pg = pg or {} pg.StoryMgr = singletonClass("StoryMgr") pg.StoryMgr.ENABLE = true if PlayerPrefs.GetInt("storyEnable") == 1 then slot0.ENABLE = false end slot2 = false slot3 = 1 slot4 = createLog("StoryMgr", LOG_STORY) slot5 = pg.ship_skin_template slot6 = {} slot7 = {} slot8 = {} function slot9(slot0) uv0("load story: " .. table.insert(uv1, slot0) uv2[] = slot0 end slot10 = { "", "JP", "KR", "US", "" } function slot0.GetStoryByName(slot0, slot1) if slot1 == "index" then slot1 = slot1 .. uv0[PLATFORM_CODE] end if Application.isEditor then print("Story Path:", "GameCfg.story" .. "." .. slot1) end slot4, slot5 = pcall(function () return require(uv0) end) if not slot4 then errorMsg("不存在剧情ID对应的Lua:" .. slot1) end return slot4 and slot5 end function slot0.Ctor(slot0) slot0._go = nil end slot11 = { BG = 3, ASIDE = 1, DIALOG = 2 } slot12 = { RIGHT = 1, CENTER = 2, LEFT = 0 } slot13 = 0.3 slot14 = 1 function slot0.Init(slot0, slot1) print("initializing story manager...") PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetUI("StoryUI", true, function (slot0) uv0._go = slot0 uv0:Load() uv1() end) end function slot0.Load(slot0) slot0._go:SetActive(false) slot0.UIOverlay = GameObject.Find("Overlay/UIOverlay") slot0._go.transform:SetParent(slot0.UIOverlay.transform, false) slot0._curtain = findTF(slot0._go, "curtain") slot0._curtainCG = slot0._curtain:GetComponent(typeof(CanvasGroup)) slot0._option_tpl = findTF(slot0._go, "options_panel/options/option_tpl") slot0._option_tpl:SetParent(tf(slot0._go), false) SetActive(slot0._option_tpl, false) slot0._dialogue = findTF(slot0._go, "dialogue") slot0._asideContainer = findTF(slot0._go, "aside") slot0._asideTpl = findTF(slot0._go, "aside_txt_tpl") slot0._asideContainer2 = findTF(slot0._go, "aside_2") slot0._asideTpl2 = findTF(slot0._go, "aside_txt_tpl_2") slot0._asideSignDate = findTF(slot0._go, "aside_sign_date") slot0._bg = findTF(slot0._go, "bg") slot0._bg1 = findTF(slot0._go, "bg/bg_type1") slot0._bg2 = findTF(slot0._go, "bg/bg_type2") slot0._bgCG = GetOrAddComponent(slot0._bg, typeof(CanvasGroup)) slot0._main = findTF(slot0._go, "dialogue/main") slot0.content = findTF(slot0._go, "dialogue/main/content") slot0.nextTF = findTF(slot0._go, "dialogue/main/next") slot0.actorLeft = findTF(slot0._go, "dialogue/actor/actor_left") slot0.nameLeft = findTF(slot0._go, "dialogue/main/name_left") slot0.actorRight = findTF(slot0._go, "dialogue/actor/actor_right") slot0.nameRight = findTF(slot0._go, "dialogue/main/name_right") slot0.actorMiddle = findTF(slot0._go, "dialogue/actor/actor_middle") slot0.actors = { slot0.actorLeft, slot0.actorRight, slot0.actorMiddle } slot0.options = findTF(slot0._go, "options_panel") slot0.optionsCg = slot0.options:GetComponent(typeof(CanvasGroup)) slot0.optionsContainer = findTF(slot0._go, "options_panel/options") slot0.optionsBg = findTF(slot0._go, "options_panel/bg") slot0.skipBtn = findTF(slot0._go, "skip_button") slot0.typeWriter = slot0.content:GetComponent(typeof(Typewriter)) slot0._subBg = findTF(slot0._bg, "sub") setActive(slot0._subBg, false) slot0._effectPanel = findTF(slot0._go, "effect") slot0._effectCG = GetOrAddComponent(slot0._effectPanel, "CanvasGroup") slot0._flash = findTF(slot0._go, "flash") slot0._flashCG = slot0._flash:GetComponent(typeof(CanvasGroup)) slot0.effectObjs = {} slot0.posActorLeft = slot0.actorLeft.localPosition slot0.posActorMiddle = slot0.actorMiddle.localPosition slot0.posActorRight = slot0.actorRight.localPosition slot0.material1 = findTF(slot0._go, "material1"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).material slot0.material2 = findTF(slot0._go, "material2"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).material end function slot0.IsPlayed(slot0, slot1, slot2) if getProxy(PlayerProxy) then return slot3:getData():IsPlayed(slot1, slot2) end return false end function slot0.Reset(slot0) end function slot0.hideEffects(slot0) for slot4 = 1, slot0._effectPanel.childCount do if slot0._effectPanel:GetChild(slot4 - 1) then setActive(slot5, false) end end end slot15 = { "LevelScene", "BattleScene", "EventListScene", "MilitaryExerciseScene", "DailyLevelScene" } function slot0.PlayOnTaskAdded(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5) if not table.contains(uv0, getProxy(ContextProxy):getCurrentContext().viewComponent.__cname) then slot0:Play(slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5) end end function slot16() if getProxy(ContextProxy):getContextByMediator(LevelMediator2) then return end end function slot0.Play(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5) if not slot0:GetStoryByName(slot1) then return slot2 and slot2() end slot0._effectCG.alpha = 1 slot6 = getProxy(ChapterProxy) slot7 = false if uv0() and slot6 and slot6:getActiveChapter() and PlayerPrefs.GetInt("skip_events_on_" .., 1) == 0 then slot7 = true end slot0.force = slot3 or slot7 if slot0.storyId then slot0:addQuery(slot1, slot2) return false end slot0.storyId = slot1 uv1(slot0:GetStoryByName(slot1)) if (uv3 and true or uv2[slot1].type ~= uv4) and not slot0.ENABLE and slot0:IsPlayed(slot1) then if slot2 then slot2(true) end slot0.storyId = nil slot0:popQuery() return false end if not slot3 and slot8.once and slot0:IsPlayed(slot1) then if slot2 then slot2(true) end slot0.storyId = nil slot0:popQuery() return false end slot0:StartStory(slot8, function () uv0.keepSeletedOptions = true if uv0.nextEpisode and not uv0:isRecall() then uv0:Play(uv0.nextEpisode) end if uv1 then uv1() end uv0.keepSeletedOptions = false end, slot4, slot5) return true end function slot0.getSelectedOptions(slot0) return slot0.selectedOptions end function slot0.storyLog(slot0, slot1) uv0(slot0:GetStoryByName(slot1)) if not uv1[slot1] then print("no story:" .. slot1 .. "|" .. #uv1) return "" end slot3 = "" function slot4(slot0) string.gsub(slot0 or "", "{namecode:(%d+)}", function (slot0) return pg.name_code[tonumber(slot0)] and end) end for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot2.scripts) do if slot9.say then slot10 = "" if not slot9.actorName and not then slot10 = "背景音\n" elseif > 0 then slot10, slot8 = slot0:getNameAndPainting(slot9) elseif == 0 then return "指挥官" elseif == -1 then return "秘书舰" end slot3 = slot3 .. "\n" .. HXSet.hxLan(slot10, true) .. ":\n" .. HXSet.hxLan(slot9.say, true) end if slot9.sequence then for slot13, slot14 in pairs(slot9.sequence) do if slot14 and slot14[1] then slot3 = slot3 .. "\n旁白:\n" .. slot14[1] end end end end return slot3 end function slot0.isRecall(slot0) return getProxy(ContextProxy):getCurrentContext().mediator == CollectionMediator end function slot0.StartStory(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():StopCV_V3() if not slot0.keepSeletedOptions then slot0.selectedOptions = {} end slot0.nextEpisode = nil slot0.optionFlag = 0 slot5 = false slot0.interactive = true slot6 = (slot1.skippable or slot0:IsPlayed( and not slot3 setActive(slot0.skipBtn, not slot4) pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.STORY_BEGIN, pg.DelegateInfo.New(slot0) pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.STORY_UPDATE, { storyId = }) setText(slot0._asideSignDate, "") removeAllChildren(slot0.actorLeft:Find("fitter")) removeAllChildren(slot0.actorLeft:Find("actor_sub")) removeAllChildren(slot0.actorRight:Find("fitter")) removeAllChildren(slot0.actorRight:Find("actor_sub")) removeAllChildren(slot0.actorMiddle:Find("fitter")) removeAllChildren(slot0.actorMiddle:Find("actor_sub")) SetActive(slot0.options, false) slot0.optionsBg.transform.localPosition = Vector3(1485, 40) if slot0.tweenObjs then for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot0.tweenObjs) do LeanTween.cancel(slot11) end slot0.tweenObjs = {} end if type(slot1.jumpto) == "string" then slot0.nextEpisode = slot1.jumpto end if type(slot1.jumpto) == "function" then slot0.nextEpisode = slot1.jumpto() end if slot1.randFlag then slot7 = 0 slot8 = {} for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot1.randFlag) do table.insert(slot8, { slot13[1], slot7 + slot13[2] }) end for slot13, slot14 in ipairs(slot8) do if math.random(1, slot7) <= slot14[2] then slot0.optionFlag = slot14[1] break end end end slot7 = nil slot0._go.transform:SetAsLastSibling() SetActive(slot0._go, true) onButton(slot0, slot0.skipBtn, function () if (not uv0.interactive or uv1) and not uv0.blackSkip then return end if uv3 then function () if uv0.inTypeWritter then uv0.typeWriter:setSpeed(uv0.typeWritterSpeedUp * Time.timeScale) end for slot4 = 0, go(uv0._go):GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(Transform)).Length - 1 do LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0[slot4]), true) end uv1 = true uv2() end() else pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ parent = rtf(uv0._go), content = i18n("story_skip_confirm"), onYes = function () uv0() end }) end end) onButton(slot0, slot0._go, function () if uv0.inTypeWritter then uv0.typeWriter:setSpeed(uv0.typeWritterSpeedUp * Time.timeScale) return end if not uv0.interactive then return end if uv0.blankScreen then return end if uv0.occlusion then return end if uv0.inflashin then return end if uv0.inflashout then return end if uv0.inAction then return end if uv0.inFadeOut then uv0.inFadeOut = false LeanTween.cancel(go(uv0._curtain)) uv0:EndStory(uv1) return end uv2() end) coroutine.wrap(function () for slot3, slot4 in ipairs(uv0.scripts) do if slot4.say then slot4.say = HXSet.hxLan(slot4.say) end if slot4.optionFlag and uv1.optionFlag ~= slot4.optionFlag then -- Nothing elseif uv2 and not slot4.options then if slot4.compulsory then if uv1:isRecall() then -- Nothing end end else uv2 = false slot5 = true setActive(uv1._flash, false) uv1.blackSkip = false if (slot4.mode or uv0.mode) == uv3.ASIDE then if slot4.flashout then uv1:flashout(slot4, function () uv0:initAside(uv1) if table.getCount(uv1.sequence or {}) == 0 then uv2 = nil end end) else uv1:initAside(slot4) if table.getCount(slot4.sequence or {}) == 0 then slot5 = nil end end elseif slot6 == uv3.DIALOG then if slot4.flashout then uv1:flashout(slot4, function () uv0:initDialog(uv1) end) else uv1:initDialog(slot4) end elseif slot6 == uv3.BG then if slot4.flashout then uv1:flashout(slot4, function () uv0:initBg(uv1) end) else uv1:initBg(slot4) end end if slot4.options then uv1.skipBtn:GetComponent(typeof(Button)).interactable = false if not slot4.typewriter then uv1:initOptions(slot4, function () uv0() end) else function uv1.typeWriteCallback() if uv0.storyId == nil then return end uv0.typeWriteCallback = nil uv0:initOptions(uv1, function () uv0() end) end end end if slot4.effects then uv1:setEffects(slot4.effects) end SetActive(uv1.nextTF, true) if slot4.bgm then if slot4.bgmDelay then pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():StopBGM(true) uv1.stopBGM = true LeanTween.delayedCall(slot4.bgmDelay, System.Action(function () if uv0.storyId == then uv0.bgm = uv2.bgm uv0.stopBGM = nil pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlayBGM(uv2.bgm, true) end end)) else uv1.bgm = slot4.bgm uv1.stopBGM = nil pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlayBGM(slot4.bgm, true) end elseif slot4.stopbgm then pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():StopBGM(true) uv1.stopBGM = true end if slot4.flash then uv1._flash:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).color = and Color(0, 0, 0) or Color(1, 1, 1) uv1._flashCG.alpha = slot4.flash.alpha[1] setActive(uv1._flash, true) for slot11 = 1, slot4.flash.number do LeanTween.alpha(rtf(uv1._flash), slot4.flash.alpha[2], slot4.flash.dur and slot4.flash.dur / 2 or slot4.flash.dur1):setFrom(slot4.flash.alpha[1]):setDelay((slot11 - 1) * slot4.flash.delay):setUseEstimatedTime(true):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () LeanTween.alpha(rtf(uv0._flash), uv1.flash.alpha[1], uv1.flash.dur and uv1.flash.dur / 2 or uv1.flash.dur2):setFrom(uv1.flash.alpha[2]):setUseEstimatedTime(true):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () if uv1.flash.number <= uv0 then setActive(uv2._flash, false) end end)):setDelay(uv1.flash.wait) end)) end end if slot4.flashN then uv1._flash:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).color = slot4.flashN.color and Color(slot4.flashN.color[1], slot4.flashN.color[2], slot4.flashN.color[3]) or Color(0, 0, 0) setActive(uv1._flash, true) for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot4.flashN.alpha) do LeanTween.value(go(uv1._flash), slot12[1], slot12[2], slot12[3]):setDelay(slot12[4] or 0):setUseEstimatedTime(true):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0._flashCG.alpha = slot0 end)) end end if slot4.dialogShake then uv1.interactive = false LeanTween.moveX(uv1._dialogue, slot4.dialogShake.x, slot4.dialogShake.speed):setDelay(slot4.dialogShake.delay or 0):setLoopPingPong(slot4.dialogShake.number):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0.interactive = true end)) end if slot4.soundeffect then if slot4.seDelay then LeanTween.delayedCall(slot4.seDelay, System.Action(function () uv0.bgm = uv1.bgm uv0.stopBGM = nil pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv1.soundeffect) end)) else pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(slot4.soundeffect) end end if then pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():StopBGM() playMovie(, function () onNextTick(function () if not uv0.stopBGM then if uv0.bgm then pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():ResumeStoryBGM() else pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():ResumeNormalBGM() end end uv1() end) end) slot5 = true end if type(slot4.jumpto) == "string" then uv1.nextEpisode = slot4.jumpto break end if type(slot4.jumpto) == "function" then uv1.nextEpisode = slot4.jumpto() break end if slot5 then coroutine.yield() end end end if not uv0.continueBgm then pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():ResumeNormalBGM() end pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():StopSE_V3() if not uv2 and uv0.fadeOut then if uv0.noWaitFade and uv5 then uv5() uv1:fadeOut(uv0.fadeType, uv0.fadeOut) else uv1:fadeOut(uv0.fadeType, uv0.fadeOut, uv5) end uv2 = true elseif not uv2 and uv0.occlusion then uv1.occlusion = true uv1.blackScreenTimer = Timer.New(function () uv0:EndStory() uv0.blackScreenTimer:Stop() uv0.blackScreenTimer = nil uv0.occlusion = nil if uv1 then uv1() end end, uv0.occlusion, 1) uv1.blackScreenTimer:Start() uv2 = true else uv1:EndStory(uv5) end end)() end function slot0.fadeOut(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = slot1 == 1 and slot0._curtain or slot0._bg slot5 = slot1 == 1 and slot0._curtainCG or slot0._bgCG slot0.inFadeOut = true setActive(slot4, true) LeanTween.value(go(slot4), 1, 0, slot2):setUseEstimatedTime(true):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.alpha = slot0 uv1._effectCG.alpha = slot0 end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () if uv0.inFadeOut then uv0:EndStory(uv1) uv0.inFadeOut = false end end)) LeanTween.alpha(rtf(slot0._go), 0, slot2):setUseEstimatedTime(true) if go(slot0._asideContainer).activeSelf then for slot9 = 1, slot0._asideContainer.childCount do LeanTween.textAlpha(slot0._asideContainer:GetChild(slot9 - 1), 0, slot2):setUseEstimatedTime(true) end end if go(slot0._asideContainer2).activeSelf then for slot9 = 1, slot0._asideContainer2.childCount do LeanTween.textAlpha(slot0._asideContainer2:GetChild(slot9 - 1), 0, slot2):setUseEstimatedTime(true) end end if go(slot0._dialogue).activeSelf then SetActive(slot0._dialogue, false) end end function slot0.initAside(slot0, slot1) slot2 = (not slot1.asideType or slot1.asideType == 1) and slot0._asideContainer or slot0._asideContainer2 slot3 = (not slot1.asideType or slot1.asideType == 1) and slot0._asideTpl or slot0._asideTpl2 uv0("enter aside mode............") SetActive(slot2, true) setActive(slot0._curtain, true) slot0._curtainCG.alpha = slot1.alpha or 1 slot0.interactive = false slot0.blackSkip = true removeAllChildren(slot2) setActive(slot0._subBg, false) if slot1.bgFade and slot0.preBg then slot0.interactive = false LeanTween.value(go(slot0._bg), 1, 0, slot1.bgSpeed or 0.5):setUseEstimatedTime(true):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0._bgCG.alpha = slot0 end)):setDelay(delay or 0):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0.interactive = true uv0.preBg = nil setActive(uv0._bg, false) end)) else slot0.preBg = nil setActive(slot0._bg, false) end if slot0.preStep and slot1.paintingFadeOut then slot0.interactive = false slot0:paintingFadeOut(slot0.preStep, slot1, function () uv0.interactive = true SetActive(uv0._dialogue, false) end) else SetActive(slot0._dialogue, false) end function slot5() slot0 = 0 slot1 = nil for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(uv0.sequence or {}) do slot7 = cloneTplTo(uv1, uv2) setActive(slot7, true) setText(slot7, HXSet.hxLan(slot6[1])) setTextAlpha(slot7, 0) slot1 = LeanTween.textAlpha(slot7, 1, uv0.sequenceSpd or 1):setDelay(slot6[2]):setUseEstimatedTime(true) end if uv0.signDate then setText(uv3._asideSignDate, uv0.signDate[1]) setTextAlpha(uv3._asideSignDate, 0) slot1 = LeanTween.textAlpha(uv3._asideSignDate, 1, uv0.sequenceSpd or 1):setDelay(uv0.signDate[2]):setUseEstimatedTime(true) if uv0.signDate[3] then setAnchoredPosition(uv3._asideSignDate, Vector2(uv0.signDate[3][1], uv0.signDate[3][2])) end else setText(uv3._asideSignDate, "") end if slot1 then slot1:setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0.interactive = true if uv1.autoComplete then triggerButton(uv0._go) end end)) end end if slot1.flashin then slot0:flashin(slot1, function () uv0() end) else slot5() end if table.getCount(slot1.sequence or {}) == 0 then slot0.interactive = true end if slot1.bgName then slot0._bgCG.alpha = 1 setActive(slot0._bg2, false) setActive(slot0._bg1, false) slot6 = slot1.useBg2 and slot0._bg2 or slot0._bg1 slot6:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).color = Color.New(1, 1, 1) setActive(slot0._bg, true) setActive(slot6, true) setImageSprite(slot6, LoadSprite("bg/" .. slot1.bgName)) end if slot1.bgShadow then slot6 = slot1.useBg2 and slot0._bg2 or slot0._bg1 slot7 = slot6:GetComponent(typeof(Image)) LeanTween.value(go(slot6), slot1.bgShadow[1], slot1.bgShadow[2], slot1.bgShadow[3]):setUseEstimatedTime(true):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.color = Color.New(slot0, slot0, slot0) end)) end end function slot0.initDialog(slot0, slot1) uv0("enter dialogue mode............") SetActive(slot0._dialogue, true) SetActive(slot0._asideContainer, false) SetActive(slot0._asideContainer2, false) setText(slot0._asideSignDate, "") setActive(slot0._subBg, false) setActive(slot0._curtain, false) slot0.actorLeft.localPosition = slot0.posActorLeft slot0.actorRight.localPosition = slot0.posActorRight slot0.actorMiddle.localPosition = slot0.posActorMiddle if slot1.bgFade and slot0.preBg then slot0.interactive = false LeanTween.value(go(slot0._bg), 1, 0, slot1.bgSpeed or 0.5):setUseEstimatedTime(true):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0._bgCG.alpha = slot0 end)):setDelay(delay or 0):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0.interactive = true uv0.preBg = nil setActive(uv0._bg, false) end)) else setActive(slot0._bg, false) end if slot1.bgName then slot0._bgCG.alpha = 1 setActive(slot0._bg2, false) setActive(slot0._bg1, false) slot3 = slot1.useBg2 and slot0._bg2 or slot0._bg1 slot3:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).color = Color.New(1, 1, 1) setActive(slot0._bg, true) setActive(slot3, true) setImageSprite(slot3, LoadSprite("bg/" .. slot1.bgName)) end slot4, slot5 = slot0:getTagetActorTF(slot1.side or 0) _.each(slot0.actors, function (slot0) if LeanTween.isTweening(slot0.gameObject) then LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0), true) end setActive(slot0, slot0 == uv0) end) setActive(slot0.actorLeft, slot4 == slot0.actorLeft and setActive(slot0.actorRight, slot4 == slot0.actorRight and setActive(slot0.actorMiddle, slot4 == slot0.actorMiddle and setActive(slot0.nameLeft, slot5 == slot0.nameLeft and ( or slot1.actorName) and not slot1.withoutActorName) setActive(slot0.nameRight, slot5 == slot0.nameRight and ( or slot1.actorName) and not slot1.withoutActorName) if slot1.actorPosition then slot4.localPosition = Vector3(slot4.localPosition.x + (slot1.actorPosition.x or 0), slot4.localPosition.y + (slot1.actorPosition.y or 0), 0) end slot4:SetAsLastSibling() if then slot6, slot7 = slot0:getNameAndPainting(slot1) slot8 = slot1.painting or {} setText(slot5:Find("Text"), HXSet.hxLan(slot1.nameColor and setColorStr(slot6, slot1.nameColor) or setColorStr(slot6, COLOR_WHITE))) if not slot1.withoutPainting then if slot0.preStep and slot1.paintingFadeOut then slot0.interactive = false setActive(slot4, false) setActive(slot0._main, false) slot0:paintingFadeOut(slot0.preStep, slot1, function () setActive(uv0, true) setActive(uv1._main, true) uv1.interactive = true end) end setPaintingPrefab(slot4, slot7 .. (slot1.hidePaintObj and "_n" or ""), "duihua") slot0:setSubActors(slot4, slot1.subActors) function (slot0) slot1 = findTF(slot0, "face") if uv1.expression then setActive(slot1, ShipExpressionHelper.SetExpression(slot0, uv0, "default") or uv1.expression) setImageSprite(slot1, GetSpriteFromAtlas("paintingface/" .. uv0, uv1.expression)) end if findTF(slot0, "shadow") then setActive(slot3, uv1.actorShadow) end slot4 = defaultValue(uv1.recordPaint, true) and uv2 ~= uv3.CENTER slot5 = uv1.actorScale or 1 uv4.transform.localScale = Vector3((uv1.dir and uv1.dir < 0 and -1 or 1) * slot5, slot5, slot5) if uv5.preStep and uv5.preStep.side == uv1.side and uv1.side ~= uv3.CENTER then slot7, slot8, slot9 = uv5:getTagetActorTF(uv1.side) setActive(slot9, true) return end uv5:updatePainting(uv4, uv1.paintingNoise) if uv1.paingtingGray then setGray(slot0, true) else setGray(slot0, false) end if uv5.targetActorTF and uv3.CENTER ~= uv1.side and not uv1.hideOther then setActive(uv5.targetActorTF, true) uv5:setFade(uv5.targetActorTF, 1, uv6.alpha or uv7, uv6.time or uv8) end if uv5.targetActorTF ~= uv4 then uv5:setFade(uv4, uv6.alpha or uv7, 1, uv6.time or uv8) uv5.targetActorTF = uv4 end end(findTF(slot4, "fitter"):GetChild(0)) if slot1.shake then slot12 = tf(slot4).localPosition LeanTween.move(rtf(slot4), Vector3(slot12.x + (slot1.shake.x or 0), slot12.y + (slot1.shake.y or 10), 0), 1 / (slot1.shake.speed or 1)):setLoopPingPong(slot1.shake.number or 1):setUseEstimatedTime(true) end if slot1.action then slot10 = findTF(slot4, "fitter"):GetChild(0) slot11 = 0 for slot15, slot16 in ipairs(slot1.action) do if slot16.type == "shake" then LeanTween.move(rtf(slot4), Vector3(tf(slot4).localPosition.x + (slot16.x or 0), tf(slot4).localPosition.y + (slot16.y or 10), 0), slot16.dur or 1):setLoopPingPong(slot16.number or 1):setUseEstimatedTime(true):setDelay(slot16.delay or 0) slot11 = (slot16.delay or 0) + (slot16.dur or 1) * slot16.number elseif slot16.type == "zoom" then slot17 = slot16.from or { 0, 0, 0 } slot18 = or { 1, 1, 1 } LeanTween.scale(rtf(slot4), Vector3(slot18[1], slot18[2], slot18[3]), slot16.dur):setDelay(slot16.delay or 0) slot11 = (slot16.delay or 0) + (slot16.dur or 0) elseif slot16.type == "rotate" then LeanTween.rotate(rtf(slot4), slot16.value, slot16.dur or 1):setLoopPingPong(slot16.number or 1):setUseEstimatedTime(true):setDelay(slot16.delay or 0) slot11 = (slot16.delay or 0) + (slot16.dur or 1) * slot16.number elseif slot16.type == "move" then LeanTween.move(rtf(slot4), Vector3(tf(slot4).localPosition.x + (slot16.x or 0), tf(slot4).localPosition.y + (slot16.y or 0), 0), slot16.dur or 1):setDelay(slot16.delay or 0) slot11 = (slot16.delay or 0) + (slot16.dur or 1) end end slot0.inAction = true LeanTween.delayedCall(slot11, System.Action(function () uv0.inAction = nil end)) end else removeAllChildren(slot4:Find("fitter")) removeAllChildren(slot4:Find("actor_sub")) end else removeAllChildren(slot4:Find("fitter")) removeAllChildren(slot4:Find("actor_sub")) if slot1.actorName then setText(slot5:Find("Text"), HXSet.hxLan(HXSet.hxLan(slot1.nameColor and setColorStr(slot1.actorName, slot1.nameColor) or setColorStr(slot1.actorName, COLOR_WHITE)))) end end function slot6() setText(uv0.content, uv1.say or "...") if uv1.typewriter then uv0:TypeWriter(uv1) end end if slot1.flashin then slot0:flashin(slot1, function () uv0() end) else slot6() end slot0.preStep = slot1 if slot1.blackBg then setActive(slot0._curtain, true) slot0._curtainCG.alpha = 1 end end function slot0.flashin(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.inflashin = true setText(slot0.content, "") slot0._flash:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).color = and Color(0, 0, 0) or Color(1, 1, 1) slot0._flashCG.alpha = slot1.flashin.alpha[1] setActive(slot0._flash, true) LeanTween.value(go(slot0._flash), slot1.flashin.alpha[1], slot1.flashin.alpha[2], slot1.flashin.dur):setDelay(slot1.flashin.delay):setUseEstimatedTime(true):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0._flashCG.alpha = slot0 end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () if uv0 then uv0() end uv1.inflashin = nil end)) end function slot0.flashout(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.inflashout = true slot0._flash:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).color = and Color(0, 0, 0) or Color(1, 1, 1) slot0._flashCG.alpha = slot1.flashout.alpha[1] setActive(slot0._flash, true) LeanTween.value(go(slot0._flash), slot1.flashout.alpha[1], slot1.flashout.alpha[2], slot1.flashout.dur):setUseEstimatedTime(true):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0._flashCG.alpha = slot0 end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () if uv0 then uv0() end uv1.inflashout = nil end)) end function slot0.TypeWriter(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot4 = (slot1.typewriter.speed or 0.1) * Time.timeScale slot0.inTypeWritter = true slot0.typeWritterSpeedUp = slot3.speedUp or slot4 slot0.typeWriter:setSpeed(slot4) slot0.typeWriter:Play() function slot0.typeWriter.endFunc() uv0.inTypeWritter = false uv0.typeWritterSpeedUp = nil if uv0.typeWriteCallback then slot0() end end end function slot0.getTagetActorTF(slot0, slot1) slot2, slot3, slot4 = nil if slot1 == uv0.LEFT then slot2 = slot0.actorLeft slot3 = slot0.nameLeft slot4 = slot0.actorRight elseif slot1 == uv0.RIGHT then slot2 = slot0.actorRight slot3 = slot0.nameRight slot4 = slot0.actorLeft elseif slot1 == uv0.CENTER then slot2 = slot0.actorMiddle slot3 = slot0.nameLeft end return slot2, slot3, slot4 end function slot0.paintingFadeOut(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = slot2.painting or {} if slot1.side == slot2.side then if slot3 then slot3() end return end slot5 = slot0:getTagetActorTF(slot1.side) slot7 = slot2.paintingFadeOut.time slot8, slot9 = slot0:getNameAndPainting(slot1) setActive(slot5, true) slot10 = slot5.anchoredPosition setPaintingPrefab(slot0:getTagetActorTF(slot2.paintingFadeOut.side), slot9, "duihua") slot12 = slot1.actorScale or 1 slot11.transform.localScale = Vector3((slot1.dir and slot1.dir < 0 and -1 or 1) * slot12, slot12, slot12) slot0:setSubActors(slot11, slot1.subActors) slot0:setFade(slot11, 1, slot4.alpha or uv0, 0) LeanTween.moveX(rtf(slot5), slot11.localPosition.x, slot7):setUseEstimatedTime(true):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () if uv0 then uv0() end setActive(uv1, false) setActive(uv2, true) uv1.anchoredPosition = uv3 end)) slot0:setFade(slot5, 1, slot4.alpha or uv0, slot7) end function slot0.setScale(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) LeanTween.scale(rtf(slot1), slot3, slot4):setUseEstimatedTime(true):setFrom(slot2) end function slot0.setCurtainFade(slot0, slot1) if slot0.inFadeOut then return end LeanTween.value(go(target), 1, 0, slot1):setUseEstimatedTime(true):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0._curtainCG.alpha = slot0 end)) end function slot0.setFade(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot5 = {} slot6 = {} if findTF(slot1, "fitter").childCount > 0 then function (slot0) if IsNil(slot0:GetComponent(typeof(Image))) then return end table.insert(uv0, == "UI/GrayScale" and { name = "_GrayScale", color = Color.New(0.21176470588235294, 0.7137254901960784, 0.07058823529411765) } or == "UI/Line_Add_Blue" and { name = "_GrayScale", color = Color.New(1, 1, 1, 0.5882352941176471) } or { name = "_Color", color = Color.white }) if slot1.material == slot1.defaultGraphicMaterial then slot1.material = Material.Instantiate(slot1.defaultGraphicMaterial) findTF(slot0, "face"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).material = slot1.material if findTF(slot0, "shadow") then slot4:GetComponent(typeof(Image)):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).material = slot1.material end if findTF(slot0, "layers") then for slot9 = 0, slot5.childCount - 1 do if slot5:GetChild(slot9) and slot10:GetComponent(typeof(Image)) then slot11:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).material = slot1.material end end end if findTF(slot0, "hx") then for slot10 = 0, slot6.childCount - 1 do if slot6:GetChild(slot10) and slot11:GetComponent(typeof(Image)) then slot12:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).material = slot1.material end end end end table.insert(uv1, slot1.material) end(slot8:GetChild(0)) end if findTF(slot1, "actor_sub") and slot9.childCount > 0 then for slot13 = 1, slot9.childCount do slot7(findTF(slot9:GetChild(slot13 - 1), "fitter"):GetChild(0)) end end slot0.interactive = false LeanTween.value(go(slot1), slot2, slot3, slot4):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(uv0) do if not IsNil(slot5) then slot5:SetColor(uv1[slot4].name, uv1[slot4].color * Color.New(slot0, slot0, slot0)) end end end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0.interactive = true end)) end function slot0.initBg(slot0, slot1) uv0("enter bg mode............") setActive(slot0._bg, true) SetActive(slot0._asideContainer, false) SetActive(slot0._asideContainer2, false) setActive(slot0.actorLeft, false) setActive(slot0.actorRight, false) setActive(slot0.actorMiddle, false) setActive(slot0._curtain, false) setActive(slot0._dialogue, true) if slot1.blackBg then setActive(slot0._curtain, true) slot0._curtainCG.alpha = 1 end if slot1.flashin then slot0:flashin(slot1) end slot2 = slot1.side or 0 setActive(slot0.nameRight, slot1.side == 1) setActive(slot0.nameLeft, slot1.side == 0) if slot1.bgName then slot0._bgCG.alpha = 1 setActive(slot0._subBg, false) setActive(slot0._bg2, false) setActive(slot0._bg1, false) slot5 = slot1.useBg2 and slot0._bg2 or slot0._bg1 slot5:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).color = Color.New(1, 1, 1) setActive(slot0._bg, true) setActive(slot5, true) slot6 = LoadSprite("bg/" .. slot1.bgName) if slot0.preBg and slot0.preBg ~= slot1.bgName then slot0.interactive = false function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) LeanTween.value(go(uv0._bg), slot0, slot1, slot2):setUseEstimatedTime(true):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0._bgCG.alpha = slot0 end)):setDelay(slot3 or 0):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () if uv0 then uv0() end end)) end(1, 0, slot1.bgSpeed or 0.5, 0, function () setImageSprite(uv0, uv1) uv2(0, 1, uv3, 0, function () uv0.interactive = true end) end) elseif not slot0.preBg or slot0.preBg ~= slot1.bgName then slot0._bgCG.alpha = 0 setImageSprite(slot5, slot6) slot3(0, 1, slot4, 0) end slot0.preBg = slot1.bgName end if slot1.bgFade then slot0.interactive = false slot3(1, 0, slot4, 0, function () uv0.interactive = true if uv1.blankScreen then uv0.blankScreen = true SetActive(uv0._curtain, true) uv0.blankScreenTimer = Timer.New(function () SetActive(uv0._curtain, false) uv0.blankScreen = nil triggerButton(uv0._go) end, uv1.blankScreen, 1) uv0.blankScreenTimer:Start() end end) SetActive(slot0._dialogue, false) end if slot1.subBgName then setActive(slot0._subBg, true) setImageSprite(slot0._subBg, LoadSprite("bg/" .., true) slot6 = slot1.subBgName.anchors or { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 } slot0._subBg.anchorMin = Vector2(slot6[1], slot6[2]) slot0._subBg.anchorMax = Vector2(slot6[3], slot6[4]) slot7 = slot1.subBgName.pivot or { 0.5, 0.5 } slot0._subBg.pivot = Vector2(slot7[1], slot7[2]) slot8 = slot1.subBgName.pos or { 0, 0 } slot0._subBg.anchoredPosition = Vector2(slot8[1], slot8[2]) end setText(slot0.content, slot1.say or "...") setActive(slot0._dialogue, slot1.say) if slot1.typewriter then slot0:TypeWriter(slot1) end if slot2 == 0 then setText(slot0.nameLeft:Find("Text"), slot0:getNameAndPainting(slot1)) else setText(slot0.nameRight:Find("Text"), slot5) end end function slot0.getNameAndPainting(slot0, slot1) slot2 = "" slot3 = "" if not then -- Nothing elseif slot4 > 0 then slot2 = (ShipGroup.getDefaultShipConfig(uv0[slot4].ship_group) or uv0[slot4].name) and Ship.getShipName( slot3 = uv0[slot4].painting elseif slot4 == 0 then slot2 = getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData().name slot3 = "unknown" elseif slot4 == -1 and getProxy(PlayerProxy) then slot7 = getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(slot5:getData().character) slot2 = slot3 = slot7:getPainting() end if slot1.actorName then slot2 = HXSet.hxLan(slot1.actorName) end slot5 = slot1.painting or {} return slot1.nameColor and setColorStr(slot2, slot1.nameColor) or setColorStr(slot2, COLOR_WHITE), slot3 end function slot0.initOptions(slot0, slot1, slot2) uv0("enter bg Options............") if not slot0.optionItems then slot0.optionItems = {} end slot0:removeOptBtns() for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot1.options) do if not slot0.optionItems[slot6] then slot0.optionItems[slot6] = cloneTplTo(slot0._option_tpl, slot0.optionsContainer) end slot9 = findTF(slot8, "option") slot9.transform.localPosition = Vector2(421, 0) setActive(slot8, true) setButtonText(slot9, HXSet.hxLan(slot7.content)) onButton(slot0, slot9, function () uv0:hideOptions(uv1, function () uv0.optionFlag = uv1.flag table.insert(uv0.selectedOptions, uv0.optionFlag) if uv2() then uv2() end end) end) end slot0:showOptions() end function slot0.showOptions(slot0) setActive(slot0.options, true) slot1 = 0 LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0.optionsBg)) LeanTween.moveX(slot0.optionsBg, 0, 0.5) slot5 = 5 LeanTween.rotate(rtf(slot0.optionsBg), 360, slot5):setLoopClamp() for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.optionItems) do if isActive(slot6) then LeanTween.moveX(findTF(slot6, "option"), 0, 0.4):setDelay(slot1 * 0.1) slot1 = slot1 + 1 end end slot0.optionsCg.interactable = false LeanTween.value(go(slot0.options), 0, 1, 0.2):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.optionsCg.alpha = slot0 end)) LeanTween.delayedCall(slot1 * 0.1, System.Action(function () uv0.optionsCg.interactable = true end)) end function slot0.hideOptions(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = 0 LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0.optionsBg)) LeanTween.moveX(slot0.optionsBg, 525, 0.5) slot7 = 5 LeanTween.rotate(rtf(slot0.optionsBg), -360, slot7) for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0.optionItems) do if isActive(slot8) and slot7 ~= slot1 then LeanTween.moveX(findTF(slot8, "option"), 632, 0.4):setDelay(slot3 * 0.1) slot3 = slot3 + 1 end end slot0.optionsCg.interactable = false LeanTween.value(go(slot0.options), 1, 0, 0.2):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.optionsCg.alpha = slot0 end)):setDelay(slot3 * 0.1 + 0.8) LeanTween.delayedCall(slot3 * 0.1 + 1, System.Action(function () uv0.skipBtn:GetComponent(typeof(Button)).interactable = true uv0.optionsCg.interactable = true setActive(uv0.options, false) LeanTween.cancel(go(uv0.optionsBg)) if uv1 then uv1() end end)) end function slot0.removeOptBtns(slot0) if not slot0.optionItems then return end for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.optionItems) do setActive(slot5, false) end end function slot0.setEffects(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot1) do if then LeanTween.delayedCall(slot6.delay or 0, System.Action(function () if not findTF(uv0._effectPanel, then slot1 = uv0.effectObjs[] if uv0.isLoadingEffect then -- Nothing elseif not slot1 then uv0.isLoadingEffect = true LoadAndInstantiateAsync("ui",, function (slot0) uv0.isLoadingEffect = nil = setParent(slot0, uv0._effectPanel.transform) setActive(slot0, uv0.effectObjs[] = {, slot0 } end) else setActive(slot1[2], end else SetActive(slot0, if not and uv1.destory and uv0.effectObjs[] then Object.Destroy(uv0.effectObjs[][2]) uv0.effectObjs[] = nil end end end)) end end end function slot0.EndStory(slot0, slot1) pg.DelegateInfo.Dispose(slot0) slot0:removeOptBtns() slot0.preStep = nil slot0.targetActorTF = nil slot0.inTypeWritter = nil slot0.interactive = nil slot0.blankScreen = nil slot0.inFadeOut = nil slot0:hideEffects() slot0.preBg = nil slot0.stopBGM = nil slot0.blackSkip = nil slot0.bgm = nil setActive(slot0.actorRight, false) setActive(slot0.actorLeft, false) setActive(slot0.actorMiddle, false) slot2 = slot0.storyId pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.STORY_UPDATE, { storyId = slot2 }) slot0.storyId = nil SetActive(slot0._go, false) LeanTween.alpha(rtf(slot0._go), 0.6823529411764706, 0):setUseEstimatedTime(true) slot6 = slot2 pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.STORY_END, slot6) for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0.effectObjs) do PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnUI(slot7[1], slot7[2]) end slot0.effectObjs = {} if slot1 then slot1() end slot0:popQuery() end function slot0.setSubActors(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not findTF(slot1, "actor_sub") then return end removeAllChildren(slot3) if not slot2 then return end for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot2) do slot10, slot11 = slot0:getNameAndPainting({ actor = }) slot12 = cloneTplTo(findTF(slot1, "tpl"), slot3) setPaintingPrefab(slot12, slot11, "duihua") slot13 = findTF(slot12, "fitter"):GetChild(0) slot14 = findTF(slot13, "face") if slot9.expression then setActive(slot14, ShipExpressionHelper.SetExpression(slot13, slot11, "default") or slot9.expression) setImageSprite(slot14, GetSpriteFromAtlas("paintingface/" .. slot11, slot9.expression)) end if slot9.pos then setAnchoredPosition(slot12, slot9.pos) end if slot9.dir then slot16 = slot2.scale or 1 slot12.transform.localScale = Vector3(slot9.dir * slot16, slot16, slot16) end slot0:updatePainting(slot12, slot9.paintingNoise) end end function slot0.popQuery(slot0) if table.getCount(uv0) > 0 then table.remove(uv0, 1) if uv0[1] then slot0:Play(slot1[1], slot1[2]) end end end function slot0.addQuery(slot0, slot1, slot2) table.insert(uv0, { slot1, slot2 }) end function slot0.isActive(slot0) return isActive(slot0._go) end function slot0.updatePainting(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot0.tweenObjs then slot0.tweenObjs = {} end function slot3(slot0) slot0.material:SetFloat("_LineGray", 0.3) slot0.material:SetFloat("_TearDistance", 0) LeanTween.cancel(slot0.gameObject) uv0.tweenObjs[slot0.gameObject] = slot0.gameObject LeanTween.value(slot0.gameObject, 0, 2, 2):setLoopClamp():setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) if slot0 >= 1.2 then uv0.material:SetFloat("_LineGray", 0.3) elseif slot0 >= 1.1 then uv0.material:SetFloat("_LineGray", 0.45) elseif slot0 >= 1.03 then uv0.material:SetFloat("_TearDistance", 0) elseif slot0 >= 1 then uv0.material:SetFloat("_TearDistance", 0.3) elseif slot0 >= 0.35 then uv0.material:SetFloat("_LineGray", 0.3) elseif slot0 >= 0.3 then uv0.material:SetFloat("_LineGray", 0.4) elseif slot0 >= 0.25 then uv0.material:SetFloat("_LineGray", 0.3) elseif slot0 >= 0.2 then uv0.material:SetFloat("_LineGray", 0.4) end end)) end if findTF(slot1, "fitter"):GetChild(0) then if not GetComponent(slot4, "MeshImage") then return end if slot2 then slot5.material = slot0.material1 slot5.material:SetFloat("_LineDensity", 7) slot3(slot5) else LeanTween.cancel(slot5.gameObject) slot5.material = nil end if findTF(slot4, "face") and isActive(slot6) then slot7 = GetComponent(slot6, "Image") if slot2 then slot7.material = slot0.material1 slot7.material:SetFloat("_LineDensity", 7) slot3(slot7) else LeanTween.cancel(slot7.gameObject) slot7.material = nil end end if findTF(slot4, "layers") and isActive(slot7) then for slot11 = 0, slot7.childCount - 1 do slot13 = GetComponent(slot7:GetChild(slot11), "Image") if slot2 then slot13.material = slot0.material1 slot13.material:SetFloat("_LineDensity", 7) slot3(slot13) else LeanTween.cancel(slot13.gameObject) slot13.material = nil end end end if findTF(slot4, "hx") and isActive(slot8) then if slot2 then setActive(slot8, false) else setActive(slot8, true) end end end end