slot0 = class("AutoBotCommand", pm.SimpleCommand) function slot0.execute(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot1:getBody() slot3 = slot2.isActiveBot slot4 = slot2.toggle if uv0.autoBotSatisfied() then if PlayerPrefs.GetInt("autoBotIsAcitve", 0) ~= not slot3 then PlayerPrefs.SetInt("autoBotIsAcitve", not slot3 and 1 or 0) uv0.activeBotHelp(not slot3) end elseif not slot3 then if slot4 then onDelayTick(function () GetComponent(uv0, typeof(Toggle)).isOn = false end, 0.1) end pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("auto_battle_limit_tip")) end if slot3 then slot0:sendNotification(GAME.AUTO_SUB, { isActiveSub = true }) end end function slot0.autoBotSatisfied() return getProxy(ChapterProxy) and slot0:getChapterById(AUTO_ENABLE_CHAPTER):isClear() end function slot0.activeBotHelp(slot0) slot1 = getProxy(PlayerProxy) if not slot0 then if uv0.autoBotHelp then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():hide() end return end if slot1.botHelp then return end uv0.autoBotHelp = true if getProxy(SettingsProxy):isTipAutoBattle() then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ toggleStatus = true, showStopRemind = true, type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = i18n("help_battle_auto"), custom = { { text = "text_iknow", sound = SFX_CANCEL, onCallback = function () if pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance().stopRemindToggle.isOn then getProxy(SettingsProxy):setAoutBattleTip() end end } }, onClose = function () uv0.autoBotHelp = false if pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance().stopRemindToggle.isOn then getProxy(SettingsProxy):setAoutBattleTip() end end, weight = LayerWeightConst.TOP_LAYER }) end slot1.botHelp = true end return slot0