slot0 = class("BattleMediator", import("..base.ContextMediator")) slot0.ON_BATTLE_RESULT = "BattleMediator:ON_BATTLE_RESULT" slot0.ON_PAUSE = "BattleMediator:ON_PAUSE" slot0.ENTER = "BattleMediator:ENTER" slot0.ON_BACK_PRE_SCENE = "BattleMediator:ON_BACK_PRE_SCENE" slot0.ON_LEAVE = "BattleMediator:ON_LEAVE" slot0.ON_CHAT = "BattleMediator:ON_CHAT" slot0.CLOSE_CHAT = "BattleMediator:CLOSE_CHAT" slot0.ON_AUTO = "BattleMediator:ON_AUTO" function slot0.register(slot0) Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep slot0:GenBattleData() slot0.contextData.battleData = slot0._battleData slot1 = ys.Battle.BattleState.GetInstance() slot2 = slot0.contextData.system slot0:bind(uv0.ON_BATTLE_RESULT, function (slot0, slot1) uv0:sendNotification(GAME.FINISH_STAGE, { token = uv0.contextData.token, mainFleetId = uv0.contextData.mainFleetId, stageId = uv0.contextData.stageId, rivalId = uv0.contextData.rivalId, memory = uv0.contextData.memory, exitCallback = uv0.contextData.exitCallback, system = uv1, statistics = slot1, actID = uv0.contextData.actId, mode = uv0.contextData.mode }) end) slot0:bind(uv0.ON_AUTO, function (slot0, slot1) uv0:onAutoBtn(slot1) end) slot0:bind(uv0.ON_PAUSE, function (slot0) uv0:onPauseBtn() end) slot0:bind(uv0.ON_LEAVE, function (slot0) uv0:warnFunc() end) slot0:bind(uv0.ON_CHAT, function (slot0, slot1) uv0:addSubLayers(Context.New({ mediator = NotificationMediator, viewComponent = NotificationLayer, data = { form = NotificationLayer.FORM_BATTLE, chatViewParent = slot1 } })) end) slot0:bind(uv0.ENTER, function (slot0) uv0:EnterBattle(uv1._battleData, uv1.contextData.prePause) end) slot0:bind(uv0.ON_BACK_PRE_SCENE, function () slot0 = getProxy(ContextProxy) slot2 = slot0:getContextByMediator(LevelMediator2) slot3 = slot0:getContextByMediator(ChallengeMainMediator) slot4 = slot0:getContextByMediator(ActivityBossBattleMediator3) if slot0:getContextByMediator(DailyLevelMediator) then slot1:removeChild(slot1:getContextByMediator(PreCombatMediator)) elseif slot3 then uv0:sendNotification(GAME.CHALLENGE2_RESET, { mode = uv0.contextData.mode }) slot3:removeChild(slot3:getContextByMediator(ChallengePreCombatMediator)) elseif slot2 then if uv1 == SYSTEM_DUEL then -- Nothing elseif uv1 == SYSTEM_SCENARIO then if slot2:getContextByMediator(ChapterPreCombatMediator) then slot2:removeChild(slot5) end elseif uv1 ~= SYSTEM_PERFORM and uv1 ~= SYSTEM_SIMULATION then slot2:removeChild(slot2:getContextByMediator(PreCombatMediator)) end elseif slot4 and slot4:getContextByMediator(PreCombatMediator) then slot4:removeChild(slot5) end uv0:sendNotification(GAME.GO_BACK) end) if getProxy(PlayerProxy) then slot0.player = slot3:getData() slot3:setFlag("battle", true) end end function slot0.onAutoBtn(slot0, slot1) slot0:sendNotification(GAME.AUTO_BOT, { isActiveBot = slot1.isOn, toggle = slot1.toggle }) end function slot0.onPauseBtn(slot0) slot1 = ys.Battle.BattleState.GetInstance() if slot0.contextData.system == SYSTEM_PROLOGUE or slot0.contextData.system == SYSTEM_PERFORM then slot2 = {} if EPILOGUE_SKIPPABLE then table.insert(slot2, 1, { text = "关爱胡德", btnType = pg.MsgboxMgr.BUTTON_RED, onCallback = function () uv0:Deactive() uv1:sendNotification(GAME.GO_SCENE, SCENE.CREATE_PLAYER) end }) end pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = i18n("help_battle_rule"), onClose = function () ys.Battle.BattleState.GetInstance():Resume() end, onNo = function () ys.Battle.BattleState.GetInstance():Resume() end, custom = slot2 }) slot1:Pause() elseif slot0.contextData.system == SYSTEM_DODGEM then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = i18n("help_battle_warspite"), onClose = function () ys.Battle.BattleState.GetInstance():Resume() end, onNo = function () ys.Battle.BattleState.GetInstance():Resume() end, custom = { { text = "text_cancel_fight", btnType = pg.MsgboxMgr.BUTTON_RED, onCallback = function () uv0:warnFunc(function () ys.Battle.BattleState.GetInstance():Resume() end) end } } }) slot1:Pause() elseif slot0.contextData.system == SYSTEM_SIMULATION then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = i18n("help_battle_rule"), onClose = function () ys.Battle.BattleState.GetInstance():Resume() end, onNo = function () ys.Battle.BattleState.GetInstance():Resume() end, custom = { { text = "text_cancel_fight", btnType = pg.MsgboxMgr.BUTTON_RED, onCallback = function () uv0:warnFunc(function () ys.Battle.BattleState.GetInstance():Resume() end) end } } }) slot1:Pause() elseif slot0.contextData.system == SYSTEM_SUBMARINE_RUN or slot0.contextData.system == SYSTEM_SUB_ROUTINE or slot0.contextData.system == SYSTEM_REWARD_PERFORM then slot1:Pause() slot0:warnFunc(function () ys.Battle.BattleState.GetInstance():Resume() end) else slot0.viewComponent:updatePauseWindow() slot1:Pause() end end function slot0.warnFunc(slot0, slot1) slot2 = ys.Battle.BattleState.GetInstance() slot3 = slot0.contextData.system slot4, slot5 = nil pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ modal = true, hideYes = true, hideNo = true, content = (not slot0.contextData.warnMsg or #slot6 <= 0 or i18n(slot6)) and (slot3 ~= SYSTEM_CHALLENGE or i18n("battle_battleMediator_clear_warning")) and (slot3 ~= SYSTEM_SIMULATION or i18n("tech_simulate_quit")) and i18n("battle_battleMediator_quest_exist"), onClose = slot1, custom = { { text = "text_cancel", onCallback = slot1, sound = SFX_CANCEL }, { text = "text_exit", btnType = pg.MsgboxMgr.BUTTON_RED, onCallback = function () uv0:Stop() end, sound = SFX_CONFIRM } } }) end function slot0.guideDispatch(slot0) end function slot1(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = {} for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot1:getActiveEquipments()) do if slot9 then slot4[#slot4 + 1] = { id = slot9.configId, skin = slot9.skinId, equipmentInfo = slot9 } else slot4[#slot4 + 1] = { skin = 0, id = slot9, equipmentInfo = slot9 } end end for slot9, slot10 in pairs(slot1.skills) do slot11 = { level = slot10.level, id = ys.Battle.BattleDataFunction.SkillTranform(slot0, } ys.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GenerateHiddenBuff(slot1.configId)[] = slot11 end for slot9, slot10 in pairs(slot1:getTriggerSkills()) do slot11 = { level = slot10.level, id = ys.Battle.BattleDataFunction.SkillTranform(slot0, } slot5[] = slot11 end return { id =, tmpID = slot1.configId, skinId = slot1.skinId, level = slot1.level, equipment = slot4, properties = slot1:getProperties(slot2, slot3), baseProperties = slot1:getShipProperties(), proficiency = slot1:getEquipProficiencyList(), rarity = slot1:getRarity(), intimacy = slot1:getCVIntimacy(), shipGS = slot1:getShipCombatPower(), skills = slot5, baseList = slot1:getBaseList(), preloasList = slot1:getPreLoadCount(), name = slot1:getName() } end function slot0.GenBattleData(slot0) slot1 = {} slot0._battleData = slot1 slot1.battleType = slot0.contextData.system slot1.StageTmpId = slot0.contextData.stageId slot1.MainUnitList = {} slot1.VanguardUnitList = {} slot1.SubUnitList = {} slot1.AidUnitList = {} slot1.SubFlag = -1 slot1.ActID = slot0.contextData.actId if pg.battle_cost_template[slot0.contextData.system].global_buff_effected > 0 then slot3 = {} for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(getProxy(ActivityProxy):GetBuildingBuff()) do if pg.benefit_buff_template[].benefit_type == ys.Battle.BattleConst.BATTLE_GLOBAL_BUFF then table.insert(getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData():getBuffByType(ys.Battle.BattleConst.BATTLE_GLOBAL_BUFF), slot11) end end for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(getProxy(ActivityProxy):GetPTActivityBuff()) do if pg.benefit_buff_template[].benefit_type == ys.Battle.BattleConst.BATTLE_GLOBAL_BUFF then table.insert(slot5, slot12) end end _.each(slot5, function (slot0) table.insert(uv0, pg.benefit_buff_template[].benefit_effect) end) slot1.GlobalBuffIDs = slot3 or {} end slot3 = getProxy(BayProxy) slot4 = {} if slot2 == SYSTEM_SCENARIO then slot5 = getProxy(ChapterProxy) slot6 = slot5:getActiveChapter() slot1.RepressInfo = slot6:getRepressInfo() slot0.viewComponent:setChapter(slot6) slot7 = slot6.fleet slot1.KizunaJamming = slot6.extraFlagList slot1.DefeatCount = slot7:getDefeatCount() slot1.ChapterBuffIDs, slot1.CommanderList = slot6:getFleetBattleBuffs(slot7) slot1.StageWaveFlags = slot6:GetFleetAttachmentConfig("stage_flags", slot7.line.row, slot7.line.column) slot1.MapAuraSkills = slot5.GetChapterAuraBuffs(slot6) slot8 = _.values(slot7:getCommanders()) slot9 = {} slot10 = slot7:getShipsByTeam(TeamType.Main, false) slot11 = slot7:getShipsByTeam(TeamType.Vanguard, false) slot12 = {} slot13, slot14 = slot5.getSubAidFlag(slot6) if slot13 == true or slot13 > 0 then slot1.SubFlag = 1 slot1.TotalSubAmmo = 1 slot12 = slot14:getShipsByTeam(TeamType.Submarine, false) slot9 = _.values(slot14:getCommanders()) slot15, slot1.SubCommanderList = slot6:getFleetBattleBuffs(slot14) else slot1.SubFlag = slot13 if slot13 ~= ys.Battle.BattleConst.SubAidFlag.AID_EMPTY then slot1.TotalSubAmmo = 0 end end slot1.MapAidSkills = {} for slot19, slot20 in pairs(slot5.GetChapterAidBuffs(slot6)) do table.insert(slot1.AidUnitList, uv0(slot2, slot19, _.values(slot6:getFleetByShipVO(slot19):getCommanders()))) for slot27, slot28 in ipairs(slot20) do table.insert(slot1.MapAidSkills, slot28) end end slot0.mainShips = {} for slot20, slot21 in ipairs(slot10) do function (slot0, slot1, slot2) slot4 = slot0.hpRant * 0.0001 if table.contains(uv0, then BattleVertify.cloneShipVertiry = true end uv0[#uv0 + 1] = slot3 slot5 = uv1(uv2, slot0, slot1) slot5.initHPRate = slot4 table.insert(uv3.mainShips, slot0) table.insert(slot2, slot5) end(slot21, slot8, slot1.MainUnitList) end for slot20, slot21 in ipairs(slot11) do slot16(slot21, slot8, slot1.VanguardUnitList) end for slot20, slot21 in ipairs(slot12) do slot16(slot21, slot9, slot1.SubUnitList) end slot0.viewComponent:setFleet(slot10, slot11, slot12) elseif slot2 == SYSTEM_CHALLENGE then slot7 = getProxy(ChallengeProxy):getUserChallengeInfo(slot0.contextData.mode) slot1.ChallengeInfo = slot7 slot0.viewComponent:setChapter(slot7) slot8 = slot7:getRegularFleet() slot1.CommanderList = slot8:buildBattleBuffList() slot9 = _.values(slot8:getCommanders()) slot10 = {} slot11 = slot8:getShipsByTeam(TeamType.Main, false) slot12 = slot8:getShipsByTeam(TeamType.Vanguard, false) slot13 = {} if #slot7:getSubmarineFleet():getShipsByTeam(TeamType.Submarine, false) > 0 then slot1.SubFlag = 1 slot1.TotalSubAmmo = 1 slot10 = _.values(slot14:getCommanders()) slot1.SubCommanderList = slot14:buildBattleBuffList() else slot1.SubFlag = 0 if flag ~= ys.Battle.BattleConst.SubAidFlag.AID_EMPTY then slot1.TotalSubAmmo = 0 end end slot0.mainShips = {} for slot19, slot20 in ipairs(slot11) do function (slot0, slot1, slot2) slot4 = slot0.hpRant * 0.0001 if table.contains(uv0, then BattleVertify.cloneShipVertiry = true end uv0[#uv0 + 1] = slot3 slot5 = uv1(uv2, slot0, slot1) slot5.initHPRate = slot4 table.insert(uv3.mainShips, slot0) table.insert(slot2, slot5) end(slot20, slot9, slot1.MainUnitList) end for slot19, slot20 in ipairs(slot12) do slot15(slot20, slot9, slot1.VanguardUnitList) end for slot19, slot20 in ipairs(slot13) do slot15(slot20, slot10, slot1.SubUnitList) end slot0.viewComponent:setFleet(slot11, slot12, slot13) elseif slot2 == SYSTEM_WORLD then slot6 = getProxy(WorldProxy):GetWorld() slot7 = slot6:GetActiveMap() slot8 = slot7:GetFleet() slot1.AffixBuffList = slot7:GetCell(slot8.row, slot8.column):GetStageEnemy():GetBattleBuffList() slot11 = slot8:GetTeamShipVOs(TeamType.Main, false) slot12 = slot8:GetTeamShipVOs(TeamType.Vanguard, false) slot13 = {} if slot6:IsSubmarineSupporting() then if slot7:GetSubmarineFleet():GetAmmo() <= 0 then slot1.SubFlag = ys.Battle.BattleConst.SubAidFlag.AMMO_EMPTY slot1.TotalSubAmmo = 0 else slot1.SubFlag = 1 slot1.TotalSubAmmo = 1 slot13 = slot14:GetTeamShipVOs(TeamType.Submarine, false) end else slot1.SubFlag = ys.Battle.BattleConst.SubAidFlag.AID_EMPTY end slot0.mainShips = {} for slot17, slot18 in ipairs(slot11) do slot20 = slot18.bindingData.hpRant * 0.0001 if table.contains(slot4, then BattleVertify.cloneShipVertiry = true end slot4[#slot4 + 1] = slot19 slot21 = uv0(slot2, slot18) slot21.initHPRate = slot20 table.insert(slot0.mainShips, slot18) table.insert(slot1.MainUnitList, slot21) end for slot17, slot18 in ipairs(slot12) do slot20 = slot18.bindingData.hpRant * 0.0001 if table.contains(slot4, then BattleVertify.cloneShipVertiry = true end slot4[#slot4 + 1] = slot19 slot21 = uv0(slot2, slot18) slot21.initHPRate = slot20 table.insert(slot0.mainShips, slot18) table.insert(slot1.VanguardUnitList, slot21) end for slot17, slot18 in ipairs(slot13) do slot20 = slot18.bindingData.hpRant * 0.0001 if table.contains(slot4, then BattleVertify.cloneShipVertiry = true end slot4[#slot4 + 1] = slot19 slot21 = uv0(slot2, slot18) slot21.initHPRate = slot20 table.insert(slot0.mainShips, slot18) table.insert(slot1.SubUnitList, slot21) end slot0.viewComponent:setFleet(slot11, slot12, slot13) elseif slot2 == SYSTEM_HP_SHARE_ACT_BOSS or slot2 == SYSTEM_ACT_BOSS or slot2 == SYSTEM_BOSS_EXPERIMENT then if slot0.contextData.mainFleetId then slot7 = getProxy(FleetProxy):getActivityFleets()[slot0.contextData.actId][slot0.contextData.mainFleetId] slot1.CommanderList = slot7:buildBattleBuffList() slot0.mainShips = {} slot10 = {} slot11 = {} slot14 = slot7:getTeamByName(TeamType.Vanguard) for slot18, slot19 in ipairs(slot7:getTeamByName(TeamType.Main)) do function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if table.contains(uv0, slot0) then BattleVertify.cloneShipVertiry = true end uv0[#uv0 + 1] = slot0 slot4 = uv1:getShipById(slot0) table.insert(uv4.mainShips, slot4) table.insert(slot3, slot4) table.insert(slot2, uv2(uv3, slot4, slot1)) end(slot19, _.values(slot7:getCommanders()), slot1.MainUnitList, {}) end for slot18, slot19 in ipairs(slot14) do slot12(slot19, slot8, slot1.VanguardUnitList, slot10) end slot15 = slot6[slot0.contextData.mainFleetId + 10] for slot21, slot22 in ipairs(slot15:getTeamByName(TeamType.Submarine)) do slot12(slot22, _.values(slot15:getCommanders()), slot1.SubUnitList, slot11) end if slot15:isLegalToFight() == true and (slot2 == SYSTEM_BOSS_EXPERIMENT or slot15:GetCostSum().oil + slot7:GetCostSum().oil < getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().oil) then slot1.SubFlag = 1 slot1.TotalSubAmmo = 1 end slot1.SubCommanderList = slot15:buildBattleBuffList() slot0.viewComponent:setFleet(slot9, slot10, slot11) end elseif slot0.contextData.mainFleetId then slot5 = slot2 == SYSTEM_DUEL slot7, slot8 = nil slot7 = getProxy(FleetProxy):getFleetById(slot0.contextData.mainFleetId) slot0.mainShips = slot3:getShipsByFleet(slot7) slot9 = {} slot10 = {} slot11 = {} function slot12(slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0) do if table.contains(uv0, slot7) then BattleVertify.cloneShipVertiry = true end uv0[#uv0 + 1] = slot7 slot8 = uv1:getShipById(slot7) table.insert(slot1, slot8) table.insert(slot2, uv2(uv3, slot8, nil, uv4)) end end slot12(slot7:getTeamByName(TeamType.Main), slot9, slot1.MainUnitList) slot12(slot7:getTeamByName(TeamType.Vanguard), slot10, slot1.VanguardUnitList) slot12(slot7:getTeamByName(TeamType.Submarine), slot11, slot1.SubUnitList) slot0.viewComponent:setFleet(slot9, slot10, slot11) end if slot0.mainShips then slot0.sortMainShips(slot0.mainShips) end slot1.RivalVanguardUnitList = {} slot1.RivalMainUnitList = {} slot5 = nil if slot2 == SYSTEM_DUEL and slot0.contextData.rivalId then slot6 = getProxy(MilitaryExerciseProxy) slot5 = slot6:getRivalById(slot0.contextData.rivalId) slot0.oldRank = slot6:getSeasonInfo() end if slot5 then slot1.RivalVO = slot5 for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot5.mainShips) do slot6 = 0 + slot11.level end for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot5.vanguardShips) do slot6 = slot6 + slot11.level end BattleVertify = BattleVertify or {} BattleVertify.rivalLevel = slot6 for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot5.mainShips) do if not slot11.hpRant or slot11.hpRant > 0 then slot12 = uv0(slot2, slot11, nil, true) if slot11.hpRant then slot12.initHPRate = slot11.hpRant * 0.0001 end table.insert(slot1.RivalMainUnitList, slot12) end end for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot5.vanguardShips) do if not slot11.hpRant or slot11.hpRant > 0 then slot12 = uv0(slot2, slot11, nil, true) if slot11.hpRant then slot12.initHPRate = slot11.hpRant * 0.0001 end table.insert(slot1.RivalVanguardUnitList, slot12) end end end slot7 = slot0.contextData.prefabFleet.vanguard_unitList slot8 = slot0.contextData.prefabFleet.submarine_unitList if slot0.contextData.prefabFleet.main_unitList then for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot6) do slot14 = {} for slot18, slot19 in ipairs( do slot14[#slot14 + 1] = { skin = 0, id = slot19 } end table.insert(slot1.MainUnitList, { id =, tmpID = slot13.configId, skinId = slot13.skinId, level = slot13.level, equipment = slot14, properties =, proficiency = { 1, 1, 1 }, skills = slot13.skills }) end end if slot7 then for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot7) do slot14 = {} for slot18, slot19 in ipairs( do slot14[#slot14 + 1] = { skin = 0, id = slot19 } end table.insert(slot1.VanguardUnitList, { id =, tmpID = slot13.configId, skinId = slot13.skinId, level = slot13.level, equipment = slot14, properties =, proficiency = { 1, 1, 1 }, skills = slot13.skills }) end end if slot8 then for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot8) do slot14 = {} for slot18, slot19 in ipairs( do slot14[#slot14 + 1] = { skin = 0, id = slot19 } end table.insert(slot1.SubUnitList, { id =, tmpID = slot13.configId, skinId = slot13.skinId, level = slot13.level, equipment = slot14, properties =, proficiency = { 1, 1, 1 }, skills = slot13.skills }) if slot2 == SYSTEM_SIMULATION and #slot1.SubUnitList > 0 then slot1.SubFlag = 1 slot1.TotalSubAmmo = 1 end end end end function slot0.listNotificationInterests(slot0) return { GAME.FINISH_STAGE_DONE, GAME.FINISH_STAGE_ERROR, GAME.STORY_BEGIN, GAME.STORY_END, GAME.END_GUIDE, GAME.START_GUIDE, GAME.PAUSE_BATTLE, uv0.CLOSE_CHAT } end function slot0.handleNotification(slot0, slot1) slot4 = ys.Battle.BattleState.GetInstance() slot5 = slot0.contextData.system if slot1:getName() == GAME.FINISH_STAGE_DONE then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():hide() gcAll(true) if slot1:getBody().system == SYSTEM_PROLOGUE then ys.Battle.BattleState.GetInstance():Deactive() slot0:sendNotification(GAME.GO_SCENE, SCENE.CREATE_PLAYER) elseif slot6 == SYSTEM_PERFORM or slot6 == SYSTEM_SIMULATION then ys.Battle.BattleState.GetInstance():Deactive() slot0.viewComponent:exitBattle() if slot3.exitCallback then slot3.exitCallback() end else slot7 = BattleResultMediator.GetResultView(slot6) slot8 = {} if slot6 == SYSTEM_SCENARIO then slot8 = getProxy(ChapterProxy):getActiveChapter().operationBuffList end slot0:addSubLayers(Context.New({ mediator = BattleResultMediator, viewComponent = slot7, data = { system = slot6, rivalId = slot0.contextData.rivalId, mainFleetId = slot0.contextData.mainFleetId, stageId = slot0.contextData.stageId, oldMainShips = slot0.mainShips, oldPlayer = slot0.player, oldRank = slot0.oldRank, statistics = slot3.statistics, score = slot3.score, drops = slot3.drops, prefabFleet = slot3.prefabFleet, commanderExps = slot3.commanderExps, actId = slot0.contextData.actId, result = slot3.result, extraDrops = slot3.extraDrops, extraBuffList = slot8, mode = slot0.contextData.mode } })) end elseif slot2 == GAME.STORY_BEGIN then slot4:Pause() elseif slot2 == GAME.STORY_END then slot4:Resume() elseif slot2 == GAME.START_GUIDE then slot4:Pause() elseif slot2 == GAME.END_GUIDE then slot4:Resume() elseif slot2 == GAME.PAUSE_BATTLE then if not slot4:IsPause() then slot0:onPauseBtn() end elseif slot2 == GAME.FINISH_STAGE_ERROR then gcAll(true) slot6 = getProxy(ContextProxy) slot8 = slot6:getContextByMediator(LevelMediator2) slot9 = slot6:getContextByMediator(ChallengeMainMediator) slot10 = slot6:getContextByMediator(ActivityBossBattleMediator2) if slot6:getContextByMediator(DailyLevelMediator) then slot7:removeChild(slot7:getContextByMediator(PreCombatMediator)) elseif slot9 then slot9:removeChild(slot9:getContextByMediator(ChallengePreCombatMediator)) elseif slot8 then if slot5 == SYSTEM_DUEL then -- Nothing elseif slot5 == SYSTEM_SCENARIO then slot8:removeChild(slot8:getContextByMediator(ChapterPreCombatMediator)) elseif slot5 ~= SYSTEM_PERFORM and slot5 ~= SYSTEM_SIMULATION then slot8:removeChild(slot8:getContextByMediator(PreCombatMediator)) end elseif slot10 and slot10:getContextByMediator(PreCombatMediator) then slot10:removeChild(slot11) end slot0:sendNotification(GAME.GO_BACK) elseif slot2 == uv0.CLOSE_CHAT then slot0.viewComponent:OnCloseChat() end end function slot0.sortMainShips(slot0) slot1 = ys.Battle.BattleDataFunction table.sort(slot0, function (slot0, slot1) return TeamType.TeamTypeSortIndex(TeamType.TypeToTeamType(uv0.GetPlayerShipTmpDataFromID(slot0.configId).type)) < TeamType.TeamTypeSortIndex(TeamType.TypeToTeamType(uv0.GetPlayerShipTmpDataFromID(slot1.configId).type)) end) end function slot0.remove(slot0) Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.SystemSetting end return slot0