return { { banner = "summary", event = ActivityMediator.EVENT_GO_SCENE, data = { SCENE.SUMMARY }, isShow = function () return getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityByType(ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_SUMMARY) and not slot0:isEnd() end }, { banner = "build_pray", event = ActivityMediator.GO_PRAY_POOL, data = {}, isShow = function () return getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityById(ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_PRAY_POOL) and not slot0:isEnd() end }, { banner = "build_bisimai", event = ActivityMediator.EVENT_GO_SCENE, data = { SCENE.GETBOAT, { projectName = BuildShipScene.PROJECTS.ACTIVITY } }, isShow = function () return getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityById(ActivityConst.BUILD_BISMARCK_ID) and not slot0:isEnd() end }, { banner = "ming_paint", event = ActivityMediator.EVENT_GO_SCENE, data = { SCENE.COLORING }, isShow = function () return getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityByType(ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_COLORING_ALPHA) and not slot0:isEnd() end, isTip = function () return getProxy(ColoringProxy):CheckTodayTip() end }, { banner = "limit_skin", event = ActivityMediator.EVENT_GO_SCENE, data = { SCENE.SKINSHOP, { type = SkinShopScene.SHOP_TYPE_TIMELIMIT } }, isShow = function () return pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():inTime(ActivityConst.LIMIT_SKIN_SHOP_TIME) end, isTip = function () return getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData():getResource(pg.gameset.skin_ticket.key_value) and slot2 > 0 end }, { banner = "banai_shop", event = ActivityMediator.GO_SHOPS_LAYER, data = { { warp = NewShopsScene.TYPE_ACTIVITY, actId = ActivityConst.BISMARCK_PT_SHOP_ID } }, isShow = function () return getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityById(ActivityConst.BISMARCK_PT_SHOP_ID) and not slot0:isEnd() end }, { banner = "bili_shop", event = ActivityMediator.GO_SHOPS_LAYER, data = { { warp = NewShopsScene.TYPE_ACTIVITY, actId = ActivityConst.BILIBILI_PT_SHOP_ID } }, isShow = function () return getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityById(ActivityConst.BILIBILI_PT_SHOP_ID) and not slot0:isEnd() end }, {}, { banner = "commom_build", event = ActivityMediator.EVENT_GO_SCENE, data = { SCENE.GETBOAT, { projectName = BuildShipScene.PROJECTS.ACTIVITY } }, isShow = function () return getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityById(ActivityConst.FRANCE_RE_BUILD) and not slot0:isEnd() end }, { banner = "commom_pt_shop", event = ActivityMediator.GO_SHOPS_LAYER, data = { { warp = NewShopsScene.TYPE_ACTIVITY, actId = ActivityConst.FRANCE_RE_PT_SHOP } }, isShow = function () return getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityById(ActivityConst.FRANCE_RE_PT_SHOP) and not slot0:isEnd() end }, { banner = "commom_skin_shop", event = ActivityMediator.EVENT_GO_SCENE, data = { SCENE.SKINSHOP }, isShow = function () return pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():inTime({ { { 2019, 6, 27 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, { { 2019, 7, 10 }, { 23, 59, 59 } } }) end }, { banner = "summer_feast", event = ActivityMediator.EVENT_GO_SCENE, data = { SCENE.SUMMER_FEAST }, isShow = function () return getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityById(ActivityConst.SUMMER_FEAST_ID) and not slot0:isEnd() end }, { banner = "event_square", event = ActivityMediator.EVENT_GO_SCENE, data = { SCENE.NEWYEAR_SQUARE }, isShow = function () return getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityById(ActivityConst.NEWYEAR_ACTIVITY) and not slot0:isEnd() end }, { banner = "activity_redpacket", event = ActivityMediator.OPEN_RED_PACKET_LAYER, data = {}, isShow = function () return getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityByType(ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_RED_PACKETS) and not slot0:isEnd() end, isTip = function () return RedPacketLayer.isShowRedPoint() end }, { banner = "LanternFestival", event = ActivityMediator.GO_MINI_GAME, data = { 10 }, isShow = function () return getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityById(ActivityConst.LANTERNFESTIVAL) and not slot0:isEnd() end, isTip = function () if getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityById(ActivityConst.LANTERNFESTIVAL) and not slot0:isEnd() then return getProxy(MiniGameProxy):GetHubByHubId(slot0:getConfig("config_id")).count > 0 and slot2.usedtime < 7 end end }, { banner = "encode_game", event = ActivityMediator.GO_DECODE_MINI_GAME, data = { 11 }, isShow = function () return getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityByType(ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_MINIGAME) and not slot0:isEnd() and function () return getProxy(MiniGameProxy):GetHubByHubId(uv0:getConfig("config_id")) and == 7 end() end, isTip = function () if getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityByType(ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_MINIGAME) and not slot0:isEnd() then return getProxy(MiniGameProxy):GetHubByHubId(slot0:getConfig("config_id")) and == 7 and slot2.count > 0 end end }, { banner = "anniversary", event = ActivityMediator.EVENT_GO_SCENE, data = { SCENE.ANNIVERSARY }, isShow = function () return getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityById(pg.activity_const.ANNIVERSARY_TASK_LIST_ID.act_id) and not slot0:isEnd() end } }