slot0 = class("SetShipsFlagCommand", pm.SimpleCommand) function slot0.execute(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot1:getBody() slot0.shipsById = slot2.shipsById slot0.flags = slot2.flags or {} slot3 = slot2.blackBlockShipIds or {} slot4 = slot2.callback for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot0.shipsById) do slot0:clearShipAllFlag(slot8) end if defaultValue(slot0.flags.inChapter, true) and getProxy(ChapterProxy):getActiveChapter() then _.each(slot7:getShips(), function (slot0) uv0:setShipFlag(, "inChapter", true) end) end if defaultValue(slot0.flags.inSham, false) and getProxy(ChapterProxy):getShamChapter() and slot8:isOpen() and then _.each(slot8:getShips(), function (slot0) uv0:setShipFlag(, "inSham", true) end) end slot8 = defaultValue(slot0.flags.inPvp, true) if defaultValue(slot0.flags.inFleet, true) then slot0.fleetShipIds = getProxy(FleetProxy):getAllShipIds() for slot13, slot14 in ipairs(slot0.fleetShipIds) do if slot0.shipsById[slot14] and (slot15:getFleetId() ~= FleetProxy.PVP_FLEET_ID or not not slot8) then slot0:setShipFlag(slot14, "inFleet", true) end end end if slot0.flags.inElite then for slot15, slot16 in ipairs(getProxy(ChapterProxy):getChapterById(slot0.flags.inElite):getEliteFleetList()) do for slot20, slot21 in ipairs(slot16) do slot0:setShipFlag(slot21, "inElite", true) end end end if slot0.flags.inActivity then slot10 = getProxy(FleetProxy):getActivityFleets() if type(slot0.flags.inActivity) == "number" then for slot15, slot16 in pairs(slot10[slot0.flags.inActivity]) do for slot21, slot22 in ipairs(slot16.ships) do slot0:setShipFlag(slot22, "inActivity", true) end end elseif type(slot0.flags.inActivity) == "boolean" then for slot14, slot15 in pairs(slot10) do for slot19, slot20 in pairs(slot15) do for slot25, slot26 in ipairs(slot20.ships) do slot0:setShipFlag(slot26, "inActivity", true) end end end end end if defaultValue(slot0.flags.inBackyard, true) then for slot15, slot16 in pairs(getProxy(DormProxy):getBackYardShips()) do slot0:setShipFlag(slot15, "inBackyard", true) end end if defaultValue(slot0.flags.inClass, true) then slot0._inClassShipList = getProxy(NavalAcademyProxy):GetShipIDs() for slot15, slot16 in ipairs(slot0._inClassShipList) do slot0:setShipFlag(slot16, "inClass", true) end end if defaultValue(slot0.flags.inTactics, true) then for slot17, slot18 in pairs(getProxy(NavalAcademyProxy):getStudents()) do slot0:setShipFlag(slot18.shipId, "inTactics", true) end end if defaultValue(slot0.flags.inEvent, true) then for slot18, slot19 in ipairs(getProxy(EventProxy):getActiveShipIds()) do slot0:setShipFlag(slot19, "inEvent", true) end end if defaultValue(slot0.flags.inAdmiral, true) then for slot18, slot19 in ipairs(getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().characters) do slot0:setShipFlag(slot19, "inAdmiral", true) end end if defaultValue(slot0.flags.inExercise, true) then for slot20, slot21 in pairs(getProxy(MilitaryExerciseProxy):getExerciseFleet().vanguardShips) do slot0:setShipFlag(slot21, "inExercise", true) end for slot20, slot21 in pairs(slot16.mainShips) do slot0:setShipFlag(slot21, "inExercise", true) end end for slot18, slot19 in pairs(slot3) do slot0:setShipBlackBlock(slot19) end if slot4 then slot4(slot0.shipsById) end slot0:sendNotification(GAME.SET_SHIP_FLAG_DONE, { shipsById = slot0.shipsById }) end function slot0.setShipBlackBlock(slot0, slot1) if slot0.shipsById[slot1] then slot2.blackBlock = true end end function slot0.setShipFlag(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot0.shipsById[slot1] then slot4[slot2] = slot3 end end function slot0.clearShipAllFlag(slot0, slot1) if slot0.shipsById[slot1] then slot2.inFleet = nil slot2.inChapter = nil slot2.inWorld = nil slot2.inEvent = nil slot2.inBackyard = nil slot2.inClass = nil slot2.inTactics = nil slot2.inExercise = nil slot2.inAdmiral = nil slot2.inSham = nil slot2.inElite = nil slot2.blackBlock = nil slot2.inActivity = nil end end return slot0