pg = pg or {} slot0 = pg slot0.LayerWeightMgr = singletonClass("LayerWeightMgr") slot1 = slot0.LayerWeightMgr slot1.DEBUG = false slot1.ADAPT_TAG = "(Adapt)" slot1.RECYCLE_ADAPT_TAG = "recycleAdapt" function slot1.Init(slot0, slot1) slot0.baseParent = tf(GameObject.Find("UICamera/Canvas")) slot0.uiOrigin = tf(instantiate(tf(GameObject.Find("UICamera/Canvas/UIMain")))) = "UIOrigin" slot0.uiOrigin:SetParent(slot0.baseParent, false) slot3 = GetOrAddComponent(slot0.uiOrigin, typeof(CanvasGroup)) slot3.interactable = false slot3.blocksRaycasts = false slot4 = GetOrAddComponent(slot0.uiOrigin, typeof(Canvas)) slot4.overrideSorting = true slot4.sortingOrder = 200 slot0.lvCameraTf = tf(GameObject.Find("LevelCamera")) slot0.lvParent = tf(GameObject.Find("LevelCamera/Canvas")) slot0.lvCamera = GetOrAddComponent(slot0.lvCameraTf, typeof(Camera)) slot0.adaptPool = {} slot0.UIMain = rtf(GameObject.Find("UICamera/Canvas/UIMain")) slot0.OverlayMain = rtf(GameObject.Find("OverlayCamera/Overlay/UIMain")) slot0.OverlayAdapt = rtf(GameObject.Find("OverlayCamera/Overlay/UIAdapt")) slot0.storeUIs = {} if slot1 ~= nil then slot1() end end function slot1.Add2Overlay(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot3.type = slot1 slot3.ui = slot2 slot3.pbList = slot3.pbList or {} slot3.weight = slot3.weight or LayerWeightConst.BASE_LAYER slot3.overlayType = slot3.overlayType or LayerWeightConst.OVERLAY_UI_MAIN if == "ResPanel(Clone)" then return end if slot1 == LayerWeightConst.UI_TYPE_SYSTEM and #slot0.storeUIs > 0 or slot1 == LayerWeightConst.UI_TYPE_SUB then slot0:Log("ui:" .. .. " 加入了ui层级管理, weight:" .. slot3.weight) slot0:DelList(slot2) table.insert(slot0.storeUIs, slot3) slot0:LayerSortHandler() end end function slot1.DelFromOverlay(slot0, slot1, slot2) if == "ResPanel(Clone)" then return end slot0:Log("ui:" .. .. " 去除了ui层级管理") if slot0:DelList(slot1) ~= nil then slot0:CheckRecycleAdaptObj(slot3.ui, slot2) if slot3.pbList ~= nil then uv0.UIMgr.GetInstance():RevertPBMaterial(slot3.pbList) uv0.UIMgr.GetInstance():ShutdownPartialBlur() end end slot0:LayerSortHandler() end function slot1.DelList(slot0, slot1) slot2 = nil for slot6 = #slot0.storeUIs, 1, -1 do if slot0.storeUIs[slot6].ui == slot1 then slot2 = slot0.storeUIs[slot6] table.remove(slot0.storeUIs, slot6) break end end return slot2 end function slot1.LayerSortHandler(slot0) slot0:switchOriginParent() slot0:SortStoreUIs() slot1 = false slot2 = false slot3 = {} slot4 = nil slot5 = false slot6 = false slot7 = 0 slot8 = 0 for slot12 = #slot0.storeUIs, 1, -1 do slot13 = slot0.storeUIs[slot12] slot15 = slot13.ui slot16 = slot13.pbList slot17 = slot13.globalBlur slot18 = slot13.groupName slot19 = slot13.overlayType slot20 = slot13.blurLevelCamera slot21 = slot13.hideLowerLayer slot22 = slot12 == #slot0.storeUIs if slot13.type == LayerWeightConst.UI_TYPE_SYSTEM then slot1 = true end if slot22 then if slot18 ~= nil then slot4 = slot18 end slot5 = slot17 slot6 = slot20 end if slot14 == LayerWeightConst.UI_TYPE_SUB then if slot22 then function () uv0:ShowOrHideTF(uv1, true) uv0:SetToOverlayParent(uv1, uv2, uv3) if not uv4 and #uv5 > 0 then table.insertto(uv6, uv5) end end() elseif slot4 ~= nil and slot4 == slot18 then slot23() else slot0:SetToOrigin(slot15, slot8) if slot1 or slot2 then slot0:ShowOrHideTF(slot15, false) else slot0:ShowOrHideTF(slot15, true) if #slot16 > 0 then uv0.UIMgr.GetInstance():RevertPBMaterial(slot16) end end end end if slot21 then slot2 = true end end if #slot3 > 0 then uv0.UIMgr.GetInstance():PartialBlurTfs(slot3) else uv0.UIMgr.GetInstance():ShutdownPartialBlur() end if slot6 then uv0.UIMgr.GetInstance():BlurCamera(uv0.UIMgr.CameraLevel) else uv0.UIMgr.GetInstance():UnblurCamera(uv0.UIMgr.CameraLevel) end end function slot1.SetToOverlayParent(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = nil if slot2 == LayerWeightConst.OVERLAY_UI_ADAPT then if slot0:GetAdaptObjFromUI(slot1) ~= nil then SetParent(slot1.parent, slot0.OverlayMain, false) else slot4 = slot0:GetAdaptObj() = slot0:GetAdatpObjName(slot1) SetParent(slot1, slot4, false) end else SetParent(slot1, slot0.OverlayMain, false) end if slot3 ~= nil then slot4:SetSiblingIndex(slot3) end end function slot1.SetToOrigin(slot0, slot1, slot2) SetParent((slot0:GetAdaptObjFromUI(slot1) == nil or slot1.parent) and slot1, slot0.uiOrigin, false) if slot2 ~= nil then slot3:SetSiblingIndex(slot2) end end function slot1.SortStoreUIs(slot0) slot0:Log("-----------------------------------------") slot2 = {} for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(LayerWeightConst.WEIGHT_LIST) do for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot0.storeUIs) do if slot7 == slot12.weight then table.insert(slot2, slot12) slot0:Log( .. " globalBlur:" .. tostring(slot12.globalBlur)) end end end slot0.storeUIs = slot2 slot0:Log("-----------------------------------------") end function slot1.ShowOrHideTF(slot0, slot1, slot2) GetOrAddComponent(slot1, typeof(CanvasGroup)).alpha = slot2 and 1 or 0 end function slot1.switchOriginParent(slot0) if slot0.lvCamera.enabled then slot0.uiOrigin:SetParent(slot0.lvParent, false) else slot0.uiOrigin:SetParent(slot0.baseParent, false) end end function slot1.GetAdaptObj(slot0) slot1 = nil if #slot0.adaptPool > 0 then slot1 = table.remove(slot0.adaptPool, #slot0.adaptPool) else slot2 = GameObject.New() slot2:AddComponent(typeof(NotchAdapt)) slot1 = slot2:AddComponent(typeof(RectTransform)) end SetParent(slot1, slot0.OverlayMain, false) slot1.anchorMin = slot1.anchorMax = slot1.pivot = Vector2(0.5, 0.5) slot1.offsetMax = slot1.offsetMin = slot1.localPosition = SetActive(slot1, true) slot0:ShowOrHideTF(slot1, true) return slot1 end function slot1.CheckRecycleAdaptObj(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot0:GetAdaptObjFromUI(slot1) if slot2 ~= nil then SetParent(slot1, slot2, false) end if slot3 ~= nil then if #slot0.adaptPool < 4 then table.insert(slot0.adaptPool, slot3) SetParent(slot3, slot0.OverlayAdapt, false) = uv0.RECYCLE_ADAPT_TAG SetActive(slot3, false) else Destory(slot3) end end end function slot1.GetAdaptObjFromUI(slot0, slot1) if slot1.parent ~= nil and == slot0:GetAdatpObjName(slot1) then return slot1.parent end return nil end function slot1.GetAdatpObjName(slot0, slot1) return .. uv0.ADAPT_TAG end function slot1.Log(slot0, slot1) if not uv0.DEBUG then return end print(slot1) end