class("BYFurnitureCommand", pm.SimpleCommand).execute = function (slot0, slot1) if not slot1:getBody() then return end slot4 = getBackYardProxy(BackYardHouseProxy) if == BACKYARD.FURNITURE_ADD then slot4:addFurniture(BackyardFurnitureVO.New(, slot2.callback) elseif slot3 == BACKYARD.CLEAR_FURNITURE then slot4:removeAllFurniture() slot4:removePaper() elseif slot3 == BACKYARD.FURNITURE_CHANGE_DIR then slot6 = slot4:getFurnitureById(slot5) slot7 = slot6:getReverseDir() if slot4:getData():canRotate(slot6) then slot9 = slot6:getPosition() pg.backyard:sendNotification(BACKYARD.REMOVE_ITEM, Clone(slot6)) if slot6:hasStageShip() then slot11 = pairs slot12 = slot6:getStageShip() or {} for slot14, slot15 in slot11(slot12) do slot16 = nil slot17 = slot6:getPosition() slot18 = slot8:getShipPosById(slot15) slot19 = nil slot4:changeShipPos(slot15, (slot7 ~= 2 or Vector2(slot9.x + (slot6.dir ~= 2 or Vector2(slot18.y - slot17.y, slot18.x - slot17.x)) and Vector2(slot18.x - slot17.x, slot18.y - slot17.y).y, slot9.y + (slot6.dir ~= 2 or Vector2(slot18.y - slot17.y, slot18.x - slot17.x)) and Vector2(slot18.x - slot17.x, slot18.y - slot17.y).x)) and Vector2(slot9.x + (slot6.dir ~= 2 or Vector2(slot18.y - slot17.y, slot18.x - slot17.x)) and Vector2(slot18.x - slot17.x, slot18.y - slot17.y).x, slot9.y + (slot6.dir ~= 2 or Vector2(slot18.y - slot17.y, slot18.x - slot17.x)) and Vector2(slot18.x - slot17.x, slot18.y - slot17.y).y)) end end slot4:changeFurnitureDir(slot5, slot7) for slot13, slot14 in pairs(slot6.child) do slot15 = nil slot16 = slot4:getFurnitureById(slot13) pg.backyard:sendNotification(BACKYARD.REMOVE_ITEM, Clone(slot16)) slot4:changeFurnitureDir(slot13, slot16:getReverseDir()) slot4:changeFurniturePos(slot13, (slot6.dir ~= 2 or Vector2(slot9.x + slot14.y, slot9.y + slot14.x)) and Vector2(slot9.x + slot14.x, slot9.y + slot14.y)) end else pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("backyard_backyardScene_error_canNotRotate")) end else if slot3 == BACKYARD.FURNITURE_POS_CHANGE then slot5 = slot7 = slot2.parentId if not slot2.pos then return end slot8 = slot4:getFurnitureById(slot5) slot9 = slot8:getPosition() pg.backyard:sendNotification(BACKYARD.REMOVE_ITEM, Clone(slot8)) if slot8:hasParent() then slot4:getFurnitureById(slot8.parent).child[] = nil slot8.parent = 0 end slot10 = slot4:getData() if slot7 then slot11 = slot4:getFurnitureById(slot7) slot12 = slot11:getPosition() if slot11.dir == 2 then slot11.child[] = Vector2(slot6.y - slot12.y, slot6.x - slot12.x) else slot11.child[] = Vector2(slot6.x - slot12.x, slot6.y - slot12.y) end slot8.parent = end slot4:changeFurniturePos(slot5, slot6) slot11(slot8) if slot8:hasStageShip() then slot13 = pairs slot14 = slot8:getStageShip() or {} for slot16, slot17 in slot13(slot14) do slot4:changeShipPos(slot17, Vector2(slot6.x + Vector2(slot10:getShipPosById(slot17).x - slot9.x, slot10.getShipPosById(slot17).y - slot9.y).x, slot6.y + Vector2(slot10.getShipPosById(slot17).x - slot9.x, slot10.getShipPosById(slot17).y - slot9.y).y)) end end return end if slot3 == BACKYARD.FURNITURE_REMOVE then if slot4:getFurnitureById(slot5):hasInterActionShipId() or slot6:getSpineId() or slot6:hasStageShip() then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("backyard_ship_on_furnitrue"), onYes = function () slot0:removeFurniture(slot0) end }) else slot4:removeFurniture(slot5) end elseif slot3 == BACKYARD.FURNITURE_SAVE then pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.PUT_FURNITURE, { furnsPos = slot4:getData().getSaveData(slot6), tip = slot2.tip }) slot4:clearPreRecord() slot4:checkEffect() elseif slot3 == BACKYARD.REPALCE_PAPER then slot4:replacePaper( elseif slot3 == BACKYARD.OPEN_DECORATION then slot4:recordPerFurnitures() for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot6) do if slot11:getSpineId() then print("clear..........") slot4:clearSpineInterAction(slot12) end end elseif slot3 == BACKYARD.RESTORE_FURNITURES then slot4:restoreFurnitures() slot4:clearPreRecord() elseif slot3 == BACKYARD.REMOVE_PAPER then if slot2.type == 1 then slot4:removeWallPaper() elseif slot5 == 4 then slot4:removeFloorPaper() end elseif slot3 == BACKYARD.CHECK_EFFECT then slot4:checkEffect() end end end return class("BYFurnitureCommand", pm.SimpleCommand)