slot0 = class("EventInfo", import(".BaseVO")) slot0.StateNone = 0 slot0.StateActive = 1 slot0.StateFinish = 2 function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) = slot0.template = pg.collection_template[] slot0.finishTime = slot1.finish_time slot0.overTime = slot1.over_time slot0.shipIds = slot1.ship_id_list or {} slot0.ships = {} slot0.state = uv0.StateNone if slot0.finishTime == 0 then slot0.state = uv0.StateNone elseif pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() <= slot0.finishTime then slot0.state = uv0.StateActive else slot0.state = uv0.StateFinish end end function slot0.reachNum(slot0) return slot0.template.ship_num <= #slot0.ships end function slot0.reachLevel(slot0) return #slot0.ships > 0 and _.any(slot0.ships, function (slot0) return uv0.template.ship_lv <= slot0.level end) end function slot0.reachTypes(slot0) if table.getCount(slot0.ships) == 0 then return false end slot1 = true for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.ships) do if not table.contains(slot0.template.ship_type, slot6:getShipType()) then slot1 = false break end end return slot1 end function slot0.getOilConsume(slot0) return slot0.template.oil or 0 end function slot0.updateTime(slot0) slot1 = false if slot0.state == uv0.StateActive and slot0.finishTime < pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() then slot0.state = uv0.StateFinish slot1 = true end return slot1 end function slot0.getTypesStr(slot0) slot3 = false if #slot0.template.ship_type == #pg.ship_data_by_type.all then slot3 = true for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot1.all) do if not table.contains(slot2, slot8) then slot3 = false break end end end if slot3 then return i18n("event_type_unlimit") else for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot2) do slot4 = "" .. slot1[slot9].type_name .. (slot8 == #slot0.template.ship_type and "" or "、") end return i18n("event_condition_ship_type", slot4) end end slot1 = "EVENTINFO_FORMATION_KEY_" function slot0.ExistPrevFormation(slot0) return PlayerPrefs.HasKey(uv0 .. getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().id) end function slot0.GetPrevFormation(slot0) return .. getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().id), "#"), function (slot0) return tonumber(slot0) end) end function slot0.SavePrevFormation(slot0) if not slot0:CanRecordPrevFormation() then return end if, function (slot0) return end) == 0 then slot1 = slot0.shipIds end PlayerPrefs.SetString(uv0 .. getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().id, table.concat(slot1, "#")) PlayerPrefs.Save() end function slot0.CanRecordPrevFormation(slot0) return slot0.template.oil >= 800 end function slot0.GetCountDownTime(slot0) return slot0.state == EventInfo.StateNone and slot0.overTime > 0 and slot0.overTime - pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() end return slot0