slot0 = class("BackYardDecorationFurniturePage", import(".BackYardDecorationBasePage")) function slot1(slot0) if not uv0.tagsList then uv0.tagsList = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } end return uv0.tagsList[slot0] end function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "BackYardDecorationFurniturePage" end function slot0.OnFurnitureUpdated(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in pairs( do if"id") == slot1:getConfig("id") then slot6:Flush(slot1, slot0.dorm:GetPutCntForFurniture(slot1)) break end end end function slot0.OnDisplayList(slot0) slot0.displays = slot0:GetDisplays() slot0:SortDisplays() end function slot2(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if (slot3[].ownCnt <= slot3[].putCnt and 0 or 1) == (slot3[].ownCnt <= slot3[].putCnt and 0 or 1) then if slot2 == BackYardDecorationFilterPanel.ORDER_MODE_ASC then return < elseif slot2 == BackYardDecorationFilterPanel.ORDER_MODE_DASC then return < end else return slot6 < slot7 end end function slot0.SortDisplays(slot0) if not slot0.contextData.filterPanel:GetLoaded() then slot1 = { [] = { putCnt = slot0.dorm:GetPutCntForFurniture(slot6), ownCnt = slot6:GetOwnCnt() } } for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.displays) do -- Nothing end table.sort(slot0.displays, function (slot0, slot1) return uv0(slot0, slot1, uv1.orderMode, uv2) end) slot0:SetTotalCount() return end slot0.contextData.filterPanel:setFilterData(slot0:GetDisplays()) slot0.contextData.filterPanel:filter() slot0:OnFilterDone(slot0.contextData.filterPanel:GetFilterData()) end function slot0.OnOrderModeUpdated(slot0) slot0:SortDisplays() end function slot0.change2ScrPos(slot0, slot1) return LuaHelper.ScreenToLocal(slot0:GetComponent("RectTransform"), slot1, GameObject.Find("UICamera"):GetComponent("Camera")) end function slot0.OnLoaded(slot0) slot0.scrollRect = slot0._tf:GetComponent("LScrollRect") function slot1() if uv0.timer then uv0.timer:Stop() uv0.timer = nil end end function slot2(slot0) uv0.timer = Timer.New(slot0, 0.8, 1) uv0.timer:Start() end function slot3(slot0) slot1 = uv0.change2ScrPos(uv1._tf:Find("content"), slot0.position) slot2 = nil for slot6, slot7 in pairs( do slot8 = slot7._bg slot9 = slot7._tf.localPosition.x slot10 = slot7._tf.localPosition.y slot12 = Vector2(slot9 + slot8.rect.width / 2, slot10 - slot8.rect.height / 2) if Vector2(slot9 - slot8.rect.width / 2, slot10 - slot8.rect.height / 2).x < slot1.x and slot1.x < slot12.x and slot12.y < slot1.y and slot1.y < Vector2(slot9 + slot8.rect.width / 2, slot10 + slot8.rect.height / 2).y then slot2 = slot7 break end end return slot2 end slot4 = GetOrAddComponent(slot0._tf, typeof(EventTriggerListener)) slot4:AddPointDownFunc(function (slot0, slot1) uv0.downPosition = slot1.position if uv1(slot1) then uv2() uv3(function () uv0.lock = true uv0.contextData.furnitureDescMsgBox:ExecuteAction("SetUp",, uv1._tf.position) end) end end) slot4:AddPointUpFunc(function (slot0, slot1) uv0() if uv1.lock then uv1.contextData.furnitureDescMsgBox:ExecuteAction("Hide") onNextTick(function () uv0.lock = false end) else if Vector2.Distance(slot1.position, uv1.downPosition) > 1 then return end if uv2(slot1) and slot3:HasMask() and then uv1:emit(BackYardDecorationMediator.REMOVE_PAPER, elseif slot3 and not slot3:HasMask() then slot4 = Clone( slot4:clearPosition() uv1:emit(BackYardDecorationMediator.ADD_FURNITURE, slot4) end end end) end function slot0.OnInitItem(slot0, slot1)[slot1] = BackYardDecorationCard.New(slot1) end function slot0.OnUpdateItem(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not[slot2] then slot0:OnInitItem(slot2) slot3 =[slot2] end slot4 = slot0.lastDiaplys[slot1 + 1] slot3:Update(slot4, slot0.dorm:GetPutCntForFurniture(slot4)) end function slot0.GetDisplays(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0.dorm:GetAllFurniture()) do if pg.furniture_data_template[] and uv0(slot7:getConfig("tag")) == slot0.pageType then table.insert(slot1, slot7) end end return slot1 end function slot0.OnFilterDone(slot0, slot1) slot0.displays = slot1 slot0:SetTotalCount() end function slot0.SetTotalCount(slot0) slot0.lastDiaplys = {} for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.displays) do if slot5:isMatchSearchKey(slot0.searchKey) then table.insert(slot0.lastDiaplys, slot5) end end slot0.scrollRect:SetTotalCount(#slot0.lastDiaplys) end function slot0.OnSearchKeyChanged(slot0) slot0:SetTotalCount() end function slot0.OnDestroy(slot0) if slot0.timer then slot0.timer:Stop() slot0.timer = nil end end return slot0