slot0 = class("Favorite", import(".BaseVO")) slot0.STATE_AWARD = 1 slot0.STATE_WAIT = 2 slot0.STATE_LOCK = 3 slot0.STATE_FETCHED = 4 function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) slot0.configId = = slot0.configId = end function slot0.bindConfigTable(slot0) return pg.storeup_data_template end function slot0.getStarCount(slot0, slot1) slot6 = "char_list" for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0:getConfig(slot6)) do if slot1[slot7] then slot2 = 0 + slot1[slot7].star end end return slot2 end function slot0.getNextAwardIndex(slot0, slot1) slot2 = 1 if slot1[] then slot2 = slot1[] + 1 end return slot2 end function slot0.isFetchAll(slot0, slot1) return (slot1[] or 0) >= #slot0:getConfig("level") end function slot0.canGetRes(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot6 = false if slot0:getNextAwardIndex(slot2) <= #slot0:getConfig("award_display") then slot6 = true if slot0:getConfig("level")[slot3] <= slot0:getStarCount(slot1) then return true end end return false, slot6 end function slot0.getState(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot2[] slot4, slot5 = slot0:canGetRes(slot1, slot2) slot6 = slot0:isFetchAll(slot2) if slot4 then return uv0.STATE_AWARD elseif slot6 then return uv0.STATE_FETCHED else return slot5 and uv0.STATE_WAIT or uv0.STATE_LOCK end end function slot0.getAwardState(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot0:getConfig("level")[slot3] <= slot0:getStarCount(slot1) then return (slot2[] or 0) < slot3 and (slot0:getConfig("award_display")[slot3] and uv0.STATE_AWARD or uv0.STATE_LOCK) or uv0.STATE_FETCHED else return slot6[slot3] and uv0.STATE_WAIT or uv0.STATE_LOCK end end function slot0.containShipGroup(slot0, slot1) return _.any(slot0:getConfig("award_display"), function (slot0) if slot0[1] == DROP_TYPE_SHIP and Ship.New({ configId = slot0[2] }):getGroupId() == uv0 then return true end return false end) end return slot0