pg = pg or {} slot0 = pg slot0.SendWindow = class("SendWindow") slot1 = slot0.SendWindow slot2 = nil slot3 = false function slot1.Ctor(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.connectionMgr = slot1 slot0.packetIdx = defaultValue(slot2, 0) if Application.isEditor and not uv0 then uv0 = true DebugMgr.Inst.onRequestResend:AddListener(uv1.onRequestResend) end slot0.isSending = false slot0.toSends = {} slot0.retryCount = 0 uv2 = {} end function slot1.setPacketIdx(slot0, slot1) slot0.packetIdx = slot1 end function slot1.getPacketIdx(slot0) return slot0.packetIdx end function slot1.incPacketIdx(slot0) slot0.packetIdx = slot0.packetIdx + 1 end if Application.isEditor then function slot1.serialize(slot0) if type(slot0) == "number" then slot1 = "" .. slot0 elseif slot2 == "boolean" then slot1 = slot1 .. tostring(slot0) elseif slot2 == "string" then slot1 = slot1 .. string.format("%q", slot0) elseif slot2 == "table" then for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0) do slot1 = slot1 .. "{\n" .. "[" .. uv0.serialize(slot6) .. "]=" .. uv0.serialize(slot7) .. ",\n" end if getmetatable(slot0) ~= nil and type(slot3.__index) == "table" then for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot3.__index) do slot1 = slot1 .. "[" .. uv0.serialize(slot7) .. "]=" .. uv0.serialize(slot8) .. ",\n" end end slot1 = slot1 .. "}" elseif slot2 == "nil" then return nil else warning("can not serialize a " .. slot2 .. " type.") return nil end return slot1 end function slot1.unserialize(slot0) if type(slot0) == "nil" or slot0 == "" then return nil elseif slot1 == "number" or slot1 == "string" or slot1 == "boolean" then slot0 = tostring(slot0) else warning("can not unserialize a " .. slot1 .. " type.") return nil end if loadstring("return " .. slot0) == nil then return nil end return slot2() end end function slot1.Queue(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5, slot6, slot7) table.insert(slot0.toSends, { slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4 and function (slot0) table.remove(uv0.toSends, 1) if Application.isEditor then DebugMgr.Inst:PushProtoSent(uv1, uv2.serialize(uv3) or "", uv4) end uv5(slot0) if slot0 and slot0.result and slot0.result == 0 then uv6.SeriesGuideMgr.GetInstance():receiceProtocol(uv4, uv3, slot0) end end, slot5, slot6, slot7 }) if slot0.isSending then return end slot0:StartSend() end function slot1.StartSend(slot0) if #slot0.toSends > 0 then slot0:Send(unpack(slot0.toSends[1])) else warning("No more packets to send.") end end function slot1.Send(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5, slot6, slot7) slot0.isSending = true slot0.currentCS = slot1 if slot0.connectionMgr:isConnecting() then slot0.connectionMgr.needStartSend = true return end if not slot0.connectionMgr:getConnection() then slot0.connectionMgr.needStartSend = true slot0.connectionMgr:Reconnect(function () end) return end slot6 = defaultValue(slot6, true) if slot3 ~= nil then uv0.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOn() slot10 = nil uv1[defaultValue(slot5, true) and slot3 .. "_" .. slot0:getPacketIdx() or slot3] = function (slot0) uv0.isSending = false uv1.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOff() uv0.connectionMgr:resetHBTimer() if uv0.timer then uv0.timer:Stop() uv0.timer = nil end uv2(slot0) if uv3 and not uv0.isSending and #uv0.toSends > 0 then uv0:StartSend() end end slot0.timer = Timer.New(function () uv0.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOff() uv1[uv2] = nil uv3:setPacketIdx(uv4) if uv3.retryCount > 3 then uv3.connectionMgr.onDisconnected(false, DISCONNECT_TIME_OUT) uv3.retryCount = 0 end warning("Network is timedOut, resend: " .. uv4 .. ", protocal: " .. uv5) uv3.retryCount = uv3.retryCount + 1 uv3:StartSend() end, defaultValue(slot7, SEND_TIMEOUT), 1) slot0.timer:Start() else slot5 = false end slot10 = uv0.Packer.GetInstance():GetProtocolWithName("cs_" .. slot1) function (slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot1) do if type(slot6) == "table" then for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot6) do if slot0[slot5].add then uv0(slot0[slot5]:add(), slot11) else slot0[slot5]:append(slot11) end end else slot0[slot5] = slot6 end end end(slot10:GetMessage(), slot2) if slot5 then slot8:Send(uv0.Packer.GetInstance():Pack(slot9, slot10:GetId(), slot12)) print("Network sent protocol: " .. slot1 .. " with idx: " .. slot9) slot0:incPacketIdx() else slot8:Send(uv0.Packer.GetInstance():Pack(0, slot10:GetId(), slot12)) print("Network sent protocol: " .. slot1 .. " without idx") end if not slot3 then table.remove(slot0.toSends, 1) if Application.isEditor then DebugMgr.Inst:PushProtoSent(slot1, uv2.serialize(slot2) or "", 0) end if #slot0.toSends > 0 then slot0:StartSend() else slot0.isSending = false end end end function slot1.stopTimer(slot0) if slot0.timer then slot0.timer:Stop() slot0.timer = nil end end function slot1.onData(slot0) print("Network Receive idx: " .. slot0.idx .. " cmd: " .. slot0.cmd) if uv1[slot0.cmd .. "_" .. slot0.idx] then uv1[slot2](uv0.Packer.GetInstance():Unpack(slot0.cmd, slot0:getLuaStringBuffer())) uv1[slot2] = nil elseif uv1[slot0.cmd] then uv1[slot0.cmd](slot1) uv1[slot0.cmd] = nil end end if Application.isEditor then function slot1.onRequestResend(slot0) if uv0.unserialize(slot0.sndState) then if slot0.scProNr > 0 then uv1.ConnectionMgr.GetInstance():Send(slot0.csProNr, slot1, slot0.scProNr, function (slot0) end) else uv1.ConnectionMgr.GetInstance():Send(slot0.csProNr, slot1) end end end end