slot0 = LuaProfiler slot1 = jit and require("jit.vmdef") slot2 = { event = { [142.0] = "event.__call", [20.0] = "_xpcall.__call" }, slot = { [11.0] = "slot.__call" }, MainScene = { [250.0] = "MainScene.Update" } } slot3 = { ["_xpcall.__call"] = 1, ipairs_aux = 1, unknow = 1 } slot5 = {} function slot6(slot0) slot1 = #uv0 + 1 for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(uv0) do if slot6 == slot0 then slot1 = slot5 end end return slot1 end function slot7(slot0) if #uv0 > 0 and debug.getinfo(5, "f") then if slot1 < uv1(slot2.func) and debug.getinfo(6, "f") then slot4 = uv1(slot2.func) or slot4 end for slot8 = slot4 + 1, slot1 do table.remove(uv0) uv2.EndSample() end end end function slot8(slot0, slot1, slot2) uv0() table.insert(uv1, slot1) if == -1 then = slot0 = uv2.GetID(slot0) end uv2.BeginSample( end function slot9(slot0, slot1, slot2) uv0() table.insert(uv1, slot1) slot3 = -1 if slot2.nick == nil then slot2.nick = {} end if not slot2.nick[slot0] then slot2.nick[slot0] = uv2.GetID(slot0) end uv2.BeginSample(slot3) end function profiler_hook(slot0, slot1) if slot0 == "call" then slot2 = nil if uv0.cache[debug.getinfo(2, "f").func] then slot2 = end if uv1[slot2] then return end if slot2 == "event.__call" then uv2(debug.getinfo(2, "n").name or slot2, slot3, slot4) elseif slot2 then uv3(slot2, slot3, slot4) else slot5 = debug.getinfo(2, "Sn") slot6 = slot7 = slot5.linedefined if not slot4 then uv0.cache[slot3] = { id = -1, name = "unknow" } end if slot5.short_src == "[C]" then if slot6 == "__index" or slot6 == "__newindex" then return end if not tostring(slot3):match("function: builtin#(%d+)") then if slot6 then slot8 = slot6 uv3(slot6, slot3, slot4) elseif slot7 ~= -1 then uv3(slot5.short_src .. slot7, slot3, slot4) end elseif not uv1[uv4.ffnames[tonumber(slot9)]] then uv3(slot8, slot3, slot4) end elseif slot7 ~= -1 or slot6 then slot8 = slot5.short_src slot6 = slot6 or slot7 slot9 = nil slot9 = slot8:match("([^/\\]+)%.%w+$") or slot8:match("([^/\\]+)$") uv3((not uv5[slot9] or slot10[slot7]) and slot9 .. "." .. slot6 or slot8 .. "." .. slot6, slot3, slot4) else uv3(slot2, slot3, slot4) end end elseif slot0 == "return" then if #uv6 == 0 then return end if debug.getinfo(2, "f").func == uv6[slot2] then table.remove(uv6) uv7.EndSample() else if slot2 < uv8(slot3.func) then return end for slot8 = slot4, slot2 do table.remove(uv6) uv7.EndSample() end end end end return { mark = 1, cache = 1, scan = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.mark[slot1] then return end slot0.mark[slot1] = true for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot1) do if type(slot6) == "string" then if type(slot7) == "function" then if slot2 then slot8 = slot2 .. "." .. slot6 end if not uv0[slot8] and slot6 ~= "__index" and slot6 ~= "__newindex" then slot0.cache[slot7] = { id = -1, name = slot8 } end elseif type(slot7) == "table" and not slot0.mark[slot7] then slot0:scan(slot7, slot6) end elseif slot2 and slot6 == tolua.gettag or slot6 == tolua.settag then slot0:scan(slot7, slot2) end end end, scanlibs = function (slot0) slot1 = package.loaded slot0.mark[slot1] = true for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot1) do if type(slot5) == "string" and type(slot6) == "table" then slot0:scan(slot6, slot5) if getmetatable(slot6) then slot0:scan(slot7, slot5) end end end end, start = function (slot0) slot0.mark = {} slot0.cache = { __mode = "k" } slot0:scan(_G, nil) slot0:scanlibs() slot0.mark = nil debug.sethook(profiler_hook, "cr", 0) end, print = function (slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.cache) do print( end end, stop = function (slot0) debug.sethook(nil) slot0.cache = nil end }