slot0 = class("Chapter", import(".BaseVO")) slot0.SelectFleet = 1 slot0.CustomFleet = 2 slot0.CHAPTER_STATE = { i18n("level_chapter_state_high_risk"), i18n("level_chapter_state_risk"), i18n("level_chapter_state_low_risk"), i18n("level_chapter_state_safety") } function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) slot0.configId = = slot0.configId slot0.unlock = false slot0.progress = defaultValue(slot1.progress, 0) slot0.defeatCount = slot1.defeat_count or 0 slot0.passCount = slot1.pass_count or 0 slot0.todayDefeatCount = slot1.today_defeat_count or 0 slot0.expireTime = slot1.active_time slot0.awardIndex = slot1.index or 0 slot0.theme = ChapterTheme.New(slot0:getConfig("theme")) slot0.achieves = {} for slot6 = 1, 3 do if slot0:getConfig("star_require_" .. slot6) > 0 then table.insert(slot0.achieves, { type = slot7, config = slot0:getConfig("num_" .. slot6), count = ({ defaultValue(slot1.kill_boss_count, 0), defaultValue(slot1.kill_enemy_count, 0), defaultValue(slot1.take_box_count, 0) })[slot6] }) end end slot0.winConditions = {} for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0:getConfig("win_condition")) do table.insert(slot0.winConditions, { type = slot8[1], param = slot8[2] }) end slot0.loseConditions = {} for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot0:getConfig("lose_condition")) do table.insert(slot0.loseConditions, { type = slot9[1], param = slot9[2] }) end slot0.dropShipIdList = {} slot0.eliteFleetList = { {}, {}, {} } slot0.eliteCommanderList = { {}, {}, {} } slot0.pathFinder = nil = false slot0.dueTime = nil slot0.cells = {} slot0.fleets = {} slot0.findex = 0 slot0.champions = {} slot0.roundIndex = 0 slot0.subAutoAttack = 0 slot0.barriers = 0 slot0.loopFlag = 0 slot0.cellAttachments = {} slot0.buff_list = {} if slot1.buff_list then for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot1.buff_list) do slot0.buff_list[slot8] = slot9 end end slot0.extraFlagList = {} slot0.wallAssets = {} if slot0:getConfig("wall_prefab") and #slot0:getConfig("wall_prefab") > 0 then slot8 = "wall_prefab" for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot0:getConfig(slot8)) do slot0.wallAssets[slot9[1] .. "_" .. slot9[2]] = slot9 end end end function slot0.BuildEliteFleetList(slot0) slot1 = { {}, {}, {} } slot2 = { {}, {}, {} } for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0 or {}) do slot8 = {} for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot7.main_id) do slot8[#slot8 + 1] = slot13 end slot1[slot6] = slot8 for slot13, slot14 in ipairs(slot7.commanders) do if getProxy(CommanderProxy):getCommanderById( and Commander.canEquipToFleetList(slot2, slot6, slot14.pos, slot15) then -- Nothing end end slot2[slot6] = { [slot16] = slot15 } end return slot1, slot2 end function slot0.__index(slot0, slot1) if slot1 == "fleet" then return slot0.fleets[slot0.findex] end return rawget(slot0, slot1) or uv0[slot1] end function slot0.getFleetById(slot0, slot1) return _.detect(slot0.fleets, function (slot0) return == uv0 end) end function slot0.getFleetByShipVO(slot0, slot1) slot3 = nil for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0.fleets) do if slot8:getShip( then slot3 = slot8 break end end return slot3 end function slot0.getMaxCount(slot0) if #slot0:getConfig("risk_levels") == 0 then return 0 end return slot1[1][1] end function slot0.hasMitigation(slot0) if not LOCK_MITIGATION then return slot0:getConfig("mitigation_level") > 0 else return false end end function slot0.getRemainPassCount(slot0) return math.max(slot0:getMaxCount() - slot0.passCount, 0) end function slot0.getRiskLevel(slot0) slot1 = slot0:getRemainPassCount() for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0:getConfig("risk_levels")) do if slot1 <= slot7[1] and slot7[2] <= slot1 then return slot6 end end end function slot0.getMitigationRate(slot0) return math.min(slot0.passCount, slot0:getMaxCount()) * (LOCK_MITIGATION and 0 or slot0:getConfig("mitigation_rate")) end function slot0.getRepressInfo(slot0) return { repressMax = slot0:getMaxCount(), repressCount = slot0.passCount, repressReduce = slot0:getMitigationRate(), repressLevel = LOCK_MITIGATION and 0 or slot0:getRemainPassCount() > 0 and 0 or slot0:getConfig("mitigation_level") or 0, repressEnemyHpRant = 1 - slot0:getStageCell(slot0.fleet.line.row, slot0.fleet.line.column).data / 10000 } end function slot0.getChapterState(slot0) return uv0.CHAPTER_STATE[slot0:getRiskLevel()] end function slot0.getPlayType(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("model") end function slot0.bindConfigTable(slot0) return pg.chapter_template end function slot0.isTypeDefence(slot0) return slot0:getPlayType() == ChapterConst.TypeDefence end function slot0.getConfig(slot0, slot1) if slot0:isLoop() then if pg.chapter_template_loop[][slot1] ~= nil then return slot2[slot1] end if (slot1 == "air_dominance" or slot1 == "best_air_dominance") and slot2.air_dominance_loop_rate ~= nil then return math.floor(slot0:getConfigTable()[slot1] * slot2.air_dominance_loop_rate * 0.01) end end return slot0:getConfigTable()[slot1] end function slot0.update(slot0, slot1) = true slot0.dueTime = slot1.time slot0.loopFlag = slot1.loop_flag slot4 = slot0:getConfig("float_items") slot5 = slot0:getConfig("grids") slot0.cells = {} function slot6(slot0) slot1 = ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot0.pos.row, slot0.pos.column) if slot0.item_type == ChapterConst.AttachStory and slot0.item_data == ChapterConst.StoryTrigger then if uv0.cellAttachments[slot1] then warning("Multi Cell Attachemnts in one cell " .. slot0.pos.row .. " " .. slot0.pos.column) end uv0.cellAttachments[slot1] = ChapterCell.New(slot0) if not uv0.cells[slot1] then uv0.cells[slot1] = ChapterCell.New({ item_id = 0, item_data = 0, item_flag = 0, pos = { row = slot0.pos.row, column = slot0.pos.column }, item_type = ChapterConst.AttachNone }) end return end if not uv0.cells[slot1] or uv0.cells[slot1].attachment == ChapterConst.AttachNone then if ChapterCell.New(slot0).attachment == ChapterConst.AttachOni_Target or slot2.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachOni then slot2.attachment = ChapterConst.AttachNone end if _.detect(uv1, function (slot0) return slot0[1] == uv0.row and slot0[2] == uv0.column end) then slot2.item = slot3[3] slot2.itemOffset = Vector2(slot3[4], slot3[5]) end uv0.cells[slot1] = slot2 return slot2 end end _.each(slot1.cell_list, function (slot0) uv0(slot0) end) _.each(slot5, function (slot0) (uv0.cells[ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot0[1], slot0[2])] or uv1({ pos = { row = slot0[1], column = slot0[2] }, item_type = ChapterConst.AttachNone })):SetWalkable(slot0[3]) end) slot0.indexMax = Vector2(-ChapterConst.MaxRow, -ChapterConst.MaxColumn) slot0.indexMin = Vector2(ChapterConst.MaxRow, ChapterConst.MaxColumn) _.each(slot5, function (slot0) uv0.indexMin.x = math.min(uv0.indexMin.x, slot0[1]) uv0.indexMin.y = math.min(uv0.indexMin.y, slot0[2]) uv0.indexMax.x = math.max(uv0.indexMax.x, slot0[1]) uv0.indexMax.y = math.max(uv0.indexMax.y, slot0[2]) end) _.each(slot1.cell_flag_list or {}, function (slot0) if uv0.cells[ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot0.pos.row, slot0.pos.column)] then slot2:updateFlagList(slot0) else uv0.cells[slot1] = ChapterCell.New(slot0) end end) slot0.buff_list = {} if slot1.buff_list then for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot1.buff_list) do slot0.buff_list[slot10] = slot11 end end slot0.pathFinder = OrientedPathFinding.New({}, ChapterConst.MaxRow, ChapterConst.MaxColumn) slot0.fleets = {} for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot1.group_list) do slot13 = ChapterFleet.New() slot13:setup(slot0) slot13:updateNpcShipList(slot0:getNpcShipByType()) slot13:update(slot12) slot0.fleets[slot11] = slot13 end slot0.fleets = _.sort(slot0.fleets, function (slot0, slot1) return < end) if slot1.escort_list then for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot1.escort_list) do slot0.fleets[#slot0.fleets + 1] = ChapterTransportFleet.New(slot12, #slot0.fleets + 1) end end slot0.findex = 0 slot0.findex = slot0:getNextValidIndex() slot0.champions = {} if slot1.ai_list then for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot1.ai_list) do if slot12.item_flag ~= 1 then slot0:mergeChampionImmediately(ChapterChampionPackage.New(slot12)) end end end slot0.roundIndex = slot1.round slot0.subAutoAttack = slot1.is_submarine_auto_attack slot0.modelCount = slot1.model_act_count slot0.operationBuffList = {} for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot1.operation_buff) do slot0.operationBuffList[#slot0.operationBuffList + 1] = slot12 end slot0.airDominanceStatus = nil slot0.extraFlagList = {} for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot1.extra_flag_list) do table.insert(slot0.extraFlagList, slot12) end slot0.defeatEnemies = slot1.kill_count or 0 slot0.BaseHP = slot1.chapter_hp or 0 slot0.orignalShipCount = slot1.init_ship_count or 0 slot0.combo = slot1.continuous_kill_count or 0 slot0.scoreHistory = slot0.scoreHistory or {} for slot11 = ys.Battle.BattleConst.BattleScore.D, ys.Battle.BattleConst.BattleScore.S do slot0.scoreHistory[slot11] = 0 end if slot1.battle_statistics then for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot1.battle_statistics) do slot0.scoreHistory[] = slot12.count end end slot8 = {} if slot1.chapter_strategy_list then for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot1.chapter_strategy_list) do slot8[] = slot13.count end end slot0.strategies = slot8 end function slot0.retreat(slot0, slot1) if slot1 then slot0.todayDefeatCount = slot0.todayDefeatCount + 1 slot0:updateTodayDefeatCount() end = false slot0.dueTime = nil slot0.cells = {} slot0.fleets = {} slot0.findex = 1 slot0.champions = {} slot0.cellAttachments = {} slot0.round = 0 slot0.airDominanceStatus = nil getProxy(ChapterProxy):RecordLastDefeatedEnemy(, nil) end function slot0.clearSubChapter(slot0) slot0.expireTime = nil slot0.awardIndex = nil end function slot0.existLoop(slot0) return pg.chapter_template_loop[] ~= nil end function slot0.canActivateLoop(slot0) return slot0:getRiskLevel() == 4 and slot0:isAllAchieve() end function slot0.isLoop(slot0) return slot0.loopFlag == 1 end function slot0.getRound(slot0) return slot0.roundIndex % 2 end function slot0.getRoundNum(slot0) return math.floor(slot0.roundIndex / 2) end function slot0.IncreaseRound(slot0) slot0.roundIndex = slot0.roundIndex + 1 end function slot0.existMoveLimit(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("is_limit_move") == 1 end function slot0.getChapterCell(slot0, slot1, slot2) return Clone(slot0.cells[ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot1, slot2)]) end function slot0.GetRawChapterCell(slot0, slot1, slot2) return slot0.cells[ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot1, slot2)] end function slot0.findChapterCell(slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0.cells) do if slot7.attachment == slot1 and (not slot2 or slot7.attachmentId == slot2) then return Clone(slot7) end end return nil end function slot0.findChapterCells(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = {} for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0.cells) do if slot8.attachment == slot1 and (not slot2 or slot8.attachmentId == slot2) then table.insert(slot3, Clone(slot8)) end end return slot3 end function slot0.mergeChapterCell(slot0, slot1) slot4 = slot0.cells[ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot1.row, slot1.column)] == nil or slot3.attachment ~= slot1.attachment or slot3.attachmentId ~= slot1.attachmentId if slot3 then slot3.attachment = slot1.attachment slot3.attachmentId = slot1.attachmentId slot3.flag = slot1.flag = slot3.rival = slot1.rival slot1 = slot3 end if slot4 and ChapterConst.NeedMarkAsLurk(slot1) then slot1.trait = ChapterConst.TraitLurk end if slot1.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBoss and slot0:getChampionIndex(slot1.row, slot1.column) then table.remove(slot0.champions, slot5) end slot0:updateChapterCell(slot1) end function slot0.updateChapterCell(slot0, slot1) slot0.cells[ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot1.row, slot1.column)] = Clone(slot1) end function slot0.clearChapterCell(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot4 = slot0.cells[ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot1, slot2)] slot4.attachment = ChapterConst.AttachNone slot4.attachmentId = 0 slot4.flag = 0 = 0 slot4.trait = ChapterConst.TraitNone end function slot0.getShip(slot0, slot1) slot2 = nil for slot6 = 1, #slot0.fleets do if slot0.fleets[slot6]:getShip(slot1) then break end end return slot2 end function slot0.getShips(slot0) _.each(slot0.fleets, function (slot0) _.each(slot0:getShips(true), function (slot0) table.insert(uv0, Clone(slot0)) end) end) return {} end function slot0.getFirstValidIndex(slot0) slot1 = 0 for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.fleets) do if slot6:isValid() then slot1 = slot5 break end end return slot1 end function slot0.getNextValidIndex(slot0) slot1 = 0 for slot5 = slot0.findex + 1, #slot0.fleets do if slot0.fleets[slot5]:getFleetType() == FleetType.Normal and slot0.fleets[slot5]:isValid() then slot1 = slot5 break end end if slot1 == 0 then for slot5 = 1, slot0.findex - 1 do if slot0.fleets[slot5]:getFleetType() == FleetType.Normal and slot0.fleets[slot5]:isValid() then slot1 = slot5 break end end end return slot1 end function slot0.shipInWartime(slot0, slot1) return _.any(slot0.fleets, function (slot0) return slot0.ships[uv0] ~= nil end) end function slot0.existAmbush(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("is_ambush") == 1 or slot0:getConfig("is_air_attack") == 1 end function slot0.getAmbushRate(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot4 = slot0:getConfig("investigation_ratio") slot7 = _.detect(slot0:getConfig("ambush_ratio_extra"), function (slot0) return #slot0 == 1 end) slot6 = (_.detect(slot0:getConfig("ambush_ratio_extra"), function (slot0) return slot0[1] == uv0.row and slot0[2] == uv0.column end) and slot6[3] / 10000 or 0) + (slot7 and slot7[1] / 10000 or 0) if slot6 == 0 then slot8 = 0.05 + slot4 / (slot4 + slot1:getInvestSums()) / 4 * math.max(slot1.step - 1, 0) + slot6 - slot1:getEquipAmbushRateReduce() end return math.clamp(slot8, 0, 1) end function slot0.getAmbushDodge(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot1.line slot3 = slot1:getDodgeSums() if (_.detect(slot0:getConfig("ambush_ratio_extra"), function (slot0) return slot0[1] == uv0.row and slot0[2] == uv0.column end) and slot6[3] / 10000 or 0) == 0 then slot5 = slot3 / (slot3 + slot0:getConfig("avoid_ratio")) + slot1:getEquipDodgeRateUp() end return math.clamp(slot5, 0, 1) end function slot0.isValid(slot0) if slot0:getPlayType() == ChapterConst.TypeMainSub then return or slot0.expireTime and pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() < slot0.expireTime end return true end function slot0.inWartime(slot0) return slot0.dueTime and pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() < slot0.dueTime end function slot0.inActTime(slot0) if slot0:getConfig("act_id") == 0 then return true end slot2 = slot1 and getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityById(slot1) return slot2 and not slot2:isEnd() end function slot0.getRemainTime(slot0) return slot0.dueTime and math.max(slot0.dueTime - pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() - 1, 0) or 0 end function slot0.getStartTime(slot0) return math.max(slot0.dueTime - slot0:getConfig("time"), 0) end function slot0.setUnlock(slot0, slot1) slot0.unlock = slot1 end function slot0.isUnlock(slot0) return slot0.unlock end function slot0.isClear(slot0) if slot0:getPlayType() == ChapterConst.TypeMainSub then return true else return slot0.progress >= 100 end end function slot0.ifNeedHide(slot0) slot1 = false if pg.chapter_setting and table.contains(pg.chapter_setting.all, and pg.chapter_setting[].hide == 1 then slot1 = true end if slot1 and slot0:isClear() then return true end end function slot0.existAchieve(slot0) return #slot0.achieves > 0 end function slot0.isAllAchieve(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.achieves) do if ChapterConst.IsAchieved(slot6) then slot1 = 0 + 1 end end return slot1 == #slot0.achieves end function slot0.findPath(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = {} for slot8 = 0, ChapterConst.MaxRow - 1 do slot4[slot8] = slot4[slot8] or {} for slot12 = 0, ChapterConst.MaxColumn - 1 do slot4[slot8][slot12] = slot4[slot8][slot12] or {} slot13 = PathFinding.PrioForbidden slot14 = ChapterConst.ForbiddenAll if slot0.cells[ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot8, slot12)] and slot16:IsWalkable() then slot13 = PathFinding.PrioNormal if slot16.row == slot3.row and slot16.column == slot3.column then if not slot0:considerAsStayPoint(slot1, slot16.row, slot16.column) then slot13 = PathFinding.PrioObstacle end elseif slot0:considerAsObstacle(slot1, slot16.row, slot16.column) then slot13 = PathFinding.PrioObstacle end slot14 = (slot1 ~= ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer or slot16.forbiddenDirections) and ChapterConst.ForbiddenNone end slot4[slot8][slot12].forbiddens = slot14 slot4[slot8][slot12].priority = slot13 end end if slot1 == ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer then for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot0:getCoastalGunArea()) do if slot10.row ~= slot3.row or slot10.column ~= slot3.column then slot4[slot10.row][slot10.column].priority = math.max(slot4[slot10.row][slot10.column].priority, PathFinding.PrioObstacle) end end end slot0.pathFinder.cells = slot4 return slot0.pathFinder:Find(slot2, slot3) end function slot0.getWaveCount(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.cells) do if slot6.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachEnemy and underscore.detect(slot0:getConfig("grids"), function (slot0) if slot0[1] == uv0.row and slot0[2] == uv0.column and (slot0[4] == ChapterConst.AttachElite or slot0[4] == ChapterConst.AttachEnemy) then return true end return false end) then slot1 = 0 + 1 end end slot3 = slot0:getConfig("elite_refresh") for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot0:getConfig("enemy_refresh")) do if slot8 <= #slot3 then slot4 = 0 + slot9 + slot3[slot8] end if slot1 <= slot4 then return slot8 end end return 1 end function slot0.bossRefreshed(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.cells) do if slot5.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBoss then return true end end return false end function slot0.getFleetAmmo(slot0, slot1) if slot1:getFleetType() == FleetType.Normal then slot2 = slot1:getShipAmmo() + slot0:getConfig("ammo_total") elseif slot3 == FleetType.Submarine then slot2 = slot2 + slot0:getConfig("ammo_submarine") end return slot2, slot1.restAmmo end function slot0.getFleetStgs(slot0, slot1) if slot0:getPlayType() == ChapterConst.TypeLagacy then slot2 = _.filter(slot1:getStrategies(), function (slot0) return pg.strategy_data_template[].type == ChapterConst.StgTypeForm or slot1.type == ChapterConst.StgTypeConsume and == ChapterConst.StrategyRepair or == ChapterConst.StrategyExchange end) end return slot2 end function slot0.getFleetStgIds(slot0, slot1) slot3, slot4 = slot0:getFleetAmmo(slot1) if ChapterConst.AmmoRich <= slot4 then table.insert({}, ChapterConst.StrategyAmmoRich) elseif slot4 <= ChapterConst.AmmoPoor then table.insert(slot2, ChapterConst.StrategyAmmoPoor) end if #slot1.stgIds > 0 then _.each(slot1.stgIds, function (slot0) table.insert(uv0, slot0) end) end if OPEN_AIR_DOMINANCE and slot0:getConfig("air_dominance") > 0 then table.insert(slot2, slot0:getAirDominanceStg()) end for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot0:getExtraFlags()) do table.insert(slot2, ChapterConst.Status2StgBuff[slot9]) end for slot9 = #slot2, 1, -1 do if pg.strategy_data_template[slot2[slot9]].buff_id == 0 then table.remove(slot2, slot9) end end return slot2 end function slot0.getAirDominanceStg(slot0) slot1, slot2 = slot0:getAirDominanceValue() return ChapterConst.AirDominance[slot2].StgId end function slot0.getAirDominanceValue(slot0) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.fleets) do if slot7:isValid() then slot1 = 0 + slot7:getFleetAirDominanceValue() slot2 = 0 + slot7:getAntiAircraftSums() end end return slot1, calcAirDominanceStatus(slot1, slot0:getConfig("air_dominance"), slot2), slot0.airDominanceStatus end function slot0.setAirDominanceStatus(slot0, slot1) slot0.airDominanceStatus = slot1 end function slot0.updateExtraFlags(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = false for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot2) do for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot0.extraFlagList) do if slot13 == slot8 then table.remove(slot0.extraFlagList, slot12) slot3 = true break end end end for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot1) do if not table.contains(slot0.extraFlagList, slot8) then table.insert(slot0.extraFlagList, slot8) slot3 = true end end return slot3 end function slot0.getExtraFlags(slot0) return slot0.extraFlagList end function slot0.updateShipStg(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot0.fleet:updateShipStg(slot1, slot2, slot3) end function slot0.getFleetBattleBuffs(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0.buff_list and Clone(slot0.buff_list) or {} _.each(slot0:getFleetStgIds(slot1), function (slot0) table.insert(uv0, pg.strategy_data_template[slot0].buff_id) end) table.insertto(slot2, slot0:GetFleetAttachmentConfig("attach_buff", slot1.line.row, slot1.line.column) or {}) return slot2, slot0:buildBattleBuffList(slot1) end function slot0.GetFleetAttachmentConfig(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if not slot0.cellAttachments[ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot2 or slot0.fleet.line.row, slot3 or slot0.fleet.line.column)] then return end return uv0.GetEventTemplateByKey(slot1, slot5.attachmentId) end function slot0.GetEventTemplateByKey(slot0, slot1) if not pg.map_event_template[slot1] then return end slot3 = nil for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot2.effect) do if slot8[1] == slot0 then for slot12 = 2, #slot8 do table.insert(slot3 or {}, slot8[slot12]) end end end return slot3 end function slot0.GetCellEventByKey(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if not slot0.cells[ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot2 or slot0.fleet.line.row, slot3 or slot0.fleet.line.column)] then return end return uv0.GetEventTemplateByKey(slot1, slot5.attachmentId) end function slot0.buildBattleBuffList(slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} slot3, slot4 = slot0:triggerSkill(slot1, FleetSkill.TypeBattleBuff) if slot3 and #slot3 > 0 then slot5 = {} for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot3) do slot5[slot12] = slot5[slot1:findCommanderBySkillId(slot4[slot9].id)] or {} table.insert(slot5[slot12], slot10) end for slot9, slot10 in pairs(slot5) do table.insert(slot2, { slot9, slot10 }) end end for slot9, slot10 in pairs(slot1:getCommanders()) do for slot15, slot16 in ipairs(slot10:getTalents()) do if #slot16:getBuffsAddition() > 0 then slot18 = nil for slot22, slot23 in ipairs(slot2) do if slot23[1] == slot10 then slot18 = slot23[2] break end end if not slot18 then table.insert(slot2, { slot10, {} }) end for slot22, slot23 in ipairs(slot17) do table.insert(slot18, slot23) end end end end return slot2 end function slot0.updateShipHp(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.fleet:updateShipHp(slot1, slot2) end function slot0.updateFleetShipHp(slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.fleets) do slot7:updateShipHp(slot1, slot2) if ~= then slot7:clearShipHpChange() end end end function slot0.clearEliterFleetByIndex(slot0, slot1) if slot1 > #slot0.eliteFleetList then return end slot0.eliteFleetList[slot1] = {} end function slot0.wrapEliteFleet(slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} slot3 = _.flatten(slot0:getEliteFleetList()[slot1]) for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0:getEliteFleetCommanders()[slot1]) do table.insert(slot2, { pos = slot7, id = slot8 }) end return Fleet.New({ id = 1, ship_list = slot3, commanders = slot2 }) end function slot0.setEliteCommanders(slot0, slot1) slot0.eliteCommanderList = slot1 end function slot0.getEliteFleetCommanders(slot0) return slot0.eliteCommanderList end function slot0.updateCommander(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot0.eliteCommanderList[slot1][slot2] = slot3 end function slot0.getEliteFleetList(slot0) return slot0.eliteFleetList end function slot0.setEliteFleetList(slot0, slot1) slot0.eliteFleetList = slot1 end function slot0.IsEliteFleetLegal(slot0) slot1 = 0 slot2 = 0 slot4 = 0 slot5, slot6 = nil for slot10 = 1, #slot0.eliteFleetList do slot11, slot12 = slot0:singleEliteFleetVertify(slot10) if not slot11 then if not slot12 then if slot10 >= 3 then slot3 = 0 + 1 else slot1 = slot1 + 1 end else slot5 = slot12 slot6 = slot10 end elseif slot10 >= 3 then slot4 = slot4 + 1 else slot2 = slot2 + 1 end end if slot1 == 2 then return false, i18n("elite_disable_no_fleet") elseif slot2 == 0 then return false, slot5 elseif slot3 + slot4 < slot0:getConfig("submarine_num") then return false, slot5 end slot7, slot8 = slot0:IsPropertyLimitationSatisfy() for slot13, slot14 in ipairs(slot7) do slot9 = 1 * slot14 end if slot9 ~= 1 then return false, i18n("elite_disable_property_unsatisfied") end return true, slot6 end function slot0.IsPropertyLimitationSatisfy(slot0) slot1 = getProxy(BayProxy):getRawData() slot2 = { [slot7[1]] = 0 } slot6 = "property_limitation" for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0:getConfig(slot6)) do -- Nothing end slot3 = 0 for slot7 = 1, 2 do if slot0:singleEliteFleetVertify(slot7) == true then for slot13, slot14 in ipairs(slot0.eliteFleetList[slot7]) do slot3 = slot3 + 1 slot16 = intProperties(slot1[slot14]:getProperties()) for slot20, slot21 in pairs(slot2) do if slot20 == "level" then slot2[slot20] = slot21 + slot15.level else slot2[slot20] = slot21 + slot16[slot20] end end end end end slot4 = {} slot8 = "property_limitation" for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot0:getConfig(slot8)) do slot10 = slot9[1] slot11 = slot9[2] slot12 = slot9[3] if slot10 == "level" then if slot2[slot10] == 0 then slot2[slot10] = 0 else slot2[slot10] = math.ceil(slot13 / slot3) end end slot14 = 0 if slot11 == -1 and slot2[slot10] < slot12 then slot14 = 1 elseif slot11 == 1 and slot12 < slot13 then slot14 = 1 end slot4[slot8] = slot14 end return slot4, slot2 end function slot0.EliteShipTypeFilter(slot0) function slot1(slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot1) do if slot8 == 0 then slot3 = 0 + 1 end end slot4 = {} for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(Clone(slot1)) do if type(slot9) == "string" then for slot14, slot15 in ipairs(Clone(ShipType.BundleList[slot9])) do slot4[#slot4 + 1] = slot15 end end end for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot4) do slot1[#slot1 + 1] = slot9 end for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot2) do if table.contains(slot1, slot8:getShipType()) then slot11 = nil for slot15, slot16 in ipairs(slot1) do if slot16 == slot10 then slot11 = slot15 break end end table.remove(slot1, slot11) elseif slot3 - 1 < 0 then slot11 = nil for slot15, slot16 in ipairs(slot0) do if slot16 == slot9 then slot11 = slot15 break end end table.remove(slot0, slot11) end end end slot2 = getProxy(BayProxy):getRawData() for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.eliteFleetList) do for slot11 = #slot7, 1, -1 do if slot2[slot7[slot11]] == nil then table.remove(slot7, slot11) end end end slot6 = "limitation" for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0:getConfig(slot6)) do slot10 = {} slot11 = {} for slot15, slot16 in ipairs(slot0.eliteFleetList[slot6]) do if slot2[slot16]:getTeamType() == TeamType.Main then -- Nothing elseif slot18 == TeamType.Vanguard then slot10[slot17] = slot16 elseif slot18 == TeamType.Submarine then slot11[slot17] = slot16 end end slot1(slot8, slot7[1], { [slot17] = slot16 }) slot1(slot8, slot7[2], slot10) slot1(slot8, { 0, 0, 0 }, slot11) end end function slot0.singleEliteFleetVertify(slot0, slot1) slot2 = getProxy(BayProxy):getRawData() slot4 = slot0:getConfig("limitation") if #slot0.eliteFleetList[slot1] == 0 then return false else slot5 = 0 slot6 = 0 slot7 = {} for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot3) do if slot2[slot12]:getFlag("inEvent") then return false, i18n("elite_disable_ship_escort") end if slot13:getTeamType() == TeamType.Main then slot5 = slot5 + 1 elseif slot14 == TeamType.Vanguard then slot6 = slot6 + 1 end slot7[#slot7 + 1] = slot13:getShipType() end if slot1 >= 3 then -- Nothing elseif slot5 * slot6 == 0 and slot5 + slot6 ~= 0 then return false else slot8 = 1 for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot4[slot1]) do slot15 = 0 for slot19, slot20 in ipairs(slot13) do if type(slot20) == "number" then slot14 = 0 + slot20 if slot20 ~= 0 and table.contains(slot7, slot20) then slot15 = 1 end elseif type(slot20) == "string" then slot14 = slot14 + 1 slot21 = Clone(ShipType.BundleList[slot20]) if _.any(slot7, function (slot0) return table.contains(uv0, slot0) end) then slot15 = 1 end end end if slot14 == 0 then slot15 = 1 end slot8 = slot8 * slot15 end if slot8 == 0 then return false, i18n("elite_disable_formation_unsatisfied") end end end return true end function slot0.getDragExtend(slot0) slot1 = slot0.theme slot3 = 99999999 slot4 = 0 slot5 = 0 for slot9, slot10 in pairs(slot0.cells) do if slot10.row < 99999999 then slot2 = slot10.row end if slot4 < slot10.row then slot4 = slot10.row end if slot10.column < slot3 then slot3 = slot10.column end if slot5 < slot10.column then slot5 = slot10.column end end slot6 = (slot5 + slot3) * 0.5 slot7 = (slot4 + slot2) * 0.5 slot8 = slot1.cellSize + slot1.cellSpace return math.max((slot6 - slot3 + 1) * slot8.x, 0), math.max((slot5 - slot6 + 1) * slot8.x, 0), math.max((slot7 - slot2 + 1) * slot8.y, 0), math.max((slot4 - slot7 + 1) * slot8.y, 0) end function slot0.getPoisonArea(slot0, slot1) slot3 = slot0.theme.cellSize + slot0.theme.cellSpace slot4 = math.floor(slot3.x * slot1) slot5 = math.floor(slot3.y * slot1) for slot9, slot10 in pairs(slot0.cells) do if slot10:checkHadFlag(ChapterConst.FlagPoison) then -- Nothing end end return { [slot9] = { x = math.floor(slot4 * (slot10.column - slot0.indexMin.y)), y = math.floor(slot5 * (slot10.row - slot0.indexMin.x)), w = slot4, h = slot5 } } end function slot0.selectFleets(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = Clone(slot1) or {} for slot7 = #slot3, 1, -1 do if not slot2[slot3[slot7]] or not slot8:isUnlock() or slot8:isLegalToFight() ~= true then table.remove(slot3, slot7) end end slot6 = slot0:getConfig("submarine_num") for slot10 = #({ [FleetType.Normal] = _.filter(slot3, function (slot0) return uv0[slot0]:getFleetType() == FleetType.Normal end), [FleetType.Submarine] = _.filter(slot3, function (slot0) return uv0[slot0]:getFleetType() == FleetType.Submarine end) })[FleetType.Normal], slot0:getConfig("group_num") + 1, -1 do table.remove(slot4[FleetType.Normal], slot10) end for slot10 = #slot4[FleetType.Submarine], slot6 + 1, -1 do table.remove(slot4[FleetType.Submarine], slot10) end for slot10, slot11 in pairs(slot4) do if #slot11 == 0 then slot12 = 0 if slot10 == FleetType.Normal then slot12 = slot5 elseif slot10 == FleetType.Submarine then slot12 = slot6 end for slot16, slot17 in pairs(slot2) do if slot12 <= #slot11 then break end if slot17 and slot17:getFleetType() == slot10 and slot17:isUnlock() and slot17:isLegalToFight() == true then table.insert(slot11, slot16) end end end end slot3 = {} for slot10, slot11 in pairs(slot4) do for slot15, slot16 in ipairs(slot11) do table.insert(slot3, slot16) end end table.sort(slot3, function (slot0, slot1) return slot0 < slot1 end) return slot3 end function slot0.isEliteChapter(slot0) return Map.IsType(slot0:getConfig("map"), Map.ELITE) end function slot0.getInEliteShipIDs(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.eliteFleetList) do for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot6) do slot1[#slot1 + 1] = slot11 end end return slot1 end function slot0.isActivity(slot0) return Map.StaticIsActivity(slot0:getConfig("map")) end function slot0.activeAlways(slot0) if slot0:isActivity() and type(pg.activity_template[slot0:getConfig("act_id")].config_client) == "table" then return table.contains(slot2.config_client.prevs or {}, end return false end function slot0.getPrevChapterName(slot0) slot1 = "" if slot0:getConfig("pre_chapter") ~= 0 then slot1 = slot0:bindConfigTable()[slot2].chapter_name end return slot1 end function slot0.getMapType(slot0) return pg.expedition_data_by_map[slot0:getConfig("map")].type end function slot0.getMaxColumnByRow(slot0, slot1) for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0.cells) do if slot7.row == slot1 then slot2 = math.max(-1, slot7.column) end end return slot2 end function slot0.withNpc(slot0) _.any(slot0.fleets, function (slot0) if slot0.npcShip then uv0 = _.detect(slot0:getShips(true), function (slot0) return == end) end return uv0 ~= nil end) return Clone(nil) end function slot0.getDefeatStory(slot0, slot1) if #slot0:getConfig("defeat_story_count") <= 0 then return nil end slot4 = slot3 while slot4 > 0 do if slot2[slot4] <= slot1 then break end slot4 = slot4 - 1 end return slot0:getConfig("defeat_story")[slot4] end slot1 = { cell = 3, fleet = 1, champion = 2 } slot2 = { "fleet", "champion", "cell" } slot3 = {} function slot4(slot0, slot1) slot2 = uv0[slot1] if slot1 and not slot2 then return end for slot6 = (slot2 or 0) + 1, #uv1 do if slot0[uv1[slot6]] then return uv1[slot6] end end end slot3.__index = slot3 function slot3.__pairs(slot0, slot1) return uv0, slot0, slot1 end function slot0.GetObjectsInCell(slot0, slot1, slot2) return setmetatable({ fleet = slot0:getFleet(nil, slot1, slot2), champion = slot0:getChampion(slot1, slot2), cell = slot0:getChapterCell(slot1, slot2) }, uv0) end function slot0.getFleet(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) return _.detect(slot0.fleets, function (slot0) return slot0.line.row == uv0 and slot0.line.column == uv1 and (not uv2 or slot0:getFleetType() == uv2) and slot0:isValid() end) or _.detect(slot0.fleets, function (slot0) return slot0.line.row == uv0 and slot0.line.column == uv1 and (not uv2 or slot0:getFleetType() == uv2) end) end function slot0.getFleetIndex(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot0:getFleet(slot1, slot2, slot3) then return table.indexof(slot0.fleets, slot4) end end function slot0.getOni(slot0) return _.detect(slot0.champions, function (slot0) return slot0.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachOni end) end function slot0.getChampion(slot0, slot1, slot2) return _.detect(slot0.champions, function (slot0) return slot0.row == uv0 and slot0.column == uv1 end) end function slot0.getChampionIndex(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0:getChampion(slot1, slot2) then return table.indexof(slot0.champions, slot3) end end function slot0.getChampionVisibility(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) return slot1.flag == 0 end function slot0.mergeChampion(slot0, slot1) if slot0:getChampionIndex(slot1.row, slot1.column) then slot0.champions[slot2] = slot1 return true else slot1.trait = ChapterConst.TraitLurk table.insert(slot0.champions, slot1) return false end end function slot0.mergeChampionImmediately(slot0, slot1) if slot0:getChampionIndex(slot1.row, slot1.column) then slot0.champions[slot2] = slot1 return true else table.insert(slot0.champions, slot1) return false end end function slot0.RemoveChampion(slot0, slot1) if table.indexof(slot0.champions, slot1) then table.remove(slot0.champions, slot2) end end function slot0.considerAsObstacle(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if not slot0:getChapterCell(slot2, slot3) or not slot4:IsWalkable(slot1) then return true end if slot0:existBarrier(slot2, slot3) then return true end if slot1 == ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer then if slot4.flag == 0 then if slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachEnemy or slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachAmbush or slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachElite or slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBoss or slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachAreaBoss or slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBomb_Enemy then return true end if slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBox and pg.box_data_template[slot4.attachmentId].type == ChapterConst.BoxTorpedo then return true end if slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachStory then return true end end if slot0:existChampion(slot2, slot3) then return true end elseif slot1 == ChapterConst.SubjectChampion and slot0:existFleet(FleetType.Normal, slot2, slot3) then return true end return false end function slot0.considerAsStayPoint(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if not slot0:getChapterCell(slot2, slot3) or not slot4:IsWalkable() then return false end if slot0:existBarrier(slot2, slot3) then return false end if slot1 == ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer then if slot4.flag == 0 and slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachStory then return true end if slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachLandbase and pg.land_based_template[slot4.attachmentId] and pg.land_based_template[slot4.attachmentId].type == ChapterConst.LBHarbor then return false end if slot0:existFleet(FleetType.Normal, slot2, slot3) then return false end if slot0:existOni(slot2, slot3) then return false end if slot0:existBombEnemy(slot2, slot3) then return false end elseif slot1 == ChapterConst.SubjectChampion then if slot4.flag ~= 1 and slot4.attachment ~= ChapterConst.AttachNone then return false end if slot0:getChampion(slot2, slot3) and slot5.flag ~= 1 then return false end end return true end function slot0.existAny(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0:getChapterCell(slot1, slot2).attachment ~= ChapterConst.AttachNone and slot3.flag == 0 then return true end if slot0:existFleet(nil, slot1, slot2) then return true end if slot0:existChampion(slot1, slot2) then return true end end function slot0.existBarrier(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0:getChapterCell(slot1, slot2).attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBox and slot3.flag == 0 and pg.box_data_template[slot3.attachmentId].type == ChapterConst.BoxBarrier then return true end if slot3.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachStory and slot3.flag == 3 and pg.map_event_template[slot3.attachmentId].type == ChapterConst.StoryObstacle then return true end if slot0:getChampion(slot1, slot2) and slot4.flag ~= 1 and pg.expedition_data_template[slot4.attachmentId] and slot5.type == 97 then return true end return false end function slot0.existEnemy(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot1 == ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer then if slot0:getChapterCell(slot2, slot3) and slot4.flag == 0 and (slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachAmbush or slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachEnemy or slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachElite or slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBoss or slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachAreaBoss or slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBomb_Enemy) then return true, slot4.attachment end if slot0:existChampion(slot2, slot3) then return true, ChapterConst.AttachChampion end elseif slot1 == ChapterConst.SubjectChampion and (slot0:existFleet(FleetType.Normal, slot2, slot3) or slot0:existFleet(FleetType.Transport, slot2, slot3)) then return true end end function slot0.existFleet(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if _.any(slot0.fleets, function (slot0) return slot0.line.row == uv0 and slot0.line.column == uv1 and (not uv2 or slot0:getFleetType() == uv2) and slot0:isValid() end) then return true end end function slot0.existChampion(slot0, slot1, slot2) if _.any(slot0.champions, function (slot0) return slot0.flag == 0 and slot0.row == uv0 and slot0.column == uv1 and uv2:getChampionVisibility(slot0) end) then return true end end function slot0.existAlly(slot0, slot1) return _.any(slot0.fleets, function (slot0) return ~= and slot0.line.row == uv0.line.row and slot0.line.column == uv0.line.column and slot0:isValid() end) end function slot0.existOni(slot0, slot1, slot2) return _.any(slot0.champions, function (slot0) return slot0.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachOni and slot0.flag == 0 and (not uv0 or uv0 == slot0.row) and (not uv1 or uv1 == slot0.column) end) end function slot0.existBombEnemy(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot1 and slot2 then return slot0:getChapterCell(slot1, slot2).attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBomb_Enemy and slot3.flag == 0 end for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0.cells) do if slot7.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBomb_Enemy and slot7.flag == 0 and (not slot1 or slot1 == slot7.row) and (not slot2 or slot2 == slot7.column) then return true end end return false end function slot0.isPlayingWithBombEnemy(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.cells) do if slot5.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBomb_Enemy then return true end end return false end function slot0.existCoastalGunNoMatterLiveOrDead(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.cells) do if slot5.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachLandbase and pg.land_based_template[slot5.attachmentId].type == ChapterConst.LBCoastalGun then return true end end return false end slot5 = { { 1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { 0, 1 }, { 0, -1 } } function slot0.calcWalkableCells(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot5 = {} for slot9 = 0, ChapterConst.MaxRow - 1 do if not slot5[slot9] then slot5[slot9] = {} end for slot13 = 0, ChapterConst.MaxColumn - 1 do slot5[slot9][slot13] = slot0.cells[ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot9, slot13)] and slot15:IsWalkable() end end slot6 = {} if slot1 == ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer then for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot0:getCoastalGunArea()) do slot6[slot12.row .. "_" .. slot12.column] = true end end if not slot0:GetRawChapterCell(slot2, slot3) then return {} end slot9 = { { step = 0, row = slot2, column = slot3, forbiddens = slot8.forbiddenDirections } } slot10 = {} while #slot9 > 0 do table.insert(slot10, table.remove(slot9, 1)) _.each(uv0, function (slot0) slot1 = { row = uv0.row + slot0[1], column = uv0.column + slot0[2], step = uv0.step + 1 } if not uv1:GetRawChapterCell(slot1.row, slot1.column) then return end slot1.forbiddens = slot2.forbiddenDirections if slot1.step <= uv2 and not OrientedPathFinding.IsDirectionForbidden(uv0, slot0[1], slot0[2]) and not (_.any(uv3, function (slot0) return slot0.row == uv0.row and slot0.column == uv0.column end) or _.any(uv4, function (slot0) return slot0.row == uv0.row and slot0.column == uv0.column end)) and uv5[slot1.row][slot1.column] then table.insert(uv6, slot1) if not uv1:existEnemy(uv7, slot1.row, slot1.column) and not uv1:existBarrier(slot1.row, slot1.column) and not uv8[slot1.row .. "_" .. slot1.column] then table.insert(uv3, slot1) end end end) end return _.filter(slot7, function (slot0) return slot0.row == uv0 and slot0.column == uv1 or uv2:considerAsStayPoint(uv3, slot0.row, slot0.column) end) end function slot0.calcAreaCells(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot5 = {} for slot9 = 0, ChapterConst.MaxRow - 1 do if not slot5[slot9] then slot5[slot9] = {} end for slot13 = 0, ChapterConst.MaxColumn - 1 do slot5[slot9][slot13] = slot0.cells[ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot9, slot13)] and slot15:IsWalkable() end end slot6 = {} slot7 = { { step = 0, row = slot1, column = slot2 } } slot8 = {} while #slot7 > 0 do table.insert(slot8, table.remove(slot7, 1)) _.each(uv0, function (slot0) if ({ row = uv0.row + slot0[1], column = uv0.column + slot0[2], step = uv0.step + 1 }).row >= 0 and slot1.row < ChapterConst.MaxRow and slot1.column >= 0 and slot1.column < ChapterConst.MaxColumn and slot1.step <= uv1 and not (_.any(uv2, function (slot0) return slot0.row == uv0.row and slot0.column == uv0.column end) or _.any(uv3, function (slot0) return slot0.row == uv0.row and slot0.column == uv0.column end)) then table.insert(uv2, slot1) if uv4[slot1.row][slot1.column] and uv5 <= slot1.step then table.insert(uv6, slot1) end end end) end return slot6 end function slot0.calcSquareBarrierCells(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = {} for slot8 = -slot3, slot3 do for slot12 = -slot3, slot3 do if slot0:getChapterCell(slot1 + slot8, slot2 + slot12) and slot15:IsWalkable() and (slot0:existBarrier(slot13, slot14) or not slot0:existAny(slot13, slot14)) then table.insert(slot4, { row = slot13, column = slot14 }) end end end return slot4 end function slot0.checkAnyInteractive(slot0) slot1 = slot0.fleet.line slot2 = slot0:getChapterCell(slot1.row, slot1.column) slot3 = false if slot0.fleet:getFleetType() == FleetType.Normal then if slot0:existEnemy(ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer, slot2.row, slot2.column) then if slot0:getRound() == ChapterConst.RoundPlayer then slot3 = true end elseif slot2.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachAmbush or slot2.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBox then if slot2.flag ~= 1 then slot3 = true end elseif slot2.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachStory then slot3 = slot2.flag == 0 elseif slot2.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachSupply and slot2.attachmentId > 0 then slot4, slot5 = slot0:getFleetAmmo(slot0.fleet) if slot5 < slot4 then slot3 = true end elseif slot2.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBox and slot2.flag ~= 1 then slot3 = true end end return slot3 end function slot0.calcAttachmenArea(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0.theme for slot10, slot11 in pairs(slot0.cells) do if slot11.attachment == slot1 then slot3 = math.min(ChapterConst.MaxRow + 1, slot11.row) slot4 = math.max(-1, slot11.row) slot5 = math.min(ChapterConst.MaxColumn + 1, slot11.column) slot6 = math.max(-1, slot11.column) end end slot8 = Vector2(slot6 - slot5 + 1, slot4 - slot3 + 1) slot8.x = slot8.x * (slot2.cellSize.x + slot2.cellSpace.x) - slot2.cellSpace.x slot8.y = slot8.y * (slot2.cellSize.y + slot2.cellSpace.y) - slot2.cellSpace.y return slot3, slot4, slot5, slot6, Vector2((slot5 - slot6) * 0.5 * (slot2.cellSize.x + slot2.cellSpace.x), (slot4 - slot3) * 0.5 * (slot2.cellSize.y + slot2.cellSpace.y)), slot8 end function slot0.getQuadCellPic(slot0, slot1) slot2 = nil if slot1.trait == ChapterConst.TraitLurk then -- Nothing elseif (slot1.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachEnemy or slot1.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachElite or slot1.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachAmbush or slot1.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBoss or slot1.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachAreaBoss or slot1.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBomb_Enemy) and slot1.flag == 0 then slot2 = "cell_enemy" elseif slot1.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBox and slot1.flag == 0 then if pg.box_data_template[slot1.attachmentId].type == ChapterConst.BoxDrop or slot3.type == ChapterConst.BoxStrategy or slot3.type == ChapterConst.BoxSupply or slot3.type == ChapterConst.BoxEnemy then slot2 = "cell_box" elseif slot3.type == ChapterConst.BoxTorpedo then slot2 = "cell_enemy" elseif slot3.type == ChapterConst.BoxBarrier then slot2 = "cell_green" end elseif slot1.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachStory and == ChapterConst.Story then if slot1.flag == 0 and pg.map_event_template[slot1.attachmentId].icon == "mapevent1" then slot2 = "cell_box" end elseif slot1.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachSupply and slot1.attachmentId > 0 then slot2 = "cell_box" elseif slot1.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachTransport_Target then slot2 = "cell_box" elseif slot1.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachLandbase and pg.land_based_template[slot1.attachmentId] and (slot3.type == ChapterConst.LBHarbor or slot3.type == ChapterConst.LBDock) then slot2 = "cell_box" end return slot2 end function slot0.getMapShip(slot0, slot1) slot2 = nil if slot1:isValid() and not _.detect(slot1:getShips(false), function (slot0) return slot0.isNpc and slot0.hpRant > 0 end) then if slot1:getFleetType() == FleetType.Normal then slot2 = slot1:getShipsByTeam(TeamType.Main, false)[1] elseif slot3 == FleetType.Submarine then slot2 = slot1:getShipsByTeam(TeamType.Submarine, false)[1] end end return slot2 end function slot0.getTorpedoShip(slot0, slot1) slot2 = nil if slot1:getFleetType() == FleetType.Submarine then slot2 = slot1:getShipsByTeam(TeamType.Submarine, false)[1] elseif slot1:getFleetType() == FleetType.Normal then slot2 = _.detect(slot1:getShipsByTeam(TeamType.Vanguard, false), function (slot0) return slot0:getShipType() == ShipType.QuZhu end) end return slot2 end function slot0.getCVship(slot0, slot1) slot2 = nil if slot1:getFleetType() == FleetType.Normal then slot2 = _.detect(slot1:getShipsByTeam(TeamType.Main, false), function (slot0) return table.contains(ShipType.BundleList[ShipType.BundleAircraftCarrier], slot0:getShipType()) end) end return slot2 end function slot0.getBBship(slot0, slot1) slot2 = nil if slot1:getFleetType() == FleetType.Normal then slot2 = _.detect(slot1:getShipsByTeam(TeamType.Main, false), function (slot0) return table.contains(ShipType.BundleList[ShipType.BundleBattleShip], slot0:getShipType()) end) end return slot2 end function slot0.GetSubmarineFleet(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.fleets) do if slot5:getFleetType() == FleetType.Submarine and slot5:isValid() then return slot5, slot4 end end end function slot0.getStageCell(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0:getChampion(slot1, slot2) and slot3.flag ~= 1 then return slot3 end if slot0:getChapterCell(slot1, slot2) and slot4.flag ~= 1 then return slot4 end end function slot0.getStageId(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0:getChampion(slot1, slot2) and slot3.flag ~= 1 then return end if slot0:getChapterCell(slot1, slot2) and slot4.flag ~= 1 then return slot4.attachmentId end end function slot0.getStageExtraAwards(slot0) if slot0:getPlayType() == ChapterConst.TypeMainSub then slot1 = _.filter(pg.expedition_data_by_map.all, function (slot0) return type(pg.expedition_data_by_map[slot0].drop_by_map_display) == "table" and #slot1 > 0 end) if pg.expedition_data_by_map[slot1[math.min(#slot1, slot0.awardIndex)]] then return slot2.drop_by_map_display[table.indexof(slot1, slot0:getConfig("map"))] end end end function slot0.GetExtraCostRate(slot0) return math.max(1, 1), {} end function slot0.getFleetCost(slot0, slot1) if slot0:getPlayType() == ChapterConst.TypeExtra then return { gold = 0, oil = 0 }, { gold = 0, oil = 0 } end return slot1:getCost(slot0:GetExtraCostRate()) end function slot0.GetWinConditions(slot0) return slot0.winConditions end function slot0.GetLoseConditions(slot0) return slot0.loseConditions end function slot0.CanQuickPlay(slot0) return pg.chapter_setting[] and slot1.expedite > 0 end function slot0.GetQuickPlayFlag(slot0) return PlayerPrefs.GetInt("chapter_quickPlay_flag_" .., 0) == 1 end function slot0.writeDrops(slot0, slot1) _.each(slot1, function (slot0) if slot0.dropType == DROP_TYPE_SHIP and not table.contains(uv0.dropShipIdList, then table.insert(uv0.dropShipIdList, end end) end function slot0.UpdateDropShipList(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1) do if not table.contains(slot0.dropShipIdList, slot6) then table.insert(slot0.dropShipIdList, slot6) end end end function slot0.GetDropShipList(slot0) return slot0.dropShipIdList end function slot0.writeBack(slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot0.fleet.ships) do function (slot0) if uv0.statistics[] then slot0.hpRant = slot1.bp end end(slot9) end slot3.restAmmo = math.max(slot3.restAmmo - 1, 0) if slot2.statistics.submarineAid then if _.detect(slot0.fleets, function (slot0) return slot0:getFleetType() == FleetType.Submarine and slot0:isValid() end) and not slot5:inHuntingRange(slot3.line.row, slot3.line.column) then slot5:consumeOneStrategy(ChapterConst.StrategyCallSubOutofRange) end if slot5 then for slot9, slot10 in pairs(slot5.ships) do slot4(slot10) end slot5.restAmmo = math.max(slot5.restAmmo - 1, 0) end end slot0:UpdateComboHistory(slot2.statistics._battleScore) slot5 = nil if slot1 then if _.detect(slot0.champions, function (slot0) return == uv0.stageId and slot0.row == uv1.line.row and slot0.column == uv1.line.column and slot0.flag ~= 1 end) then slot6:Iter() slot5 = slot6.attachment else slot7 = slot0:getChapterCell(slot3.line.row, slot3.line.column) slot7.flag = 1 slot0:updateChapterCell(slot7) slot5 = slot7.attachment end if slot5 == ChapterConst.AttachEnemy or slot5 == ChapterConst.AttachElite or slot5 == ChapterConst.AttachChampion then if (not slot6 or slot6.flag == 1) and _.detect(slot0.achieves, function (slot0) return slot0.type == ChapterConst.AchieveType2 end) then slot7.count = slot7.count + 1 end elseif slot5 == ChapterConst.AttachBoss and _.detect(slot0.achieves, function (slot0) return slot0.type == ChapterConst.AchieveType1 end) then slot7.count = slot7.count + 1 end if slot0:CheckChapterWin() then pg.TrackerMgr.GetInstance():Tracking(TRACKING_KILL_BOSS) end if not slot6 or slot6.flag == 1 then slot0:RemoveChampion(slot6) slot3.defeatEnemies = slot3.defeatEnemies + 1 slot0.defeatEnemies = slot0.defeatEnemies + 1 end if slot0:getPlayType() == ChapterConst.TypeMainSub and slot5 == ChapterConst.AttachBoss and slot2.statistics._battleScore == ys.Battle.BattleConst.BattleScore.S then slot10 = getProxy(ChapterProxy) slot10.subProgress = math.max(slot10.subProgress, table.indexof(_.filter(pg.expedition_data_by_map.all, function (slot0) return type(pg.expedition_data_by_map[slot0].drop_by_map_display) == "table" and #slot1 > 0 end), slot0:getConfig("map")) + 1) end end if slot5 ~= ChapterConst.AttachBoss then getProxy(ChapterProxy):RecordLastDefeatedEnemy(, { score = slot2.statistics._battleScore, line = { row = slot3.line.row, column = slot3.line.column }, type = slot5 }) end end function slot0.UpdateProgressOnRetreat(slot0) _.each(slot0.achieves, function (slot0) if slot0.type == ChapterConst.AchieveType3 then if _.all(_.values(uv0.cells), function (slot0) if slot0.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachEnemy or slot0.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachElite or slot0.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBoss or slot0.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBox and pg.box_data_template[slot0.attachmentId].type == ChapterConst.BoxEnemy then return slot0.flag == 1 end return true end) and _.all(uv0.champions, function (slot0) return slot0.flag == 1 end) then slot0.count = slot0.count + 1 end elseif slot0.type == ChapterConst.AchieveType4 then if uv0.orignalShipCount <= slot0.config then slot0.count = slot0.count + 1 end elseif slot0.type == ChapterConst.AchieveType5 then if not _.any(uv0:getShips(), function (slot0) return slot0:getShipType() == uv0.config end) then slot0.count = slot0.count + 1 end elseif slot0.type == ChapterConst.AchieveType6 then slot0.count = math.max((uv0.scoreHistory[0] or 0) + (uv0.scoreHistory[1] or 0) <= 0 and uv0.combo or 0, slot0.count or 0) end end) if slot0.progress == 100 then slot0.passCount = slot0.passCount + 1 end slot0.progress = math.min(slot0.progress + slot0:getConfig("progress_boss"), 100) if slot0.progress < 100 and slot2 >= 100 then getProxy(ChapterProxy):RecordJustClearChapters(, true) end slot0.defeatCount = slot0.defeatCount + 1 if not slot0:isActivity() then if slot0:getMapType() == Map.ELITE then pg.TrackerMgr.GetInstance():Tracking(TRACKING_HARD_CHAPTER, elseif slot3 == Map.SCENARIO then if slot0.progress == 100 and slot0.passCount == 0 then pg.TrackerMgr.GetInstance():Tracking(TRACKING_HIGHEST_CHAPTER, end if slot0.defeatCount == 1 then if == 1204 then pg.TrackerMgr.GetInstance():Tracking(TRACKING_FIRST_PASS_12_4) elseif == 1301 then pg.TrackerMgr.GetInstance():Tracking(TRACKING_FIRST_PASS_13_1) elseif == 1302 then pg.TrackerMgr.GetInstance():Tracking(TRACKING_FIRST_PASS_13_2) elseif == 1303 then pg.TrackerMgr.GetInstance():Tracking(TRACKING_FIRST_PASS_13_3) elseif == 1304 then pg.TrackerMgr.GetInstance():Tracking(TRACKING_FIRST_PASS_13_4) end end end end end function slot0.UpdateComboHistory(slot0, slot1) getProxy(ChapterProxy):RecordComboHistory(, { scoreHistory = Clone(slot0.scoreHistory), combo = Clone(slot0.combo) }) slot0.scoreHistory = slot0.scoreHistory or {} slot0.scoreHistory[slot1] = (slot0.scoreHistory[slot1] or 0) + 1 if slot1 <= ys.Battle.BattleConst.BattleScore.C then slot0.combo = 0 else slot0.combo = (slot0.combo or 0) + 1 end end function slot0.CheckChapterWin(slot0) slot3 = ChapterConst.ReasonVictory for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0:GetWinConditions()) do if slot8.type == 1 then _.each(slot0:findChapterCells(ChapterConst.AttachBoss), function (slot0) if slot0 and slot0.flag == 1 then uv0 = uv0 + 1 end end) slot2 = false or slot8.param <= 0 elseif slot8.type == 2 then slot2 = slot2 or slot8.param <= slot0:GetDefeatCount() elseif slot8.type == 3 then slot2 = slot2 or slot0:CheckTransportState() == 1 elseif slot8.type == 4 then slot2 = slot2 or slot8.param < slot0:getRoundNum() elseif slot8.type == 5 then slot9 = slot8.param slot2 = slot2 or not (_.any(slot0.champions, function (slot0) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.idList) do slot1 = slot0.attachmentId == uv0 or slot6 == uv0 end return slot1 and slot0.flag ~= 1 end) or _.any(slot0.cells, function (slot0) return slot0.attachmentId == uv0 and slot0.flag ~= 1 end)) elseif slot8.type == 6 then slot9 = slot8.param slot2 = slot2 or _.any(slot0.fleets, function (slot0) return slot0:getFleetType() == FleetType.Normal and slot0:isValid() and slot0.line.row == uv0[1] and slot0.line.column == uv0[2] end) end if slot2 then break end end return slot2, slot3 end function slot0.CheckChapterLose(slot0) slot3 = ChapterConst.ReasonDefeat for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0:GetLoseConditions()) do if slot8.type == 1 then slot2 = false or not _.any(slot0.fleets, function (slot0) return slot0:getFleetType() == FleetType.Normal and slot0:isValid() end) elseif slot8.type == 2 then slot3 = (slot2 or slot0.BaseHP <= 0) and ChapterConst.ReasonDefeatDefense end if slot2 then break end end if slot0:getPlayType() == ChapterConst.TypeTransport then slot2 = slot2 or slot0:CheckTransportState() == -1 end return slot2, slot3 end function slot0.CheckChapterWillWin(slot0) if slot0:existOni() then return true elseif slot0:isPlayingWithBombEnemy() then return true end slot1, slot2 = slot0:CheckChapterWin() if slot1 then return true end end function slot0.triggerSkill(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = _.filter(slot1:findSkills(slot2), function (slot0) return _.any(slot0:GetTriggers(), function (slot0) return slot0[1] == FleetSkill.TriggerInSubTeam and slot0[2] == 1 end) == (uv0:getFleetType() == FleetType.Submarine) and _.all(slot0:GetTriggers(), function (slot0) return uv0:triggerCheck(uv1, uv2, slot0) end) end) return _.reduce(slot3, nil, function (slot0, slot1) if slot1:GetType() == FleetSkill.TypeMoveSpeed or slot2 == FleetSkill.TypeHuntingLv or slot2 == FleetSkill.TypeTorpedoPowerUp then return (slot0 or 0) + slot1:GetArgs()[1] elseif slot2 == FleetSkill.TypeAmbushDodge or slot2 == FleetSkill.TypeAirStrikeDodge then return math.max(slot0 or 0, slot3[1]) elseif slot2 == FleetSkill.TypeAttack or slot2 == FleetSkill.TypeStrategy then slot0 = slot0 or {} table.insert(slot0, slot3) return slot0 elseif slot2 == FleetSkill.TypeBattleBuff then slot0 = slot0 or {} table.insert(slot0, slot3[1]) return slot0 end end), slot3 end function slot0.triggerCheck(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot3[1] == FleetSkill.TriggerDDCount then return slot3[2] <= #_.filter(slot1:getShipsByTeam(TeamType.Vanguard, false), function (slot0) return slot0:getShipType() == ShipType.QuZhu end) and slot6 <= slot3[3] elseif slot4 == FleetSkill.TriggerDDHead then return #slot1:getShipsByTeam(TeamType.Vanguard, false) > 0 and slot5[1]:getShipType() == ShipType.QuZhu elseif slot4 == FleetSkill.TriggerVanCount then return slot3[2] <= #slot1:getShipsByTeam(TeamType.Vanguard, false) and #slot5 <= slot3[3] elseif slot4 == FleetSkill.TriggerShipCount then return slot3[3] <= #_.filter(slot1:getShips(false), function (slot0) return table.contains(uv0[2], slot0:getShipType()) end) and #slot5 <= slot3[4] elseif slot4 == FleetSkill.TriggerAroundEnemy then slot5 = { row = slot1.line.row, column = slot1.line.column } return _.any(_.values(slot0.cells), function (slot0) slot1 = not uv0:existOni(slot0.row, slot0.column) and not uv0:existBombEnemy(slot0.row, slot0.column) and (uv0:existChampion(slot0.row, slot0.column) and uv0:getChampion(slot0.row, slot0.column):getConfig("type") or uv0:existEnemy(ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer, slot0.row, slot0.column) and pg.expedition_data_template[slot0.attachmentId].type or nil) return ManhattonDist(uv1, { row = slot0.row, column = slot0.column }) <= uv2[2] and (type(uv2[3]) == "number" and uv2[3] == slot1 or type(uv2[3]) == "table" and table.contains(uv2[3], slot1)) end) elseif slot4 == FleetSkill.TriggerNekoPos then for slot9, slot10 in pairs(slot1:getCommanders()) do if slot1:findCommanderBySkillId( == and slot9 == slot3[2] then return true end end elseif slot4 == FleetSkill.TriggerAroundLand then slot5 = { row = slot1.line.row, column = slot1.line.column } return _.any(_.values(slot0.cells), function (slot0) return not slot0:IsWalkable() and ManhattonDist(uv0, { row = slot0.row, column = slot0.column }) <= uv1[2] end) elseif slot4 == FleetSkill.TriggerAroundCombatAlly then slot5 = { row = slot1.line.row, column = slot1.line.column } return _.any(slot0.fleets, function (slot0) return ~= and slot0:getFleetType() == FleetType.Normal and uv1:existEnemy(ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer, slot0.line.row, slot0.line.column) and ManhattonDist(uv2, { row = slot0.line.row, column = slot0.line.column }) <= uv3[2] end) elseif slot4 == FleetSkill.TriggerInSubTeam then return true end end slot6 = { { 1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { 0, 1 }, { 0, -1 } } function slot0.checkOniState(slot0) slot1 = slot0:getOni() if _.all(uv0, function (slot0) slot1 = { uv0.row + slot0[1], uv0.column + slot0[2] } if uv1:existFleet(FleetType.Normal, slot1[1], slot1[2]) then return true end if not uv1:getChapterCell(slot1[1], slot1[2]) or not slot2:IsWalkable() then return true end if uv1:existBarrier(slot2.row, slot2.column) then return true end end) then return 1 end if _.any(slot0:getOniChapterInfo().escape_grids, function (slot0) return slot0[1] == uv0.row and slot0[2] == uv0.column end) then return 2 end end function slot0.onOniEnter(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.cells) do slot5.attachment = ChapterConst.AttachNone slot5.attachmentId = nil slot5.flag = nil = nil end slot0.champions = {} slot0.modelCount = slot0:getOniChapterInfo().special_item slot0.roundIndex = 0 end function slot0.onBombEnemyEnter(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.cells) do slot5.attachment = ChapterConst.AttachNone slot5.attachmentId = nil slot5.flag = nil = nil end slot0.champions = {} slot0.modelCount = 0 slot0.roundIndex = 0 end function slot0.clearSubmarineFleet(slot0) for slot4 = #slot0.fleets, 1, -1 do if slot0.fleets[slot4]:getFleetType() == FleetType.Submarine then table.remove(slot0.fleets, slot4) end end end function slot0.getOniChapterInfo(slot0) return pg.chapter_capture[] end function slot0.getBombChapterInfo(slot0) return pg.chapter_boom[] end function slot0.getSpAppearStory(slot0) if slot0:existOni() then for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.champions) do if slot5.trait == ChapterConst.TraitLurk and slot5.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachOni and slot5:getConfig("appear_story") and #slot6 > 0 then return slot6 end end elseif slot0:isPlayingWithBombEnemy() then for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.cells) do if slot5.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBomb_Enemy and slot5.trait == ChapterConst.TraitLurk and pg.specialunit_template[slot5.attachmentId].appear_story and #slot6.appear_story > 0 then return slot6.appear_story end end end end function slot0.getSpAppearGuide(slot0) if slot0:existOni() then for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.champions) do if slot5.trait == ChapterConst.TraitLurk and slot5.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachOni and slot5:getConfig("appear_guide") and #slot6 > 0 then return slot6 end end elseif slot0:isPlayingWithBombEnemy() then for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.cells) do if slot5.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBomb_Enemy and slot5.trait == ChapterConst.TraitLurk and pg.specialunit_template[slot5.attachmentId].appear_guide and #slot6.appear_guide > 0 then return slot6.appear_guide end end end end function slot0.CheckTransportState(slot0) if not _.detect(slot0.fleets, function (slot0) return slot0:getFleetType() == FleetType.Transport end) then return -1 end slot2 = slot0:findChapterCell(ChapterConst.AttachTransport_Target) if not slot1:isValid() then return -1 elseif slot1.line.row == slot2.row and slot1.line.column == slot2.column and not slot0:existEnemy(ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer, slot2.row, slot2.column) then return 1 else return 0 end end function slot0.getCoastalGunArea(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.cells) do if slot6.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachLandbase and slot6.flag ~= 1 and pg.land_based_template[slot6.attachmentId].type == ChapterConst.LBCoastalGun then slot8 = slot7.function_args slot9 = { math.abs(slot8[1]), math.abs(slot8[2]) } slot10 = { Mathf.Sign(slot8[1]), Mathf.Sign(slot8[2]) } for slot15 = 1, math.max(slot9[1], slot9[2]) do table.insert(slot1, { row = slot6.row + math.min(slot9[1], slot15) * slot10[1], column = slot6.column + math.min(slot9[2], slot15) * slot10[2] }) end end end return slot1 end function slot0.GetAntiAirGunArea(slot0) slot1 = {} slot2 = {} for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0.cells) do if slot7.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachLandbase and slot7.flag ~= 1 and pg.land_based_template[slot7.attachmentId].type == ChapterConst.LBAntiAir then slot13 = {} if math.abs(slot8.function_args[1]) > 0 then -- Nothing end while next({ [function (slot0, slot1) return ChapterConst.MaxColumn * slot0 + slot1 end(slot7.row, slot7.column)] = slot7 }) do slot14 = next(slot12) slot12[slot14] = nil if math.abs(slot12[slot14].row - slot7.row) <= slot10 and math.abs(slot15.column - slot7.column) <= slot10 then slot13[slot14] = slot15 for slot19 = 1, #uv0 do if not slot13[slot11(slot15.row + uv0[slot19][1], slot15.column + uv0[slot19][2])] then slot12[slot22] = { row = slot20, column = slot21 } end end end end for slot17, slot18 in pairs(slot13) do slot2[slot17] = slot18 end end end for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot2) do table.insert(slot1, slot7) end return slot1 end function slot0.getNpcShipByType(slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} slot3 = getProxy(TaskProxy) slot8 = "npc_data" for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot0:getConfig(slot8)) do slot10 = pg.npc_squad_template[slot9] if not slot1 or slot1 == slot10.type and function (slot0) if slot0 == 0 then return true end return uv0:getTaskVO(slot0) and not slot1:isFinish() end(slot10.task_id) then for slot14, slot15 in ipairs({ "vanguard_list", "main_list" }) do for slot19, slot20 in ipairs(slot10[slot15]) do table.insert(slot2, NpcShip.New({ id = slot20[1], configId = slot20[1], level = slot20[2] })) end end end end return slot2 end function slot0.GetDefeatCount(slot0) return slot0.defeatEnemies end function slot0.ExistDivingChampion(slot0) return _.any(slot0.champions, function (slot0) return slot0.flag == 5 end) end function slot0.IsSkipPrecombat(slot0) return slot0:isLoop() and getProxy(ChapterProxy):GetSkipPrecombat() end function slot0.StaticIsChapterBindedActivityActive(slot0) if not uv0.bindConfigTable()[slot0] then return false end if not Map.StaticIsActivity( or uv0.StaticIsChapterRemaster(slot0) then return true end if slot1.act_id == 0 then return true end return getProxy(ActivityProxy):IsActivityNotEnd(slot2) end function slot0.StaticIsChapterRemaster(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(pg.re_map_template.all) do if table.contains(pg.re_map_template[slot5].config_data, slot0) then slot8 = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() if slot6.time == "always" or slot7:parseTimeFromConfig(slot9[2], true) <= slot8 and slot8 <= slot7:parseTimeFromConfig(slot9[3], true) then return true end end end return false end function slot0.getTodayDefeatCount(slot0) return getProxy(DailyLevelProxy):getChapterDefeatCount(slot0.configId) end function slot0.isTriesLimit(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("count") and slot1 > 0 end function slot0.updateTodayDefeatCount(slot0) getProxy(DailyLevelProxy):updateChapterDefeatCount(slot0.configId) end function slot0.enoughTimes2Start(slot0) if slot0:isTriesLimit() then return slot0:getTodayDefeatCount() < slot0:getConfig("count") else return true end end return slot0