pg = pg or {} pg.WorldBossTipMgr = singletonClass("WorldBossTipMgr") slot0 = pg.WorldBossTipMgr slot1 = true slot2 = false slot3 = { "LevelMediator2", "WorldMediator", "WorldBossMediator" } function slot0.Init(slot0, slot1) slot0.isInit = true slot0.list = {} PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetUI("WorldBossTipUI", true, function (slot0) uv0._go = slot0 uv0._tf = tf(slot0) setActive(uv0._go, true) uv0.tipTF = uv0._tf:Find("BG") uv0.tipTFCG = uv0.tipTF:GetComponent(typeof(CanvasGroup)) uv0.scrollText = uv0.tipTF:Find("Text"):GetComponent("ScrollText") setParent(uv0._tf, GameObject.Find("OverlayCamera/Overlay/UIOverlay").transform) uv0.richText = uv0.tipTF:Find("Text"):GetComponent("RichText") setActive(uv0.tipTF, false) if uv1 then uv1() end end) end function slot0.Show(slot0, slot1) if uv0 then if not slot0.isInit then slot0:Init(function () if uv0:IsEnable(uv1:GetType()) then table.insert(uv0.list, uv1) if #uv0.list == 1 then uv0:Start() end else print("Message intercepted") end end) else slot2() end end if uv1 and slot0:IsEnableNotify(slot1:GetType()) then slot2 = slot1:GetRoleName() slot4, slot5 = nil if WorldBoss.SUPPORT_TYPE_FRIEND == slot1:GetType() then slot4 = ChatConst.ChannelFriend slot5 = i18n("world_word_friend") elseif WorldBoss.SUPPORT_TYPE_GUILD == slot3 then slot4 = ChatConst.ChannelGuild slot5 = i18n("world_word_guild_member") else slot4 = ChatConst.ChannelWorldBoss slot5 = i18n("world_word_guild_player") end if slot4 == ChatConst.ChannelGuild then slot0:AddGuildMsg(slot4, { id = 4, timestamp = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime(), args = { isDeath = false, supportType = slot5, playerName = slot2, bossName =, level = slot1.level, wordBossId =, lastTime = slot1.lastTime }, player = slot1:GetPlayer() or getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData(), uniqueId = .. "_" .. slot1.lastTime }) else getProxy(ChatProxy):addNewMsg(ChatMsg.New(slot4, slot8)) end end end function slot0.AddGuildMsg(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not getProxy(GuildProxy):getRawData() then return end if not slot3:getMemberById( then return end slot2.player = slot4 getProxy(GuildProxy):AddNewMsg(ChatMsg.New(slot1, slot2)) end function slot0.IsEnableNotify(slot0, slot1) return true end function slot0.IsEnable(slot0, slot1) return slot0:IsEnableNotify(slot1) and function () slot1 = getProxy(ContextProxy):getCurrentContext() return _.any(uv0, function (slot0) return uv0.mediator.__cname == slot0 end) end() end function slot0.Start(slot0) if #slot0.list > 0 then slot0:AddTimer() end end function slot0.BuildClickableTxt(slot0, slot1) return string.format("%s", slot1:BuildTipText()) end function slot0.AddTimer(slot0) slot0:RemoveTimer() setActive(slot0.tipTF, true) slot0.scrollText:SetText(slot0:BuildClickableTxt(slot0.list[1])) LeanTween.value(go(slot0.tipTF), 1, 0, 1):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.tipTFCG.alpha = slot0 end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () setActive(uv0.tipTF, false) uv0.scrollText:SetText("") uv0.tipTFCG.alpha = 1 table.remove(uv0.list, 1) uv0:Start() end)):setDelay(4) end function slot4(slot0, slot1) if not slot0 or #slot0 == 0 then return end if not _.detect(slot0, function (slot0) return == tonumber(uv0) end) or slot2:isDeath() then return end return true end function slot0.OnClick(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) if not nowWorld or not slot5:IsActivate() then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("world_boss_unactivated")) return end if not slot5:GetBossProxy() then return end function slot7(slot0) function slot3() pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.CHECK_WORLD_BOSS_STATE, { bossId = tonumber(uv2), time = uv3, callback = function () uv0 = uv1:getCurrentContext() if uv0:getContextByMediator(CombatLoadMediator) then return end if uv0.mediator.__cname == "WorldBossMediator" then return end pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.GO_WORLD_BOSS_SCENE) pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.GO_SCENE, SCENE.WORLDBOSS, { worldBossId = tonumber(uv2) }) end, failedCallback = uv4 }) end if getProxy(ContextProxy):getCurrentContext().mediator.__cname == "BattleMediator" then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("world_joint_exit_battle_tip"), onYes = function () pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.QUIT_BATTLE) uv0() end }) else slot3() end end if slot6.isSetup then if not slot6:GetBossById(tonumber(slot2)) or slot8:isDeath() then slot9 = getProxy(ChatProxy) slot15 = slot8 and slot8.lastTime or "0" for slot15, slot16 in ipairs(slot9:GetMessagesByUniqueId(tonumber(slot2) .. "_" .. slot15)) do slot16.args.isDeath = true slot9:UpdateMsg(slot16) end slot17 = slot10 for slot17, slot18 in ipairs(getProxy(GuildProxy):GetMessagesByUniqueId(tonumber(slot2) .. "_" .. slot17)) do slot18.args.isDeath = true slot12:UpdateMsg(slot18) end slot4() pg.TipsMgr:GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("world_boss_none")) return end slot7() end end function slot0.RemoveTimer(slot0) if LeanTween.isTweening(go(slot0.tipTF)) then LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0.tipTF)) end end