slot0 = class("Challenge2Fleet", import(".Fleet")) function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) = slot0:updateShips(slot1.ships) slot0.commanderList = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1.commanders or {}) do slot0.commanderList[slot6.pos] = Commander.New(slot6.commanderinfo) end slot0.skills = {} slot0:updateCommanderSkills() end function slot0.getShipsByTeam(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = {} for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0[slot1]) do if slot8.hpRant > 0 then slot3[#slot3 + 1] = slot8 end end if slot2 then for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0[slot1]) do if slot8.hpRant <= 0 then slot3[#slot3 + 1] = slot8 end end end return slot3 end function slot0.getFleetType(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.ships) do if slot5:getTeamType() == TeamType.Submarine then return FleetType.Submarine end end return FleetType.Normal end function slot0.getShips(slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} if slot0:getFleetType() == FleetType.Normal then _.each(slot0:getShipsByTeam(TeamType.Main, slot1), function (slot0) table.insert(uv0, slot0) end) _.each(slot0:getShipsByTeam(TeamType.Vanguard, slot1), function (slot0) table.insert(uv0, slot0) end) elseif slot3 == FleetType.Submarine then _.each(slot0:getShipsByTeam(TeamType.Submarine, slot1), function (slot0) table.insert(uv0, slot0) end) end return slot2 end function slot0.updateShips(slot0, slot1) slot0[TeamType.Vanguard] = {} slot0[TeamType.Main] = {} slot0[TeamType.Submarine] = {} slot0.ships = {} _.each(slot1 or {}, function (slot0) slot1 = Ship.New(slot0.ship_info) slot1.hpRant = slot0.hp_rant uv0.ships[] = slot1 table.insert(uv0[slot1:getTeamType()], slot1) end) end function slot0.updateShipsHP(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.ships[slot1] then slot3.hpRant = slot2 return true else return false end end function slot0.getCommanders(slot0) return slot0.commanderList end function slot0.switchShip(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3, slot4, slot5, slot6 = nil for slot10, slot11 in pairs(slot0.ships) do if slot10 == slot1 then slot4 = table.indexof(slot0[slot11:getTeamType()], slot11) end if slot10 == slot2 then slot6 = table.indexof(slot0[slot11:getTeamType()], slot11) end end if slot3 == slot5 and slot4 ~= slot6 then slot0[slot5][slot6] = slot0[slot3][slot4] slot0[slot3][slot4] = slot0[slot5][slot6] end end function slot0.buildBattleBuffList(slot0) slot1 = {} slot2, slot3 = FleetSkill.triggerMirrorSkill(slot0, FleetSkill.TypeBattleBuff) if slot2 and #slot2 > 0 then slot4 = {} for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot2) do slot4[slot11] = slot4[slot0:findCommanderBySkillId(slot3[slot8].id)] or {} table.insert(slot4[slot11], slot9) end for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot4) do table.insert(slot1, { slot8, slot9 }) end end for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot0:getCommanders()) do for slot14, slot15 in ipairs(slot9:getTalents()) do if #slot15:getBuffsAddition() > 0 then slot17 = nil for slot21, slot22 in ipairs(slot1) do if slot22[1] == slot9 then slot17 = slot22[2] break end end if not slot17 then table.insert(slot1, { slot9, {} }) end for slot21, slot22 in ipairs(slot16) do table.insert(slot17, slot22) end end end end return slot1 end return slot0