slot0 = class("IndexConst") function slot0.Flags2Bits(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0) do slot1 = bit.bor(0, bit.lshift(1, slot6)) end return slot1 end function slot0.FlagRange2Bits(slot0, slot1) for slot6 = slot0, slot1 do slot2 = bit.bor(0, bit.lshift(1, slot6)) end return slot2 end function slot0.ToggleBits(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = slot0 if slot2 then slot7 = _.reduce(slot1, 0, function (slot0, slot1) return slot0 + (slot1 ~= uv0 and bit.lshift(1, slot1) or 0) end) if bit.lshift(1, slot3) == bit.lshift(1, slot2) then slot4 = slot6 else if, slot6) > 0 then slot4 = slot4 - slot6 end if, slot5) > 0 then slot5 = -slot5 end if slot4 + slot5 == slot7 or slot4 == 0 then slot4 = slot6 end end else if, slot5) > 0 then slot5 = -slot5 end slot4 = slot4 + slot5 end return slot4 end slot0.DisplaySort = 1 slot0.DisplayIndex = 2 slot0.DisplayCamp = 3 slot0.DisplayRarity = 4 slot0.DisplayEquipSkinSort = 5 slot0.DisplayEquipSkinIndex = 6 slot0.DisplayEquipSkinTheme = 7 slot0.SortRarity = 1 slot0.SortLevel = 2 slot0.SortPower = 3 slot0.SortAchivedTime = 4 slot0.SortDurability = 5 slot0.SortCannon = 6 slot0.SortTorpedo = 7 slot0.SortAir = 8 slot0.SortAntiAircraft = 9 slot0.SortVotes = 10 slot0.SortTypes = { slot0.SortRarity, slot0.SortLevel, slot0.SortPower, slot0.SortAchivedTime, slot0.SortDurability, slot0.SortCannon, slot0.SortTorpedo, slot0.SortAir, slot0.SortAntiAircraft, slot0.SortVotes } slot0.SortSprites = { "sort_rarity", "sort_lv", "sort_synthesize_power", "sort_achieved_item", "sort_attr_durability", "sort_attr_cannon", "sort_attr_torpedo", "sort_attr_air", "sort_attr_antiaircraft", "sort_votes" } slot0.SortNames = { i18n("word_rarity"), i18n("word_lv"), i18n("word_synthesize_power"), i18n("word_achieved_item"), i18n("word_attr_durability"), i18n("word_attr_cannon"), i18n("word_attr_torpedo"), i18n("word_attr_air"), i18n("word_attr_antiaircraft"), i18n("word_attr_antisub"), i18n("word_votes") } slot0.IndexAll = 1 slot0.IndexVanguard = 2 slot0.IndexMain = 3 slot0.IndexQuZhu = 4 slot0.IndexQingXun = 5 slot0.IndexZhongXun = 6 slot0.IndexZhanLie = 7 slot0.IndexHangMu = 8 slot0.IndexWeiXiu = 9 slot0.IndexQianTing = 10 slot0.IndexOther = 11 slot0.IndexTypes = { slot0.IndexAll, slot0.IndexVanguard, slot0.IndexMain, slot0.IndexQuZhu, slot0.IndexQingXun, slot0.IndexZhongXun, slot0.IndexZhanLie, slot0.IndexHangMu, slot0.IndexWeiXiu, slot0.IndexQianTing, slot0.IndexOther } slot0.IndexNames = { "index_all", "index_fleetfront", "index_fleetrear", "index_shipType_quZhu", "index_shipType_qinXun", "index_shipType_zhongXun", "index_shipType_zhanLie", "index_shipType_hangMu", "index_shipType_weiXiu", "index_shipType_qianTing", "index_other" } slot0.CampAll = 1 slot0.CampUS = 2 slot0.CampEN = 3 slot0.CampJP = 4 slot0.CampDE = 5 slot0.CampCN = 6 slot0.CampSN = 7 slot0.CampFR = 8 slot0.CampMNF = 9 slot0.CampOther = 11 slot0.CampTypes = { slot0.CampAll, slot0.CampUS, slot0.CampEN, slot0.CampJP, slot0.CampDE, slot0.CampCN, slot0.CampSN, slot0.CampFR, slot0.CampMNF, slot0.CampOther } slot0.CampNames = { "word_shipNation_all", "word_shipNation_baiYing", "word_shipNation_huangJia", "word_shipNation_chongYing", "word_shipNation_tieXue", "word_shipNation_dongHuang", "word_shipNation_beiLian", "word_shipNation_ziyou", "word_shipNation_weixi", "word_shipNation_other" } slot0.RarityAll = 1 slot0.Rarity1 = 2 slot0.Rarity2 = 3 slot0.Rarity3 = 4 slot0.Rarity4 = 5 slot0.Rarity5 = 6 slot0.RarityTypes = { slot0.RarityAll, slot0.Rarity1, slot0.Rarity2, slot0.Rarity3, slot0.Rarity4, slot0.Rarity5 } slot0.RarityNames = { "index_all", "index_rare2", "index_rare3", "index_rare4", "index_rare5", "index_rare6" } slot0.EquipSkinSortType = 1 slot0.EquipSkinSortTypes = { slot0.EquipSkinSortType } slot0.EquipSkinSortNames = { i18n("word_equipskin_type") } slot0.EquipSkinIndexAll = 1 slot0.EquipSkinIndexCannon = 2 slot0.EquipSkinIndexTarpedo = 3 slot0.EquipSkinIndexAircraft = 4 slot0.EquipSkinIndexTypes = { slot0.EquipSkinIndexAll, slot0.EquipSkinIndexCannon, slot0.EquipSkinIndexTarpedo, slot0.EquipSkinIndexAircraft } slot0.EquipSkinIndexNames = { i18n("word_equipskin_all"), i18n("word_equipskin_cannon"), i18n("word_equipskin_tarpedo"), i18n("word_equipskin_aircraft") } slot0.EquipSkinThemeAll = 1 slot0.EquipSkinThemeEnd = nil slot0.EquipSkinThemeTypes = { slot0.EquipSkinThemeAll } for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(pg.equip_skin_theme_template.all) do table.insert(slot0.EquipSkinThemeTypes, slot4 + slot0.EquipSkinThemeAll) if slot4 == #pg.equip_skin_theme_template.all then slot0.EquipSkinThemeEnd = slot4 + slot0.EquipSkinThemeAll + 1 end end slot0.EquipSkinThemeNames = { i18n("word_equipskin_all") } for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(pg.equip_skin_theme_template.all) do table.insert(slot0.EquipSkinThemeNames, pg.equip_skin_theme_template[slot5].name) end function slot0.filterEquipSkinByIndex(slot0, slot1) if not slot1 then return true end if, bit.lshift(1, uv0.EquipSkinIndexAll)) > 0 then return true end slot2 = {} slot3 = { 1, 2, 3, 5 } for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(uv0.EquipSkinIndexTypes) do if, bit.lshift(1, slot8)) > 0 then for slot14, slot15 in ipairs(EquipmentSortCfg.index[slot3[slot8]].types) do table.insert(slot2, slot15) end end end slot4 = pg.equip_skin_template if slot0.count > 0 and slot0.isSkin then for slot10, slot11 in pairs(slot4[].equip_type) do if table.contains(slot2, slot11) then return true end end end end function slot0.filterEquipSkinByTheme(slot0, slot1) if not slot1 then return true end if, bit.lshift(1, uv0.EquipSkinThemeAll)) > 0 then return true end slot3 = pg.equip_skin_theme_template if slot0.count > 0 and slot0.isSkin then slot5 = pg.equip_skin_template[].themeid slot6 = nil for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(uv0.EquipSkinThemeTypes) do if, bit.lshift(1, slot10)) > 0 and table.contains(slot3[slot3[pg.equip_skin_theme_template.all[slot11 - 1]].id].ids, slot4) then return true end end end end slot0.shipType2Index = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 7, 8, 8, 8, 6, 8, nil, nil, nil, 7, 3, 8 } function slot0.filterByIndex(slot0, slot1) if, bit.lshift(1, uv0.IndexAll)) > 0 then return true end slot2 = slot0:getTeamType() if, bit.lshift(1, uv0.IndexVanguard)) > 0 and slot2 == TeamType.Vanguard or, bit.lshift(1, uv0.IndexMain)) > 0 and slot2 == TeamType.Main then return true end for slot6 = uv0.IndexQuZhu, uv0.IndexOther do if, bit.lshift(1, slot6)) > 0 and uv0.shipType2Index[slot0:getShipType()] + 3 == slot6 then return true end end return false end slot0.Nation2Camp = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 7, 8, 9 } function slot0.filterByCamp(slot0, slot1) if, bit.lshift(1, uv0.CampAll)) > 0 then return true end if uv0.Nation2Camp[slot0:getNation()] == nil then slot3 = uv0.CampOther end for slot7 = uv0.CampUS, uv0.CampMNF do if, bit.lshift(1, slot7)) > 0 and slot3 == slot7 then return true end end if, bit.lshift(1, uv0.CampOther)) > 0 and slot3 == uv0.CampOther then return true end return false end function slot0.filterByRarity(slot0, slot1) if, bit.lshift(1, uv0.RarityAll)) > 0 then return true end for slot5 = uv0.Rarity1, uv0.Rarity5 do if, bit.lshift(1, slot5)) > 0 and slot0:getRarity() == slot5 then return true end end return false end function slot0.sortByOrder(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot1 == uv0.SortPower then uv0.combatPowerCaches = {} table.sort(slot0, slot2 and uv0.sortByCombatPowerAsc or uv0.sortByCombatPower) elseif slot1 == uv0.SortRarity then table.sort(slot0, slot2 and uv0.sortByCfgAsc("rarity") or uv0.sortByCfg("rarity")) elseif slot1 == uv0.SortLevel or slot1 == uv0.SortAchivedTime then slot3 = { "", "level", "", "createTime" } table.sort(slot0, slot2 and uv0.sortByFieldAsc(slot3[slot1]) or uv0.sortByField(slot3[slot1])) elseif slot1 == uv0.SortVotes then table.sort(slot0, slot2 and uv0.sortByFieldAsc("votes") or uv0.sortByField("votes")) elseif uv0.SortDurability <= slot1 and slot1 <= uv0.SortAntiAircraft then slot3 = { "durability", "cannon", "torpedo", "air", "antiaircraft" } table.sort(slot0, slot2 and uv0.sortByPropertyAsc(slot3[slot1 - 4]) or uv0.sortByProperty(slot3[slot1 - 4])) end end slot0.combatPowerCaches = {} function slot0.sortByCombatPower(slot0, slot1) if not uv0.combatPowerCaches[slot0] then uv0.combatPowerCaches[slot0] = slot0:getShipCombatPower() end if not uv0.combatPowerCaches[slot1] then uv0.combatPowerCaches[slot1] = slot1:getShipCombatPower() end return sortCompare({ uv0.combatPowerCaches[slot1], uv0.combatPowerCaches[slot0] }, { slot0.configId, slot1.configId }) end function slot0.sortByCombatPowerAsc(slot0, slot1) if not uv0.combatPowerCaches[slot0] then uv0.combatPowerCaches[slot0] = slot0:getShipCombatPower() end if not uv0.combatPowerCaches[slot1] then uv0.combatPowerCaches[slot1] = slot1:getShipCombatPower() end return sortCompare({ uv0.combatPowerCaches[slot0], uv0.combatPowerCaches[slot1] }, { slot0.configId, slot1.configId }) end function slot0.sortByField(slot0) return function (slot0, slot1) return sortCompare({ slot1[uv0], slot0[uv0] }, { slot1:getRarity(), slot0:getRarity() }, { slot0.configId, slot1.configId }) end end function slot0.sortByFieldAsc(slot0) return function (slot0, slot1) return sortCompare({ slot0[uv0], slot1[uv0] }, { slot0:getRarity(), slot1:getRarity() }, { slot0.configId, slot1.configId }) end end function slot0.sortByProperty(slot0) uv0.propertyCaches = {} return function (slot0, slot1) if not uv0.propertyCaches[slot0] then uv0.propertyCaches[slot0] = slot0:getShipProperties() end if not uv0.propertyCaches[slot1] then uv0.propertyCaches[slot1] = slot1:getShipProperties() end return sortCompare({ uv0.propertyCaches[slot1][uv1], uv0.propertyCaches[slot0][uv1] }, { slot0.configId, slot1.configId }) end end function slot0.sortByPropertyAsc(slot0) uv0.propertyCaches = {} return function (slot0, slot1) if not uv0.propertyCaches[slot0] then uv0.propertyCaches[slot0] = slot0:getShipProperties() end if not uv0.propertyCaches[slot1] then uv0.propertyCaches[slot1] = slot1:getShipProperties() end return sortCompare({ uv0.propertyCaches[slot0][uv1], uv0.propertyCaches[slot1][uv1] }, { slot0.configId, slot1.configId }) end end function slot0.sortByCfg(slot0) return function (slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0:getConfig(uv0) slot3 = slot1:getConfig(uv0) if uv0 == "rarity" then slot2 = slot0:getRarity() slot3 = slot1:getRarity() end return sortCompare({ slot3, slot2 }, { slot0.configId, slot1.configId }) end end function slot0.sortByCfgAsc(slot0) return function (slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0:getConfig(uv0) slot3 = slot1:getConfig(uv0) if uv0 == "rarity" then slot2 = slot0:getRarity() slot3 = slot1:getRarity() end return sortCompare({ slot2, slot3 }, { slot0.configId, slot1.configId }) end end function slot0.sortByPriorityFullSkill(slot0, slot1, slot2) return sortCompare({ slot0:isFullSkillLevel() and 1 or 0, slot1:isFullSkillLevel() and 1 or 0 }, slot2(slot0, slot1)) end function slot0.sortForGuider(slot0, slot1) return (table.contains({ 101171, 201211, 401231, 301051 }, slot0.configId) and 1 or 0) > (table.contains(slot2, slot1.configId) and 1 or 0) end function slot0.sortByIntimacy(slot0, slot1) if slot0.intimacy ~= slot1.intimacy then return slot1.intimacy < slot0.intimacy end if slot0.propose ~= slot1.propose then return slot0.propose end if slot0.configId ~= slot1.configId then return slot0.configId < slot1.configId end return slot1.level < slot0.level end function slot0.sortByIntimacyAsc(slot0, slot1) if slot0.intimacy ~= slot1.intimacy then return slot0.intimacy < slot1.intimacy end if slot0.propose ~= slot1.propose then return slot1.propose end if slot0.configId ~= slot1.configId then return slot0.configId < slot1.configId end if slot0.level ~= slot1.level then return slot1.level < slot0.level end end return slot0