slot0 = ys.Battle.BattleDataProxy slot1 = ys.Battle.BattleEvent slot2 = ys.Battle.BattleFormulas slot3 = ys.Battle.BattleConst slot4 = ys.Battle.BattleConfig slot5 = ys.Battle.BattleDataFunction slot6 = ys.Battle.BattleAttr slot7 = ys.Battle.BattleVariable function slot0.StatisticsInit(slot0, slot1) slot0._statistics = { _battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.D, kill_id_list = {}, _totalTime = 0, _deadCount = 0, _boss_destruct = 0, _botPercentage = 0, _enemyInfoList = {} } for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1) do slot7 = { id = slot6:GetAttrByName("id"), damage = 0, output = 0, kill_count = 0, bp = 0, max_hp = slot6:GetAttrByName("maxHP"), maxDamageOnce = 0, gearScore = slot6:GetGearScore() } slot0._statistics[] = slot7 end end function slot0.InitAidUnitStatistics(slot0, slot1) slot2 = { id = slot1:GetAttrByName("id"), damage = 0, output = 0, kill_count = 0, bp = 0, max_hp = slot1:GetAttrByName("maxHP"), maxDamageOnce = 0, gearScore = slot1:GetGearScore() } slot0._statistics[] = slot2 slot0._statistics.submarineAid = true end function slot0.InitSpecificEnemyStatistics(slot0, slot1) slot2 = { id = slot1:GetAttrByName("id"), damage = 0, output = 0, kill_count = 0, bp = 0, max_hp = slot1:GetAttrByName("maxHP"), maxDamageOnce = 0, gearScore = slot1:GetGearScore() } slot0._statistics[] = slot2 end function slot0.RivalInit(slot0, slot1) slot0._statistics._rivalInfo = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1) do slot7 = slot6:GetAttrByName("id") slot0._statistics._rivalInfo[slot7] = { id = slot7 } end end function slot0.DodgemCountInit(slot0) slot0._dodgemStatistics = { kill = 0, combo = 0, miss = 0, fail = 0, score = 0, maxCombo = 0 } end function slot0.SubmarineRunInit(slot0) slot0._subRunStatistics = { score = 0 } end function slot0.SetFlagShipID(slot0, slot1) if slot1 then slot0._statistics._flagShipID = slot1:GetAttrByName("id") end end function slot0.DamageStatistics(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot0._statistics[slot1] then slot0._statistics[slot1].output = slot0._statistics[slot1].output + slot3 slot0._statistics[slot1].maxDamageOnce = math.max(slot0._statistics[slot1].maxDamageOnce, slot3) end if slot0._statistics[slot2] then slot0._statistics[slot2].damage = slot0._statistics[slot2].damage + slot3 end end function slot0.KillCountStatistics(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0._statistics[slot1] then slot0._statistics[slot1].kill_count = slot0._statistics[slot1].kill_count + 1 end end function slot0.HPRatioStatistics(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0._fleetList[1]:GetUnitList()) do slot0._statistics[slot6:GetAttrByName("id")].bp = math.ceil(slot6:GetHPRate() * 10000) end end function slot0.BotPercentage(slot0, slot1) slot0._statistics._botPercentage = Mathf.Clamp(math.floor(slot1 / (slot0._currentStageData.timeCount - slot0._countDown) * 100), 0, 100) end function slot0.CalcBattleScoreWhenDead(slot0, slot1) if slot1:GetIFF() == uv0.FRIENDLY_CODE then if not table.contains(TeamType.SubShipType, slot1:GetTemplate().type) then slot0:DelScoreWhenPlayerDead(slot1) end elseif slot2 == uv0.FOE_CODE then slot0:AddScoreWhenEnemyDead(slot1) end end function slot0.AddScoreWhenBossDestruct(slot0) slot0._statistics._boss_destruct = slot0._statistics._boss_destruct + 1 end function slot0.AddScoreWhenEnemyDead(slot0, slot1) if slot1:GetDeathReason() == uv0.UnitDeathReason.KILLED then slot0._statistics.kill_id_list[#slot0._statistics.kill_id_list + 1] = slot1:GetTemplateID() end end function slot0.DelScoreWhenPlayerDead(slot0, slot1) slot0._statistics._deadCount = slot0._statistics._deadCount + 1 end function slot0.CalcBPWhenPlayerLeave(slot0, slot1) slot0._statistics[slot1:GetAttrByName("id")].bp = math.ceil(slot1:GetHPRate() * 10000) end function slot0.isTimeOut(slot0) return slot0._currentStageData.timeCount - slot0._countDown >= 180 end function slot0.CalcSingleDungeonScoreAtEnd(slot0, slot1) slot0._statistics._deadUnit = true slot0._statistics._badTime = true slot0._statistics._totalTime = slot0._currentStageData.timeCount - slot0._countDown slot3 = slot0._expeditionTmp.limit_type slot5 = slot0._expeditionTmp.time_limit if slot0._statistics._deadCount < slot0._expeditionTmp.sink_limit then slot0._statistics._deadUnit = false end if slot3 == 2 then if not slot1:GetFlagShip():IsAlive() or #slot1:GetScoutList() <= 0 then slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.D slot0._statistics._boss_destruct = 1 else slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.S end elseif slot0._countDown <= 0 then slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.C slot0._statistics._boss_destruct = 1 elseif slot6 and not slot6:IsAlive() then slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.D slot0._statistics._boss_destruct = 1 slot0._statistics._scoreMark = uv0.DEAD_FLAG elseif #slot7 <= 0 then slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.D slot0._statistics._boss_destruct = 1 else if slot0._statistics._deadUnit then slot8 = 0 + 1 end if slot5 < slot2 then slot8 = slot8 + 1 else slot0._statistics._badTime = false end if slot0._statistics._boss_destruct > 0 then slot8 = slot8 + 1 end if slot8 >= 2 then slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.B elseif slot8 == 1 then slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.A elseif slot8 == 0 then slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.S end end slot0._statistics._timeout = slot0:isTimeOut() end function slot0.CalcDuelScoreAtTimesUp(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot0._statistics._deadUnit = true slot0._statistics._badTime = true slot0._statistics._timeout = false slot0._statistics._totalTime = slot0._currentStageData.timeCount - slot0._countDown if slot0._statistics._deadCount < slot0._expeditionTmp.sink_limit then slot0._statistics._deadUnit = false end if slot2 < slot1 then slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.S elseif slot1 < slot2 then slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.D elseif slot4 <= slot3 then slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.S elseif slot3 < slot4 then slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.D end end function slot0.CalcDuelScoreAtEnd(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0._statistics._deadUnit = true slot0._statistics._badTime = true slot0._statistics._totalTime = slot0._currentStageData.timeCount - slot0._countDown slot4 = #slot1:GetUnitList() slot5 = #slot2:GetUnitList() slot7 = slot0._expeditionTmp.time_limit if slot0._statistics._deadCount < slot0._expeditionTmp.sink_limit then slot0._statistics._deadUnit = false end if slot4 == 0 then slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.D elseif slot5 == 0 then slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.S end slot0._statistics._timeout = slot0:isTimeOut() end function slot0.CalcSimulationScoreAtEnd(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0._statistics._deadUnit = true slot0._statistics._badTime = true slot0._statistics._totalTime = slot0._currentStageData.timeCount - slot0._countDown slot4 = #slot1:GetUnitList() slot5 = slot1:GetMaxCount() slot6 = #slot1:GetScoutList() slot7 = #slot2:GetUnitList() slot8 = slot0._expeditionTmp.sink_limit slot9 = slot0._expeditionTmp.time_limit if slot0._statistics._deadCount <= 0 then slot0._statistics._deadUnit = false end if not slot1:GetFlagShip():IsAlive() then slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.D slot0._statistics._scoreMark = uv0.DEAD_FLAG elseif slot6 == 0 then slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.D elseif slot7 == 0 then slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.S end slot0._statistics._timeout = slot0:isTimeOut() slot0:overwriteRivalStatistics(slot2) end function slot0.CalcSimulationScoreAtTimesUp(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5) slot0._statistics._deadUnit = true slot0._statistics._badTime = true slot0._statistics._timeout = false slot0._statistics._totalTime = slot0._currentStageData.timeCount - slot0._countDown if slot0._statistics._deadCount <= 0 then slot0._statistics._deadUnit = false end slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.D slot0:overwriteRivalStatistics(slot5) end function slot0.overwriteRivalStatistics(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0._statistics._rivalInfo) do slot7 = false for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot1:GetUnitList()) do if slot12:GetAttrByName("id") == slot5 then slot6.bp = math.ceil(slot12:GetHPRate() * 10000) slot7 = true break end end if not slot7 then slot6.bp = 0 end end end function slot0.CalcChallengeScore(slot0, slot1) if slot1 then slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.S else slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.D end slot0._statistics._totalTime = slot0._totalTime end function slot0.CalcDodgemCount(slot0, slot1) if slot1:GetDeathReason() == ys.Battle.BattleConst.UnitDeathReason.CRUSH then slot0._dodgemStatistics.kill = slot0._dodgemStatistics.kill + 1 if slot1:GetTemplate().type == ShipType.JinBi then slot0._dodgemStatistics.combo = slot0._dodgemStatistics.combo + 1 slot0._dodgemStatistics.maxCombo = math.max(slot0._dodgemStatistics.maxCombo, slot0._dodgemStatistics.combo) slot4 = slot0._dodgemStatistics.score + slot0:GetScorePoint() slot0._dodgemStatistics.score = slot4 slot0:DispatchEvent(ys.Event.New(uv0.UPDATE_DODGEM_SCORE, { totalScore = slot4 })) elseif slot3 == ShipType.ZiBao then = + 1 slot0._dodgemStatistics.combo = 0 end slot0:DispatchEvent(ys.Event.New(uv0.UPDATE_DODGEM_COMBO, { combo = slot0._dodgemStatistics.combo })) elseif slot3 == ShipType.JinBi then slot0._dodgemStatistics.miss = slot0._dodgemStatistics.miss + 1 end end function slot0.GetScorePoint(slot0) slot1 = nil if slot0._dodgemStatistics.combo == 1 then slot1 = 1 elseif slot0._dodgemStatistics.combo == 2 then slot1 = 2 elseif slot0._dodgemStatistics.combo > 2 then slot1 = 3 end return slot1 end function slot0.CalcDodgemScore(slot0) if uv0.BATTLE_DODGEM_PASS_SCORE <= slot0._dodgemStatistics.score then slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv1.BattleScore.S else slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv1.BattleScore.B end slot0._statistics.dodgemResult = slot0._dodgemStatistics end function slot0.CalcSpecificEnemyInfo(slot0, slot1) slot0._statistics.specificDamage = 0 slot3 = {} for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(uv0.GetSpecificEnemyList(slot1, slot0._expeditionID)) do slot0._statistics.specificDamage = slot0._statistics.specificDamage + slot0._statistics["enemy_" .. slot8].damage table.insert(slot0._statistics._enemyInfoList, { id = slot8, damage = slot0._statistics["enemy_" .. slot8].damage, totalHp = slot0._statistics["enemy_" .. slot8].max_hp }) end end function slot0.CalcKillingSupplyShip(slot0) slot0._subRunStatistics.score = slot0._subRunStatistics.score + 1 end function slot0.CalcSubRunTimeUp(slot0) slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.B slot0._statistics.subRunResult = slot0._subRunStatistics end function slot0.CalcSubRunScore(slot0) slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.S slot0._statistics.subRunResult = slot0._subRunStatistics end function slot0.CalcSubRunDead(slot0) slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.D slot0._statistics.subRunResult = slot0._subRunStatistics end function slot0.CalcKillingSupplyShip(slot0) slot0._subRunStatistics.score = slot0._subRunStatistics.score + 1 end function slot0.CalcSubRountineTimeUp(slot0) slot0._statistics._badTime = true slot0:CalcSubRoutineScore() slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.C end function slot0.CalcSubRountineElimate(slot0) slot0._statistics._elimated = true slot0:CalcSubRoutineScore() slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv0.BattleScore.D end function slot0.CalcSubRoutineScore(slot0) if ((slot0._statistics._badTime or slot0._statistics._elimated) and 0 or uv0.SR_CONFIG.BASE_POINT) + slot0._subRunStatistics.score * uv0.SR_CONFIG.POINT - slot0._statistics._deadCount * uv0.SR_CONFIG.DEAD_POINT >= uv0.SR_CONFIG.BASE_POINT + uv0.SR_CONFIG.M * uv0.SR_CONFIG.POINT then slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv1.BattleScore.S elseif uv0.SR_CONFIG.BASE_POINT <= slot4 then slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv1.BattleScore.A elseif slot4 >= uv0.SR_CONFIG.BASE_POINT - 2 * uv0.SR_CONFIG.DEAD_POINT then slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv1.BattleScore.B else slot0._statistics._battleScore = uv1.BattleScore.D end slot0._subRunStatistics.basePoint = slot3 slot0._subRunStatistics.deadCount = slot0._statistics._deadCount slot0._subRunStatistics.losePoint = slot1 slot0._subRunStatistics.point = slot2 = slot4 slot0._statistics.subRunResult = slot0._subRunStatistics end