slot0 = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "kv" }) slot1 = getmetatable(GameObject) slot2 = slot1.__index function slot1.__index(slot0, slot1) if slot1 == "transform" then if uv0[slot0] then return slot2 end slot2 = uv1(slot0, slot1) uv0[slot0] = slot2 return slot2 elseif slot1 == "gameObject" then return slot0 else return uv1(slot0, slot1) end end slot3 = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "kv" }) slot4 = getmetatable(Transform) slot5 = slot4.__index function slot4.__index(slot0, slot1) if slot1 == "gameObject" then if uv0[slot0] then return slot2 end slot2 = uv1(slot0, slot1) uv0[slot0] = slot2 return slot2 elseif slot1 == "transform" then return slot0 else return uv1(slot0, slot1) end end function gcAll(slot0) PoolMgr.GetInstance():ExcessPainting() ResourceMgr.Inst:unloadUnusedAssetBundles() if not slot0 then Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets() end GCThread.GetInstance():GC(slot0) end slot6 = print function print(...) if Application.isEditor then uv0(debug.traceback(table.concat({ ... }, function (slot0) return tostring(slot0) end), " "), 2)) else uv0(...) end end function traceback(slot0) return debug.traceback(slot0, 2) end function RemoveTableItem(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = 0 for slot7 = 1, #slot0 do if slot0[slot7 - slot3] == slot1 then table.remove(slot0, slot7 - slot3) if slot2 then slot3 = slot3 + 1 else break end end end end function IsNil(slot0) return slot0 == nil or slot0:Equals(nil) end function isnan(slot0) return slot0 ~= slot0 end function GetDir(slot0) return string.match(slot0, ".*/") end function GetFileName(slot0) return string.match(slot0, ".*/(.*)") end function table.clear(slot0) if slot0 then for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0) do slot0[slot4] = nil end end end function table.contains(slot0, slot1) if slot0 == nil then return false end for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0) do if slot6 == slot1 then return true end end return false end function table.equal(slot0, slot1) if type(slot0) ~= type(slot1) then return false end if type(slot0) ~= "table" then return slot0 == slot1 end if slot0 == slot1 then return true end for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0) do if not table.equal(slot6, slot1[slot5]) then return false end end for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot1) do if slot0[slot5] == nil then return false end end return true end function table.containsdata(slot0, slot1) if slot0 == nil then return false end for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0) do if table.equal(slot6, slot1) then return true end end return false end function table.eachAsync(slot0, slot1, slot2) if type(slot0) ~= "table" then return end slot3, slot4 = nil slot3, slot0, slot4 = ipairs(slot0) slot5 = nil function () uv0 = uv1(uv2, uv0) if uv2[uv0] == nil then if uv3 then uv3() end else uv4(uv0, slot0, uv5) end end() end function table.eachParallel(slot0, slot1, slot2) if type(slot0) ~= "table" then return end slot3, slot4 = nil slot3, slot0, slot4 = ipairs(slot0) slot5 = 0 slot6 = 0 slot7 = false function slot8() if uv0 then return end uv1 = uv1 + 1 if uv1 < uv2 then return end uv0 = true if uv3 then uv3() end end slot9 = nil while true do if slot0[slot3(slot0, slot4)] == nil then break end slot6 = slot6 + 1 slot1(slot4, slot9, slot8) end end function table.getCount(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0) do slot1 = 0 + 1 end return slot1 end function table.merge(slot0, slot1, slot2) function slot4(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0) do if uv0 then if not table.contains(uv1, slot5) then table.insert(uv1, slot5) end else table.insert(uv1, slot5) end end end slot4(slot0) slot4(slot1) return {} end function table.merge2dest(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot1) do slot0[slot5] = slot6 end return slot0 end function table.removebyvalue(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = 0 slot4 = 1 while slot4 <= #slot0 do if slot0[slot4] == slot1 then table.remove(slot0, slot4) slot3 = slot3 + 1 slot4 = slot4 - 1 slot5 = slot5 - 1 if not slot2 then break end end slot4 = slot4 + 1 end return slot3 end function table.removebykey(slot0, slot1) slot0[slot1] = nil return slot0[slot1] end function table.clean(slot0) for slot4 = #slot0, 1, -1 do table.remove(slot0, slot4) end end function DumpTable(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0) do if slot5 ~= nil then Debugger.Log("Key: {0}, Value: {1}", tostring(slot4), tostring(slot5)) else Debugger.Log("Key: {0}, Value nil", tostring(slot4)) end end end function PrintTable(slot0) slot1 = {} function (slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0) do if type(slot7) == "table" then table.insert(slot1, slot2 .. tostring(slot6) .. ":\n") uv0(slot7, slot1, slot2 .. " ") else table.insert(slot1, slot2 .. tostring(slot6) .. ": " .. tostring(slot7) .. "\n") end end end(slot0, slot1, "") return table.concat(slot1, "") end function PrintLua(slot0, slot1) slot2 = nil for slot6 in string.gmatch(slot0, "%w+") do slot1 = (slot1 or _G)[slot6] end if slot1 == nil then Debugger.Log("Lua Module {0} not exists", slot0) return end Debugger.Log("-----------------Dump Table {0}-----------------", slot0) if type(slot2) == "table" then for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot2) do Debugger.Log("Key: {0}, Value: {1}", slot6, tostring(slot7)) end end slot3 = getmetatable(slot2) Debugger.Log("-----------------Dump meta {0}-----------------", slot0) while slot3 ~= nil and slot3 ~= slot2 do for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot3) do if slot7 ~= nil then Debugger.Log("Key: {0}, Value: {1}", tostring(slot7), tostring(slot8)) end end slot3 = getmetatable(slot3) end Debugger.Log("-----------------Dump meta Over-----------------") Debugger.Log("-----------------Dump Table Over-----------------") end function IsString(slot0) return type(slot0) == "string" end function IsNumber(slot0) return type(slot0) == "number" end function tobool(slot0) return slot0 and true or false end function warning(...) if Application.isEditor then Debugger.LogWarning(debug.traceback(table.concat({ ... }, function (slot0) return tostring(slot0) end), " "), 2)) else uv0(...) end end function errorMsg(...) if Application.isEditor then Debugger.LogError(debug.traceback(table.concat({ ... }, function (slot0) return tostring(slot0) end), " "), 2)) else uv0(...) end end function BuildVector3(slot0) return Vector3(slot0[1], slot0[2], slot0[3]) end function ShowFuncInfo(slot0) slot1 = debug.getinfo(slot0) return string.format("file:%s#%d", slot1.source, slot1.linedefined) end function String2Table(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5 in slot0:gmatch(".") do table.insert(slot1, slot5) end return slot1 end slot7 = require("bit") function unicode_to_utf8(slot0) if type(slot0) ~= "string" then return slot0 end slot1 = "" slot2 = 1 while true do slot4 = nil if string.byte(slot0, slot2) ~= nil and string.sub(slot0, slot2, slot2 + 1) == "\\u" then slot4 = tonumber("0x" .. string.sub(slot0, slot2 + 2, slot2 + 5)) slot2 = slot2 + 6 elseif slot3 ~= nil then slot4 = slot3 slot2 = slot2 + 1 else break end if slot4 <= 127 then slot1 = slot1 .. string.char(, 127)) elseif slot4 >= 128 and slot4 <= 2047 then slot1 = slot1 .. string.char(uv0.bor(192,, 6), 31))) .. string.char(uv0.bor(128,, 63))) elseif slot4 >= 2048 and slot4 <= 65535 then slot1 = slot1 .. string.char(uv0.bor(224,, 12), 15))) .. string.char(uv0.bor(128,, 6), 63))) .. string.char(uv0.bor(128,, 63))) end end return slot1 .. "" end function utf8_to_unicode(slot0) if type(slot0) ~= "string" then return slot0 end slot1 = "" slot3 = string.byte(slot0, 1) slot4 = 0 while slot3 ~= nil do slot5, slot6 = nil if slot3 >= 0 and slot3 <= 127 then slot5 = slot3 slot6 = 0 elseif, 224) == 192 then slot7 = 0 slot8 = 0 slot7 =, uv0.rshift(255, 3)) slot5 = uv0.bor(, slot2 + 1), uv0.rshift(255, 2)), uv0.lshift(, uv0.rshift(255, 6)), 6)) slot6 = uv0.rshift(slot7, 2) elseif, 240) == 224 then slot7 = 0 slot8 = 0 slot9 = 0 slot2 = slot2 + 1 slot8 =, slot2), uv0.rshift(255, 2)) slot5 = uv0.bor(uv0.lshift(, uv0.rshift(255, 6)), 6),, slot2 + 1), uv0.rshift(255, 2))) slot6 = uv0.bor(uv0.lshift(, uv0.rshift(255, 3)), 4), uv0.rshift(slot8, 2)) end slot1 = slot1 .. string.format("\\u%02x%02x", slot6, slot5) slot4 = slot6 == 0 and slot4 + 1 or slot4 + 2 slot3 = string.byte(slot0, slot2 + 1) end return slot1, slot4 end function utf8_size(slot0) if not slot0 then return 0 elseif slot0 > 240 then return 4 elseif slot0 > 225 then return 3 elseif slot0 > 192 then return 2 else return 1 end end function utf8_len(slot0) slot1 = 1 slot2 = 0 while slot1 <= #slot0 do slot1 = slot1 + utf8_size(string.byte(slot0, slot1)) slot2 = slot2 + 1 end return slot2 end function existCall(slot0, ...) if slot0 and type(slot0) == "function" then return slot0(...) end end