slot0 = class("BackYardDynamicBg") function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) slot0.parent = slot1 slot0.prefab = nil slot0.trigger = nil end function slot0.Switch(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot1 and (slot0.prefab and or "") ~= slot2 then if slot0.trigger then triggerButton(slot0.trigger) slot0.trigger = nil end slot0:LoadBG(slot2) slot0.trigger = slot3 elseif slot1 and slot4 == slot2 then -- Nothing elseif not slot1 and slot4 == slot2 then slot0:Clear() slot0.trigger = nil end end function slot0.LoadBG(slot0, slot1) PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetPrefab("BackyardBG/" .. slot1, slot1, true, function (slot0) if uv0.exited then PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnPrefab("BackyardBG/" .. uv1, uv1, slot0) end = uv1 setParent(slot0, uv0.parent) setActive(slot0, true) uv0.prefab = slot0 end) end function slot0.Clear(slot0) if slot0.prefab then slot1 = PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnPrefab("BackyardBG/" .. slot1, slot1, slot0.prefab) slot0.prefab = nil end end function slot0.ClearByName(slot0, slot1) if slot0.prefab and == slot1 then slot0:Clear() slot0.trigger = nil end end function slot0.Dispose(slot0) slot0:Clear(true) slot0.exited = true end return slot0