slot0 = class("DecodeGameController") function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) slot0.model = DecodeGameModel.New(slot0) slot0.view = DecodeGameView.New(slot0) end function slot0.SetCallback(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot0.exitCallBack = slot1 slot0.saveDataCallback = slot2 slot0.successCallback = slot3 end function slot0.SetUp(slot0, slot1) seriesAsync({ function (slot0) uv0.isIniting = true uv0.model:SetData(uv1) uv0:UpdateProgress() uv0.view:UpdateCanUseCnt(uv0.model.canUseCnt) uv0:SwitchMap(, slot0()) end, function (slot0) uv0:PlayVoice(DecodeGameConst.OPEN_DOOR_VOICE) uv0.view:DoEnterAnim(slot0) end, function (slot0) pg.StoryMgr.GetInstance():Play(DecodeGameConst.STORYID, slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0.view:ShowHelper(1, slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0.isIniting = nil uv0:ShowTip() uv0.view:Inited(uv0.model.isFinished) end }) end function slot0.ShowTip(slot0) slot1 = slot0.model:GetUnlockMapCnt() slot2 = nil if slot0.model.isFinished then slot2 = 0 elseif slot1 < DecodeGameConst.MAX_MAP_COUNT and slot0.model.canUseCnt <= 0 then slot2 = 1 elseif slot1 < DecodeGameConst.MAX_MAP_COUNT and slot0.model.canUseCnt > 0 then slot2 = 2 elseif not slot0.isInDecodeMap and not slot0.isInComparison and slot1 == DecodeGameConst.MAX_MAP_COUNT then slot2 = 3 elseif slot0.isInDecodeMap and not slot0.isInComparison and slot1 == DecodeGameConst.MAX_MAP_COUNT then slot2 = 4 elseif slot0.isInDecodeMap and slot0.isInComparison and slot1 == DecodeGameConst.MAX_MAP_COUNT then slot2 = 5 end slot0.view:ShowTip(slot2) end function slot0.UpdateProgress(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0.model:GetUnlockedCnt() slot3 = slot0.model:GetUnlockMapCnt() slot4, slot5 = slot0.model:GetPassWordProgress() slot1 = slot1 or function () end if slot5 > (slot0.finishCnt or 0) and slot5 ~= #slot4 then slot0.finishCnt = slot5 slot0:PlayVoice(DecodeGameConst.INCREASE_PASSWORD_PROGRESS_VOICE) end slot0.view:UpdateProgress(slot2, slot3, slot4, slot1) end function slot0.SwitchMap(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.inSwitching then return end if slot0.mapId ~= slot1 then function slot3(slot0) parallelAsync({ function (slot0) if not uv0.isInDecodeMap then uv0.view:OnSwitchMap(slot0) else slot0() end end, function (slot0) if not uv0.mapId then slot0() return end uv0.model:ExitMap() uv0.view:OnExitMap(uv0.mapId, uv0.isInDecodeMap, slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0.mapId = nil uv0.model:SwitchMap(uv1) uv0.view:UpdateMap( uv0.view:OnEnterMap(uv1, uv0.isInDecodeMap, slot0) end }, slot0) end seriesAsync({ function (slot0) if not uv0.isIniting then uv0:PlayVoice(DecodeGameConst.SWITCH_MAP_VOCIE) end uv0.inSwitching = true uv1(slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0.mapId = uv1 if not uv0.isInDecodeMap then slot0() return end uv0.isInComparison = true uv0:PlayVoice(DecodeGameConst.SCAN_MAP_VOICE) uv0.view:OnDecodeMap(, slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0.inSwitching = nil if uv0.isInDecodeMap then uv0:ShowTip() uv0.view:ShowHelper(3, slot0) else slot0() end end }, slot2) end end function slot0.Unlock(slot0, slot1) if slot0.inSwitching then return end if slot0.isInDecodeMap then slot0:EnterPassWord(slot1) else slot0:UnlockMapItem(slot1) end end function slot0.EnterPassWord(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.model:IsMapKey(slot1) then return end if slot0.model:IsUsedMapKey(slot1) then return end if slot0.model:CheckIndex(slot1) then slot0.model:InsertMapKey(slot1) slot0.view:OnRightCode(slot1, slot0.model:GetMapKeyStr(slot1), slot0.model:GetCurrMapKeyIndex(slot1)) if slot0.model:IsSuccess() then slot0.model:Finish() slot0:PlayVoice(DecodeGameConst.GET_AWARD_DONE_VOICE) slot0.view:OnSuccess(function () if uv0.successCallback then uv0.successCallback() end end) else slot0:PlayVoice(DecodeGameConst.PASSWORD_IS_RIGHT_VOICE) end slot0:UpdateProgress() else slot0:PlayVoice(DecodeGameConst.PASSWORD_IS_FALSE_VOICE) slot0.view:OnFalseCode(slot1) end end function slot0.UnlockMapItem(slot0, slot1) if slot0.model.canUseCnt > 0 and not slot0.model:IsUnlock(slot1) then seriesAsync({ function (slot0) uv0.inSwitching = true uv0.model:UnlockMapItem(uv1) uv0.view:UnlockMapItem(uv1, slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0.view:UpdateCanUseCnt(uv0.model.canUseCnt) if uv0.model:IsUnlockMap( then uv0:RepairMap() else uv0:PlayVoice(DecodeGameConst.INCREASE_PROGRESS_VOICE) uv0:UpdateProgress() if uv0.saveDataCallback then uv0.saveDataCallback() end uv0.inSwitching = nil end uv0:ShowTip() slot0() end }) end end function slot0.RepairMap(slot0) seriesAsync({ function (slot0) uv0.model:OnRepairMap() uv0.view:OnMapRepairing(slot0) end, function (slot0) if uv0.saveDataCallback then uv0.saveDataCallback(slot0) else slot0() end end, function (slot0) uv0:PlayVoice(DecodeGameConst.INCREASE_PROGRESS_VOICE) uv0.view:UpdateMap( uv0:UpdateProgress(slot0) end, function (slot0) if uv0.model:GetUnlockMapCnt() == DecodeGameConst.MAX_MAP_COUNT then uv0.view:ShowHelper(2, slot0) end uv0.inSwitching = nil end }) end function slot0.CanSwitch(slot0) return not slot0.inSwitching end function slot0.SwitchToDecodeMap(slot0, slot1) if slot0.inSwitching then return end if slot1 then slot0:EnterDecodeMap() else slot0:ExitDeCodeMap() end end function slot0.ExitDeCodeMap(slot0) slot0.isFirstSwitch = false seriesAsync({ function (slot0) uv0:PlayVoice(DecodeGameConst.PRESS_UP_PASSWORDBTN) uv0.finishCnt = 0 uv0.isInComparison = nil uv0.inSwitching = true uv0.view:OnEnterNormalMapBefore(slot0) end, function (slot0) parallelAsync({ function (slot0) uv0.view:OnEnterNormalMap(, slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0.mapId = uv0.view:OnEnterMap(uv0.mapId, false, slot0) end }, slot0) end, function () uv0.model:ClearMapKeys() uv0:UpdateProgress() uv0.isInDecodeMap = nil uv0.inSwitching = nil uv0:ShowTip() end }) end function slot0.EnterDecodeMap(slot0) slot0.isInDecodeMap = true slot0.isFirstSwitch = true seriesAsync({ function (slot0) uv0:PlayVoice(DecodeGameConst.PRESS_DOWN_PASSWORDBTN) uv0.inSwitching = true parallelAsync({ function (slot0) uv0.view:OnEnterDecodeMapBefore(slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0.view:OnExitMap(uv0.mapId, true, slot0) end }, slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0.mapId = nil uv0.view:OnEnterDecodeMap(uv0.model:GetMapKeyStrs(), slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0:ShowTip() uv0.inSwitching = nil end }) end function slot0.ExitGame(slot0) if slot0.inSwitching then return end if slot0.exitCallBack then slot0.exitCallBack() end end function slot0.PlayVoice(slot0, slot1) if slot1 and slot1 ~= "" then slot0.view:PlayVoice(slot1) end end function slot0.GetSaveData(slot0) return slot0.model.unlocks end function slot0.Dispose(slot0) slot0.model:Dispose() slot0.view:Dispose() end return slot0