slot0 = class("VoteOrderBook") slot0.TYPE_POSITIVE = 1 slot0.TYPE_NEGATIVE = 2 slot1 = pg.ship_data_group slot2 = pg.ship_skin_template function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot0.activityId = slot0.durTime = slot1.data2 slot0.endTime = slot0.durTime slot0.encode = slot0:ToBitCode(slot1.data3) slot0.decode = slot0:ToBitCode(slot1.data4) slot0.awardCnt = slot1.data1_list[1] or 0 slot0.isSubmit = false slot0.isNew = slot2 and slot3 slot4 =, function (slot0) return uv0[slot0].handbook_type ~= 1 end), function (slot0) return uv0[slot0].group_type end) slot5 = {} while #slot5 < 7 do if not table.contains(slot5, slot4[math.random(1, #slot4)]) then table.insert(slot5, slot7) end end slot0.ships =, function (slot0) return Ship.New({ configId = ShipGroup.getDefaultShipConfig(slot0).id }) end) end function slot0.GetAwardCnt(slot0) return slot0.awardCnt end function slot0.SetIsNew(slot0, slot1) slot0.isNew = slot1 end function slot0.GetShips(slot0) return slot0.ships end function slot0.ToBitCode(slot0, slot1) for slot8 = 1, 7 - string.len(ConvertDec2X(slot1, 2)) do slot4 = "" .. "0" end return String2Table(slot4 .. slot2) end function slot0.GetBitEncode(slot0) return slot0.encode end function slot0.GetBitDecode(slot0) return slot0.decode end function slot0.GetIntByBit(slot0, slot1) return ConvertStr2Dec(slot1, 2) end function slot0.IsExpired(slot0) slot1 = getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityById(slot0.activityId) return slot0.endTime <= pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() or not slot1 or slot1:isEnd() end function slot0.GetDir(slot0) return _.any(slot0:GetBitDecode(), function (slot0) return slot0 == "1" end) and uv0.TYPE_NEGATIVE or uv0.TYPE_POSITIVE end function slot0.GetResult(slot0) slot2 = "" if slot0:GetDir() == uv0.TYPE_POSITIVE then slot2 = table.concat(slot0:GetBitEncode(), "") else for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot1) do if slot7 == "0" then slot2 = slot2 .. "1" elseif slot7 == "1" then slot2 = slot2 .. "0" end end end return slot2 end function slot0.IsResult(slot0, slot1) return slot0:GetResult() == slot1 end function slot0.GetEndTime(slot0) return slot0.endTime end function slot0.Submit(slot0) slot0.isSubmit = true end function slot0.canSubmit(slot0) return slot0.isSubmit == false end function slot0.GetCDTime(slot0, slot1) if slot0.endTime - pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() >= 0 then slot6 = string.split(pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():DescCDTime(slot4), ":") slot7 = slot6[2] .. ":" .. slot6[3] return (slot4 > 120 or setColorStr(slot7, COLOR_RED)) and setColorStr(slot7, slot1 or COLOR_WHITE) else return setColorStr("00:00", slot1 or COLOR_WHITE) end end return slot0