slot0 = class("LevelEliteFleetPanel", import("..base.BasePanel")) slot1 = { vanguard = 1, submarine = 3, main = 2 } function slot0.init(slot0) uv0.super.init(slot0) slot0.tfShipTpl = slot0:findTF("panel/shiptpl") slot0.tfEmptyTpl = slot0:findTF("panel/emptytpl") slot0.tfFleets = { [FleetType.Normal] = { slot0:findTF("panel/fleet/1"), slot0:findTF("panel/fleet/2") }, [FleetType.Submarine] = { slot0:findTF("panel/sub/1") } } slot0.tfLimit = slot0:findTF("panel/limit") slot0.tfLimitTips = slot0:findTF("panel/limit_tip") slot0.tfLimitElite = slot0:findTF("panel/limit_elite") slot0.tfLimitContainer = slot0:findTF("panel/limit_elite/limit_list") slot0.tfLimitTpl = slot0:findTF("panel/limit_elite/condition") slot0.btnBack = slot0:findTF("panel/btnBack") slot0.btnGo = slot0:findTF("panel/start_button") slot0.btnAdHelp = slot0:findTF("panel/title/ADvalue/helpbtn") slot0.commanderBtn = slot0:findTF("panel/commander_btn") slot0.toggleMask = slot0:findTF("mask") setActive(slot0.tfShipTpl, false) setActive(slot0.tfEmptyTpl, false) setActive(slot0.tfLimitTpl, false) setActive(slot0.toggleMask, false) slot0.onConfirm = nil slot0.onCancel = nil slot0.onClick = nil slot0.onLongPressed = nil slot0.onEliteClear = nil slot0.onEliteRecommend = nil end function slot0.set(slot0, slot1) slot0.chapter = slot1 slot0.propetyLimitation = slot0.chapter:getConfig("property_limitation") slot0.eliteFleetList = slot0.chapter:getEliteFleetList() slot0.chapterADValue = slot0.chapter:getConfig("air_dominance") slot0.suggestionValue = math.max(slot0.chapter:getConfig("best_air_dominance"), 150) slot0.eliteCommanderList = slot0.chapter:getEliteFleetCommanders() slot0.typeLimitations = slot0.chapter:getConfig("limitation") onButton(slot0, slot0.btnGo, function () if uv0.onConfirm then uv0.onConfirm() end end, SFX_UI_WEIGHANCHOR_GO) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnAdHelp, function () pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = i18n("help_battle_ac") }) end, SFX_UI_CLICK) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnBack, function () if uv0.onCancel then uv0.onCancel() end end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, slot0._tf, function () if uv0.onCancel then uv0.onCancel() end end, SFX_CANCEL) onToggle(slot0, slot0.commanderBtn, function (slot0) uv0.parent.contextData.EditingCommander = slot0 uv0:flush() end, SFX_PANEL) triggerToggle(slot0.commanderBtn, slot0.parent.contextData.EditingCommander) setActive(slot0.commanderBtn, slot0.parent.openedCommanerSystem) slot0:flush() end function slot0.clear(slot0) triggerToggle(slot0.commanderBtn, false) end function slot0.flush(slot0) slot0:updateLimit() if OPEN_AIR_DOMINANCE and slot0.chapterADValue > 0 then setActive(slot0:findTF("panel/title/ADvalue"), true) slot0:updateFleetPanelADValue() else setActive(slot0:findTF("panel/title/ADvalue"), false) end slot0:updateFleets() end function slot0.updateLimit(slot0) setActive(slot0.toggleMask, false) setActive(slot0.tfLimit, false) setActive(slot0.tfLimitTips, #slot0.propetyLimitation == 0) setActive(slot0.tfLimitElite, #slot0.propetyLimitation > 0) removeAllChildren(slot0.tfLimitContainer) if #slot0.propetyLimitation > 0 then slot1, slot2 = slot0.chapter:IsPropertyLimitationSatisfy() for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.propetyLimitation) do slot8 = slot7[1] slot9 = slot7[2] slot10 = slot7[3] if slot1[slot6] == 1 then slot0:findTF("Text", cloneTplTo(slot0.tfLimitTpl, slot0.tfLimitContainer)):GetComponent(typeof(Text)).color = Color.New(1, 0.9607843137254902, 0.5019607843137255) else slot0:findTF("Text", slot11):GetComponent(typeof(Text)).color = Color.New(0.9568627450980393, 0.30196078431372547, 0.30196078431372547) end setActive(slot11, true) setText(slot0:findTF("Text", slot11), AttributeType.EliteCondition2Name(slot8) .. AttributeType.eliteConditionCompare[slot9] .. slot10 .. "(" .. slot2[slot8] .. ")") end setActive(slot0.tfLimitElite:Find("sub"), slot0.chapter:getConfig("submarine_num") > 0) end end function slot0.updateFleetPanelADValue(slot0) slot1 = getProxy(BayProxy) slot2 = 0 for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.eliteFleetList) do slot8 = { [slot12] = getProxy(CommanderProxy):getCommanderById(slot13) } for slot12, slot13 in pairs(slot0.eliteCommanderList[slot6]) do -- Nothing end for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot7) do slot2 = slot2 + calcAirDominanceValue(slot1:getShipById(slot13), slot8) end end slot2 = math.floor(slot2) slot3 = slot0:findTF("panel/title/ADvalue/Text") setText(slot3, i18n("level_scene_title_word_5")) setText(slot0:findTF("Num1", slot3), setColorStr(slot2, slot2 < slot0.suggestionValue and "#f1dc36" or COLOR_WHITE)) setText(slot0:findTF("Num2", slot3), slot0.suggestionValue) end function slot0.initAddButton(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot6 = { [slot0.parent.shipVOs[slot12]] = true } for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot0.eliteFleetList[slot4]) do if slot2 == slot0.parent.shipVOs[slot12]:getTeamType() then table.insert({}, slot12) end end removeAllChildren(findTF(slot1, slot2)) slot9 = 0 slot10 = false slot11 = 0 table.sort(Clone(slot3), function (slot0, slot1) if type(slot0) == type(slot1) then return slot3 < slot2 elseif slot1 == 0 or slot3 == "string" and slot0 ~= 0 then return true else return false end end) slot12 = {} slot13 = {} for slot17 = 1, 3 do slot18, slot19, slot20 = nil if slot7[slot17] and slot0.parent.shipVOs[slot7[slot17]] or nil then for slot25, slot26 in ipairs(slot3) do if type(slot26) == "number" then if slot26 == 0 or slot21:getShipType() == slot26 then slot19 = slot21 slot20 = slot26 table.remove(slot3, slot25) table.insert(slot12, slot25) slot10 = slot10 or slot21:getShipType() == slot26 break end elseif type(slot26) == "string" and table.contains(ShipType.BundleList[slot26], slot21:getShipType()) then slot19 = slot21 slot20 = slot26 table.remove(slot3, slot25) table.insert(slot12, slot25) slot10 = true break end end else slot20 = slot3[1] table.remove(slot3, 1) table.insert(slot12, 1) end if slot20 == 0 then slot11 = slot11 + 1 end slot22 = slot19 and cloneTplTo(slot0.tfShipTpl, slot8) or cloneTplTo(slot0.tfEmptyTpl, slot8) table.insert(slot13, slot22) setActive(slot22, true) if slot19 then updateShip(slot22, slot19) setActive(slot0:findTF("event_block", slot22), slot19:getFlag("inEvent")) slot6[slot19] = true else slot9 = slot9 + 1 end slot18 = findTF(slot22, "icon_bg") setActive(slot0:findTF("ship_type", slot22), true) if type(slot20) == "number" then if slot20 ~= 0 then setImageSprite(slot0:findTF("ship_type", slot22), GetSpriteFromAtlas("shiptype", ShipType.Type2CNLabel(slot20)), true) else setActive(slot0:findTF("ship_type", slot22), false) end elseif type(slot20) == "string" then setImageSprite(slot0:findTF("ship_type", slot22), GetSpriteFromAtlas("shiptype", ShipType.BundleType2CNLabel(slot20)), true) end setActive(slot0:findTF("ship_type", slot22), not slot19 and slot20 ~= 0) table.sort(, function (slot0) return uv0.parent.shipVOs[slot0] end), function (slot0, slot1) return uv0[slot0:getTeamType()] < uv0[slot1:getTeamType()] or uv0[slot0:getTeamType()] == uv0[slot1:getTeamType()] and table.indexof(uv1, < table.indexof(uv1, end) slot24 = GetOrAddComponent(slot18, typeof(UILongPressTrigger)) slot24.onReleased:RemoveAllListeners() slot24.onLongPressed:RemoveAllListeners() slot24.onReleased:AddListener(function () uv0.onClick({ shipType = uv1, fleet = uv2, chapter = uv0.chapter, shipVO = uv3, fleetIndex = uv4, teamType = uv5 }) end) slot24.onLongPressed:AddListener(function () if not uv0 then uv1.onClick({ shipType = uv2, fleet = uv3, chapter = uv1.chapter, shipVO = uv0, fleetIndex = uv4, teamType = uv5 }) else uv1.onLongPressed({ shipId =, shipVOs = uv6, chapter = uv1.chapter }) end end) end for slot17 = 3, 1, -1 do slot13[slot17]:SetSiblingIndex(slot12[slot17] - 1) end if (slot10 == true or slot11 == 3) and slot9 ~= 3 then return true else return false end end function slot0.initCommander(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) for slot9 = 1, 2 do slot11 = nil if slot3:getEliteFleetCommanders()[slot1][slot9] then slot11 = getProxy(CommanderProxy):getCommanderById(slot10) end slot12 = slot2:Find("pos" .. slot9) setActive(slot12:Find("add"), not slot11) setActive(slot12:Find("info"), slot11) if slot11 then setImageSprite(slot14:Find("frame"), GetSpriteFromAtlas("weaponframes", "commander_" .. Commander.rarity2Frame(slot11:getRarity()))) GetImageSpriteFromAtlasAsync("CommanderHrz/" .. slot11:getPainting(), "", slot14:Find("mask/icon")) end slot15 = slot3:wrapEliteFleet(slot1) onButton(slot0, slot13, function () uv0.parent:openCommanderPanel(uv1,, uv3) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot14, function () uv0.parent:openCommanderPanel(uv1,, uv3) end, SFX_PANEL) end end function slot0.updateFleets(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.tfFleets[FleetType.Normal]) do setActive(slot0:findTF("btn_select", slot5), false) setActive(findTF(slot5, "selected"), false) slot11 = slot4 <= slot0.chapter:getConfig("group_num") setActive(findTF(slot5, TeamType.Main), slot11) setActive(findTF(slot5, TeamType.Vanguard), slot11) setActive(slot0:findTF("btn_clear", slot5), slot11 and not slot0.contextData.EditingCommander) setActive(slot0:findTF("btn_recom", slot5), slot11 and not slot0.contextData.EditingCommander) setActive(slot0:findTF("blank", slot5), not slot11) setActive(slot0:findTF("commander", slot5), slot11 and slot0.contextData.EditingCommander) setText(slot0:findTF("bg/name", slot5), slot11 and Fleet.DEFAULT_NAME[slot4] or "") if slot11 then slot12 = slot0.typeLimitations[slot4] slot0:initCommander(slot4, slot10, slot0.chapter) if slot0:initAddButton(slot5, TeamType.Main, slot12[1], slot4) and slot0:initAddButton(slot5, TeamType.Vanguard, slot12[2], slot4) then setActive(slot0:findTF("selected", slot5), true) end onButton(slot0, slot6, function () if #uv0.eliteFleetList[uv1] ~= 0 then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("battle_preCombatLayer_clear_confirm"), onYes = function () uv0.onEliteClear({ index = uv1, chapterVO = uv0.chapter }) end }) end end) onButton(slot0, slot7, function () if #uv0.eliteFleetList[uv1] ~= 6 then if slot0 ~= 0 then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("battle_preCombatLayer_auto_confirm"), onYes = function () uv0.onEliteRecommend({ index = uv1, chapterVO = uv0.chapter }) end }) else uv0.onEliteRecommend({ index = uv1, chapterVO = uv0.chapter }) end end end) end end for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.tfFleets[FleetType.Submarine]) do slot11 = slot0:findTF("commander", slot5) setActive(slot0:findTF("btn_select", slot5), false) setActive(findTF(slot5, "selected"), false) setActive(findTF(slot5, TeamType.Submarine), slot4 <= slot0.chapter:getConfig("submarine_num")) setActive(slot0:findTF("btn_clear", slot5), slot4 <= slot0.chapter:getConfig("submarine_num") and not slot0.contextData.EditingCommander) setActive(slot0:findTF("btn_recom", slot5), slot4 <= slot0.chapter:getConfig("submarine_num") and not slot0.contextData.EditingCommander) setActive(slot0:findTF("blank", slot5), slot0.chapter:getConfig("submarine_num") < slot4) setActive(slot11, slot4 <= slot0.chapter:getConfig("submarine_num") and slot0.contextData.EditingCommander) setText(slot0:findTF("bg/name", slot5), slot4 <= slot0.chapter:getConfig("submarine_num") and Fleet.DEFAULT_NAME[Fleet.SUBMARINE_FLEET_ID + slot4 - 1] or "") slot0:initCommander(slot4 + 2, slot11, slot0.chapter) if slot4 <= slot0.chapter:getConfig("submarine_num") then if slot0:initAddButton(slot5, TeamType.Submarine, { 0, 0, 0 }, slot6) then setActive(slot0:findTF("selected", slot5), true) end onButton(slot0, slot7, function () if #uv0.eliteFleetList[uv1] ~= 0 then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("battle_preCombatLayer_clear_confirm"), onYes = function () uv0.onEliteClear({ index = uv1, chapterVO = uv0.chapter }) end }) end end) onButton(slot0, slot8, function () if #uv0.eliteFleetList[uv1] ~= 3 then if slot0 ~= 0 then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("battle_preCombatLayer_auto_confirm"), onYes = function () uv0.onEliteRecommend({ index = uv1, chapterVO = uv0.chapter }) end }) else uv0.onEliteRecommend({ index = uv1, chapterVO = uv0.chapter }) end end end) end end end return slot0