slot0 = class("BackYardFurnitureModel") slot1 = require("Mod/BackYard/view/BackYardTool") function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot0._go = slot1 slot0._tf = tf(slot1) slot0.poolmgr = slot3 slot0:UpdateFurnitureVO(slot2) = slot0.dragContainer = slot0._tf:Find("drag_container") slot0.dragTF = slot0._tf:Find("drag_container/drag") setActive(slot0.dragTF, false) slot0.dragTF.anchoredPosition3D = Vector3(0, 0, 0) slot0.dragEvent = GetOrAddComponent(slot0.dragTF:Find("move"), "EventTriggerListener") slot0.rotationTF = slot0.dragTF:Find("rotation") SetActive(slot0.rotationTF, slot2:isFloor() and slot2:canRotate()) slot0.iconTF = slot0._tf:Find("icon") slot0.iconImg = slot0.iconTF:GetComponent(typeof(Image)) slot0:UpdateScale(slot2.position) slot0.childsTF = slot0._tf:Find("childs") slot0.gridsTF = slot0._tf:Find("grids") slot0.grids = {} if slot2:isSpine() then slot0.spineAnimUI = GetOrAddComponent(slot0._tf:Find("icon/spine"), typeof(SpineAnimUI)) end slot0.touchSwitch = false setActive(slot0._go, true) slot0.item = nil slot0.effects = {} end function slot0.PlayAnim(slot0, slot1) if slot0.furnitureVO:isSpine() then slot0.spineAnimUI:SetAction(slot1, 0) end end function slot0.PlayEffect(slot0, slot1) if slot1 == slot0.loading then return end if slot0.effects[slot1] then setActive(slot2, true) else slot0.loading = slot1 PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetUI(slot1, true, function (slot0) if IsNil(uv0._tf) or not uv0.loading then return end uv0.effects[uv1] = slot0 SetParent(slot0, uv0.iconTF) setActive(slot0, true) uv0.loading = nil end) end end function slot0.StopEffect(slot0, slot1) if slot0.loading == slot1 then slot0.loading = nil end if slot0.effects[slot1] then setActive(slot2, false) end end function slot0.UpdateScale(slot0, slot1) slot2 = 1 slot0:SetLocalScale(Vector3((not slot0.furnitureVO:isFloor() or uv0.getSign(slot0.furnitureVO.dir == 2)) and uv0.getSign(BackyardFurnitureVO.isRightWall(slot1)), 1, 1)) end function slot0.SetLocalScale(slot0, slot1) slot0._tf.localScale = slot1 end function slot0.SetLocalPosition(slot0, slot1) slot0._tf.localPosition = slot1 end function slot0.UpdateFurnitureVO(slot0, slot1) slot0.furnitureVO = slot1 end function slot0.SetParent(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0._tf:SetParent(slot1, slot2) end function slot0.SetPosition(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0.furnitureVO slot0._tf.localPosition = uv0.getLocalPos(slot0.furnitureVO:getPosition()) if #slot0.grids == 0 then slot0:initGrids() end if slot1 then slot0._tf.localPosition = Vector2(slot0._tf.localPosition.x + (slot1:getConfig("offset")[1] or 0), slot4.y + (slot5[2] or 0)) end end function slot0.SetTargetPosition(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = uv0.getLocalPos(slot2) if slot1 then slot4 = slot1:getConfig("offset") slot0._tf.localPosition = Vector2(slot3.x + slot4[1], slot3.y + slot4[2]) else slot0._tf.localPosition = slot3 end end function slot0.SetSelectState(slot0, slot1) SetActive(slot0.dragTF, slot1) SetActive(slot0.gridsTF, slot1) slot0.dragTF.localScale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) slot0.dragTF.anchoredPosition3D = Vector3(0, 0, 0) end function slot0.FallBackAnim(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot4 = uv0.getLocalPos(slot0.furnitureVO:getPosition()) LeanTween.moveLocal(go(slot0._tf), Vector3(slot4.x, slot4.y, 0), 0.1):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () if uv0 then slot0 = uv0:getConfig("offset") slot1 = uv1._tf.localPosition uv1._tf.localPosition = Vector2(slot1.x + slot0[1], slot1.y + slot0[2]) end uv2() end)) end function slot0.initGrids(slot0) slot1 = slot0.furnitureVO slot3 = slot0.gridsTF for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot1:getOccupyGrid(slot1.position)) do slot11 = slot3:GetChild(0) SetParent(slot11, slot0._tf.parent) slot0.grids[slot9] = slot11 slot11.localPosition = uv0.getLocalPos(slot10) if not slot1:isFloor() and BackyardFurnitureVO.isRightWall(slot2) then slot11.localScale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) end slot11:SetParent(slot3, true) setActive(slot11, true) end end function slot0.changeGridColor(slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0.grids) do uv0.changeGridColor(slot8, BackYardConst.BACKYARD_GREEN) end if slot2 then for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot3) do uv0.changeGridColor(slot8, BackYardConst.BACKYARD_BLUE) end end for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot1) do uv0.changeGridColor(slot3[slot8], BackYardConst.BACKYARD_RED) end end function slot0.SetAsLastSibling(slot0) slot0._tf:SetAsLastSibling() end function slot0.SetAsFirstSibling(slot0) slot0._tf:SetAsFirstSibling() end function slot0.SetSiblingIndex(slot0, slot1) slot0._tf:SetSiblingIndex(slot1) end function slot0.GetTf(slot0) return slot0._tf end function slot0.ReserseDir(slot0) slot1 = slot0._tf.localScale slot0._tf.localScale = Vector3(-slot1.x, slot1.y, slot1.z) end function slot0.EnableTouch(slot0, slot1) slot0.iconImg.raycastTarget = slot1 end function slot0.TouchAnim(slot0) if not LeanTween.isTweening(go(slot0._tf)) then slot1 = slot0._tf.localScale LeanTween.scale(slot0._tf, Vector3(slot1.x - 0.05, slot1.y - 0.05, slot1.z - 0.05), 0.01):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () LeanTween.scale(uv0._tf, uv1, 0.1) end)) end end function slot0.LoadingAnim(slot0, slot1) LeanTween.scale(rtf(slot0._tf), Vector3(slot0._tf.localScale.x + 0.2, slot0._tf.localScale.y + 0.2, 1), 0.2):setFrom(0):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () LeanTween.scale(rtf(uv0._tf), Vector3(uv1, uv2, 1), 0.1):setOnComplete(System.Action(uv3)) end)) end function slot0.TouchSpineAnim(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot0.inPreAction then return end slot5 = slot0.spineAnimUI slot6, slot7, slot8, slot9, slot10 = slot0.furnitureVO:getTouchSpineConfig() function slot11() if not uv0 and uv1.touchSwitch then return end if uv1.touchSwitch and uv0 then if uv2 then uv2(false) end uv3:SetAction("normal", 0) if uv4:isMoveable() then uv5() end uv1.touchSwitch = false return end uv3:SetActionCallBack(function (slot0) if slot0 == "finish" and not uv0 then uv1:SetAction("normal", 0) if uv2:isMoveable() then uv3() end uv1:SetActionCallBack(nil) uv4.touchSwitch = false end end) if uv6 then if uv2 then uv2(true) end uv3:SetAction(uv6, 0) uv1.touchSwitch = true if uv4:isMoveable() then uv7() end end end if slot10 and not slot0.touchSwitch then pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOn(false) slot0.inPreAction = true slot5:SetActionCallBack(function (slot0) if slot0 == "finish" then pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOff() uv0.inPreAction = false uv1:SetActionCallBack(nil) uv2() end end) slot5:SetAction(slot10, 0) else slot11() end if slot8 then slot0:playFurnitureVoice(slot8) end end function slot0.playFurnitureVoice(slot0, slot1) slot0:stopCV() slot0.curVoiceKey = slot1 pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(slot0.curVoiceKey) end function slot0.stopCV(slot0) if slot0.curVoiceKey ~= nil then pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():UnloadSoundEffect_V3(slot0.curVoiceKey) end slot0.curVoiceKey = nil end function slot0.MoveToTarget(slot0, slot1, slot2) function slot3(slot0, slot1) return (slot0 - slot1).normalized * Vector2.Distance(slot1, slot0) * 0.5 + slot1 end slot4 = slot0.furnitureVO if LeanTween.isTweening(go(slot0._tf)) then LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0._tf)) end LeanTween.moveLocal(go(slot0._tf), slot3(slot0._tf.localPosition, uv0.getLocalPos(slot4:getPosition())), slot1 / 2):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0() LeanTween.moveLocal(go(uv1._tf), uv2, uv3 / 2) end)) end function slot0.AddItem(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.furnitureVO:isMapItem() then return end slot3 = slot2:getPosition() slot4, slot5 = slot2:getSize() slot6 = slot1:CreateItem(slot4, slot5, { isBoat = false, id = }) slot1:PlaceItem(slot3.x + 1, slot3.y + 1, slot6) slot0.item = slot6 end function slot0.RemoveItem(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.furnitureVO:isMapItem() then return end if not slot0.item then return end slot1:RemoveItem(slot3) slot0.item = nil end function slot0.Clear(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.effects) do PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnUI(slot4, slot5) end slot0:stopCV() if LeanTween.isTweening(go(slot0._tf)) then LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0._tf)) end for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0.grids or {}) do slot0.poolmgr:Enqueue(slot0.furnitureVO:isFloor() and BackyardPoolMgr.POOL_NAME.GRID or BackyardPoolMgr.POOL_NAME.WALL, slot7.gameObject) end slot4 = _.flatten({ { "grids", "childs", "mask" }, { "drag_container" } }) eachChild(slot0._tf, function (slot0) if not table.contains(uv0, go(slot0).name) then Destroy(slot0) end if table.contains(uv1[1], go(slot0).name) then removeAllChildren(slot0) end end) slot0.poolmgr:Enqueue(BackyardPoolMgr.POOL_NAME.FURNITURE, slot0._go) ClearEventTrigger(slot0.dragEvent) end return slot0