2), uv0.bottomBound, uv0.topBound) uv0._tf.anchoredPosition = slot2 end) end function slot0.initPlane(slot0) slot2 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO.theme slot0.levelCam.fieldOfView = slot2.fov slot3 = nil PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetPrefab("chapter/plane", "", false, function (slot0) uv0 = slot0.transform end) slot0.plane = slot3 = ChapterConst.PlaneName slot3:SetParent(slot0._tf, false) slot7 = slot2.offsetz slot3.anchoredPosition3D = Vector3(slot2.offsetx, slot2.offsety, slot7) + uv0.MapDefaultPos slot0.cellRoot = slot3:Find("cells") slot0.quadRoot = slot3:Find("quads") slot0.bottomMarkRoot = slot3:Find("buttomMarks") slot0.topMarkRoot = slot3:Find("topMarks") slot0.restrictMap = slot3:Find("restrictMap") slot0.UIFXList = slot3:Find("UI_FX_list") for slot7 = 1, slot0.UIFXList.childCount do setActive(slot0.UIFXList:GetChild(slot7 - 1), false) end if slot0.UIFXList:Find(slot1:getConfig("uifx")) then setActive(slot4, true) end if type(slot1:getConfig("chapter_fx")) == "table" then for slot9, slot10 in pairs(slot5) do if #slot9 <= 0 then return end slot0.loader:GetPrefab("effect/" .. slot9, slot9, function (slot0) setParent(slot0, uv0.UIFXList) if uv1.offset then tf(slot0).localPosition = Vector3(unpack(uv1.offset)) end end) end end GetImageSpriteFromAtlasAsync("chapter/pic/" .. slot2.assetSea, slot2.assetSea, slot3:Find("display"):Find("mask/sea")) slot8 = Vector2(10000, 10000) slot9 = slot0.indexMax = slot1.indexMax slot0.indexMin = slot1.indexMin for slot13 = 0, ChapterConst.MaxRow - 1 do for slot17 = 0, ChapterConst.MaxColumn - 1 do slot18 = ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot13, slot17) if slot1:getChapterCell(slot13, slot17) then slot8.x = math.min(slot8.x, slot17) slot8.y = math.min(slot8.y, ChapterConst.MaxRow * 0.5 - slot13 - 1) end end end slot10 = slot2.cellSize + slot2.cellSpace slot8.x = slot8.x * slot10.x slot8.y = slot8.y * slot10.y slot9.x = (slot0.indexMax.y - slot0.indexMin.y + 1) * slot10.x slot9.y = (slot0.indexMax.x - slot0.indexMin.x + 1) * slot10.y slot6.anchoredPosition = slot8 + slot9 * 0.5 slot6.sizeDelta = slot9 slot0.restrictMap.anchoredPosition = slot8 + slot9 * 0.5 slot0.restrictMap.sizeDelta = slot9 slot12 = slot6:Find("ABC") slot13 = slot12:GetChild(0) slot14 = slot12:GetComponent(typeof(GridLayoutGroup)) slot14.cellSize = Vector2(slot2.cellSize.x, slot2.cellSize.y) slot14.spacing = Vector2(slot2.cellSpace.x, slot2.cellSpace.y) slot14.padding.left = slot2.cellSpace.x for slot18 = slot12.childCount - 1, Vector2(math.floor(slot6.sizeDelta.x / slot10.x), math.floor(slot6.sizeDelta.y / slot10.y)).x, -1 do Destroy(slot12:GetChild(slot18)) end for slot18 = slot12.childCount, slot11.x - 1 do Instantiate(slot13).transform:SetParent(slot12, false) end for slot18 = 0, slot11.x - 1 do setText(slot12:GetChild(slot18), string.char(string.byte("A") + slot18)) end slot15 = slot6:Find("123") slot16 = slot15:GetChild(0) slot17 = slot15:GetComponent(typeof(GridLayoutGroup)) slot17.cellSize = Vector2(slot2.cellSize.x, slot2.cellSize.y) slot17.spacing = Vector2(slot2.cellSpace.x, slot2.cellSpace.y) = slot2.cellSpace.y for slot21 = slot15.childCount - 1, slot11.y, -1 do Destroy(slot15:GetChild(slot21)) end for slot21 = slot15.childCount, slot11.y - 1 do Instantiate(slot16).transform:SetParent(slot15, false) end for slot21 = 0, slot11.y - 1 do setText(slot15:GetChild(slot21), 1 + slot21) end slot18 = slot6:Find("linev") slot19 = slot18:GetChild(0) slot20 = slot18:GetComponent(typeof(GridLayoutGroup)) slot20.cellSize = Vector2(ChapterConst.LineCross, slot6.sizeDelta.y) slot20.spacing = Vector2(slot10.x - ChapterConst.LineCross, 0) slot20.padding.left = math.floor(slot20.spacing.x) slot24 = 0 for slot24 = slot18.childCount - 1, math.max(slot11.x - 1, slot24), -1 do if slot24 > 0 then Destroy(slot18:GetChild(slot24)) end end for slot24 = slot18.childCount, slot11.x - 2 do Instantiate(slot19).transform:SetParent(slot18, false) end slot21 = slot6:Find("lineh") slot22 = slot21:GetChild(0) slot23 = slot21:GetComponent(typeof(GridLayoutGroup)) slot23.cellSize = Vector2(slot6.sizeDelta.x, ChapterConst.LineCross) slot23.spacing = Vector2(0, slot10.y - ChapterConst.LineCross) = math.floor(slot23.spacing.y) slot27 = 0 for slot27 = slot21.childCount - 1, math.max(slot11.y - 1, slot27), -1 do if slot27 > 0 then Destroy(slot21:GetChild(slot27)) end end for slot27 = slot21.childCount, slot11.y - 2 do Instantiate(slot22).transform:SetParent(slot21, false) end slot24 = GetOrAddComponent(slot6:Find("mask"), "RawImage") slot25 = slot6:Find("seaBase/sea") if slot2.seaBase and slot2.seaBase ~= "" then setActive(slot25, true) GetImageSpriteFromAtlasAsync("chapter/pic/" .. slot2.seaBase, slot2.seaBase, slot25) slot24.enabled = true slot24.uvRect = UnityEngine.Rect.New(0.005, 0.007, 1, -1) else setActive(slot25, false) slot24.enabled = false end end function slot0.updatePoisonArea(slot0) if not GetOrAddComponent(slot0:findTF("plane/display/mask"), "RawImage").enabled then return end slot2.texture = slot0:getPoisonTex() end function slot0.getPoisonTex(slot0) slot2 = slot0:findTF("plane/display") slot6 = nil if slot0.preChapterId ~= then slot0.maskTexture = UnityEngine.Texture2D.New(slot4, math.floor(100 / (slot2.sizeDelta.x / slot2.sizeDelta.y))) slot0.preChapterId = else slot6 = slot0.maskTexture end slot7 = {} if slot0.poisonRectDir == nil then slot7 = slot1:getPoisonArea(slot4 / slot2.sizeDelta.x) else for slot12, slot13 in pairs(slot8) do if slot0.poisonRectDir[slot12] == nil then slot7[slot12] = slot13 end end end for slot13, slot14 in pairs(slot7) do function (slot0) for slot4 = slot0.x, slot0.w + slot0.x do for slot8 = slot0.y, slot0.h + slot0.y do uv0:SetPixel(slot4, slot8, Color.New(1, 1, 1, 0)) end end end(slot14) end slot6:Apply() slot0.poisonRectDir = slot8 return slot6 end function slot0.showFleetPoisonDamage(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.cellFleets[slot0.contextData.chapterVO.fleets[slot1].id] then slot5:showPoisonDamage(slot2) end end function slot0.clearPlane(slot0) slot0:killQuadTws() slot0:killPresentTws() slot0:ClearEdges() slot0:hideQuadMark() removeAllChildren(slot0.cellRoot) removeAllChildren(slot0.quadRoot) removeAllChildren(slot0.bottomMarkRoot) removeAllChildren(slot0.topMarkRoot) removeAllChildren(slot0.restrictMap) slot0.cellRoot = nil slot0.quadRoot = nil slot0.bottomMarkRoot = nil slot0.topMarkRoot = nil slot0.restrictMap = nil slot1 = slot0._tf:Find(ChapterConst.PlaneName) clearImageSprite(slot1:Find("display/seaBase/sea")) pg.PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnPrefab("chapter/plane", "", slot1.gameObject) end function slot0.initFleets(slot0) if slot0.cellFleets then return end slot0.cellFleets = {} for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.contextData.chapterVO.fleets) do slot0:InitFleetCell( end end function slot0.InitFleetCell(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.contextData.chapterVO:getFleetById(slot1):isValid() then return end slot4 = nil slot6 = slot0:getFleetPool(slot3:getFleetType()):Dequeue() slot6.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3(-slot2.theme.angle, 0, 0) setParent(slot6, slot0.cellRoot, false) setActive(slot6, true) slot7 = nil if slot3:getFleetType() == FleetType.Transport then slot4 = TransportCellView.New(slot6) elseif slot3:getFleetType() == FleetType.Submarine then slot4 = SubCellView.New(slot6) function slot7() uv0:OnChangeSubAutoAttack() end else slot4 = FleetCellView.New(slot6) end slot4.fleetType = slot3:getFleetType() slot4:setAction(ChapterConst.ShipIdleAction) = slot2.theme:GetLinePosition(slot3.line.row, slot3.line.column) slot0.cellFleets[slot1] = slot4 slot0:RefreshFleetCell(slot1, slot7) end function slot0.RefreshFleetCells(slot0) if not slot0.cellFleets then slot0:initFleetCells() return end slot2 = {} for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0.cellFleets) do if not slot0.contextData.chapterVO:getFleetById(slot6) then table.insert(slot2, slot6) end end for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot2) do slot0:ClearFleetCell(slot7) end for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot1.fleets) do if not slot0.cellFleets[] then slot0:InitFleetCell( else slot0:RefreshFleetCell( end end end function slot0.RefreshFleetCell(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot5 = slot0.cellFleets[slot1] slot6, slot7 = nil if slot0.contextData.chapterVO:getFleetById(slot1):isValid() then if slot4:getFleetType() == FleetType.Transport then slot6 = slot4:getPrefab() elseif slot3:getMapShip(slot4) then slot6 = slot8:getPrefab() slot7 = slot8:getAttachmentPrefab() end end if not slot6 then slot0:ClearFleetCell(slot1) return end = "cell_fleet_" .. slot6 slot5:SetLine(slot4.line) slot5:setPrefab(slot6) slot5:setAttachment(slot7) slot5:loadSpine(function () uv0:getModel().transform.localRotation = uv1.rotation uv2:updateFleet(uv3) if uv4 then uv4() end end) end function slot0.clearFleets(slot0) if slot0.cellFleets then for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.cellFleets) do slot0:ClearFleetCell(slot4) end slot0.cellFleets = nil end end function slot0.ClearFleetCell(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.cellFleets[slot1] then return end slot2:Clear() LeanTween.cancel(slot2.go) setActive(slot2.go, false) setParent(slot2.go, slot0.poolParent, false) slot0:getFleetPool(slot2.fleetType):Enqueue(slot2.go, false) if slot0.opBtns[slot1] then Destroy(slot0.opBtns[slot1].gameObject) slot0.opBtns[slot1] = nil end slot0.cellFleets[slot1] = nil end function slot0.updateFleets(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.contextData.chapterVO.fleets) do slot0:updateFleet( end end function slot0.updateFleet(slot0, slot1) slot4 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO:getFleetById(slot1) if slot0.cellFleets[slot1] then slot5 = slot4.line setActive(slot3.go, slot4:isValid()) if slot4:getFleetType() == FleetType.Normal then slot8, slot9 = slot2:existEnemy(ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer, slot5.row, slot5.column) slot10 = slot2:existFleet(FleetType.Transport, slot5.row, slot5.column) setActive(slot3.tfShadow, not slot8 and not slot10) slot3:SetSpineVisible(not slot8 and not slot10) setActive(slot3.tfArrow, table.indexof(slot2.fleets, slot4) == slot2.findex) setActive(slot3.tfOp, false) if not slot0.opBtns[slot1] then slot12 = tf(Instantiate(slot3.tfOp)) = "op" .. slot1 slot12:SetParent(slot0._tf, false) slot12.localEulerAngles = Vector3(-slot2.theme.angle, 0, 0) onNextTick(function () slot0 = GetOrAddComponent(go(uv0), typeof(Canvas)) slot0.overrideSorting = true slot0.sortingOrder = ChapterConst.PriorityMax GetOrAddComponent(go(uv0), typeof(GraphicRaycaster)) end) slot0.opBtns[slot1] = slot12 end setActive(slot12, true) slot12.position = slot3.tfOp.position slot13 = slot8 and slot9 == ChapterConst.AttachBoss slot14 = false if slot8 and slot9 == ChapterConst.AttachChampion and pg.expedition_data_template[slot2:getChampion(slot5.row, slot5.column):GetLastID()] then slot14 = == 6 end slot13 = slot13 or slot14 setActive(slot12:Find("retreat"):Find("retreat"), slot11 and slot6 and not slot0.subTeleportMode and slot8 and not slot13 and _.any(slot2.fleets, function (slot0) return ~= and slot0:getFleetType() == FleetType.Normal and slot0:isValid() end)) setActive(slot16:Find("escape"), slot11 and slot6 and not slot0.subTeleportMode and slot13) setActive(slot16, slot16:Find("retreat").gameObject.activeSelf or slot16:Find("escape").gameObject.activeSelf) if slot16.gameObject.activeSelf then onButton(slot0, slot16, function () if uv0.parent:isfrozen() or uv0.subTeleportMode then return end if uv1 then if function () for slot4, slot5 in ipairs({ { 1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { 0, 1 }, { 0, -1 } }) do if uv0:considerAsStayPoint(ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer, uv1.row + slot5[1], uv1.column + slot5[2]) and not uv0:existEnemy(ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer, uv1.row + slot5[1], uv1.column + slot5[2]) then uv2:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpMove, id =, arg1 = uv1.row + slot5[1], arg2 = uv1.column + slot5[2], ordLine = uv3.line }) return false end end return true end() then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("no_way_to_escape")) end else pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("levelScene_who_to_retreat",, onYes = function () uv0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpRetreat, id = }) end }) end end, SFX_UI_WEIGHANCHOR_WITHDRAW) end setActive(slot12:Find("exchange"), false) setActive(slot3.tfAmmo, not slot10) slot18, slot19 = slot2:getFleetAmmo(slot4) if slot19 == 0 then slot20 = setColorStr(slot19 .. "/" .. slot18, COLOR_RED) end setText(slot3.tfAmmoText, slot20) if slot8 or slot10 then if slot8 and slot9 == ChapterConst.AttachChampion and slot2:getChampion(slot5.row, slot5.column):getPoolType() == "common" then slot3.tfArrow.anchoredPosition = Vector2(0, 180) slot3.tfAmmo.anchoredPosition = Vector2(60, 100) else slot3.tfArrow.anchoredPosition = Vector2(0, 100) slot3.tfAmmo.anchoredPosition = Vector2(22, 56) end slot3.tfAmmo:SetAsLastSibling() else slot3.tfArrow.anchoredPosition = Vector2(0, 175) slot3.tfAmmo.anchoredPosition = Vector2(-60, 85) end if not IsNil(slot3:getModel()) and slot11 and slot0.lastSelectedId ~= then if not slot8 and not slot10 and slot0.lastSelectedId ~= -1 then slot0:frozen() slot23 = slot21:GetComponent("SkeletonGraphic").material slot25 = Material.New(Shader.Find("Spine/SkeletonGraphic (Additive)")) LeanTween.value(slot21, 0, 1, 0.2):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInOutSine):setLoopPingPong(2):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0:SetColor("_Color", Color.Lerp(Color.New(0, 0, 0, 0), Color.New(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0), slot0)) uv1.material = uv0 end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0.material = uv1 uv2:unfrozen() end)) end slot0.lastSelectedId = end elseif slot7 == FleetType.Submarine then slot8 = slot2:existEnemy(ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer, slot5.row, slot5.column) or slot2:existAlly(slot4) slot3:SetActiveModel(not slot8) setActive(slot3.tfAmmo, not slot8) slot9, slot10 = slot2:getFleetAmmo(slot4) if slot10 == 0 then slot11 = setColorStr(slot10 .. "/" .. slot9, COLOR_RED) end setText(slot3.tfAmmoText, slot11) elseif slot7 == FleetType.Transport then setText(slot3.tfHpText, slot4:getRestHp() .. "/" .. slot4:getTotalHp()) GetImageSpriteFromAtlasAsync("enemies/" .. slot4:getPrefab(), "", slot3.tfIcon, true) setActive(slot3.tfFighting, slot2:existEnemy(ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer, slot5.row, slot5.column)) end = slot2.theme:GetLinePosition(slot5.row, slot5.column) slot3:SetLine({ row = slot5.row, column = slot5.column }) slot3:ResetCanvasOrder() end end function slot0.GetCellFleet(slot0, slot1) return slot0.cellFleets[slot1] end function slot0.initTargetArrow(slot0) slot0.arrowTarget = cloneTplTo(slot0.arrowTpl, slot0._tf) slot2 = slot0.arrowTarget pg.ViewUtils.SetLayer(tf(slot2), Layer.UI) GetOrAddComponent(slot2, typeof(Canvas)).overrideSorting = true slot0.arrowTarget.localEulerAngles = Vector3(-slot0.contextData.chapterVO.theme.angle, 0, 0) setActive(slot0.arrowTarget, false) end function slot0.updateTargetArrow(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO slot0.arrowTarget:SetParent(slot0.cellRoot:Find(ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot1.row, slot1.column))) slot6, slot7 = function () slot0, slot1 = uv0:existEnemy(ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer, uv1.row, uv1.column) if not slot0 then return false end if slot1 == ChapterConst.AttachChampion then if not uv0:getChampion(uv1.row, uv1.column) then return false end return slot2:getPoolType() == "common", slot2:getScale() / 100 elseif slot1 == ChapterConst.AttachEnemy or slot1 == ChapterConst.AttachBoss then if not uv0:getChapterCell(uv1.row, uv1.column) or slot2.flag ~= 0 then return false end return pg.expedition_data_template[slot2.attachmentId].icon_type == 2, slot3.scale / 100 end end() if slot6 then slot0.arrowTarget.localPosition = Vector3(0, 20 + 80 * slot7, -80 * slot7) else slot0.arrowTarget.localPosition = Vector3(0, 20, 0) end if slot0.arrowTarget:GetComponent(typeof(Canvas)) then slot8.sortingOrder = slot1.row * ChapterConst.PriorityPerRow + ChapterConst.CellPriorityTopMark end end function slot0.clearTargetArrow(slot0) if not IsNil(slot0.arrowTarget) then Destroy(slot0.arrowTarget) slot0.arrowTarget = nil end end function slot0.InitDestinationMark(slot0) slot1 = cloneTplTo(slot0.destinationMarkTpl, slot0._tf) pg.ViewUtils.SetLayer(tf(slot1), Layer.UI) GetOrAddComponent(slot1, typeof(Canvas)).overrideSorting = true SetActive(slot1, false) tf(slot1).localEulerAngles = Vector3(-slot0.contextData.chapterVO.theme.angle, 0, 0) slot0.destinationMark = tf(slot1) end function slot0.UpdateDestinationMark(slot0, slot1) if not slot1 then slot0.destinationMark:SetParent(slot0._tf) go(slot0.destinationMark):SetActive(false) return end go(slot0.destinationMark):SetActive(true) slot2 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO slot0.destinationMark:SetParent(slot0.cellRoot:Find(ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot1.row, slot1.column))) slot0.destinationMark.localPosition = Vector3(0, 40, -40) if slot0.destinationMark:GetComponent(typeof(Canvas)) then slot5.sortingOrder = slot1.row * ChapterConst.PriorityPerRow + ChapterConst.CellPriorityTopMark end end function slot0.ClearDestinationMark(slot0) if not IsNil(slot0.destinationMark) then Destroy(slot0.destinationMark) slot0.destinationMark = nil end end function slot0.initChampions(slot0) if slot0.cellChampions then return end slot0.cellChampions = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.contextData.chapterVO.champions) do slot0.cellChampions[slot5] = false if slot6.flag ~= 1 then slot7 = slot6:getPoolType() slot9 = slot0:getChampionPool(slot7):Dequeue() = "cell_champion_" .. slot6:getPrefab() slot9.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3(-slot1.theme.angle, 0, 0) setParent(slot9, slot0.cellRoot, false) setActive(slot9, true) if slot7 == "common" then slot0.cellChampions[slot5] = ChampionCellView.New(slot9) elseif slot7 == "oni" then slot0.cellChampions[slot5] = OniCellView.New(slot9) elseif slot7 == "enemy" then slot0.cellChampions[slot5] = EggCellView.New(slot9) end slot10 = slot0.cellChampions[slot5] slot10.poolType = slot7 slot10:SetLine({ row = slot6.row, column = slot6.column }) slot10:setPrefab(slot6:getPrefab()) slot10:setAction(ChapterConst.ShipIdleAction) slot10:ResetCanvasOrder() if slot7 == "common" then slot10:SetExtraEffect(slot6:getConfig("effect_prefab")) if slot6.flag == 5 then slot10:setAction(ChapterConst.ShipSwimAction) end elseif slot7 == "enemy" then slot10:setLevel(slot6:getConfig("level")) slot10:setEnemyType(slot6:getConfig("type")) end slot10:loadSpine(function () uv0:getModel().transform.localRotation = uv1.rotation if uv2 == "common" then slot1 = uv1:getScale() / 100 slot0.localScale = Vector3(0.4 * slot1, 0.4 * slot1, 1) end uv3:updateChampion(uv4) end) end end end function slot0.updateChampions(slot0) slot1 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.cellChampions) do slot0:updateChampion(slot5) end end function slot0.updateChampion(slot0, slot1) slot4 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO.champions[slot1] if slot0.cellChampions[slot1] and slot4 then slot5 = slot4.trait ~= ChapterConst.TraitLurk and slot2:getChampionVisibility(slot4) and not slot2:existFleet(FleetType.Transport, slot4.row, slot4.column) if slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachOni then _.each(slot2.fleets, function (slot0) if uv0:inAlertRange(slot0.line.row, slot0.line.column) then uv1 = uv1 + 1 end end) GetImageSpriteFromAtlasAsync("enemies/sp_" .. 1, "", slot3.tfIcon, true) if slot3.tfBufficons then setActive(slot7, false) end else setActive(slot3.tfFighting, slot5 and slot2:existEnemy(ChapterConst.SubjectChampion, slot4.row, slot4.column)) setActive(slot3.tfEffectFound, slot5 and slot4.trait == ChapterConst.TraitVirgin) setActive(slot3.tfDamageCount, slot5 and > 0) setActive("huoqiubaozha"), false) if slot4.trait == ChapterConst.TraitVirgin then pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(SFX_UI_WEIGHANCHOR_ENEMY) end if slot3:getModel() and slot3.poolType == "common" then slot8 = slot7:GetComponent("SkeletonGraphic") if slot0:isHuntingRangeVisible() and _.any(slot2.fleets, function (slot0) return slot0:getFleetType() == FleetType.Submarine and slot0:isValid() and slot0:inHuntingRange(uv0.row, uv0.column) end) then if not slot0.championTws[slot1] then -- Nothing end elseif slot0.championTws[slot1] then LeanTween.cancel(slot0.championTws[slot1].uniqueId) slot0.championTws[slot1] = nil slot8.color = Color.white end end end if slot3.tfShadow then slot6.localEulerAngles = Vector3(slot2.theme.angle, 0, 0) end slot7 = pg.expedition_data_template[slot4.attachmentId] if slot3.tfBufficons and slot7 and #slot7.bufficon > 0 and slot5 then setActive(slot8, true) slot0.AlignListContainer(slot8, #slot7.bufficon) slot9 = 1 for slot13, slot14 in ipairs(slot7.bufficon) do if #slot14 > 0 then GetImageSpriteFromAtlasAsync("ui/levelmainscene_atlas", slot14, slot8:GetChild(slot9 - 1)) slot9 = slot9 + 1 end end elseif slot8 then setActive(slot8, false) end = slot2.theme:GetLinePosition(slot4.row, slot4.column) slot3:SetLine({ row = slot4.row, column = slot4.column }) slot3:ResetCanvasOrder() slot3:SetActive(slot5) end end function slot0.updateOni(slot0) slot2 = nil for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.contextData.chapterVO.champions) do if slot7.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachOni then slot2 = slot6 break end end if slot2 then slot0:updateChampion(slot2) end end function slot0.clearChampions(slot0) if slot0.cellChampions then for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.cellChampions) do if slot5 then if slot0.championTws[slot4] then LeanTween.cancel(slot0.championTws[slot4].uniqueId) slot0.championTws[slot4] = nil if slot5:getModel() then slot6:GetComponent("SkeletonGraphic").color = Color.white end end slot5:Clear() LeanTween.cancel(slot5.go) setActive(slot5.go, false) setParent(slot5.go, slot0.poolParent, false) slot0:getChampionPool(slot5.poolType):Enqueue(slot5.go, false) end end slot0.cellChampions = nil end end function slot0.sortItems(slot0) if not slot0.sortFunc then slot0.sortFunc = debounce(function () if uv0.exited then return end slot0 = {} if uv0.cellFleets then for slot4, slot5 in pairs(uv0.cellFleets) do slot5:ResetCanvasOrder() end end if uv0.cellChampions then _.each(uv0.cellChampions, function (slot0) if slot0 then slot0:ResetCanvasOrder() end end) end end, 0.1, false) end slot0.sortFunc() end function slot0.initCell(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.contextData.chapterVO:getChapterCell(slot1, slot2) then slot5 = slot3.theme.cellSize slot7 = nil if slot4:IsWalkable() then PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetPrefab("chapter/cell_quad", "", false, function (slot0) uv0 = slot0.transform end) = ChapterCell.Line2QuadName(slot1, slot2) slot7:SetParent(slot0.quadRoot, false) slot7.sizeDelta = slot5 slot7.anchoredPosition = slot3.theme:GetLinePosition(slot1, slot2) slot7:SetAsLastSibling() end slot9 = nil PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetPrefab("chapter/cell", "", false, function (slot0) uv0 = slot0.transform end) = ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot1, slot2) slot9:SetParent(slot0.cellRoot, false) slot9.sizeDelta = slot5 slot9.anchoredPosition = slot3.theme:GetLinePosition(slot1, slot2) slot9:SetAsLastSibling() slot10 = slot9:Find(ChapterConst.ChildItem) slot10.localEulerAngles = Vector3(-slot3.theme.angle, 0, 0) setActive(slot10, slot4.item) slot11 = ItemCell.New(slot10, slot1, slot2) slot0.itemCells[ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot1, slot2)] = slot11 slot11.loader = slot0.loader slot11:Init(slot4) slot9:Find(ChapterConst.ChildAttachment).localEulerAngles = Vector3(-slot3.theme.angle, 0, 0) if slot7 then onButton(slot0, slot7, function () if not uv0:isfrozen() then if (uv0.quadState == ChapterConst.QuadStateStrategy or uv0.quadState == ChapterConst.QuadStateTeleportSub) and uv0.quadClickProxy then uv0.quadClickProxy(uv1) elseif uv0.onCellClick then uv0.onCellClick(uv1) end end end, SFX_CONFIRM) end end end function slot0.clearCell(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot4 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO:getChapterCell(slot1, slot2) slot8 = slot0.quadRoot:Find(ChapterCell.Line2QuadName(slot1, slot2)) if not IsNil(slot0.cellRoot:Find(ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot1, slot2))) then if slot0.attachTws[slot5] then LeanTween.cancel(slot0.attachTws[slot5].uniqueId) slot0.attachTws[slot5] = nil end if slot0.shiningTws[slot5] then LeanTween.cancel(slot0.shiningTws[slot5].uniqueId) slot0.shiningTws[slot5] = nil end slot9 = slot7:Find(ChapterConst.ChildAttachment) PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnPrefab("chapter/cell", "", slot7.gameObject) end if not IsNil(slot8) then if slot0.quadTws[slot6] then LeanTween.cancel(slot0.quadTws[slot6].uniqueId) slot0.quadTws[slot6] = nil end slot9 = slot8:Find("grid"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)) slot9.sprite = GetSpriteFromAtlas("chapter/pic/cellgrid", "cell_grid") slot9.material = nil PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnPrefab("chapter/cell_quad", "", slot8.gameObject) end end function slot0.updateAttachments(slot0) for slot4 = 0, ChapterConst.MaxRow - 1 do for slot8 = 0, ChapterConst.MaxColumn - 1 do slot0:updateAttachment(slot4, slot8) end end slot0:updateExtraAttachments() slot0:updateAreaAttachment(ChapterConst.AttachAreaBoss) slot0:updateCoastalGunAttachArea() end function slot0.UpdateFloor(slot0) slot3 = {} for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0.contextData.chapterVO.cells) do if slot8.flagList and #slot8.flagList > 0 then for slot12, slot13 in pairs(slot8.flagList) do slot3[slot13] = slot3[slot13] or {} table.insert(slot3[slot13], slot8) end end end if slot3[ChapterConst.FlagBanaiAirStrike] and next(slot3[ChapterConst.FlagBanaiAirStrike]) then slot0:hideQuadMark(ChapterConst.MarkBanaiAirStrike) slot0:showQuadMark(slot3[ChapterConst.FlagBanaiAirStrike], ChapterConst.MarkBanaiAirStrike, "cell_coastal_gun", Vector2(110, 110), nil, true) end slot0:updatePoisonArea() if slot3[ChapterConst.FlagLava] and next(slot3[ChapterConst.FlagLava]) then slot0:hideQuadMark(ChapterConst.MarkLava) slot0:showQuadMark(slot3[ChapterConst.FlagLava], ChapterConst.MarkLava, "cell_lava", Vector2(110, 110), nil, true) end if slot3[ChapterConst.FlagNightmare] and next(slot3[ChapterConst.FlagNightmare]) then slot0:hideQuadMark(ChapterConst.MarkNightMare) slot0:hideQuadMark(ChapterConst.MarkHideNight) if slot1.extraFlagList[1] == ChapterConst.StatusDay then slot0:showQuadMark(slot3[ChapterConst.FlagNightmare], ChapterConst.MarkHideNight, "cell_hidden_nightmare", Vector2(110, 110), nil, true) elseif slot4 == ChapterConst.StatusNight then slot0:showQuadMark(slot3[ChapterConst.FlagNightmare], ChapterConst.MarkNightMare, "cell_nightmare", Vector2(110, 110), nil, true) end end slot4 = {} for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot1.cellAttachments) do if == ChapterConst.StoryTrigger and pg.map_event_template[slot9.attachmentId] and slot10.c_type == ChapterConst.EvtType_AdditionalFloor then slot4[slot10.icon] = slot4[slot10.icon] or {} table.insert(slot4[slot10.icon], slot9) end end for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot4) do slot0:hideQuadMark(slot8) slot0:showQuadMark(slot9, slot8, slot8, Vector2(110, 110), nil, true) end if slot1:getConfig("alarm_cell") and #slot5 > 0 then slot6 = slot5[3] slot0:ClearEdges(slot6) slot0:ClearEdges(slot6 .. "corner") slot0:AddEdgePool(slot6, "chapter/celltexture/" .. slot6, "") slot0:AddEdgePool(slot6 .. "_corner", "chapter/celltexture/" .. slot6 .. "_corner", "") slot7 =[1], function (slot0) return { row = slot0[1], column = slot0[2] } end) slot0:AddOutlines(slot7, nil, slot5[5], slot5[4], slot6) slot8 = slot5[2] slot0:hideQuadMark(slot8) slot0:showQuadMark(slot7, slot8, slot8, Vector2(104, 104), nil, true) end end function slot0.updateExtraAttachments(slot0) for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0.contextData.chapterVO.cellAttachments) do slot8 = slot7.row slot9 = slot7.column slot11 = slot0.cellRoot:Find(slot6):Find(ChapterConst.ChildAttachment) slot14 = slot0.extraAttachmentCells[slot6] if == ChapterConst.StoryTrigger and pg.map_event_template[slot7.attachmentId].c_type ~= ChapterConst.EvtType_AdditionalFloor then if slot14 and slot14.class ~= MapEventStoryTriggerCellView then slot14:Clear() slot14 = nil slot0.extraAttachmentCells[slot6] = nil end if not slot14 then slot0.extraAttachmentCells[slot6] = MapEventStoryTriggerCellView.New(slot11) end = slot7 slot14.chapter = slot1 slot14.cellRoot = slot0.cellRoot slot14:SetLine({ row = slot8, column = slot9 }) slot14:Update() end end end function slot0.updateAreaAttachment(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO slot3, slot4, slot5, slot6, slot7, slot8 = slot2:calcAttachmenArea(slot1) if slot2:getChapterCell(slot4, slot6) then setActive(slot0.cellRoot:Find(ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot4, slot6)):Find(ChapterConst.ChildAttachment), slot9.trait ~= ChapterConst.TraitLurk) if slot9.trait == ChapterConst.TraitLurk then return end if slot9.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachAreaBoss then slot13 = pg.expedition_data_template[slot9.attachmentId] slot17 = slot12:Find("dead_" .. slot9.attachmentId) if slot9.flag == 0 then if IsNil(slot12:Find("enemy_" .. slot9.attachmentId)) then slot16 = cloneTplTo(slot0.enemyTpl, slot12, slot14) slot16.anchoredPosition = slot7 GetImageSpriteFromAtlasAsync("enemies/" .. slot13.icon, "", findTF(slot16, "icon"), true) setText(findTF(slot16, "lv/Text"), slot13.level) setActive(findTF(slot16, "titleContain/bg_s"), ChapterConst.EnemySize[slot13.type] == 1 or not ChapterConst.EnemySize[slot13.type]) setActive(findTF(slot16, "titleContain/bg_m"), ChapterConst.EnemySize[slot13.type] == 2) setActive(findTF(slot16, "titleContain/bg_h"), ChapterConst.EnemySize[slot13.type] == 3) setActive(findTF(slot16, "titleContain/bg_boss"), ChapterConst.EnemySize[slot13.type] == 99) end setActive(findTF(slot16, "huoqiubaozha"), false) setActive(findTF(slot16, "effect_found"), slot9.trait == ChapterConst.TraitVirgin) if slot9.trait == ChapterConst.TraitVirgin then pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(SFX_UI_WEIGHANCHOR_ENEMY) end setActive(findTF(slot16, "fighting"), _.any(slot2.fleets, function (slot0) return slot0:isValid() and uv0 <= slot0.line.row and slot0.line.row <= uv1 and uv2 <= slot0.line.column and slot0.line.column <= uv3 end)) elseif slot9.flag == 1 and slot9.attachment ~= ChapterConst.AttachAmbush then slot18 = not IsNil(slot16) and slot16.gameObject.activeSelf if IsNil(slot17) then slot17 = cloneTplTo(slot0.deadTpl, slot12, slot15) slot17.anchoredPosition = slot7 GetImageSpriteFromAtlasAsync("enemies/" .. slot13.icon .. "_d_" .. "blue", "", slot17:Find("icon"), true) setActive(slot17:Find("effect_not_open"), false) setActive(slot17:Find("effect_open"), false) end setActive(slot17:Find("huoqiubaozha"), slot18) end if not IsNil(slot16) then setActive(slot16, slot9.flag == 0) end if not IsNil(slot17) then setActive(slot17, slot9.flag == 1) end end end end function slot0.updateAttachment(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.contextData.chapterVO:getChapterCell(slot1, slot2) then if slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachAreaBoss then return end slot7 = slot0.cellRoot:Find(ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot1, slot2)):Find(ChapterConst.ChildAttachment) slot8 = slot4.trait ~= ChapterConst.TraitLurk if (slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachEnemy or slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachElite or slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachAmbush or slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBoss) and slot4.flag ~= 1 and slot3:existFleet(FleetType.Transport, slot4.row, slot4.column) then slot8 = false end setActive(slot7, slot8) if not slot8 then return end if slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachEnemy or slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachElite or slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachAmbush or slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBoss then if slot0.attachmentCells[slot5] and (pg.expedition_data_template[slot4.attachmentId].icon_type == 1 and EnemyEggCellView or EnemySpineCellView).__cname ~= slot11.__cname then slot11:Clear() slot11 = nil slot0.attachmentCells[slot5] = nil end if not slot11 then slot11 = slot10.New(slot7) slot11:SetTpl(slot0.enemyTpl, slot0.deadTpl) slot11:SetLine({ row = slot1, column = slot2 }) slot0.attachmentCells[slot5] = slot11 end = slot4 slot11.config = slot9 slot11.chapter = slot3 slot11:Update() slot12 = false if slot4.flag == 0 then slot12 = slot0:isHuntingRangeVisible() and _.any(slot3.fleets, function (slot0) return slot0:getFleetType() == FleetType.Submarine and slot0:isValid() and slot0:inHuntingRange(uv0.row, uv0.column) end) end if slot12 then if not slot0.attachTws[slot5] and then slot13 = LeanTween.color(findTF(, "icon"), Color.New(1, 0.6, 0.6), 1):setFromColor(Color.white):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInOutSine):setLoopPingPong() slot0.attachTws[slot5] = { tw = slot13, uniqueId = slot13.uniqueId } end elseif slot0.attachTws[slot5] then LeanTween.cancel(slot0.attachTws[slot5].uniqueId) slot0.attachTws[slot5] = nil if then setImageColor(findTF(, "icon"), Color.white) end end else slot9 = nil slot10 = {} if slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBox then slot9 = AttachmentBoxCell elseif slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachSupply then slot9 = AttachmentSupplyCell elseif slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachTransport_Target then slot9 = AttachmentTransportTargetCell elseif slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachStory then if == ChapterConst.Story then slot9 = MapEventStoryCellView elseif == ChapterConst.StoryObstacle then slot9 = MapEventStoryObstacleCellView end elseif slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBomb_Enemy then slot9 = AttachmentBombEnemyCell elseif slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachLandbase then if pg.land_based_template[slot4.attachmentId].type == ChapterConst.LBCoastalGun then slot9 = AttachmentLBCoastalGunCell elseif slot11.type == ChapterConst.LBHarbor then slot9 = AttachmentLBHarborCell elseif slot11.type == ChapterConst.LBDock then slot9 = AttachmentLBDockCell slot10.chapter = slot3 elseif slot11.type == ChapterConst.LBAntiAir then slot9 = AttachmentLBAntiAirCell = slot4 slot10.chapter = slot3 slot10.grid = slot0 end elseif slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBarrier then slot9 = AttachmentBarrierCell end if slot0.attachmentCells[slot5] and slot11.class ~= slot9 then slot11:Clear() slot11 = nil slot0.attachmentCells[slot5] = nil end if not slot9 then return end if not slot11 then slot11 = slot9.New(slot7) slot11:SetLine({ row = slot1, column = slot2 }) slot0.attachmentCells[slot5] = slot11 end = slot4 for slot15, slot16 in pairs(slot10) do slot11[slot15] = slot16 end slot11:Update() end end end function slot0.InitWalls(slot0) slot1 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO for slot5 = slot0.indexMin.x, slot0.indexMax.x do for slot9 = slot0.indexMin.y, slot0.indexMax.y do if slot1:GetRawChapterCell(slot5, slot9) then slot11 = ChapterConst.ForbiddenUp while slot11 > 0 do slot0:InitWallDirection(slot10, slot11) slot11 = slot11 / 2 end end end end for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.walls) do if slot6.WallPrefabs then slot6:SetAsset(slot6.WallPrefabs[5 - slot6.BanCount]) end end end slot6 = { [ChapterConst.ForbiddenUp] = { -1, 0 }, [ChapterConst.ForbiddenDown] = { 1, 0 }, [ChapterConst.ForbiddenLeft] = { 0, -1 }, [ChapterConst.ForbiddenRight] = { 0, 1 } } function slot0.InitWallDirection(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO if, slot2) == 0 then return end if slot1.walkable == false then return end slot4 = uv0[slot2] slot8 = not slot3:GetRawChapterCell(slot1.row + slot4[1], slot1.column + slot4[2]) or slot7.walkable == false if not slot0.walls[2 * slot1.row + slot4[1] .. "_" .. 2 * slot1.column + slot4[2]] then slot11 = slot3.theme:GetLinePosition(slot1.row, slot1.column) slot11.x = slot11.x + slot4[2] * (slot3.theme.cellSize.x + slot3.theme.cellSpace.x) * 0.5 slot11.y = slot11.y - slot4[1] * (slot3.theme.cellSize.y + slot3.theme.cellSpace.y) * 0.5 slot12 = WallCell.New(slot5, slot6,, ChapterConst.ForbiddenRow) > 0, slot11) slot12.girdParent = slot0 slot0.walls[slot9] = slot12 if slot3.wallAssets[slot1.row .. "_" .. slot1.column] then slot12.WallPrefabs = slot13 end end slot10.BanCount = slot10.BanCount + (slot8 and 2 or 1) end function slot0.updateQuadCells(slot0, slot1, ...) slot1 = slot1 or ChapterConst.QuadStateNormal slot0.quadState = slot1 slot0:updateQuadBase() if slot1 == ChapterConst.QuadStateTeleportSub then slot0:UpdateQuadStateTeleportSub(...) elseif slot1 == ChapterConst.QuadStateNormal then slot0:UpdateQuadStateNormal() elseif slot1 == ChapterConst.QuadStateStrategy then slot0:UpdateQuadStateStrategy(...) end end function slot0.updateQuadBase(slot0) if slot0.contextData.chapterVO.fleet == nil then return end slot0:killPresentTws() for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot1.cells) do function (slot0) if slot0 and slot0:IsWalkable() then slot3 = uv0:GetObjectsInCell(slot0.row, slot0.column) slot4, slot5, slot6 = slot3:__pairs() if slot4(slot3, slot6) then slot9 = uv1.quadRoot:Find(ChapterCell.Line2QuadName(slot1, slot2)) slot9.localScale = if slot6 == "champion" and slot3[slot6].flag == 0 and slot11.trait ~= ChapterConst.TraitLurk and uv0:getChampionVisibility(slot11) and not uv0:existFleet(FleetType.Transport, slot11.row, slot11.column) then uv1:startQuadTween(slot8, slot9) setImageSprite(slot9, GetSpriteFromAtlas("chapter/pic/cellgrid", "cell_enemy")) setImageSprite(slot9:Find("grid"), GetSpriteFromAtlas("chapter/pic/cellgrid", "cell_enemy_grid")) slot9:Find("grid"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).material = uv1.material_Add return end if slot6 == "cell" and uv0:getQuadCellPic(slot0) then uv1:startQuadTween(slot8, slot9) if slot11 == "cell_enemy" then setImageSprite(slot9:Find("grid"), GetSpriteFromAtlas("chapter/pic/cellgrid", "cell_enemy_grid")) slot10.material = uv1.material_Add else setImageSprite(slot9:Find("grid"), GetSpriteFromAtlas("chapter/pic/cellgrid", "cell_grid")) slot10.material = nil end setImageSprite(slot9, GetSpriteFromAtlas("chapter/pic/cellgrid", slot11)) return end uv1:cancelQuadTween(slot8, slot9) setImageAlpha(slot9, ChapterConst.CellEaseOutAlpha) setImageSprite(slot9, GetSpriteFromAtlas("chapter/pic/cellgrid", "cell_normal")) setImageSprite(slot9:Find("grid"), GetSpriteFromAtlas("chapter/pic/cellgrid", "cell_grid")) slot10.material = nil end end end(slot8) end for slot8, slot9 in ipairs({ ChapterConst.AttachAreaBoss }) do slot10, slot11, slot12, slot13, slot14, slot15 = slot1:calcAttachmenArea(slot9) if slot1:getChapterCell(slot11, slot13) and slot16:IsWalkable() then if IsNil(slot0.quadRoot:Find(ChapterCell.MinMaxLine2QuadName(slot10, slot12, slot11, slot13))) then PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetPrefab("chapter/cell_quad", "", false, function (slot0) uv0 = slot0.transform end) = slot17 slot18:SetParent(slot0.quadRoot, false) slot18:SetSiblingIndex(slot0.quadRoot:Find(ChapterCell.Line2QuadName(slot11, slot13)):GetSiblingIndex()) end slot18.sizeDelta = slot15 slot18.anchoredPosition = slot1.theme:GetLinePosition(slot11, slot13) + Vector3(slot14.x, slot14.y, 0) end end if slot1:isPlayingWithBombEnemy() then slot0:hideQuadMark(ChapterConst.MarkBomb) end end function slot0.UpdateQuadStateNormal(slot0) slot1 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO slot2 = slot1.fleet slot3 = nil if slot1:existMoveLimit() and not slot1:checkAnyInteractive() then slot3 = slot1:calcWalkableCells(ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer, slot2.line.row, slot2.line.column, slot2:getSpeed()) end if slot3 and #slot3 > 0 then slot5 = ManhattonDist(_.min(slot3, function (slot0) return ManhattonDist(slot0, uv0.line) end), slot2.line) _.each(slot3, function (slot0) slot1 = ChapterCell.Line2QuadName(slot0.row, slot0.column) slot2 = uv0.quadRoot:Find(slot1) uv0:cancelQuadTween(slot1, slot2) setImageSprite(slot2, GetSpriteFromAtlas("chapter/pic/cellgrid", "cell_normal")) slot3 = slot2:Find("grid"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)) slot3.sprite = GetSpriteFromAtlas("chapter/pic/cellgrid", "cell_grid") slot3.material = nil setImageAlpha(slot2, uv1:getRound() == ChapterConst.RoundPlayer and 1 or ChapterConst.CellEaseOutAlpha) slot2.localScale = uv0.presentTws[slot1] = { uniqueId = LeanTween.scale(slot2,, 0.2):setFrom(, uv2.line) - uv3) * 0.1).uniqueId } end) end if slot1:isPlayingWithBombEnemy() then slot0:showQuadMark({ { -1, 0 }, { 1, 0 }, { 0, -1 }, { 0, 1 } }, function (slot0) return { row = slot0[1] + uv0.line.row, column = slot0[2] + uv0.line.column } end), ChapterConst.MarkBomb, "cell_bomb", Vector2(100, 100), nil, true) end end function slot0.UpdateQuadStateStrategy(slot0, ...) slot0.quadClickProxy = slot3[2] if #(({ ... })[1] or {}) > 0 then slot6 = ManhattonDist(_.min(slot4, function (slot0) return ManhattonDist(slot0, uv0.line) end), slot0.contextData.chapterVO.fleet.line) _.each(slot4, function (slot0) slot1 = ChapterCell.Line2QuadName(slot0.row, slot0.column) slot2 = uv0.quadRoot:Find(slot1) uv0:cancelQuadTween(slot1, slot2) setImageSprite(slot2, GetSpriteFromAtlas("chapter/pic/cellgrid", "cell_barrier_select")) slot3 = slot2:Find("grid"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)) slot3.sprite = GetSpriteFromAtlas("chapter/pic/cellgrid", "cell_grid") slot3.material = nil setImageAlpha(slot2, 1) slot2.localScale = uv0.presentTws[slot1] = { uniqueId = LeanTween.scale(slot2,, 0.2):setFrom(, uv1.line) - uv2) * 0.1).uniqueId } end) end end function slot0.UpdateQuadStateTeleportSub(slot0) if not _.detect(slot0.contextData.chapterVO.fleets, function (slot0) return slot0:getFleetType() == FleetType.Submarine end) then return end function slot0.quadClickProxy(slot0) uv0:OnTeleportConfirm(slot0) end slot0:frozen() slot4 = 0 _.each(_.filter(slot1:calcWalkableCells(nil, slot2.line.row, slot2.line.column, ChapterConst.MaxStep), function (slot0) return not uv0:getQuadCellPic(uv0:getChapterCell(slot0.row, slot0.column)) end), function (slot0) slot1 = ChapterCell.Line2QuadName(slot0.row, slot0.column) slot2 = uv0.quadRoot:Find(slot1) uv0:cancelQuadTween(slot1, slot2) setImageAlpha(slot2, 0.4) uv0.presentTws[slot1] = { uniqueId = LeanTween.scale(slot2,, 0.2):setFrom( () uv0 = uv0 + 1 if uv0 == #uv1 then uv2:unfrozen() end end)).uniqueId } slot2.localScale = end) end function slot0.PrepareSubTeleport(slot0) slot1 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO slot2, slot3 = slot1:GetSubmarineFleet() slot4 = slot0.cellFleets[] slot5 = slot2.startPos slot0.subTeleportMode = true for slot9, slot10 in pairs(slot1.fleets) do if slot10:getFleetType() == FleetType.Normal then slot0:updateFleet( end end setActive(slot4.tfAmmo, not (slot1:existEnemy(ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer, slot5.row, slot5.column) or slot1:existFleet(FleetType.Normal, slot5.row, slot5.column))) slot4:SetActive(true) if not (slot1.subAutoAttack == 1) then slot0:PlaySubAnimation(slot4, false, function () uv0:SetActiveModel(not uv1) end) else slot4:SetActiveModel(not slot6) end = slot1.theme:GetLinePosition(slot5.row, slot5.column) slot4:ResetCanvasOrder() end function slot0.TurnOffSubTeleport(slot0) slot0.subTeleportTargetLine = nil slot1 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO slot0:hideQuadMark(ChapterConst.MarkMovePathArrow) slot0:hideQuadMark(ChapterConst.MarkHuntingRange) slot0:ClearEdges("SubmarineHunting") slot0:UpdateDestinationMark() slot0.subTeleportMode = false slot2, slot3 = slot1:GetSubmarineFleet() slot5 = slot1.subAutoAttack == 1 slot0.cellFleets[]:SetActive(slot5) if not slot5 then slot0:PlaySubAnimation(slot4, true, function () uv0:updateFleet( end) else slot0:updateFleet( end slot0:ShowHuntingRange() end function slot0.OnTeleportConfirm(slot0, slot1) if slot0.contextData.chapterVO:getChapterCell(slot1.row, slot1.column) and slot3:IsWalkable() and not slot2:existBarrier(slot1.row, slot1.column) then slot4, slot5 = slot2:GetSubmarineFleet() if slot4.startPos.row == slot1.row and slot4.startPos.column == slot1.column then return end slot6, slot7 = slot2:findPath(nil, slot4.startPos, slot1) if PathFinding.PrioObstacle <= slot6 or slot1.row ~= slot7[#slot7].row or slot1.column ~= slot7[#slot7].column then return end slot0:ShowTargetHuntingRange(slot1) slot0:UpdateDestinationMark(slot1) if slot6 > 0 then slot0:ShowPathInArrows(slot7) slot0.subTeleportTargetLine = slot1 end end end function slot0.ShowPathInArrows(slot0, slot1) slot3 = Clone(slot1) table.remove(slot3, #slot3) slot4, slot5 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO:GetSubmarineFleet() for slot9 = #slot3, 1, -1 do slot10 = slot3[slot9] if slot2:existEnemy(ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer, slot10.row, slot10.column) or slot2:getFleet(FleetType.Normal, slot10.row, slot10.column) then table.remove(slot3, slot9) end end slot0:hideQuadMark(ChapterConst.MarkMovePathArrow) slot10 = "cell_path_arrow" slot0:showQuadMark(slot3, ChapterConst.MarkMovePathArrow, slot10, Vector2(100, 100), nil, true) slot6 = slot0.markQuads[ChapterConst.MarkMovePathArrow] for slot10 = #slot1, 1, -1 do slot11 = slot1[slot10] if slot6 and slot6[ChapterCell.Line2MarkName(slot11.row, slot11.column, ChapterConst.MarkMovePathArrow)] then slot14 = slot1[slot10 + 1] slot15 = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3(slot14.column - slot11.column, slot11.row - slot14.row, 0)) slot13.localEulerAngles = Vector3(0, 0, Mathf.Acos(Vector3.Dot(slot15, Vector3.up)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg * (Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, slot15).z > 0 and 1 or -1)) end end end function slot0.startQuadTween(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) if slot0.presentTws[slot1] then LeanTween.cancel(slot0.presentTws[slot1].uniqueId) slot0.presentTws[slot1] = nil end if not slot0.quadTws[slot1] then setImageAlpha(slot2, slot3 or 1) slot5 = LeanTween.alpha(slot2, slot4 or ChapterConst.CellEaseOutAlpha, 1):setLoopPingPong() slot0.quadTws[slot1] = { tw = slot5, uniqueId = slot5.uniqueId } end end function slot0.cancelQuadTween(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.quadTws[slot1] then LeanTween.cancel(slot0.quadTws[slot1].uniqueId) slot0.quadTws[slot1] = nil end setImageAlpha(slot2, ChapterConst.CellEaseOutAlpha) end function slot0.killQuadTws(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.quadTws) do LeanTween.cancel(slot5.uniqueId) end slot0.quadTws = {} end function slot0.killPresentTws(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.presentTws) do LeanTween.cancel(slot5.uniqueId) end slot0.presentTws = {} end function slot0.startMarkTween(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) if not slot0.markTws[slot1] then setImageAlpha(slot2, slot3 or 1) slot5 = LeanTween.alpha(slot2, slot4 or 0.2, 0.7):setLoopPingPong():setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInOutSine):setDelay(1) slot0.markTws[slot1] = { tw = slot5, uniqueId = slot5.uniqueId } end end function slot0.cancelMarkTween(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot0.markTws[slot1] then LeanTween.cancel(slot0.markTws[slot1].uniqueId) slot0.markTws[slot1] = nil end setImageAlpha(slot2, slot3 or ChapterConst.CellEaseOutAlpha) end function slot0.moveFleet(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot8 = slot0.cellFleets[] slot8:SetSpineVisible(true) setActive(slot8.tfShadow, true) setActive(slot0.arrowTarget, true) slot0:updateTargetArrow(slot2[#slot2]) if slot3 then slot0:updateAttachment(slot3.row, slot3.column) end slot0:updateQuadCells(ChapterConst.QuadStateFrozen) slot0:moveCellView(slot8, slot1, slot2, function (slot0) uv0.step = uv0.step + 1 if uv1.onShipStepChange then uv1.onShipStepChange(slot0) end end, function (slot0) end, function () setActive(uv0.arrowTarget, false) slot0 = uv1.fleet.line if ChapterConst.NeedClearStep(uv1:getChapterCell(slot0.row, slot0.column)) then uv2.step = 0 end if uv3:getModel() then uv2.rotation = uv3:getModel().transform.localRotation end uv0:updateAttachment(slot0.row, slot0.column) uv0:updateFleet(uv4) uv0:updateOni() if uv1:getChampionIndex(slot0.row, slot0.column) then uv0:updateChampion(slot2) end if uv0.onShipArrived then uv0.onShipArrived() end if uv5 then uv5() end end) end function slot0.moveSub(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot7 = slot0.cellFleets[slot0.contextData.chapterVO.fleets[slot1].id] slot0:updateQuadCells(ChapterConst.QuadStateFrozen) slot0:teleportSubView(slot7, slot7:GetLine(), slot2[#slot2], function (slot0) end, function (slot0) end, function () uv3:SetActiveModel(not (uv0:existEnemy(ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer, uv1.row, uv1.column) or uv0:existAlly(uv2))) if uv3:getModel() then uv2.rotation = uv3:getModel().transform.localRotation end if uv4 then uv4() end end) end function slot0.moveChampion(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot6 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO.champions[slot1] slot7 = slot0.cellChampions[slot1] function slot8(slot0) end function slot9(slot0) end function slot10() if uv0:getModel() then uv1.rotation = uv0:getModel().transform.localRotation end if uv2 then uv2() end end if slot0.championTws[slot1] then LeanTween.cancel(slot0.championTws[slot1].uniqueId) slot0.championTws[slot1] = nil end if slot5:getChampionVisibility(slot6) then slot7:SetActive(true) slot0:moveCellView(slot7, slot2, slot3, slot8, slot9, slot10) else slot11 = slot2[#slot2] slot7:SetLine(slot11) = slot5.theme:GetLinePosition(slot11.row, slot11.column) slot10() end end function slot0.moveTransport(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot0:updateQuadCells(ChapterConst.QuadStateFrozen) slot0:moveCellView(slot0.cellFleets[slot0.contextData.chapterVO.fleets[slot1].id], slot2, slot3, function (slot0) end, function (slot0) end, function () if uv0:getModel() then uv1.rotation = uv0:getModel().transform.localRotation end uv2:updateFleet( if uv3 then uv3() end end) end function slot0.moveCellView(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5, slot6) slot7 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO slot8 = nil coroutine.wrap(function () uv0:frozen() slot0 = uv1:GetQuickPlayFlag() and ChapterConst.ShipStepQuickPlayScale or 1 slot1 = 0.3 * slot0 slot2 = ChapterConst.ShipStepDuration * ChapterConst.ShipMoveTailLength * slot0 slot3 = 0.1 * slot0 slot4 = 0 table.insert(uv2, 1, uv3:GetLine()) _.each(uv2, function (slot0) if ChapterConst.NeedEasePathCell(uv0:getChapterCell(slot0.row, slot0.column)) then slot2 = ChapterCell.Line2QuadName(slot1.row, slot1.column) slot3 = uv1.quadRoot:Find(slot2) uv1:cancelQuadTween(slot2, slot3) LeanTween.alpha(slot3, 1, uv2):setDelay(uv3) uv3 = uv3 + uv4 end end) _.each(uv4, function (slot0) uv0:moveStep(uv1, slot0, uv2[#uv2], function () slot0 = uv0:GetLine() if ChapterConst.NeedEasePathCell(uv1:getChapterCell(slot0.row, slot0.column)) then LeanTween.scale(uv2.quadRoot:Find(ChapterCell.Line2QuadName(slot1.row, slot1.column)),, uv3) end uv4(uv5) uv0:SetLine(uv5) uv0:ResetCanvasOrder() end, function () uv0(uv1) uv2() end) coroutine.yield() end) _.each(uv2, function (slot0) if ChapterConst.NeedEasePathCell(uv0:getChapterCell(slot0.row, slot0.column)) then slot3 = uv1.quadRoot:Find(ChapterCell.Line2QuadName(slot1.row, slot1.column)) LeanTween.cancel(slot3.gameObject) setImageAlpha(slot3, ChapterConst.CellEaseOutAlpha) slot3.localScale = end end) uv3:setAction(ChapterConst.ShipIdleAction) uv8() uv0:unfrozen() end)() end function slot0.moveStep(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5) slot7 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO:GetQuickPlayFlag() and ChapterConst.ShipStepQuickPlayScale or 1 slot10 = slot1:GetLine() if not IsNil(slot1:getModel()) then if slot1:getAction() ~= ChapterConst.ShipMoveAction then slot1:setAction(ChapterConst.ShipMoveAction) end if slot2.column ~= slot10.column or slot3.column ~= slot10.column then slot8.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity if slot2.column < slot10.column or slot2.column == slot10.column and slot3.column < slot10.column then slot8.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 180, 0) end end end slot11 = slot12 = slot6.theme:GetLinePosition(slot2.row, slot2.column) slot13 = 0 LeanTween.value(slot1.go, 0, 1, ChapterConst.ShipStepDuration * slot7):setOnComplete(System.Action(slot5)):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) = Vector3.Lerp(uv1, uv2, slot0) if uv3 <= 0.5 and slot0 > 0.5 then uv4() end uv3 = slot0 end)) end function slot0.teleportSubView(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5, slot6) slot7 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO slot0:PlaySubAnimation(slot1, true, function () uv0(uv1) uv2:SetLine(uv1) = uv3.theme:GetLinePosition(uv1.row, uv1.column) uv2:ResetCanvasOrder() uv4(uv1) uv5:PlaySubAnimation(uv2, false, uv6) end) end function slot0.PlayChampionSubmarineAnimation(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if not slot0.contextData.chapterVO:getChampionIndex(slot1.row, slot1.column) or slot5 <= 0 then if slot3 then slot3() end return end if not slot0.cellChampions[slot5] then if slot3 then slot3() end return end slot0:PlaySubAnimation(slot6, slot2, slot3) end function slot0.PlaySubAnimation(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if not slot1:getModel() then slot3() return end slot6 = slot4:GetComponent("SkeletonGraphic") slot1:setAction(slot2 and ChapterConst.ShipSwimAction or ChapterConst.ShipIdleAction) slot1:PlayShuiHua() slot0:frozen() slot0.tweens[LeanTween.value(slot4, slot2 and 1 or 0, slot2 and 0 or 1, slot0.contextData.chapterVO:GetQuickPlayFlag() and 0.1 or 0.3):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInOutSine):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.color = Color.Lerp(Color.New(1, 1, 1, 0), Color.New(1, 1, 1, 1), slot0) if not IsNil(uv1.tfAmmo) then uv1.tfAmmo.anchoredPosition = Vector2.Lerp(uv2, uv3, slot0) end end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () onNextTick(function () uv0:SetActiveModel(not uv1) uv2:unfrozen() if uv3 then uv3() end end) end)).id] = true end function slot0.TeleportCellByPortalWithCameraMove(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot5 = nil parallelAsync({ function (slot0) uv0 = slot0 end, function (slot0) uv0:TeleportFleetByPortal(uv1, uv2, function () uv0:focusOnCell(uv1.line, uv2) end, slot0) end }, slot4) end function slot0.TeleportFleetByPortal(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot5 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO if not slot2[1] or not slot2[2] then slot4() return end if not slot1:getModel() then slot4() return end slot9 = slot8:GetComponent("SkeletonGraphic") slot0:frozen() slot11 = nil slot0.tweens[LeanTween.value(slot8, 1, 0, slot5:GetQuickPlayFlag() and 0.1 or 0.3):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInOutSine):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.color = Color.Lerp(Color.New(1, 1, 1, 0), Color.New(1, 1, 1, 1), slot0) end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0.tweens[uv1] = nil onNextTick(function () if uv0 then uv0() end uv1:updateFleet(table.indexof(uv1.cellFleets, uv2)) uv3 = LeanTween.value(uv4, 0, 1, uv5):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInOutSine):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.color = Color.Lerp(Color.New(1, 1, 1, 0), Color.New(1, 1, 1, 1), slot0) end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0.tweens[uv1] = nil onNextTick(function () uv0:unfrozen() if uv1 then uv1() end end) end)).id uv1.tweens[uv3] = true end) end)).id] = true end function slot0.adjustCameraFocus(slot0) slot1 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO if slot0.cellFleets[slot1.fleets[slot1.findex].id] then slot0:cameraFocus( end end function slot0.focusOnCell(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0:cameraFocus(slot0.cellRoot:Find(ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot1.row, slot1.column)).position, slot2) end function slot0.cameraFocus(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot5 = slot0._tf:Find(ChapterConst.PlaneName) slot6 = slot0._tf.parent:InverseTransformVector(slot1 - slot5.position) slot6.x = slot6.x + slot5.localPosition.x slot6.y = slot6.y + slot5.localPosition.y - slot5.localPosition.z * math.tan(math.pi / 180 * slot0.contextData.chapterVO.theme.angle) slot6.x = math.clamp(-slot6.x, slot0.leftBound, slot0.rightBound) slot6.y = math.clamp(-slot6.y, slot0.bottomBound, slot0.topBound) slot6.z = 0 slot0:frozen() slot0.dragTrigger.enabled = false slot7 = LeanTween.moveLocal(slot0._tf.gameObject, slot6, 0.4):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInOutSine):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0.dragTrigger.enabled = true uv0:unfrozen() if uv1 then uv1() end end)) end function slot0.CellToScreen(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot0._tf:Find(ChapterConst.PlaneName .. "/cells") slot5 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO.theme slot6 = slot5:GetLinePosition(slot1, slot2) slot7 = slot6.y slot6.y = slot7 * math.cos(math.pi / 180 * slot5.angle) slot6.z = slot7 * math.sin(math.pi / 180 * slot5.angle) slot8 = slot0.levelCam.transform:GetChild(0) slot11 = slot0.levelCam:WorldToViewportPoint(slot3.position + slot6 * slot3.transform.lossyScale.x) return Vector3(slot8.rect.width * (slot11.x - 0.5), slot8.rect.height * (slot11.y - 0.5)) end slot7 = { { 1, 0 }, { 0, -1 }, { -1, 0 }, { 0, 1 } } slot8 = { { 1, 1 }, { 1, -1 }, { -1, -1 }, { -1, 1 } } function slot0.AddCellEdge(slot0, slot1, slot2, ...) slot4 = 1 for slot8 = 1, 4 do if not _.any(slot1, function (slot0) return slot0.row == uv0.row + uv1[uv2][1] and slot0.column == uv0.column + uv1[uv2][2] end) then slot3 = bit.bor(0, slot4) end slot4 = slot4 * 2 end if slot3 == 0 then return end slot0:CreateEdge(slot3, slot2, ...) end function slot0.AddOutlines(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5) slot6 = {} slot7 = {} for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot1) do for slot16 = 1, 4 do if not underscore.any(slot1, function (slot0) return slot0.row == uv0.row + uv1[uv2][1] and slot0.column == uv0.column + uv1[uv2][2] end) then slot17 = 2 * slot12.row + uv0[slot16][1] slot18 = 2 * slot12.column + uv0[slot16][2] slot6[slot17 .. "_" .. slot18] = { row = slot17, column = slot18, normal = slot16 } end if not underscore.any(slot1, function (slot0) return slot0.row == uv0.row + uv1[uv2][1] and slot0.column == uv0.column + uv1[uv2][2] end) and underscore.any(slot1, function (slot0) return slot0.row == uv0.row and slot0.column == uv0.column + uv1[uv2][2] end) and underscore.any(slot1, function (slot0) return slot0.row == uv0.row + uv1[uv2][1] and slot0.column == uv0.column end) then slot7[slot12.row .. "_" .. slot12.column .. "_" .. slot16] = { row = slot12.row, column = slot12.column, corner = slot16 } end end end slot0:CreateOutlines(slot6, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5) slot0:CreateOutlineCorners(slot7, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5 .. "_corner") end function slot0.isHuntingRangeVisible(slot0) return slot0.contextData.huntingRangeVisibility % 2 == 0 end function slot0.toggleHuntingRange(slot0) slot0:hideQuadMark(ChapterConst.MarkHuntingRange) slot0:ClearEdges("SubmarineHunting") if not slot0:isHuntingRangeVisible() then slot0:ShowHuntingRange() end slot0.contextData.huntingRangeVisibility = slot0.contextData.huntingRangeVisibility + 1 slot0:updateAttachments() slot0:updateChampions() end function slot0.ShowHuntingRange(slot0) slot2, slot3 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO:GetSubmarineFleet() if slot2 then slot0:RefreshHuntingRange(_.filter(slot2:getHuntingRange(), function (slot0) return uv0:getChapterCell(slot0.row, slot0.column) and slot1:IsWalkable() end), false) end end function slot0.RefreshHuntingRange(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0:showQuadMark(slot1, ChapterConst.MarkHuntingRange, "cell_hunting_range", Vector2(100, 100), slot0.material_Add, slot2) _.each(slot1, function (slot0) uv0:AddCellEdge(uv1, slot0, not uv2, nil, , "SubmarineHunting") end) end function slot0.ShowStaticHuntingRange(slot0) slot0:hideQuadMark(ChapterConst.MarkHuntingRange) slot0:ClearEdges("SubmarineHunting") slot2, slot3 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO:GetSubmarineFleet() if not slot0:isHuntingRangeVisible() then slot0.contextData.huntingRangeVisibility = slot0.contextData.huntingRangeVisibility + 1 end slot0:RefreshHuntingRange(_.filter(slot2:getHuntingRange(), function (slot0) return uv0:getChapterCell(slot0.row, slot0.column) and slot1:IsWalkable() end), true) end function slot0.ShowTargetHuntingRange(slot0, slot1) slot0:hideQuadMark(ChapterConst.MarkHuntingRange) slot0:ClearEdges("SubmarineHunting") slot3, slot4 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO:GetSubmarineFleet() slot5 = _.filter(slot3:getHuntingRange(slot1), function (slot0) return uv0:getChapterCell(slot0.row, slot0.column) and slot1:IsWalkable() end) slot7 = {} for slot11, slot12 in pairs(_.filter(slot3:getHuntingRange(), function (slot0) return uv0:getChapterCell(slot0.row, slot0.column) and slot1:IsWalkable() end)) do if not table.containsdata(slot5, slot12) then table.insert(slot7, slot12) end end slot0:RefreshHuntingRange(slot7, true) slot0:RefreshHuntingRange(slot5, false) slot0:updateAttachments() slot0:updateChampions() end function slot0.OnChangeSubAutoAttack(slot0) slot2, slot3 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO:GetSubmarineFleet() if not slot2 then return end slot4 = slot0.cellFleets[] slot5 = slot1.subAutoAttack == 1 slot4:SetActive(slot5) slot4:SetSpineVisible(not slot5) slot0:PlaySubAnimation(slot4, not slot5, function () uv0:updateFleet( end) end function slot0.displayEscapeGrid(slot0) slot0:hideQuadMark(ChapterConst.MarkEscapeGrid) slot0:showQuadMark(, function (slot0) return { row = slot0[1], column = slot0[2] } end), ChapterConst.MarkEscapeGrid, "cell_escape_grid", Vector2(105, 105)) end function slot0.showQuadMark(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5, slot6) slot0:ShowAnyQuadMark(slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5, false, slot6) end function slot0.ShowTopQuadMark(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5, slot6) slot0:ShowAnyQuadMark(slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5, true, slot6) end function slot0.ShowAnyQuadMark(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5, slot6, slot7) slot8 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO for slot12, slot13 in pairs(slot1) do if slot8:getChapterCell(slot13.row, slot13.column) and slot14:IsWalkable(ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer) then slot0.markQuads[slot2] = slot0.markQuads[slot2] or {} if not slot0.markQuads[slot2][ChapterCell.Line2MarkName(slot13.row, slot13.column, slot2)] then PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetPrefab("chapter/cell_quad_mark", "", false, function (slot0) uv0 = slot0.transform uv1.markQuads[uv2][uv3] = uv0 end) else slot0:cancelMarkTween(slot15, slot16, 1) end = slot15 slot16:SetParent(slot6 and slot0.topMarkRoot or slot0.bottomMarkRoot, false) slot16.sizeDelta = slot8.theme.cellSize slot16.anchoredPosition = slot8.theme:GetLinePosition(slot13.row, slot13.column) slot16.localScale = slot16:SetAsLastSibling() slot17 = slot16:GetComponent(typeof(Image)) slot17.sprite = GetSpriteFromAtlas("chapter/pic/cellgrid", slot3) slot17.material = slot5 slot16.sizeDelta = slot4 if not slot7 then slot0:startMarkTween(slot15, slot16) else slot0:cancelMarkTween(slot15, slot16, 1) end end end end function slot0.hideQuadMark(slot0, slot1) if slot1 and not slot0.markQuads[slot1] then return end for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.markQuads) do if not slot1 or slot5 == slot1 then for slot10, slot11 in pairs(slot6) do slot0:cancelMarkTween(slot10, slot11) slot6[slot10]:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).material = nil slot6[slot10] = nil PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnPrefab("chapter/cell_quad_mark", "", slot11.gameObject) end table.clear(slot0.markQuads[slot5]) end end end function slot0.CreateEdgeIndex(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) return ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot0, slot1) .. (slot3 and "_" .. slot3 or "") .. "_" .. slot2 end function slot0.CreateEdge(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5, slot6) if slot1 <= 0 or slot1 >= 16 then return end slot7 = slot0:GetEdgePool(slot6) slot8 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO slot9 = slot8.theme:GetLinePosition(slot2.row, slot2.column) slot10 = slot8.theme.cellSize slot11 = 1 slot12 = 0 while slot12 < 4 do slot12 = slot12 + 1 if, slot11) > 0 then slot13 = slot0.CreateEdgeIndex(slot2.row, slot2.column, slot12, slot6) slot0.cellEdges[slot6] = slot0.cellEdges[slot6] or {} slot0.cellEdges[slot6][slot13] = slot0.cellEdges[slot6][slot13] or tf(slot7:Dequeue()) slot14 = slot0.cellEdges[slot6][slot13] = slot13 slot14:SetParent(slot0.bottomMarkRoot, false) slot4 = slot4 or 0 slot14.sizeDelta = Vector2.New(, 1) == 1 and slot10.x - slot4 * 2 or slot10.y - slot4 * 2, slot5 or 3) slot14.pivot = Vector2.New(0.5, 0) slot18 = math.pi * 0.5 * -slot12 slot14.anchoredPosition = Vector2.New(math.cos(slot18) * (slot10.x * 0.5 - slot4) + slot9.x, math.sin(slot18) * (slot10.y * 0.5 - slot4) + slot9.y) slot14.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, (5 - slot12) * 90) if slot3 then slot0:startMarkTween(slot13, slot14) else slot0:cancelMarkTween(slot13, slot14, 1) end end slot11 = slot11 * 2 end end function slot0.ClearEdge(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0.cellEdges) do for slot11 = 1, 4 do if slot7[slot0.CreateEdgeIndex(slot1.row, slot1.column, slot11, slot6)] then slot14 = tf(slot7[slot12]) slot0:cancelMarkTween(slot12, slot14) slot0:GetEdgePool(slot6):Enqueue(slot14, false) slot7[slot12] = nil end end end end function slot0.ClearEdges(slot0, slot1) if not next(slot0.cellEdges) then return end for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.cellEdges) do if not slot1 or slot1 == slot5 then for slot11, slot12 in pairs(slot6) do slot0:cancelMarkTween(slot11, slot12) slot0:GetEdgePool(slot5):Enqueue(go(slot12), false) end slot0.cellEdges[slot5] = nil end end end function slot0.CreateOutlines(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5) slot6 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO slot7 = slot6.theme.cellSize + slot6.theme.cellSpace for slot11, slot12 in pairs(slot1) do slot14 = slot6.theme:GetLinePosition(slot12.row / 2, slot12.column / 2) slot15 = slot0.CreateEdgeIndex(slot12.row, slot12.column, 0, slot5) slot0.cellEdges[slot5] = slot0.cellEdges[slot5] or {} slot0.cellEdges[slot5][slot15] = slot0.cellEdges[slot5][slot15] or tf(slot0:GetEdgePool(slot5):Dequeue()) slot16 = slot0.cellEdges[slot5][slot15] = slot15 slot16:SetParent(slot0.bottomMarkRoot, false) slot3 = slot3 or 0 slot19 = slot4 or 3 slot20 = (uv0[slot12.normal][1] ~= 0 and slot7.x or slot7.y) * 0.5 slot21 = slot12.normal % 4 + 1 slot22 = (slot12.normal + 2) % 4 + 1 slot23 = { slot12.row + uv0[slot21][1], slot12.column + uv0[slot21][2] } slot25 = { slot12.row + uv0[slot22][1], slot12.column + uv0[slot22][2] } slot26 = slot1[slot25[1] + uv0[slot12.normal][1] .. "_" .. slot25[2] + uv0[slot12.normal][2]] or slot1[slot25[1] - uv0[slot12.normal][1] .. "_" .. slot25[2] - uv0[slot12.normal][2]] if slot1[slot23[1] + uv0[slot12.normal][1] .. "_" .. slot23[2] + uv0[slot12.normal][2]] or slot1[slot23[1] - uv0[slot12.normal][1] .. "_" .. slot23[2] - uv0[slot12.normal][2]] then slot27 = slot12.row + uv0[slot12.normal][1] == slot24.row + uv0[slot24.normal][1] or slot12.column + uv0[slot12.normal][2] == slot24.column + uv0[slot24.normal][2] slot18 = slot27 and slot18 + slot3 or slot18 - slot3 slot20 = slot27 and slot20 + slot3 or slot20 - slot3 end if slot26 then slot18 = (slot12.row + uv0[slot12.normal][1] == slot26.row + uv0[slot26.normal][1] or slot12.column + uv0[slot12.normal][2] == slot26.column + uv0[slot26.normal][2]) and slot18 + slot3 or slot18 - slot3 end slot16.sizeDelta = Vector2.New(slot18, slot19) slot16.pivot = Vector2.New(slot20 / slot18, 0) slot16.anchoredPosition = Vector2.New(uv0[slot12.normal][2] * -slot3 + slot14.x, uv0[slot12.normal][1] * slot3 + slot14.y) slot16.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, (5 - slot12.normal) * 90) if slot2 then slot0:startMarkTween(slot15, slot16) else slot0:cancelMarkTween(slot15, slot16, 1) end end end function slot0.CreateOutlineCorners(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5) slot6 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO slot7 = slot6.theme.cellSize + slot6.theme.cellSpace for slot11, slot12 in pairs(slot1) do slot14 = slot6.theme:GetLinePosition(slot12.row + uv0[slot12.corner][1] * 0.5, slot12.column + uv0[slot12.corner][2] * 0.5) slot15 = slot0.CreateEdgeIndex(slot12.row, slot12.column, slot12.corner, slot5) slot0.cellEdges[slot5] = slot0.cellEdges[slot5] or {} slot0.cellEdges[slot5][slot15] = slot0.cellEdges[slot5][slot15] or tf(slot0:GetEdgePool(slot5):Dequeue()) slot16 = slot0.cellEdges[slot5][slot15] = slot15 slot16:SetParent(slot0.bottomMarkRoot, false) slot3 = slot3 or 0 slot4 = slot4 or 3 slot16.sizeDelta = Vector2.New(slot4, slot4) slot16.pivot = Vector2.New(1, 0) slot16.anchoredPosition = Vector2.New(uv0[slot12.corner][2] * -slot3 + slot14.x, uv0[slot12.corner][1] * slot3 + slot14.y) slot16.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, (5 - slot12.corner) * 90) if slot2 then slot0:startMarkTween(slot15, slot16) else slot0:cancelMarkTween(slot15, slot16, 1) end end end function slot0.shiningTarget(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot0.contextData.chapterVO:existEnemy(ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer, slot1, slot2) then slot5 = nil slot9 = slot0.cellRoot:Find(ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot1, slot2)):Find(ChapterConst.ChildAttachment) if (slot4:getChapterCell(slot1, slot2).attachment == ChapterConst.AttachEnemy or slot6.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachElite or slot6.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachAmbush or slot6.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBoss) and slot9.childCount > 0 then slot5 = slot9:GetChild(0):Find("icon") end if slot4:existChampion(slot1, slot2) then -- Nothing end if slot7 and slot5 then if slot3 then if not slot0.shiningTws[slot7] then slot10 = slot5:GetComponent("Image") slot12 = Material.New(Shader.Find("Spine/SkeletonGraphic (Additive)")) slot13 = LeanTween.value(slot5.gameObject, 0, 1, 1):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInOutSine):setLoopPingPong():setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0:SetColor("_Color", Color.Lerp(, Color.gray, slot0)) uv1.material = uv0 end)) slot0.shiningTws[slot7] = { tw = slot13, uniqueId = slot13.uniqueId } end elseif slot0.shiningTws[slot7] then LeanTween.cancel(slot0.shiningTws[slot7].uniqueId) slot0.shiningTws[slot7] = nil slot5:GetComponent("Image").material = nil end end end end function slot0.shakeCell(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO slot4, slot5 = nil slot7 = slot3:getChapterCell(slot1.row, slot1.column) if slot3:getChampion(slot1.row, slot1.column) and slot6.flag == 0 then slot5 = slot0.cellChampions[slot3:getChampionIndex(slot1.row, slot1.column)].tf:Find("huoqiubaozha") elseif table.contains(ChapterConst.AttachStaticEnemys, slot7.attachment) then slot5 = slot0.cellRoot:Find(ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot1.row, slot1.column)):Find("attachment"):Find("enemy_" .. slot7.attachmentId):Find("huoqiubaozha") else if slot2 then slot2() end return end slot8 = slot4.localPosition.x slot9 = slot4.localPosition slot9.x = slot8 + 10 slot4.localPosition = slot9 LeanTween.moveX(slot4, slot8 - 10, 0.05):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInOutSine):setLoopPingPong(3):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () slot0 = uv0.localPosition slot0.x = uv1 uv0.localPosition = slot0 if uv2 then uv2() end end)) if not IsNil(slot5) then setActive(slot5, true) end return slot4 end function slot0.updateCoastalGunAttachArea(slot0) slot0:hideQuadMark(ChapterConst.MarkCoastalGun) slot0:showQuadMark(slot0.contextData.chapterVO:getCoastalGunArea(), ChapterConst.MarkCoastalGun, "cell_coastal_gun", Vector2(110, 110), nil, false) end function slot0.InitIdolsAnim(slot0) if not pg.chapter_pop_template[] then return end for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot2.sd_location) do slot0.idols = slot0.idols or {} slot11 = AttachmentSpineAnimationCell.New(slot0.cellRoot:Find(ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot8[1][1], slot8[1][2]) .. "/" .. ChapterConst.ChildAttachment)) slot11:SetLine({ row = slot8[1][1], column = slot8[1][2] }) table.insert(slot0.idols, slot11) slot11:Set(slot8[2]) slot11:SetRoutine(slot2.sd_act[slot7]) end end function slot0.ClearIdolsAnim(slot0) slot1 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO if slot0.idols then for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.idols) do slot6:Clear() end table.clear(slot0.idols) slot0.idols = nil end end function slot0.PlayAttachmentEffect(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5) slot6 = slot0.contextData.chapterVO if not slot0.cellRoot:Find(ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot1, slot2)) then if slot5 then slot5() end return end slot0:PlayParticleSystem(slot3, slot8:Find(ChapterConst.ChildAttachment), slot4, slot5) end function slot0.PlayParticleSystem(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetPrefab("effect/" .. slot1, slot1, false, function (slot0) setParent(slot0, uv0) tf(slot0).localPosition = uv1 slot0:GetComponent(typeof(ParticleSystem)):Play() if not IsNil(slot0:GetComponent(typeof(ParticleSystemEvent))) then slot1:SetEndEvent(function (slot0) PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnPrefab("effect/" .. uv0, uv0, uv1) if uv2 then uv2() end end) end end) end function slot0.PlayChampionInsideEffect(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot5 = nil slot7 = nil for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot0.contextData.chapterVO.champions) do if slot12.row == slot1 and slot12.column == slot2 and slot12.flag ~= 1 then slot7 = slot11 break end end if slot7 then slot5 = slot0.cellChampions[slot7].tf end if not slot5 then slot4() return end slot0:PlayInsideParticleSystem(slot3, slot5, slot4) end function slot0.PlayInsideParticleSystem(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if IsNil(go(tf(slot2):Find(slot1))) then slot3() return end slot4:SetActive(true) slot4:GetComponent(typeof(ParticleSystem)):Play() if IsNil(slot4:GetComponent(typeof(ParticleSystemEvent))) then slot3() return end slot5:SetEndEvent(function (slot0) uv0:SetActive(false) if uv1 then uv1() end end) end function slot0.PlaySonarDetectAnim(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot2 then slot2() end end function slot0.TransformLine2PlanePos(slot0, slot1) return string.char(string.byte("A") + slot1.column - slot0.indexMin.y) .. string.char(string.byte("1") + slot1.row - slot0.indexMin.x) end function slot0.AlignListContainer(slot0, slot1) for slot6 = slot1, slot0.childCount - 1 do setActive(slot0:GetChild(slot6), false) end for slot6 = slot2, slot1 - 1 do slot7 = cloneTplTo(slot0:GetChild(0), slot0) end for slot6 = 0, slot1 - 1 do setActive(slot0:GetChild(slot6), true) end end function slot0.frozen(slot0, slot1) slot0.parent:frozen(slot1) end function slot0.unfrozen(slot0) if slot0.exited then return end slot0.parent:unfrozen() end function slot0.isfrozen(slot0) return slot0.parent.frozenCount > 0 end function slot0.clear(slot0) slot0:clearAll() end return slot0