slot1 = YongshiSdkMgr.inst slot2 = "" slot3 = "" slot4 = "com.hkmanjuu.azurlane.ios1" function StartSdkLogin() Timer.New(function () uv0:OnLoginTimeOut() end, 30, 1):Start() end function GoLoginScene() if not pg.m02 then print("game is not start") return end pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.GO_SCENE, SCENE.LOGIN) gcAll() end function SDKLogined(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if not pg.m02 then print("game is not start") return end pg.SdkMgr.GetInstance().airi_uid = slot1 or "test" pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.PLATFORM_LOGIN_DONE, { user = User.New({ type = 1, arg1 = slot0, arg2 = slot1, arg3 = slot2, arg4 = slot3 }) }) end function SDKLogouted(slot0) if not pg.m02 then print("game is not start") return end pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.LOGOUT, { code = slot0 }) end function PaySuccess(slot0, slot1) if not pg.m02 then print("game is not start") return end getProxy(ShopsProxy):removeWaitTimer() pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.CHARGE_CONFIRM, { payId = slot0, bsId = slot1 }) end function PayFailed(slot0, slot1) if not pg.m02 then print("game is not start") return end getProxy(ShopsProxy):removeWaitTimer() if not tonumber(slot1) then return end pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.CHARGE_FAILED, { payId = slot0, code = slot1 }) end function GetUserInfoSuccess() end function GetUserInfoFailed() end function slot5(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == YongshiSdkUserBindInfo.FACEBOOK then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(slot1 .. "facebook" .. slot2) elseif slot0 == YongshiSdkUserBindInfo.APPLE then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(slot1 .. "Apple Id" .. slot2) elseif slot0 == YongshiSdkUserBindInfo.GOOGLE then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(slot1 .. "google" .. slot2) elseif slot0 == YongshiSdkUserBindInfo.PHONE then if slot1 == "解綁" then slot1 = "换绑" end pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(slot1 .. "手機" .. slot2) else print("this platform is not supported") end end function BindSuccess(slot0) uv0(slot0, "綁定", "成功") pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.CHT_SOCIAL_LINK_STATE_CHANGE, slot0) end function BindFailed(slot0, slot1) if slot1 and slot1 ~= "" then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(slot1) else uv0(slot0, "綁定", "失敗") end end function UnBindSuccess(slot0) uv0(slot0, "解綁", "成功") pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.CHT_SOCIAL_LINK_STATE_CHANGE) end function UnBindFailed(slot0, slot1) if slot1 and slot1 ~= "" then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(slot1) else uv0(slot0, "解綁", "失敗") end end function OnDeepLinking(slot0) pg.YongshiDeepLinkingMgr.GetInstance():SetData(slot0) end return { CheckPretest = function () return NetConst.GATEWAY_HOST == "" and (NetConst.GATEWAY_PORT == 11001 or NetConst.GATEWAY_PORT == 11101) or Application.isEditor end, InitSDK = function () uv0:Init() end, GoSDkLoginScene = function () uv0:GoLoginScene() end, LoginSdk = function (slot0) uv0:Login(0) end, TryLoginSdk = function () uv0:TryLogin() end, SdkGateWayLogined = function () uv0:OnGatewayLogined() end, SdkLoginGetaWayFailed = function () uv0:OnLoginGatewayFailed() end, IsBindApple = function () return uv0.bindInfo:IsBindApple() end, IsBindFaceBook = function () return uv0.bindInfo:IsBindFaceBook() end, IsBindGoogle = function () return uv0.bindInfo:IsBindGoogle() end, IsBindPhone = function () return uv0.bindInfo:IsBindPhone() end, BindApple = function () uv0:BindApple() end, BindFaceBook = function () uv0:BindFaceBook() end, BindGoogle = function () uv0:BindGoogle() end, BindPhone = function () uv0:BindPhone() end, UnBindPhone = function () uv0:UnBindPhone() end, UnBindApple = function () uv0:UnBindApple() end, UnBindFaceBook = function () uv0:UnBindFaceBook() end, UnBindGoogle = function () uv0:UnBindGoogle() end, CanTriggerDeepLinking = function () return uv0:CanTriggerDeepLinking() end, TriggerDeepLinking = function () uv0:TriggerDeepLinking() end, SdkPay = function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5, slot6, slot7, slot8, slot9) slot14 = getProxy(ServerProxy):getLastServer(getProxy(UserProxy):getData().uid) slot15 = slot17 = getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData() uv0:Pay(slot0, slot2, slot5, slot1, "1", slot3, "1", slot15,, slot15,,, slot17.level, slot8, "1", slot4, slot6) end, UserEventUpload = function (slot0) uv0:UserEventUpload(slot0) end, LogoutSDK = function () uv0:LocalLogout() end, BindCPU = function () uv0:callSdkApi("bindCpu", nil) end, OnAndoridBackPress = function () PressBack() end, ShareImg = function (slot0, slot1) uv0:Share(slot0) end, GetBiliServerId = function () slot0 = uv0.serverId print("serverId : " .. slot0) return slot0 end, GetChannelUID = function () slot0 = uv0.channelUID print("channelUID : " .. slot0) return slot0 end, GetLoginType = function () return uv0.loginType end, GetIsPlatform = function () return uv0.isPlatform end, GetPackageCode = function (slot0) if slot0 == uv0 then return "2" elseif slot0 == uv1 then return "1" elseif slot0 == uv2 then return "3" end end }