function slot1() return FileTool.GetCurrentDirectiory() .. "\\" end function slot2(slot0) if slot0:gsub("/", "\\"):find(":") == nil then slot0 = uv0() .. slot0 end slot1 = #slot0 if slot0:sub(slot1, slot1) == "\\" then slot0 = slot0:sub(1, slot1 - 1) end slot2 = {} for slot6 in slot0:gmatch("[^\\]+") do if slot6 == ".." and #slot2 ~= 0 then table.remove(slot2) elseif slot6 ~= "." then table.insert(slot2, slot6) end end return table.concat(slot2, "\\") end return { FailNotify = function (...) if uv0.NotifyFunc then uv0.NotifyFunc(...) end end, DebugNofity = function (...) if uv0.DebugNofityFunc then uv0.DebugNofityFunc(...) end end, InitFileMap = function (slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0) do slot5 = uv0(slot5) uv1.NotifyFunc("root path: " .. slot5) slot6 = FileTool.GetAllFiles(slot5) print("count " .. slot6.Count) for slot10 = 0, slot6.Count - 1 do if string.match(slot6:get_Item(slot10), ".*\\(.[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*)%.lua") ~= nil then if uv1.FileMap[slot12] == nil then uv1.FileMap[slot12] = {} end slot13 = string.gsub(string.sub(slot11, #slot5 + 2, #slot11 - 4), "\\", ".") uv1.LuaPathToSysPath[slot13] = SysPath table.insert(uv1.FileMap[slot12], { SysPath = slot11, LuaPath = slot13 }) end end uv1.NotifyFunc("load module count: " .. table.getn(uv1.FileMap)) end end, InitFakeTable = function () slot0 = {} uv0.Meta = slot0 function slot2() end function slot3() return uv0 end function slot4(slot0, slot1) uv0.MetaMap[slot0] = slot1 return slot0 end function slot5(slot0) if not uv0.RequireMap[slot0] then uv0.RequireMap[slot0] = uv1() end return uv0.RequireMap[slot0] end function slot0.__index(slot0, slot1) if slot1 == "setmetatable" then return uv0 elseif slot1 == "pairs" or slot1 == "ipairs" then return uv1 elseif slot1 == "next" then return uv2 elseif slot1 == "require" then return uv3 else slot2 = uv4() rawset(slot0, slot1, slot2) return slot2 end end function slot0.__newindex(slot0, slot1, slot2) rawset(slot0, slot1, slot2) end function slot0.__call() return uv0(), uv0(), uv0() end function slot0.__add() return uv0.__call() end function slot0.__sub() return uv0.__call() end function slot0.__mul() return uv0.__call() end function slot0.__div() return uv0.__call() end function slot0.__mod() return uv0.__call() end function slot0.__pow() return uv0.__call() end function slot0.__unm() return uv0.__call() end function slot0.__concat() return uv0.__call() end function slot0.__eq() return uv0.__call() end function slot0.__lt() return uv0.__call() end function slot0.__le() return uv0.__call() end function slot0.__len() return uv0.__call() end return function () return setmetatable({}, uv0) end end, InitProtection = function () uv0.Protection = { [setmetatable] = true, [pairs] = true, [ipairs] = true, [next] = true, [require] = true, [uv0] = true, [uv0.Meta] = true, [math] = true, [string] = true, [table] = true } end, AddFileFromHUList = function () package.loaded[uv0.UpdateListFile] = nil uv0.ALL = false uv0.HUMap = {} for slot4, slot5 in pairs(require(uv0.UpdateListFile)) do if slot5 == "_ALL_" then uv0.ALL = true for slot9, slot10 in pairs(uv0.FileMap) do for slot14, slot15 in pairs(slot10) do uv0.HUMap[slot15.LuaPath] = slot15.SysPath end end return end if uv0.FileMap[slot5] then for slot9, slot10 in pairs(uv0.FileMap[slot5]) do uv0.HUMap[slot10.LuaPath] = slot10.SysPath end else uv0.FailNotify("HotUpdate can't not find " .. slot5) end end end, ErrorHandle = function (slot0) uv0.FailNotify("HotUpdate Error\n" .. tostring(slot0)) uv0.ErrorHappen = true end, BuildNewCode = function (slot0, slot1) io.input(slot0) slot2 ="*all") if uv0.ALL and uv0.OldCode[slot0] == nil then uv0.OldCode[slot0] = slot2 io.input():close() return end if uv0.OldCode[slot0] == slot2 then io.input():close() return false end io.input():close() io.input(slot0) io.input():close() if not loadstring("--[[" .. slot1 .. "]] " .. slot2) then uv0.FailNotify(slot0 .. " has syntax error.") collectgarbage("collect") return false else uv0.FakeENV = uv0.FakeT() uv0.MetaMap = {} uv0.RequireMap = {} setfenv(slot4, uv0.FakeENV) uv0.ErrorHappen = false xpcall(function () uv0 = uv1() end, uv0.ErrorHandle) if not uv0.ErrorHappen then uv0.OldCode[slot0] = slot2 return true, nil else collectgarbage("collect") return false end end end, Travel_G = function () slot0 = { [uv0] = true } function (slot0) if type(slot0) ~= "function" and type(slot0) ~= "table" or uv0[slot0] or uv1.Protection[slot0] then return end uv0[slot0] = true if type(slot0) == "function" then for slot4 = 1, math.huge do slot5, slot6 = debug.getupvalue(slot0, slot4) if not slot5 then break end if type(slot6) == "function" then for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(uv1.ChangedFuncList) do if slot6 == slot11[1] then debug.setupvalue(slot0, slot4, slot11[2]) end end end uv2(slot6) end elseif type(slot0) == "table" then uv2(debug.getmetatable(slot0)) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0) do uv2(slot5) uv2(slot6) if type(slot6) == "function" then for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(uv1.ChangedFuncList) do if slot6 == slot11[1] then slot0[slot5] = slot11[2] end end end if type(slot5) == "function" then for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(uv1.ChangedFuncList) do if slot5 == slot11[1] then slot1[#slot1 + 1] = slot10 end end end end for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1) do slot7 = uv1.ChangedFuncList[slot6] slot0[slot7[2]] = slot0[slot7[1]] slot0[slot7[1]] = nil end end end(_G) slot2 = debug.getregistry() for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(uv0.ChangedFuncList) do for slot11, slot12 in pairs(slot2) do if slot12 == slot7[1] then slot2[slot11] = slot7[2] end end end for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(uv0.ChangedFuncList) do if slot7[3] == "HUDebug" then slot7[4]:HUDebug() end end end, ReplaceOld = function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) if type(slot0) == type(slot1) then if type(slot1) == "table" then uv0.UpdateAllFunction(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, "") elseif type(slot1) == "function" then uv0.UpdateOneFunction(slot0, slot1, slot2, nil, slot3, "") end end end, HotUpdateCode = function (slot0, slot1) if package.loaded[slot0] ~= nil then uv0.VisitedSig = {} uv0.ChangedFuncList = {} slot3, slot4 = uv0.BuildNewCode(slot1, slot0) if slot3 then uv0.NotifyFunc("update module " .. slot0) slot8 = slot0 slot9 = "Main" uv0.ReplaceOld(slot2, slot4, slot8, slot9, "") for slot8, slot9 in pairs(uv0.RequireMap) do uv0.ReplaceOld(package.loaded[slot8], slot9, slot8, "Main_require", "") end setmetatable(uv0.FakeENV, nil) uv0.UpdateAllFunction(uv0.ENV, uv0.FakeENV, " ENV ", "Main", "") if #uv0.ChangedFuncList > 0 then uv0.Travel_G() end collectgarbage("collect") end elseif uv0.OldCode[slot1] == nil then io.input(slot1) uv0.OldCode[slot1] ="*all") io.input():close() end end, ResetENV = function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = {} function (slot0, slot1) if not slot0 or uv0[slot0] then return end uv0[slot0] = true if type(slot0) == "function" then uv1.DebugNofity(uv2 .. "HU.ResetENV", slot1, " from:" .. uv3) xpcall(function () setfenv(uv0, uv1.ENV) end, uv1.FailNotify) elseif type(slot0) == "table" then slot6 = uv3 slot5 = " from:" .. slot6 uv1.DebugNofity(uv2 .. "HU.ResetENV", slot1, slot5) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0) do uv4(slot5, tostring(slot5) .. "__key", " HU.ResetENV ", uv2 .. " ") uv4(slot6, tostring(slot5), " HU.ResetENV ", uv2 .. " ") end end end(slot0, slot1) end, UpdateUpvalue = function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) uv0.DebugNofity(slot4 .. "HU.UpdateUpvalue", slot2, " from:" .. slot3) slot5 = {} slot6 = {} for slot10 = 1, math.huge do slot11, slot12 = debug.getupvalue(slot0, slot10) if not slot11 then break end slot5[slot11] = slot12 slot6[slot11] = true end for slot10 = 1, math.huge do slot11, slot12 = debug.getupvalue(slot1, slot10) if not slot11 then break end if slot6[slot11] then if type(slot5[slot11]) ~= type(slot12) then debug.setupvalue(slot1, slot10, slot13) elseif type(slot13) == "function" then uv0.UpdateOneFunction(slot13, slot12, slot11, nil, "HU.UpdateUpvalue", slot4 .. " ") elseif type(slot13) == "table" then uv0.UpdateAllFunction(slot13, slot12, slot11, "HU.UpdateUpvalue", slot4 .. " ") debug.setupvalue(slot1, slot10, slot13) else debug.setupvalue(slot1, slot10, slot13) end else uv0.ResetENV(slot12, slot11, "HU.UpdateUpvalue", slot4 .. " ") end end end, UpdateOneFunction = function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5) if uv0.Protection[slot0] or uv0.Protection[slot1] then return end if slot0 == slot1 then return end if uv0.VisitedSig[tostring(slot0) .. tostring(slot1)] then return end uv0.VisitedSig[slot6] = true uv0.DebugNofity(slot5 .. "HU.UpdateOneFunction " .. slot2 .. " from:" .. slot4) if pcall(debug.setfenv, slot1, getfenv(slot0)) then uv0.UpdateUpvalue(slot0, slot1, slot2, "HU.UpdateOneFunction", slot5 .. " ") uv0.ChangedFuncList[#uv0.ChangedFuncList + 1] = { slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3 } end end, UpdateAllFunction = function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) if uv0.Protection[slot0] or uv0.Protection[slot1] then return end if slot0 == slot1 then return end if uv0.VisitedSig[tostring(slot0) .. tostring(slot1)] then return end uv0.VisitedSig[slot5] = true slot9 = slot2 slot10 = " from:" uv0.DebugNofity(slot4 .. "HU.UpdateAllFunction " .. slot9 .. slot10 .. slot3) for slot9, slot10 in pairs(slot1) do if type(slot10) == type(slot0[slot9]) then if type(slot10) == "function" then uv0.UpdateOneFunction(slot11, slot10, slot9, slot0, "HU.UpdateAllFunction", slot4 .. " ") elseif type(slot10) == "table" then uv0.UpdateAllFunction(slot11, slot10, slot9, "HU.UpdateAllFunction", slot4 .. " ") end elseif slot11 == nil and type(slot10) == "function" and pcall(setfenv, slot10, uv0.ENV) then slot0[slot9] = slot10 end end slot7 = uv0.MetaMap[slot1] if type(debug.getmetatable(slot0)) == "table" and type(slot7) == "table" then uv0.UpdateAllFunction(slot6, slot7, slot2 .. "'s Meta", "HU.UpdateAllFunction", slot4 .. " ") end end, Init = function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) uv0.UpdateListFile = slot0 uv0.HUMap = {} uv0.FileMap = {} uv0.NotifyFunc = slot2 uv0.OldCode = {} uv0.ChangedFuncList = {} uv0.VisitedSig = {} uv0.FakeENV = nil uv0.ENV = slot3 or _G uv0.LuaPathToSysPath = {} uv0.InitFileMap(slot1) uv0.FakeT = uv0.InitFakeTable() uv0.InitProtection() uv0.ALL = false end, Update = function () uv0.AddFileFromHUList() for slot3, slot4 in pairs(uv0.HUMap) do uv0.HotUpdateCode(slot3, slot4) end end }