pg = pg or {} slot0 = pg slot0.UIMgr = singletonClass("UIMgr") slot1 = slot0.UIMgr slot1._loadPanel = nil slot1.CameraLevel = 1 slot1.CameraOverlay = 2 function slot1.Init(slot0, slot1) print("initializing ui manager...") slot2 = GameObject.Find("UICamera") slot0._cameraBlur = slot2:GetComponent("BlurOptimized") slot0._staticBlur = slot2:GetComponent("UIStaticBlur") slot0._cameraBlurPartial = slot2:GetComponent("UIPartialBlur") slot0.UIMain = GameObject.Find("UICamera/Canvas/UIMain") slot0.OverlayMain = GameObject.Find("OverlayCamera/Overlay/UIMain") slot0.OverlayEffect = GameObject.Find("OverlayCamera/Overlay/UIEffect") slot3 = GameObject.Find("LevelCamera") slot4 = GameObject.Find("OverlayCamera") slot0.cameraBlurs = { [uv0.CameraLevel] = { slot3:GetComponent("BlurOptimized"), slot3:GetComponent("UIStaticBlur") }, [uv0.CameraOverlay] = { slot4:GetComponent("BlurOptimized"), slot4:GetComponent("UIStaticBlur") } } slot0.cameraBlurCounters = { [uv0.CameraLevel] = 0, [uv0.CameraOverlay] = 0 } slot0._debugPanel = DebugPanel.New() slot2:SetActive(false) seriesAsync({ function (slot0) ResourceMgr.Inst:loadAssetBundleAsync("ui/commonui_atlas", function (slot0) uv0._common_ui_bundle = slot0 uv1() end) end, function (slot0) ResourceMgr.Inst:loadAssetBundleAsync("skinicon", function (slot0) uv0._skinicon_bundle = slot0 uv1() end) end, function (slot0) ResourceMgr.Inst:loadAssetBundleAsync("attricon", function (slot0) uv0._attricon_bundle = slot0 uv1() end) end, function (slot0) uv0:SetActive(true) uv1._loadPanel = LoadingPanel.New(slot0) end, function (slot0) PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetUI("ClickEffect", true, function (slot0) setParent(slot0, uv0.OverlayEffect) SetActive(uv0.OverlayEffect, PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SHOW_TOUCH_EFFECT, 1) > 0) uv1() end) end }, slot1) end function slot1.Loading(slot0, slot1) slot0._loadPanel:appendInfo(slot1) end function slot1.LoadingOn(slot0, slot1) slot0._loadPanel:on(slot1) end function slot1.displayLoadingBG(slot0, slot1) slot0._loadPanel:displayBG(slot1) end function slot1.LoadingOff(slot0) slot0._loadPanel:off() end function slot1.OnLoading(slot0) return slot0._loadPanel:onLoading() end function slot1.LoadingRetainCount(slot0) return slot0._loadPanel:getRetainCount() end function slot1.AddDebugButton(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0._debugPanel:addCustomBtn(slot1, slot2) end slot1._maxbianjie = 50 slot1._maxbianjieInv = 0.02 slot1._maxbianjieSqr = 2500 slot1._followRange = 0 slot1._stick = nil slot1._areaImg = nil slot1._stickImg = nil slot1._stickCom = nil slot1._normalColor = Color(255, 255, 255, 1) slot1._darkColor = Color(255, 255, 255, 0.5) slot1._firstPos = function slot1.AttachStickOb(slot0, slot1) slot0.hrz = 0 slot0.vtc = 0 slot0.fingerId = -1 slot2 = slot1:Find("Area") slot0._stick = slot2:Find("Stick") slot0._areaImg = slot2:GetComponent(typeof(Image)) slot0._stickImg = slot0._stick:GetComponent(typeof(Image)) slot0._stickCom = slot1:GetComponent(typeof(StickController)) slot0._stickCom.StickBorderRate = 1 slot0._stickCom:SetStickFunc(function (slot0, slot1) uv0:UpdateStick(slot0, slot1) end) slot0._firstPos = slot2.localPosition slot0.vtc = 0 slot0:SetActive(true) end function slot1.SetActive(slot0, slot1) slot0._stickActive = slot1 end function slot1.Marching(slot0) slot1 = ys.Battle.BattleConfig LeanTween.value(go(slot0._stick), 0, 0.625, 1.8):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.hrz = uv1.START_SPEED_CONST_B * (slot0 - uv1.START_SPEED_CONST_A) * (slot0 - uv1.START_SPEED_CONST_A) end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0.hrz = 0 end)) end function slot1.UpdateStick(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot0._stickActive then return end if slot2 == -2 then slot0:SetOutput(slot1.x, slot1.y, -2) return elseif slot2 == -1 then slot0:SetOutput(0, 0, slot2) return end slot3 = slot1 slot3.z = 0 if slot0._maxbianjieSqr < slot3:SqrMagnitude() then if slot1 - slot3 / math.sqrt(slot4) * slot0._maxbianjie ~= slot0._firstPos then slot6 = slot0._firstPos end slot0._stick.localPosition = slot5 slot0:SetOutput(slot3.x, slot3.y, slot2) else slot0._stick.localPosition = slot1 slot0:SetOutput(slot3.x * slot0._maxbianjieInv, slot3.y * slot0._maxbianjieInv, slot2) end end function slot1.SetOutput(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot0.hrz = slot1 slot0.vtc = slot2 if (slot3 >= 0 and 1 or 0) - (slot0.fingerId >= 0 and 1 or 0) ~= 0 and slot0._areaImg and slot0._stickImg then slot0._areaImg.color = slot4 > 0 and uv0._normalColor or uv0._darkColor slot0._stickImg.color = slot4 > 0 and uv0._normalColor or uv0._darkColor end if slot3 < 0 then slot0._stick.localPosition = end slot0.fingerId = slot3 end function slot1.ClearStick(slot0) slot0._stick.localPosition = slot0._stickCom:ClearStickFunc() slot0._stick = nil slot0._areaImg = nil slot0._stickImg = nil slot0._stickCom = nil end slot2 = 0 slot3 = {} slot4 = nil slot5 = {} slot6 = false function slot1.OverlayPanel(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot2 = slot2 or {} slot2.globalBlur = false uv0.LayerWeightMgr.GetInstance():Add2Overlay(LayerWeightConst.UI_TYPE_SUB, slot1, slot2) end function slot1.UnOverlayPanel(slot0, slot1, slot2) uv0.LayerWeightMgr.GetInstance():DelFromOverlay(slot1, slot2 or slot0.UIMain) end function slot1.BlurPanel(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if uv0[slot1] then return end uv0[slot1] = true uv1 = uv1 + 1 if slot2 then slot0._cameraBlur.enabled = false slot0._staticBlur.enabled = true else slot0._staticBlur.enabled = false if not slot0._cameraBlur.enabled then slot0._cameraBlur.enabled = true slot0._cameraBlur.downsample = 2 slot0._cameraBlur.blurSize = 4 slot0._cameraBlur.blurIterations = 2 end end slot3 = slot3 or {} slot3.globalBlur = true uv2.LayerWeightMgr.GetInstance():Add2Overlay(LayerWeightConst.UI_TYPE_SUB, slot1, slot3) slot0:UpdatePBEnable() end function slot1.UnblurPanel(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not uv0[slot1] then return end uv0[slot1] = nil uv1 = uv1 - 1 if uv1 < 0 then uv1 = 0 end if uv1 == 0 then slot0._staticBlur.enabled = false slot0._cameraBlur.enabled = false end uv2.LayerWeightMgr.GetInstance():DelFromOverlay(slot1, slot2 or slot0.UIMain) slot0:UpdatePBEnable() end function slot1.OverlayPanelPB(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot2 = slot2 or {} slot2.globalBlur = false uv0.LayerWeightMgr.GetInstance():Add2Overlay(LayerWeightConst.UI_TYPE_SUB, slot1, slot2) end function slot1.PartialBlurTfs(slot0, slot1) uv0 = true uv1 = slot1 slot0:UpdatePBEnable() end function slot1.ShutdownPartialBlur(slot0) uv0 = false uv1 = {} slot0:UpdatePBEnable() end function slot1.RevertPBMaterial(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1) do slot6:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).material = enabled and Material.New(Shader.Find("UI/Default")) or nil end end function slot1.UpdatePBEnable(slot0) if uv0 and uv1 == 0 then slot0._cameraBlurPartial.downsample = 1 slot0._cameraBlurPartial.blurSize = 2 slot0._cameraBlurPartial.blurIteration = 1 slot0._cameraBlurPartial.enabled = true end if not IsNil(uv2) then uv2:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).material = slot1 and Material.New(Shader.Find("UI/PartialBlur")) or nil end if uv3 ~= nil then for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(uv3) do slot6:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).material = slot1 and Material.New(Shader.Find("UI/PartialBlur")) or nil end end if not slot1 then slot0._cameraBlurPartial.enabled = false end end function slot1.BlurCamera(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.cameraBlurCounters[slot1] = slot0.cameraBlurCounters[slot1] + 1 if slot2 then slot0.cameraBlurs[slot1][1].enabled = false slot0.cameraBlurs[slot1][2].enabled = true else slot4.enabled = false if not slot3.enabled then slot3.enabled = true slot3.downsample = 1 slot3.blurSize = 2 slot3.blurIterations = 1 end end end function slot1.UnblurCamera(slot0, slot1, slot2) if (slot2 or 1) <= 0 then slot2 = slot0.cameraBlurCounters[slot1] end slot0.cameraBlurCounters[slot1] = slot0.cameraBlurCounters[slot1] - slot2 slot0.cameraBlurCounters[slot1] = math.max(slot0.cameraBlurCounters[slot1], 0) if slot0.cameraBlurCounters[slot1] == 0 then slot0.cameraBlurs[slot1][2].enabled = false slot0.cameraBlurs[slot1][1].enabled = false end end