return { MainUIMediator = { { id = "NG002", condition = function () return getProxy(TaskProxy):getTaskById(10302) and slot0:isFinish() and not slot0:isReceive() and getProxy(FleetProxy):getFleetById(11):isEmpty() end, args = function () return _.any(getProxy(BayProxy):getShips(), function (slot0) return slot0 and slot0.configId == 308031 end) and {} or { 1 } end }, { id = "NG004", condition = function () slot2 = false if getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityByType(ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_GUIDE_TASKS) and not slot0:isEnd() then slot2 = getProxy(ChapterProxy):getChapterById(slot0:getConfig("config_data")[1]) and slot4:isClear() end return slot1 and slot2 end, args = function (slot0) return {} end }, { id = "NG005", condition = function () return LOCK_COMMANDER == false and getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData().level >= 40 end, args = function (slot0) return {} end } }, LevelScene = { { id = "NG001", condition = function () slot0 = getProxy(ChapterProxy) return slot0.subRefreshCount > 0 and getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData().level >= 20 and slot0:getChapterById(304):isClear() end, args = function (slot0) if getProxy(ChapterProxy):getActiveChapter() then slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpRetreat }) end if then slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_SWITCH_NORMAL_MAP) end return {} end }, { id = "NG002", condition = function () return getProxy(TaskProxy):getTaskById(10302) and slot0:isFinish() and not slot0:isReceive() and getProxy(FleetProxy):getFleetById(11):isEmpty() end, args = function (slot0) if getProxy(ChapterProxy):getActiveChapter() then slot0:switchToMap() end return _.any(getProxy(BayProxy):getShips(), function (slot0) return slot0 and slot0.configId == 308031 end) and { 2 } or { 2, 1 } end } }, ChallengeMainScene = { { id = "NG0014", condition = function () return true end, args = function () return {} end } }, InstagramLayer = { { id = "NG0018", condition = function () return true end, args = function () return {} end } }, DockyardScene = { { id = "NG0019", condition = function (slot0) return slot0.contextData.mode == DockyardScene.MODE_DESTROY end, args = function () return {} end } } }