slot0 = class("WorldMediaCollectionFileDetailLayer", import(".WorldMediaCollectionSubLayer")) function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "WorldMediaCollectionFileDetailUI" end function slot0.OnInit(slot0) onButton(slot0, slot0._tf:Find("Buttom"), function () uv0.viewParent:Backward() end) slot0.anim = slot0._tf:GetComponent(typeof(Animation)) slot0.canvasGroup = slot0._tf:GetComponent(typeof(CanvasGroup)) slot0:InitDocument() slot1 = slot0._tf:Find("ArchiveList") slot0.scrollComp = slot1:GetComponent("LScrollRect") slot0.fileChild = {} slot0.fileChildIndex = {} function slot0.scrollComp.onUpdateItem(slot0, ...) uv0:OnUpdateFile(slot0 + 1, ...) end setActive(slot1:Find("Item"), false) slot0.loader = AutoLoader.New() setText(slot0._tf:Find("ArchiveList/ProgressDesc"), i18n("world_collection_1")) end function slot0.InitDocument(slot0) slot0.document = slot0._tf:Find("Document") slot0.documentContentTF = slot0.document:Find("Viewport/Content") slot0.documentHead = slot0.documentContentTF:Find("Head") slot0.documentBody = slot0.documentContentTF:Find("Body") slot0.documentTitle = slot0.documentHead:Find("Title") slot0.documentRect = slot0.documentBody:Find("Rect") slot0.documentTip = slot0.documentRect:Find("SubTitle") slot0.documentText = slot0.documentRect:Find("Text") slot0.documentImage = slot0.documentRect:Find("Image") slot0.documentStamp = slot0.documentImage:Find("ClassifiedStamp") end function slot0.Openning(slot0) slot0.anim:Play("Enter") slot0:Enter() end function slot0.Enter(slot0) slot0.contextData.SelectedFile = nil slot0:UpdateView() slot0:SwitchFileIndex(slot0.contextData.SelectedFile or function () for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(WorldCollectionProxy.GetCollectionFileGroupTemplate(uv0.contextData.FileGroupIndex).child) do if nowWorld:GetCollectionProxy():IsUnlock(slot6) then return slot5 end end end()) end function slot0.Hide(slot0) slot0.canvasGroup.alpha = 1 uv0.super.Hide(slot0) end function slot0.UpdateView(slot0) slot0.archiveList =, function (slot0) return WorldCollectionProxy.GetCollectionTemplate(slot0) end) slot2 = WorldCollectionProxy.GetCollectionFileGroupTemplate(slot0.contextData.FileGroupIndex) slot4 = #slot2.child for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot2.child) do if nowWorld:GetCollectionProxy():IsUnlock(slot9) then slot3 = 0 + 1 end end setText(slot0._tf:Find("ArchiveList/ProgressDesc/ProgressText"), slot3 .. "/" .. slot4) slot0.scrollComp:SetTotalCount(#slot0.archiveList) end function slot1(slot0) return string.char(226, 133, 160 + slot0 - 1) end function slot0.OnUpdateFile(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.exited then return end slot3 = slot0.archiveList[slot1] if slot0.fileChildIndex[slot2] and slot0.fileChildIndex[slot2] ~= slot1 then slot0.fileChild[slot0.fileChildIndex[slot2]] = nil end slot0.fileChildIndex[slot2] = slot1 slot0.fileChild[slot1] = slot2 slot5 = tf(slot2) slot6 = WorldCollectionProxy.GetCollectionFileGroupTemplate(slot0.contextData.FileGroupIndex) slot7 = nowWorld:GetCollectionProxy():IsUnlock( slot8 = slot1 == slot0.contextData.SelectedFile setActive(slot5:Find("Selected"), slot8) setText(slot5:Find("Desc"), setColorStr(string.format("%s %s", shortenString( or "", 6), uv0(slot3.group_ID)), slot8 and "#000" or COLOR_WHITE)) setActive(slot5:Find("Desc"), slot7) setActive(slot5:Find("Icon"), slot7) setActive(slot5:Find("Cover"), slot7) setActive(slot5:Find("Locked"), not slot7) slot0.loader:GetSprite("ui/WorldMediaCollectionFileDetailUI_atlas", "cover" .. slot6.type, slot5:Find("Cover")) onButton(slot0, slot5, function () if not nowWorld:GetCollectionProxy():IsUnlock( then return end uv1:SwitchFileIndex(uv2) end, SFX_PANEL) end function slot0.SwitchFileIndex(slot0, slot1) if slot0.contextData.SelectedFile and slot0.contextData.SelectedFile == slot1 then return end slot2 = slot1 and slot0.archiveList[slot1] if slot2 and nowWorld:GetCollectionProxy():IsUnlock( then slot0.contextData.SelectedFile = slot1 if slot0.fileChild[slot0.contextData.SelectedFile] then slot0:OnUpdateFile(slot4, slot5) end if slot0.fileChild[slot1] then slot0:OnUpdateFile(slot1, slot0.fileChild[slot1]) end setActive(slot0.document, true) setText(slot0.document:Find("Head/Title"), slot0:SetDocument(slot2) else setActive(slot0.document, false) end end function slot0.SetDocument(slot0, slot1, slot2) setText(slot0.documentTitle, if slot1.pic and #slot3 > 0 then slot4 = LoadSprite("CollectionFileIllustration/" .. slot3, "") setImageSprite(slot0.documentImage, slot4, true) setActive(slot0.documentImage, slot4) if slot4 then setActive(slot0.documentStamp, slot1.is_classified == 1) if slot1.is_classified == 1 then slot0.loader:GetSprite("ui/WorldMediaCollectionFileDetailUI_atlas", "stamp" .. WorldCollectionProxy.GetCollectionFileGroupTemplate(WorldCollectionProxy.GetCollectionGroup(, slot0.documentStamp) end end else setActive(slot0.documentImage, false) end slot0:SetDocumentText(slot1.content, slot1.subTitle, slot2) end function slot0.getTextPreferredHeight(slot0, slot1, slot2) return ReflectionHelp.RefCallMethod(typeof("UnityEngine.TextGenerator"), "GetPreferredHeight", slot0.cachedTextGeneratorForLayout, { typeof("System.String"), typeof("UnityEngine.TextGenerationSettings") }, { slot2, slot0:GetGenerationSettings(Vector2(slot1, 0)) }) / slot0.pixelsPerUnit end function slot0.SetDocumentText(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot7 = math.max(slot0.documentRect.rect.width - (isActive(slot0.documentImage) and slot0.documentImage.rect.width or 0), 0) slot9 = slot5 and slot0.documentImage.rect.height + 100 or 0 slot0.documentText:GetComponent(typeof(Text)).text = "" slot11 = "" if not slot5 then slot10.text = slot1 function () if isActive(uv0.documentHead) then slot0 = 0 + uv0.documentHead:GetComponent(typeof(LayoutElement)).preferredHeight end slot1 = uv0.documentBody:GetComponent("LayoutGroup") setActive(uv0.documentTip, uv1 and #uv1 > 0) slot3 = 0 if uv1 and #uv1 > 0 then slot4 = uv0.documentTip:Find("Text"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot4.text = uv1 slot0 = slot0 + + slot1.padding.bottom + uv2.getTextPreferredHeight(slot4, uv3, uv1) + uv0.documentRect:GetComponent(typeof(VerticalLayoutGroup)).spacing end if uv4 then uv0.documentImage.anchoredPosition = Vector2(0, -50 - slot3) end slot0 = slot0 + uv2.getTextPreferredHeight(uv5, uv3, uv6) slot5 = uv0.documentContentTF.sizeDelta slot5.y = slot0 uv0.documentContentTF.sizeDelta = slot5 setActive(uv0.document:Find("Arrow"), uv0.document:Find("Viewport").rect.height < slot0) uv0.document:GetComponent(typeof(ScrollRect)).onValueChanged:RemoveAllListeners() uv7 = uv7 or 0 uv0.documentContentTF.anchoredPosition = Vector2(0, math.max(slot4 - slot8, 0) * uv7) slot9.velocity = if slot8 < slot0 then onScroll(uv0, uv0.document, function (slot0) setActive(uv0, slot0.y > 0.01) end) end end() return end slot13, slot14 = slot0.SplitRichAndLetters(slot1) slot15 = 1 slot16 = 1 function slot17(slot0) slot1 = "" slot2 = "" slot3 = {} for slot8 = slot0 and 1 or uv0, #uv1 do if uv2[uv3].start < uv1[slot8].start then break end if slot8 == uv0 then uv0 = uv0 + 1 slot1 = slot1 .. uv1[slot8].value end if slot0 then if slot9.EndTagIndex then slot3[#slot3 + 1] = slot9.EndTagIndex else table.remove(slot3) end end end slot5 = "" if uv3 <= #uv2 then slot5 = uv2[uv3].value end for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot3) do slot2 = uv1[slot10].value .. slot2 end uv3 = uv3 + 1 return slot5, slot1, slot2 end slot19 = 1 slot20 = slot10.fontSize slot21 = slot0.documentRect:GetComponent("LayoutGroup").spacing while 0 < slot9 and slot15 < #slot13 do slot22, slot23, slot24 = slot17(true) slot10.text = slot11 .. slot23 .. slot22 .. slot24 if slot22 == "\n" then slot19 = slot19 + 1 end if slot7 < slot10.preferredWidth then slot25 = slot11 .. "\n" .. slot23 .. slot22 slot19 = slot19 + 1 else slot25 = slot11 .. slot23 .. slot22 end slot11 = slot25 slot18 = slot19 * slot20 + (slot19 - 1) * slot21 end for slot25 = slot15, #slot13 do slot26, slot27 = slot17(false) slot11 = slot11 .. slot27 .. slot26 end slot22, slot23, slot24 = slot17(true) slot10.text = slot11 .. slot24 slot12() end function slot0.SplitRichAndLetters(slot0) slot3 = {} slot4 = {} while true do slot5, slot6 = string.find(slot0, "<([^>]*)>", 1) if not slot6 then break end slot7 = string.sub(slot0, slot5, slot6) if not string.find(slot7, "/") and not string.find(slot7, "=") then slot1 = slot6 + 1 else table.insert(slot3, { value = slot7, start = slot5 }) if slot8 then slot4[#slot4 + 1] = #slot3 elseif slot9 and #slot4 > 0 then slot3[table.remove(slot4)].EndTagIndex = #slot3 end slot0 = string.sub(slot0, 1, slot5 - 1) .. string.sub(slot0, slot6 + 1, -1) slot1 = slot5 end end slot5 = {} slot6 = false slot7 = 1 while true do slot8, slot9 = string.find(slot0, "[-\\xc2-\\xf4][\\x80-\\xbf]*", 1) if not slot9 then slot5[#slot5 + 1] = { value = string.sub(slot0, slot7, #slot0), start = slot7 } break end slot10 = string.sub(slot0, slot8, slot9) slot11 = false if PLATFORM_CODE == PLATFORM_US then if slot6 ~= (slot10 == " " or slot10 == " ") then slot11 = slot8 > 1 end slot6 = slot12 else slot11 = slot8 > 1 end if slot11 then slot5[#slot5 + 1] = { value = string.sub(slot0, slot7, slot8 - 1), start = slot7 } slot7 = slot8 end slot1 = slot9 + 1 end return slot5, slot3 end return slot0