slot0 = class("QTEGameView", import("..BaseMiniGameView")) function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "QTEGameUI" end function slot0.init(slot0) slot0.STATE_BEGIN = 1 slot0.STATE_COUNT = 2 slot0.STATE_CLICK = 3 slot0.STATE_SHOW = 4 slot0.STATE_END = 5 slot0.gameState = -1 slot0.typeNum = 3 slot0.idNum = 3 slot0.limitNum = 5 slot0.TYPE_A = 1 slot0.TYPE_B = 2 slot0.TYPE_C = 3 slot0.ITEM_ID_1 = 1 slot0.ITEM_ID_2 = 2 slot0.ITEM_ID_3 = 3 slot0.startUI = slot0:findTF("start_ui") slot0.startBtn = slot0:findTF("start_btn", slot0.startUI) slot0.ruleBtn = slot0:findTF("rule_btn", slot0.startUI) slot0.qBtn = slot0:findTF("q_btn", slot0.startUI) slot0.countUI = slot0:findTF("count_ui") slot0.countNumTxt = slot0:findTF("num", slot0.countUI) slot0.endUI = slot0:findTF("end_ui") slot0.endExitBtn = slot0:findTF("exit_btn", slot0.endUI) slot0.endBestTxt = slot0:findTF("rope/paper/best_txt", slot0.endUI) slot0.endScoreTxt = slot0:findTF("rope/paper/score_txt", slot0.endUI) slot0.endComboTxt = slot0:findTF("rope/paper/combo_txt", slot0.endUI) slot0.endMissTxt = slot0:findTF("rope/paper/miss_txt", slot0.endUI) slot0.endHitTxt = slot0:findTF("rope/paper/hit_txt", slot0.endUI) slot0.endUIEvent = slot0:findTF("rope", slot0.endUI):GetComponent("DftAniEvent") slot0.content = slot0:findTF("content") slot0.res = slot0:findTF("res") slot0.gameBg = slot0:findTF("game_bg", slot0.content) slot0.xgmPos = slot0:findTF("xiongguimao_pos", slot0.content) slot0.guinuPos = slot0:findTF("guinu_pos", slot0.content) slot0.bucketA = slot0:findTF("content/bucket_A") slot0.bucketASpine = slot0.bucketA:GetComponent("SpineAnimUI") slot0.bucketAGraphic = slot0.bucketA:GetComponent("SkeletonGraphic") slot0.bucketB = slot0:findTF("content/bucket_B") slot0.bucketBSpine = slot0.bucketB:GetComponent("SpineAnimUI") slot0.bucketBGraphic = slot0.bucketB:GetComponent("SkeletonGraphic") slot0.bucketC = slot0:findTF("content/bucket_C") slot0.msHand = slot0:findTF("ani", slot0.bucketC) slot0.msHandAnimator = slot0.msHand:GetComponent("Animator") slot0.msHandSlot = slot0:findTF("slot", slot0.msHand) slot0.msHandEvent = slot0.msHand:GetComponent("DftAniEvent") slot0.msBlockList = {} slot0.msHandEvent:SetEndEvent(function () uv0:msClearHold() setActive(uv0.msHand, false) end) slot0.xgmAnimLength = { idle = 1, attack = 1 } slot0.xgmAnimTargetLength = { idle = 1, attack = 0.5 } slot0.guinuAnimLength = { action = 1.333, normal = 4.667 } slot0.guinuAnimTargetLength = { action = 0.5, normal = 4.667 } slot0.bucketAAnimLength = { idle = 0.167, attack = 0.8 } slot0.bucketAAnimTargetLength = { idle = 1, attack = 0.6 } slot0.bucketBAnimLength = { idle = 0.167, attack = 0.8 } slot0.bucketBAnimTargetLength = { idle = 1, attack = 0.6 } slot0.cut1 = slot0:findTF("cut_1", slot0.bucketB) slot0.cut2 = slot0:findTF("cut_2", slot0.bucketB) slot0.cut3 = slot0:findTF("cut_3", slot0.bucketB) slot0.cut1Animator = slot0.cut1:GetComponent("Animator") slot0.cut2Animator = slot0.cut2:GetComponent("Animator") slot0.cut3Animator = slot0.cut3:GetComponent("Animator") slot0.cut1Event = slot0.cut1:GetComponent("DftAniEvent") slot0.cut2Event = slot0.cut2:GetComponent("DftAniEvent") slot0.cut3Event = slot0.cut3:GetComponent("DftAniEvent") slot0.cut1Event:SetEndEvent(function () setActive(uv0.cut1, false) end) slot0.cut2Event:SetEndEvent(function () setActive(uv0.cut2, false) end) slot0.cut3Event:SetEndEvent(function () setActive(uv0.cut3, false) end) slot0.keyUI = slot0:findTF("key_ui", slot0.content) slot0.keyBar = slot0:findTF("key_bar", slot0.keyUI) slot0.aBtn = slot0:findTF("A_btn", slot0.keyUI) slot0.bBtn = slot0:findTF("B_btn", slot0.keyUI) slot0.cBtn = slot0:findTF("C_btn", slot0.keyUI) slot0.comboAni = slot0:findTF("combo_bar/center", slot0.content):GetComponent("Animator") slot0.comboTxt = slot0:findTF("combo_bar/center/combo_txt", slot0.content) slot0.comboAni.enabled = false slot0.scoreTxt = slot0:findTF("score_bar/txt", slot0.content) slot0.remainTxt = slot0:findTF("remain_time_bar/txt", slot0.content) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():OverlayPanelPB(slot0.keyBar, { pbList = { slot0.keyBar } }) slot0.roundTxt = slot0:findTF("round_time_bar/txt", slot0.keyUI) slot0.firePos = slot0:findTF("content/pos/fire_pos").anchoredPosition slot0.hitPos = slot0:findTF("content/pos/hit_pos").anchoredPosition slot0.aPos = slot0:findTF("content/pos/a_pos").anchoredPosition slot0.bPos = slot0:findTF("content/pos/b_pos").anchoredPosition slot0.cPos = slot0:findTF("content/pos/c_pos").anchoredPosition slot0.missPos = slot0:findTF("content/pos/miss_pos").anchoredPosition slot0.backBtn = slot0:findTF("back_btn", slot0.content) slot0.autoLoader = AutoLoader.New() slot0.autoLoader:LoadSprite("ui/minigameui/qtegameuiasync/backgroud", "background", slot0.gameBg, false) end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) slot0:initGame() onButton(slot0, slot0.backBtn, function () uv0:setGameState(uv0.STATE_BEGIN) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.qBtn, function () uv0:emit(uv1.ON_BACK) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.ruleBtn, function () pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = pg.gametip.qte_game_help.tip, weight = LayerWeightConst.THIRD_LAYER }) end) onButton(slot0, slot0.startBtn, function () setButtonEnabled(uv0.startBtn, false) parallelAsync({ function (slot0) uv0:loadXGM(slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0:loadGuinu(slot0) end }, function () uv0:setGameState(uv0.STATE_COUNT) end) end, SFX_PANEL) if QTEGAME_DEBUG then onButton(slot0, slot0.xgm, function () uv0:setGameState(uv0.STATE_SHOW) end) end onButton(slot0, slot0.endExitBtn, function () uv0:emit(uv1.ON_BACK) end, SFX_PANEL) slot0.endUIEvent:SetEndEvent(function () if uv0:GetMGHubData().count > 0 then uv0:SendSuccess(0) end setActive(uv0.endExitBtn, true) end) function slot1(slot0) if uv0.gameState == uv0.STATE_CLICK and uv0.curShowBlock then uv0.curShowBlock:select(slot0) uv0.curShowBlock = uv0.curShowBlock.nextBlock if uv0.curShowBlock == nil then uv0:managedTween(LeanTween.delayedCall, function () uv0:setGameState(uv0.STATE_SHOW) end, 0.2, nil) end end end onButton(slot0, slot0.aBtn, function () uv0(uv1.TYPE_A) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.bBtn, function () uv0(uv1.TYPE_B) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.cBtn, function () uv0(uv1.TYPE_C) end, SFX_PANEL) slot0:setGameState(slot0.STATE_BEGIN) slot0:checkHelp() end function slot0.initGame(slot0) slot0.curShowBlock = nil slot0.randomBlockList = nil slot0.scorePerHit = slot0:GetMGData():GetSimpleValue("scorePerHit") slot0.comboRange = slot0:GetMGData():GetSimpleValue("comboRange") slot0.comboAddScore = slot0:GetMGData():GetSimpleValue("comboAddScore") slot0.targetCombo = slot0:GetMGData():GetSimpleValue("targetCombo") slot0.targetComboScore = slot0:GetMGData():GetSimpleValue("targetComboScore") slot0.usingBlockList = {} slot0.blockUniId = 0 slot0:resetGame() slot0.bucketASpine:SetActionCallBack(function (slot0) if slot0 == "FINISH" then uv0:setBucketAAction("idle") end end) slot0.bucketBSpine:SetActionCallBack(function (slot0) if slot0 == "FINISH" then uv0:setBucketBAction("idle") end end) end function slot0.resetGame(slot0) slot0:setXgmAction("idle") slot0:setGuinuAction("normal") slot0:setBucketAAction("idle") slot0:setBucketBAction("idle") setActive(slot0.msHand, false) slot0.score = 0 slot0.bestComboNum = 0 slot0.comboNum = 0 slot0.missNum = 0 slot0.hitNum = 0 slot0.remainTime = slot0:GetMGData():GetSimpleValue("gameTime") slot0.roundTime = slot0:GetMGData():GetSimpleValue("roundTime") setText(slot0.comboTxt, 0) setText(slot0.scoreTxt, 0) setText(slot0.remainTxt, slot0.remainTime .. "S") setText(slot0.roundTxt, slot0.roundTime) slot0:clearTimer() slot0:hideRandomList() slot0:clearUsingBlock() slot0:cleanManagedTween() end function slot0.setGameState(slot0, slot1) if slot1 == slot0.gameState then return end slot0.gameState = slot1 if slot0.gameState == slot0.STATE_BEGIN then setButtonEnabled(slot0.startBtn, true) function (slot0) for slot5, slot6 in pairs({ uv0.startUI, uv0.content, uv0.endUI, uv0.countUI, uv0.keyUI, uv0.keyBar }) do setActive(slot6, table.indexof(slot0, slot6) and true) end if isActive(uv0.endUI) then pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():BlurPanel(uv0.endUI) else pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():UnblurPanel(uv0.endUI, uv0._tf) end end({ slot0.startUI }) slot0:resetGame() else if slot0.gameState == slot0.STATE_COUNT then slot2({ slot0.countUI, slot0.content }) slot3 = Time.realtimeSinceStartup slot0:managedTween(LeanTween.delayedCall, function () uv0:startGameTimer() uv0:setGameState(uv0.STATE_CLICK) end, 3, nil):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) setText(uv0.countNumTxt, math.ceil(3 - (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - uv1))) end)) return end if slot0.gameState == slot0.STATE_CLICK then slot2({ slot0.content, slot0.keyUI, slot0.keyBar }) slot0.randomBlockList, slot0.curShowBlock, slot0.firstShowBlock = slot0:getRandomList() slot0:startRoundTimer() elseif slot0.gameState == slot0.STATE_SHOW then slot2({ slot0.content }) slot0:hideRandomList() slot0:playArchiveAnim(slot0.randomBlockList, slot0:getUserResult()) elseif slot0.gameState == slot0.STATE_END then slot2({ slot0.content, slot0.endUI }) setActive(slot0.endExitBtn, false) slot3 = 0 if slot0:GetMGData():GetRuntimeData("elements") and #slot4 > 0 then slot3 = slot4[1] end if slot3 < slot0.score then slot0:StoreDataToServer({ slot0.score }) end setText(slot0.endBestTxt, slot3) setText(slot0.endScoreTxt, slot0.score) setText(slot0.endComboTxt, slot0.bestComboNum) setText(slot0.endMissTxt, slot0.missNum) setText(slot0.endHitTxt, slot0.hitNum) slot0:clearTimer() end end end function slot0.fireBlocks(slot0) slot1 = slot0.opIndex slot5 = slot0:getBlock(slot0.arBlockList[slot1].type, slot0.arBlockList[slot1].id) slot6 = slot0:addUsingBlock(slot5) slot7 = nil if slot0.opList[slot1] then if slot2 == slot0.TYPE_A then slot7 = slot0.aPos elseif slot2 == slot0.TYPE_B then slot7 = slot0.bPos elseif slot2 == slot0.TYPE_C then slot7 = slot0.cPos end else slot7 = slot0.missPos end slot6.anchoredPosition = slot0.firePos slot0:hitFly(slot6, 0.5, slot0.hitPos, function () uv0.anchoredPosition = uv1.hitPos if uv2 then slot0 = 0.4 slot1 = uv1.parabolaMove if uv3 == uv1.TYPE_A then slot0 = 0.3 slot1 = uv1.parabolaMove_center uv1:setBucketAAction("attack") elseif uv3 == uv1.TYPE_B then uv1:managedTween(LeanTween.delayedCall, function () uv0:setBucketBAction("attack") end, 0.2, nil) elseif uv3 == uv1.TYPE_C then slot0 = 0.3 slot1 = uv1.parabolaMove_center setActive(uv1.msHand, true) uv1.msHandAnimator:Play("mingshi_hand", -1, 0) end slot1(uv1, uv0, slot0, uv4, function () if uv0 == uv1.TYPE_A then uv1:removeUsingBlock(uv2) uv1:showBucketAEffect() pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySE_V3("ui-minigame_hitcake") elseif uv0 == uv1.TYPE_B then setActive(uv1["cut" .. uv3], true) uv1["cut" .. uv3 .. "Animator"]:Play("cut_fruit", -1, 0) uv1:removeUsingBlock(uv2) pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySE_V3("ui-minigame_sword") elseif uv0 == uv1.TYPE_C then uv1:msClearHold() uv1:msHoldBlock(uv2) end uv1:checkEnd(uv4) end) else uv1:hitFly(uv0, 0.6, uv4, function () uv0:removeUsingBlock(uv1) uv0:checkEnd(uv2) end) end pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySE_V3("ui-minigame_hitwood") uv1:countScore(uv2) end) slot0:managedTween(LeanTween.delayedCall, function () uv0:setGuinuAction("action") end, 0.2, nil) end function slot0.getRandomList(slot0) if not slot0.allList then slot0.allList = {} for slot4 = 1, slot0.typeNum do for slot8 = 1, slot0.idNum do slot0.allList[#slot0.allList + 1] = { type = slot4, id = slot8 } end end end slot1 = Clone(slot0.allList) slot2 = {} for slot6 = 1, slot0.limitNum do slot2[#slot2 + 1] = table.remove(slot1, math.random(1, #slot1)) end slot3, slot4, slot5 = nil for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot2) do if slot3 then slot3.nextBlock = slot0:getShowBlock(slot10.type, end if slot0.limitNum <= slot9 then slot11.nextBlock = nil end if slot9 == 1 then slot4 = slot11 slot5 = slot11 end slot11:showOrHide(true) slot3 = slot11 end return slot2, slot4, slot5 end function slot0.hideRandomList(slot0) slot1 = slot0.firstShowBlock while slot1 do slot1:showOrHide(false) slot1 = slot1.nextBlock end end function slot0.countScore(slot0, slot1) if slot1 then slot2 = nil for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.comboRange) do if slot0.comboNum < slot7 then slot2 = slot6 - 1 break elseif slot6 == #slot0.comboRange then slot2 = #slot0.comboRange end end slot0.comboNum = slot0.comboNum + 1 slot0.score = slot0.score + slot0.scorePerHit + (slot0.comboAddScore[slot2] or 0) + (slot0.targetComboScore[table.indexof(slot0.targetCombo, slot0.comboNum)] or 0) slot0.hitNum = slot0.hitNum + 1 slot0.comboAni.enabled = true slot0.comboAni:Play("combo_shake", -1, 0) else slot0.comboNum = 0 slot0.missNum = slot0.missNum + 1 end if slot0.bestComboNum < slot0.comboNum then slot0.bestComboNum = slot0.comboNum end setText(slot0.comboTxt, slot0.comboNum < 0 and 0 or slot0.comboNum) setText(slot0.scoreTxt, slot0.score) end function slot0.getUserResult(slot0) slot1 = {} slot2 = slot0.firstShowBlock while slot2 do slot1[#slot1 + 1] = slot2:isRight() slot2 = slot2.nextBlock end return slot1 end function slot0.playArchiveAnim(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.arBlockList = slot1 slot0.opList = slot2 slot0.opIndex = 1 slot0:setXgmAction("attack") end function slot0.checkPlayFinished(slot0) if slot0.opIndex >= #slot0.opList and slot0.remainTime > 0 then slot0:setGameState(slot0.STATE_CLICK) end end function slot0.checkEnd(slot0, slot1) if slot1 >= #slot0.opList and slot0.remainTime <= 0 then slot0:setGameState(slot0.STATE_END) end end function slot0.parabolaMove(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot0:managedTween(LeanTween.rotate, nil, slot1, 135, slot2) slot0:managedTween(LeanTween.moveX, nil, slot1, slot3.x, slot2):setEase(LeanTweenType.linear) slot0:managedTween(LeanTween.moveY, function () if uv0 then uv0() end end, slot1, slot3.y, slot2):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInQuad) end function slot0.parabolaMove_center(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot0:managedTween(LeanTween.rotate, nil, slot1, 135, slot2) slot0:managedTween(LeanTween.moveX, nil, slot1, slot3.x, slot2):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutQuad) slot0:managedTween(LeanTween.moveY, function () if uv0 then uv0() end end, slot1, slot3.y, slot2):setEase(LeanTweenType.linear) end function slot0.hitFly(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot0:managedTween(LeanTween.rotate, nil, slot1, 135, slot2) slot0:managedTween(LeanTween.moveX, nil, slot1, slot3.x, slot2):setEase(LeanTweenType.linear) slot0:managedTween(LeanTween.moveY, function () if uv0 then uv0() end end, slot1, slot3.y, slot2):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutQuad) end function slot0.loadXGM(slot0, slot1) if slot0.xgm then slot1() else slot0.autoLoader:LoadPrefab("ui/minigameui/qtegameuiasync/xiongguimao", nil, function (slot0) uv0.xgm = tf(slot0) uv0.xgmSpine = uv0.xgm:GetComponent("SpineAnimUI") uv0.xgmSklGraphic = uv0.xgm:GetComponent("SkeletonGraphic") setParent(uv0.xgm, uv0.xgmPos, false) uv0:initXGM() uv1() end) end end function slot0.initXGM(slot0) slot0.xgmSpine:SetActionCallBack(function (slot0) if slot0 == "FIRE" then uv0:fireBlocks() elseif slot0 == "FINISH" then if uv0.opIndex < #uv0.opList then uv0.opIndex = uv0.opIndex + 1 uv0:setXgmAction("attack") else uv0:setXgmAction("idle") uv0:checkPlayFinished() end end end) end function slot0.loadGuinu(slot0, slot1) if slot0.guinu then slot1() else slot0.autoLoader:GetSpine("guinu_2", function (slot0) uv0.guinu = tf(slot0) uv0.guinuSpine = uv0.guinu:GetComponent("SpineAnimUI") uv0.guinuSklGraphic = uv0.guinu:GetComponent("SkeletonGraphic") setParent(uv0.guinu, uv0.guinuPos, false) uv0:initGuinu() uv1() end) end end function slot0.initGuinu(slot0) slot0.guinu.localScale = slot0:setGuinuAction("normal") slot0.guinuSpine:SetActionCallBack(function (slot0) if slot0 == "finish" then uv0:setGuinuAction("normal") end end) end function slot0.setXgmAction(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.xgm then return end slot0.xgmSklGraphic.timeScale = slot0.xgmAnimLength[slot1] / slot0.xgmAnimTargetLength[slot1] slot0.xgmSpine:SetAction(slot1, 0) end function slot0.setGuinuAction(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.guinu then return end slot0.guinuSklGraphic.timeScale = slot0.guinuAnimLength[slot1] / slot0.guinuAnimTargetLength[slot1] slot0.guinuSpine:SetAction(slot1, 0) end function slot0.setBucketAAction(slot0, slot1) slot0.bucketAGraphic.timeScale = slot0.bucketAAnimLength[slot1] / slot0.bucketAAnimTargetLength[slot1] slot0.bucketASpine:SetAction(slot1, 0) end function slot0.setBucketBAction(slot0, slot1) slot0.bucketBGraphic.timeScale = slot0.bucketBAnimLength[slot1] / slot0.bucketBAnimTargetLength[slot1] slot0.bucketBSpine:SetAction(slot1, 0) end function slot0.showBucketAEffect(slot0) slot0.aEffectList = slot0.aEffectList or {} slot0.aEffectUsingList = slot0.aEffectUsingList or {} function slot1() slot0 = table.remove(uv0.aEffectList, #uv0.aEffectList) uv0.aEffectUsingList[#uv0.aEffectUsingList + 1] = slot0 setParent(slot0, uv0.bucketA, false) slot0.localScale = setActive(slot0, true) uv0:managedTween(LeanTween.delayedCall, function () uv0:recycleBucketAEffect(uv1) end, 2, nil) end if #slot0.aEffectList == 0 then slot0.autoLoader:LoadPrefab("effect/xinnianyouxi_baozha", nil, function (slot0) uv0.aEffectList[#uv0.aEffectList + 1] = tf(slot0) uv1() end) else slot1() end end function slot0.recycleBucketAEffect(slot0, slot1) for slot5 = #slot0.aEffectUsingList, 1, -1 do if slot0.aEffectUsingList[slot5] == slot1 then setActive(slot1, false) slot0.aEffectList[#slot0.aEffectList + 1] = table.remove(slot0.aEffectUsingList, slot5) end end end function slot0.getBlock(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot1 .. "-" .. slot2 if not slot0.blockPool then slot0.blockPool = {} slot0.blockSource = {} for slot7 = 1, 3 do for slot11 = 1, 3 do slot12 = slot7 .. "-" .. slot11 slot13 = slot0:findTF("res/item" .. slot12) slot0.blockPool[slot12] = { [#slot0.blockPool[slot12] + 1] = slot13 } slot0.blockSource[slot12] = slot13 end end end slot4 = nil if #slot0.blockPool[slot3] > 0 then table.remove(slot0.blockPool[slot3], #slot0.blockPool[slot3]):SetParent(slot0.content, false) else slot4 = cloneTplTo(slot0.blockSource[slot3], slot0.content) end setActive(slot4, true) slot0.blockUniId = slot0.blockUniId + 1 return { uid = slot0.blockUniId, key = slot3, tf = slot4 } end function slot0.recycleBlock(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot3 = slot0.blockPool[slot1.key] slot3[#slot3 + 1] = slot2 slot2:SetParent(slot0.res, false) setActive(slot2, false) end function slot0.msHoldBlock(slot0, slot1) setParent(, slot0.msHandSlot, false) = slot0.msBlockList[#slot0.msBlockList + 1] = slot1 end function slot0.msClearHold(slot0) for slot4 = #slot0.msBlockList, 1, -1 do slot0:removeUsingBlock(table.remove(slot0.msBlockList, slot4)) end end function slot0.addUsingBlock(slot0, slot1) slot0.usingBlockList[#slot0.usingBlockList + 1] = slot1 end function slot0.removeUsingBlock(slot0, slot1) for slot5 = #slot0.usingBlockList, 1, -1 do if slot0.usingBlockList[slot5].uid == slot1.uid then slot0:recycleBlock(slot0.usingBlockList[slot5]) table.remove(slot0.usingBlockList, slot5) end end end function slot0.clearUsingBlock(slot0) for slot4 = #slot0.usingBlockList, 1, -1 do slot0:recycleBlock(slot0.usingBlockList[slot4]) table.remove(slot0.usingBlockList, slot4) end end function slot0.getShowBlock(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot4 = "item" .. (slot1 .. "-" .. slot2) slot0.showBlockDic = slot0.showBlockDic or {} slot5 = nil if slot0.showBlockDic[slot3] then slot5 = slot0.showBlockDic[slot3] else slot5 = { type = slot1, id = slot2, goName = slot4, tf = slot0:findTF(slot4, slot0.keyBar) } slot5.wrongTag = slot0:findTF("wrong", slot5.rightTag = slot0:findTF("right", slot5.nextBlock = nil slot5.userChoose = nil function slot5.init(slot0) setActive(slot0.wrongTag, false) setActive(slot0.rightTag, false) slot0.userChoose = nil end function, slot1) slot0.userChoose = slot1 setActive(slot0.wrongTag, not slot0:isRight()) setActive(slot0.rightTag, slot0:isRight()) end function slot5.showOrHide(slot0, slot1) setActive(, slot1) end function slot5.isRight(slot0) return slot0.userChoose == slot0.type end end slot5:init() return slot5 end function slot0.startGameTimer(slot0) slot0.remainTime = slot0:GetMGData():GetSimpleValue("gameTime") setText(slot0.remainTxt, slot0.remainTime .. "S") if slot0.remainTimer then slot0.remainTimer:Reset(function () uv0.remainTime = uv0.remainTime - 1 setText(uv0.remainTxt, uv0.remainTime .. "S") if uv0.remainTime <= 0 then uv0.remainTimer:Stop() end end, 1, -1) else slot0.remainTimer = Timer.New(slot1, 1, -1) end slot0.remainTimer:Start() end function slot0.startRoundTimer(slot0) slot0.roundTime = slot0:GetMGData():GetSimpleValue("roundTime") setText(slot0.roundTxt, slot0.roundTime) if slot0.roundTimer then slot0.roundTimer:Reset(function () uv0.roundTime = uv0.roundTime - 1 setText(uv0.roundTxt, uv0.roundTime) if uv0.roundTime <= 0 then uv0.roundTimer:Stop() if not QTEGAME_DEBUG then uv0:setGameState(uv0.STATE_SHOW) end end end, 1, -1) else slot0.roundTimer = Timer.New(slot1, 1, -1) end slot0.roundTimer:Start() end function slot0.clearTimer(slot0) if slot0.remainTimer then slot0.remainTimer:Stop() slot0.remainTimer = nil end if slot0.roundTimer then slot0.roundTimer:Stop() slot0.roundTimer = nil end end function slot0.OnSendMiniGameOPDone(slot0, slot1) if slot1.cmd == MiniGameOPCommand.CMD_COMPLETE and slot1.argList[1] == 0 then slot0:SendOperator(MiniGameOPCommand.CMD_SPECIAL_GAME, { slot0:GetMGData():GetSimpleValue("shrineGameId"), 1 }) end end function slot0.checkHelp(slot0) if PlayerPrefs.GetInt("QTEGameGuide", 0) == 0 then triggerButton(slot0.ruleBtn) PlayerPrefs.SetInt("QTEGameGuide", 1) PlayerPrefs.Save() end end function slot0.willExit(slot0) slot0:clearTimer() pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():UnblurPanel(slot0.endUI, slot0._tf) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():UnOverlayPanel(slot0.keyBar, slot0.content) slot0.xgm = nil slot0.xgmSpine = nil slot0.xgmSklGraphic = nil slot0.guinu = nil slot0.guinuSpine = nil slot0.guinuSklGraphic = nil slot0.autoLoader:Clear() end return slot0