slot0 = class("ClickMingShiCommand", pm.SimpleCommand) function slot0.execute(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot1:getBody() slot4 = getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData() slot4.mingshiCount = slot4.mingshiCount + 1 if getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityById(mingshiActivityId) and not slot5:isEnd() and not LOCK_CLICK_MINGSHI and getProxy(TaskProxy):getmingshiTaskID(slot4.mingshiCount) > 0 then slot0:sendNotification(GAME.ACTIVITY_OPERATION, { cmd = 1, activity_id = mingshiActivityId }) end if slot4.mingshiflag >= 2 then slot3:updatePlayer(slot4) return end pg.ConnectionMgr.GetInstance():Send(11506, { state = 0 }, 11507, function (slot0) if slot0.result == 0 then uv0.chargeExp = uv0.chargeExp + 5 uv0.mingshiflag = uv0.mingshiflag + 1 uv1:sendNotification(GAME.CLICK_MING_SHI_SUCCESS) else uv0.mingshiflag = 2 end uv2:updatePlayer(uv0) end) end return slot0