slot0 = class("Match3GameView", import("..BaseMiniGameView")) slot1 = 6 slot2 = 7 slot3 = -405 slot4 = -275 slot5 = 135 slot6 = 110 slot7 = false slot8 = 0.1 slot9 = 0 slot10 = 0.3 slot11 = 0.5 slot12 = 100 slot13 = 0.2 slot14 = 0.4 slot15 = 180 slot16 = 60 slot17 = 3 slot18 = 2 slot19 = 0.3 slot20 = 0.3 slot21 = 2.5 slot22 = "event:/ui/ddldaoshu2" slot23 = "event:/ui/boat_drag" slot24 = "event:/ui/break_out_full" slot25 = "event:/ui/sx-good" slot26 = "event:/ui/sx-perfect" slot27 = "event:/ui/sx-jishu" slot28 = "event:/ui/furnitrue_save" function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "Match3GameUI" end function slot0.getBGM(slot0) return "backyard" end function slot0.init(slot0) slot0.matchEffect = slot0:findTF("effects/sanxiaoxiaoshi") slot0.goodEffect = slot0:findTF("effects/sanxiaoGood") slot0.greatEffect = slot0:findTF("effects/sanxiaoGreat") slot0.perfectEffect = slot0:findTF("effects/sanxiaoPerfect") slot0.hintEffect = slot0:findTF("effects/hint") slot0.selectedEffect = slot0:findTF("effects/selected") slot0.whitenMat = slot0:findTF("effects/whiten"):GetComponent("Image").material slot0.backBtn = slot0:findTF("button/back") slot0.mainPage = slot0:findTF("main") slot0.startBtn = slot0:findTF("main/start") slot0.helpBtn = slot0:findTF("main/rule") slot0.countdownPage = slot0:findTF("countdown") slot0.countdownAnim = slot0:findTF("countdown") slot0.gamePage = slot0:findTF("game") slot0.gameMask = slot0:findTF("game/mask") slot0.warning = slot0:findTF("game/warning") slot0.countdownTf = slot0:findTF("game/countdown") slot0.countdownText = slot0:findTF("game/countdown/Text") slot0.inf = slot0:findTF("game/countdown/inf") slot0.scoreText = slot0:findTF("game/score/Text") slot0.floatText = slot0:findTF("game/floatText") slot0.floatChar = {} slot0.pausePage = slot0:findTF("game/pause") slot0.pauseYes = slot0:findTF("game/pause/yes") slot0.pauseNo = slot0:findTF("game/pause/no") for slot4 = 0, 9 do slot0.floatChar[slot4] = slot0:findTF("game/floatText/" .. slot4) end slot0.tilesRoot = slot0:findTF("game/tiles") slot0.gameListener = slot0.tilesRoot:GetComponent("EventTriggerListener") slot0.longPressListener = slot0.tilesRoot:GetComponent("UILongPressTrigger") slot0.endPage = slot0:findTF("end") slot0.endBtn = slot0:findTF("end/end_btn") slot0.endScore = slot0:findTF("end/score/Text") slot0.newSign = slot0:findTF("end/score/Text/new") slot0.bestScore = slot0:findTF("end/highest/Text") slot0.tiles = { slot0:findTF("tiles/Akashi"), slot0:findTF("tiles/Ayanami"), slot0:findTF("tiles/Javelin"), slot0:findTF("tiles/Laffey"), slot0:findTF("tiles/Z23") } end function slot0.onBackPressed(slot0) if isActive(slot0.mainPage) then slot0:emit(uv0.ON_BACK) elseif isActive(slot0.pausePage) then triggerButton(slot0.pauseNo) elseif isActive(slot0.gamePage) then slot0:pause() elseif isActive(slot0.endPage) and slot0.endBtn:GetComponent("Button").enabled then triggerButton(slot0.endBtn) end end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) onButton(slot0, slot0.backBtn, function () uv0:onBackPressed() end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.startBtn, function () if uv0 then setActive(uv1.mainPage, false) setActive(uv1.gamePage, true) uv1:startGame() else uv1.mainPage:GetComponent("CanvasGroup").blocksRaycasts = false uv1:managedTween(LeanTween.value, function () uv0.mainPage:GetComponent("CanvasGroup").alpha = 1 uv0.mainPage:GetComponent("CanvasGroup").blocksRaycasts = true setActive(uv0.mainPage, false) setActive(uv0.countdownPage, true) pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv1) end, go(uv1.mainPage), 1, 0, uv3):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.mainPage:GetComponent("CanvasGroup").alpha = slot0 end)) end end) onButton(slot0, slot0.helpBtn, function () pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = i18n("3match_tip") }) end, SFX_PANEL) slot0.countdownAnim:GetComponent(typeof(DftAniEvent)):SetEndEvent(function (slot0) setActive(uv0.countdownPage, false) setActive(uv0.gamePage, true) uv0:startGame() end) onButton(slot0, slot0.endBtn, function () uv0.mainPage:GetComponent("CanvasGroup").blocksRaycasts = false uv0:managedTween(LeanTween.value, function () uv0.mainPage:GetComponent("CanvasGroup").alpha = 1 uv0.mainPage:GetComponent("CanvasGroup").blocksRaycasts = true end, go(uv0.endPage), 0, 1, uv1):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.mainPage:GetComponent("CanvasGroup").alpha = slot0 end)) setActive(uv0.mainPage, true) setActive(uv0.countdownPage, false) setActive(uv0.gamePage, false) setActive(uv0.endPage, false) end) onButton(slot0, slot0.pauseYes, function () uv0:stopGame() end) onButton(slot0, slot0.pauseNo, function () setActive(uv0.pausePage, false) uv0:resumeGame() end) slot2 = false slot0.gameListener:AddPointClickFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if uv0 then uv0 = false return end if uv1.updating then return end if not uv1.inGame then return end slot3, slot4 = uv1:pos2index(LuaHelper.ScreenToLocal(uv1.tilesRoot, slot1.position, GameObject.Find("UICamera"):GetComponent(typeof(Camera)))) if uv1.selected then if uv1.selected == uv1.tileTfs[slot3][slot4] then uv1:unselect() elseif math.abs(slot3 - uv1.selectedIndex.i) + math.abs(slot4 - uv1.selectedIndex.j) == 1 then uv1:tryMoveTo({ i = slot3, j = slot4 }) else uv1:select(slot3, slot4) end else uv1:select(slot3, slot4) end end) slot0.longPressListener.onLongPressed:AddListener(function () if uv0.updating then return end if not uv0.inGame then return end slot1, slot2 = uv0:pos2index(LuaHelper.ScreenToLocal(uv0.tilesRoot, Input.mousePosition, GameObject.Find("UICamera"):GetComponent(typeof(Camera)))) uv0:unselect() uv0:animate(slot1, slot2, true) end) slot0.gameListener:AddBeginDragFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if uv0.updating then return end if not uv0.inGame then return end uv1 = true slot2 = slot4, slot5 = uv0:pos2index(LuaHelper.ScreenToLocal(uv0.tilesRoot, slot1.position, GameObject.Find("UICamera"):GetComponent(typeof(Camera)))) uv0:animate(slot4, slot5, false) uv0:unselect() uv0.selected = uv0.tileTfs[slot4][slot5] uv0.selectedIndex = { i = slot4, j = slot5 } uv0:tryMoveTo({ i = uv0.selectedIndex.i + slot4, j = uv0.selectedIndex.j + (math.abs(slot2.y) < math.abs(slot2.x) and (slot2.x > 0 and 1 or -1) or 0) }) end) setActive(slot0.mainPage, true) slot0:updateData() end function slot0.updateData(slot0) slot0.infinite = slot0:GetMGHubData().count == 0 = slot0:GetMGData():GetRuntimeData("elements") and slot2[1] or 0 end function slot0.index2pos(slot0, slot1, slot2) return Vector3.New(uv0 + (slot2 - 1) * uv1, uv2 + (slot1 - 1) * uv3) end function slot0.pos2index(slot0, slot1) return math.ceil((slot1.y - (uv2 - uv3 / 2)) / uv3), math.ceil((slot1.x - (uv0 - uv1 / 2)) / uv1) end function slot0.dropTime(slot0) return math.max(slot0 * uv0, uv1) end function slot0.cancelHint(slot0) if slot0.hint then Destroy(slot0.hint) slot0.hint1:GetComponent("Animator"):SetBool("selected", false) slot0.hint2:GetComponent("Animator"):SetBool("selected", false) slot0.hint = nil slot0.hint1 = nil slot0.hint2 = nil end end slot29 = { { 0, 1 }, { 0, -1 }, { -1, 0 }, { 1, 0 } } function slot0.unselect(slot0) if slot0.selectedEffectTf then Destroy(slot0.selectedEffectTf) slot0.selectedEffectTf = nil end if slot0.selected then slot0:animate(slot0.selectedIndex.i, slot0.selectedIndex.j, false) slot0.selected = nil slot0.selectedIndex = nil slot0:reorderTiles() end end function, slot1, slot2) slot0:unselect() slot0.selected = slot0.tileTfs[slot1][slot2] slot0.selectedIndex = { i = slot1, j = slot2 } slot0.selectedEffectTf = rtf(cloneTplTo(slot0.selectedEffect, slot0.tilesRoot)) slot0.selectedEffectTf.anchoredPosition = slot0.selected.anchoredPosition slot0.selected:SetAsLastSibling() slot0:animate(slot1, slot2, true) end function slot0.animate(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if not slot0.tileTfs[slot1][slot2] then warning("bad position", slot1, slot2) end slot7 = slot3 slot0.tileTfs[slot1][slot2]:GetComponent("Animator"):SetBool("selected", slot7) for slot7, slot8 in pairs(uv0) do if slot0.tileTfs[slot1 + slot8[1]][slot2 + slot8[2]] then slot9:GetComponent("Animator"):SetBool("selected", slot3) end end if slot0.hint then slot0.hint1:GetComponent("Animator"):SetBool("selected", true) slot0.hint2:GetComponent("Animator"):SetBool("selected", true) end end function slot0.tryMoveTo(slot0, slot1) if slot0.selectedIndex == nil then return end if slot0.hintTimer then slot0.hintTimer:Pause() end if not slot0.tileIndicies[slot1.i][slot1.j] then return end pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv0) if slot0:moveValid(slot0.selectedIndex, slot1) then slot0:unselect() slot0.updating = true slot0:swap(slot0.selectedIndex, slot1) slot0:managedTween(LeanTween.delayedCall, function () if not uv0.inGame then return end uv0.combo = 0 uv0:update() end, uv1, nil) else slot0:managedTween(LeanTween.move, nil, slot0.tileTfs[slot0.selectedIndex.i][slot0.selectedIndex.j], slot0:index2pos(slot1.i, slot1.j), uv1):setLoopPingPong(1) slot0:managedTween(LeanTween.move, nil, slot0.tileTfs[slot1.i][slot1.j], slot0:index2pos(slot0.selectedIndex.i, slot0.selectedIndex.j), uv1):setLoopPingPong(1) slot0.updating = true slot0:managedTween(LeanTween.delayedCall, function () uv0.updating = false uv0.hintTimer:Resume() end, uv1 * 2 + 0.1, nil) slot0:unselect() end end slot30 = { { { 0, -2 }, { 0, -1 } }, { { 0, -1 }, { 0, 1 } }, { { 0, 1 }, { 0, 2 } } } function slot0.isConnected(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(uv0) do slot7, slot8, slot9 = nil if slot0.tileIndicies[slot1.i][slot1.j] == slot0.tileIndicies[slot1.i + slot6[1][1]][slot1.j + slot6[1][2]] and slot7 == slot0.tileIndicies[slot1.i + slot6[2][1]][slot1.j + slot6[2][2]] then return true end if slot7 == slot0.tileIndicies[slot1.i + slot6[1][2]][slot1.j + slot6[1][1]] and slot7 == slot0.tileIndicies[slot1.i + slot6[2][2]][slot1.j + slot6[2][1]] then return true end end return false end function slot0.moveValid(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.tileIndicies[slot2.i][slot2.j] = slot0.tileIndicies[slot1.i][slot1.j] slot0.tileIndicies[slot1.i][slot1.j] = slot0.tileIndicies[slot2.i][slot2.j] slot0.tileIndicies[slot2.i][slot2.j] = slot0.tileIndicies[slot1.i][slot1.j] slot0.tileIndicies[slot1.i][slot1.j] = slot0.tileIndicies[slot2.i][slot2.j] return slot0:isConnected(slot1) or slot0:isConnected(slot2) end function slot0.moveTile(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot0:managedTween(LeanTween.move, nil, slot1, slot0:index2pos(slot2.i, slot2.j), slot3 or 0):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInQuad) end function slot0.swap(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0:moveTile(slot0.tileTfs[slot1.i][slot1.j], slot2, uv0) slot0:moveTile(slot0.tileTfs[slot2.i][slot2.j], slot1, uv0) slot0.tileTfs[slot2.i][slot2.j] = slot0.tileTfs[slot1.i][slot1.j] slot0.tileTfs[slot1.i][slot1.j] = slot0.tileTfs[slot2.i][slot2.j] slot0.tileIndicies[slot2.i][slot2.j] = slot0.tileIndicies[slot1.i][slot1.j] slot0.tileIndicies[slot1.i][slot1.j] = slot0.tileIndicies[slot2.i][slot2.j] end function slot0.formatTime(slot0, slot1) slot2 = math.floor(slot1 / 60) return slot2 .. ":" .. math.floor(slot1 - slot2 * 60) end function dir2Angle(slot0) if slot0[1] == 1 then return -90 elseif slot0[1] == -1 then return 90 elseif slot0[2] == 1 then return 180 elseif slot0[2] == -1 then return 0 end end function slot0.startGame(slot0) slot0:updateData() slot1 = Timer.New(function () uv0:managedTween(LeanTween.value, function () uv0.gamePage:GetComponent("CanvasGroup").alpha = 1 uv0:stopGame() end, go(uv0.gamePage), 1, 0, uv1):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.gamePage:GetComponent("CanvasGroup").alpha = slot0 end)) UpdateBeat:RemoveListener(uv0.handle) end, slot0.infinite and uv1 or uv2) slot0.handle = UpdateBeat:CreateListener(function () setText(uv0.countdownText, math.floor(uv1.time)) if uv1.time <= uv2 and not isActive(uv0.warning) then setActive(uv0.warning, true) end end, slot0) slot1:Start() UpdateBeat:AddListener(slot0.handle) slot0.timer = slot1 setActive(slot0.inf, false) setActive(slot0.countdownText, true) slot0.tileIndicies = {} for slot5 = -1, uv4 + 2 do slot0.tileIndicies[slot5] = {} end slot0.tileTfs = {} for slot5 = -1, uv4 + 2 do slot0.tileTfs[slot5] = {} end slot0:fillTileIndicies() slot0:fillTiles(true) slot0.selected = nil slot0.updating = false slot0.score = 0 slot0.combo = 0 slot0.inGame = true setText(slot0.scoreText, slot0.score) function slot0.hintFunc() if uv0.hint then return end slot0, slot1, slot2 = uv0:findMove() slot4 = rtf(cloneTplTo(uv0.hintEffect, uv0.tilesRoot)) slot4.anchoredPosition = (uv0:index2pos(slot0, slot1) + uv0:index2pos(slot0 + slot2[1], slot1 + slot2[2])) / 2 slot4.localEulerAngles = Vector3.New(0, 0, dir2Angle(slot2)) uv0.hint = slot4 uv0.hint1 = uv0.tileTfs[slot0][slot1] uv0.hint2 = uv0.tileTfs[slot0 + slot2[1]][slot1 + slot2[2]] uv0.hint1:GetComponent("Animator"):SetBool("selected", true) uv0.hint2:GetComponent("Animator"):SetBool("selected", true) end slot0.hintTimer = Timer.New(slot0.hintFunc, uv5) slot0.hintTimer:Start() end function slot0.pauseGame(slot0) if slot0.timer then slot0.timer:Pause() end if slot0.hintTimer then slot0.hintTimer:Pause() end if slot0.warning then slot0.warning:GetComponent("Animator").enabled = false end slot0:pauseManagedTween() end function slot0.pause(slot0) setActive(slot0.pausePage, true) slot0:pauseGame() end function slot0.resumeGame(slot0) if slot0.timer then slot0.timer:Resume() end if slot0.hintTimer then slot0.hintTimer:Resume() end if slot0.warning then slot0.warning:GetComponent("Animator").enabled = true end slot0:resumeManagedTween() end function slot0.fillTileIndicies(slot0) slot1 = { [slot5] = {} } for slot5 = -1, uv0 + 2 do for slot9 = 1, uv1 do slot1[slot5][slot9] = slot0.tileIndicies[slot5][slot9] end end repeat slot0.tileIndicies = {} for slot5 = -1, uv0 + 2 do slot0.tileIndicies[slot5] = {} for slot9 = 1, uv1 do slot0.tileIndicies[slot5][slot9] = slot1[slot5][slot9] end end for slot5 = 1, uv0 do for slot9 = 1, uv1 do if not slot0.tileIndicies[slot5][slot9] then slot10, slot11 = nil if slot0.tileIndicies[slot5 - 1][slot9] and slot0.tileIndicies[slot5 - 1][slot9] == slot0.tileIndicies[slot5 - 2][slot9] then slot10 = slot0.tileIndicies[slot5 - 1][slot9] end if slot0.tileIndicies[slot5][slot9 - 1] and slot0.tileIndicies[slot5][slot9 - 1] == slot0.tileIndicies[slot5][slot9 - 2] then slot11 = slot0.tileIndicies[slot5][slot9 - 2] end slot12 = math.random(1, #slot0.tiles) while slot12 == slot10 or slot12 == slot11 do slot12 = math.random(1, #slot0.tiles) end slot0.tileIndicies[slot5][slot9] = slot12 end end end until slot0:findMove() end function slot0.reorderTiles(slot0) for slot4 = 1, uv0 do for slot8 = 1, uv1 do if slot0.tileTfs[slot4][slot8] then slot0.tileTfs[slot4][slot8]:SetAsFirstSibling() end end end end function slot0.fillTiles(slot0, slot1) slot2 = 0 for slot6 = 1, uv0 do for slot11 = uv1, 1, -1 do if not slot0.tileTfs[slot11][slot6] then slot7 = 0 + 1 end end slot2 = math.max(slot7, slot2) for slot11 = 1, uv1 do if not slot0.tileTfs[slot11][slot6] then if slot1 then rtf(cloneTplTo(slot0.tiles[slot0.tileIndicies[slot11][slot6]], slot0.tilesRoot)).anchoredPosition = slot0:index2pos(slot11, slot6) else slot12.anchoredPosition = slot0:index2pos(slot11 + slot7, slot6) slot0:moveTile(slot12, { i = slot11, j = slot6 }, slot0.dropTime(slot7)) end slot0.tileTfs[slot11][slot6] = slot12 end end end slot0:reorderTiles() return slot2 end slot31 = { { { -1, -2 }, { -1, -1 } }, { { -1, -1 }, { -1, 1 } }, { { -1, 1 }, { -1, 2 } } } function slot0.findMove(slot0) for slot4 = 1, uv0 do for slot8 = 1, uv1 do slot9 = slot0.tileIndicies[slot4][slot8] slot10, slot11 = nil for slot15, slot16 in pairs(uv2) do if slot9 == slot0.tileIndicies[slot4 + slot16[1][1]][slot8 + slot16[1][2]] and slot9 == slot0.tileIndicies[slot4 + slot16[2][1]][slot8 + slot16[2][2]] then return slot4, slot8, { -1, 0 } end if slot9 == slot0.tileIndicies[slot4 - slot16[1][1]][slot8 - slot16[1][2]] and slot9 == slot0.tileIndicies[slot4 - slot16[2][1]][slot8 - slot16[2][2]] then return slot4, slot8, { 1, 0 } end if slot9 == slot0.tileIndicies[slot4 - slot16[1][2]][slot8 + slot16[1][1]] and slot9 == slot0.tileIndicies[slot4 - slot16[2][2]][slot8 + slot16[2][1]] then return slot4, slot8, { 0, -1 } end if slot9 == slot0.tileIndicies[slot4 + slot16[1][2]][slot8 - slot16[1][1]] and slot9 == slot0.tileIndicies[slot4 + slot16[2][2]][slot8 - slot16[2][1]] then return slot4, slot8, { 0, 1 } end end end end end function slot0.stopGame(slot0) slot0.inGame = false setActive(slot0.warning, false) slot0.hintTimer:Reset(slot0.hintFunc, 5) slot0.hintTimer:Stop() slot0:cleanManagedTween(true) slot0:cancelHint() if slot0.timer then slot0.timer:Pause() end if slot0.handle then UpdateBeat:RemoveListener(slot0.handle) end for slot4 = 1, uv0 do for slot8 = 1, uv1 do if slot0.tileTfs[slot4][slot8] then Destroy(slot0.tileTfs[slot4][slot8]) end end end if slot0.selectedEffectTf then Destroy(slot0.selectedEffectTf) slot0.selectedEffectTf = nil end setText(slot0.bestScore, math.max(, slot0.score)) setActive(slot0.gamePage, false) setActive(slot0.pausePage, false) setActive(slot0.endBtn, false) setActive(slot0.endPage, true) if slot0.score > 0 then pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv2) end setActive(slot0.newSign, false) setText(slot0.endScore, 0) slot0:managedTween(LeanTween.value, function () setActive(uv0.newSign, < uv0.score) setActive(uv0.endBtn, true) setImageAlpha(uv0.endBtn, 0) uv0.endBtn:GetComponent("Button").enabled = false pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv1) uv0:managedTween(LeanTween.value, function () uv0.endBtn:GetComponent("Button").enabled = true if uv0.infinite or uv0.timer and uv0.timer.time <= 0 then if not uv0.infinite then uv0:SendSuccess(0) end if < uv0.score then uv0:StoreDataToServer({ uv0.score }) end end uv0.timer = nil end, go(uv0.endBtn), 0, 1, uv2):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) setImageAlpha(uv0.endBtn, slot0) end)) end, go(slot0.endScore), 0, slot0.score, slot0.score > 0 and uv5 or 0):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) setText(uv0.endScore, math.floor(slot0)) end)) end function slot0.formatScore(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = {} while slot2 > 0 do table.insert(slot3, math.fmod(slot2, 10)) slot2 = math.floor(slot2 / 10) end for slot7 = #slot3, 1, -1 do cloneTplTo(slot0.floatChar[slot3[slot7]], slot1) end end function slot0.update(slot0) slot0.hintTimer:Stop() slot1 = true slot0.updating = true if next(slot0:tryMatch()) ~= nil then slot0:cancelHint() slot1 = false slot0.combo = slot0.combo + 1 pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv0) slot3 = nil for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot2) do slot3 = #slot8 == 3 and 30 * slot0.combo or #slot8 == 4 and 60 * slot0.combo or 20 * #slot8 * slot0.combo slot0.score = slot0.score + slot3 setText(slot0.scoreText, slot0.score) _.each(slot8, function (slot0) uv0.tileIndicies[slot0[1]][slot0[2]] = nil if uv0.tileTfs[slot0[1]][slot0[2]] then slot1 = uv0.tileTfs[slot0[1]][slot0[2]] uv1 = uv1 + slot1.anchoredPosition slot1:GetComponent("Image").material = uv0.whitenMat slot2 = slot1.localPosition slot2.z = -50 cloneTplTo(uv0.matchEffect, uv0.tilesRoot).localPosition = slot2 uv0:managedTween(LeanTween.value, function () Destroy(uv0) Destroy(uv1) end, go(slot1), 1, 0, uv2):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) setImageAlpha(uv0, slot0) setLocalScale(uv0, * slot0 * 2.7) end)) end uv0.tileTfs[slot0[1]][slot0[2]] = nil end) slot9 = / #slot8 slot10 = rtf(cloneTplTo(slot0.floatText, slot0.tilesRoot)) slot10.anchoredPosition = slot9 slot0:formatScore(slot10, slot3) slot0:managedTween(LeanTween.moveY, function () Destroy(uv0) end, slot10, slot9.y + uv2, uv3) end slot0:managedTween(LeanTween.delayedCall, function () if not uv0.inGame then return end slot0 = 0 for slot4 = 1, uv1 do for slot8 = 1, uv2 do if uv0.tileIndicies[slot4][slot8] then slot9 = slot4 for slot13 = slot4, 1, -1 do if uv0.tileIndicies[slot13 - 1][slot8] or slot13 == 1 then slot9 = slot13 break end end if slot9 ~= slot4 then slot10 = slot4 - slot9 slot0 = math.max(slot10, slot0) uv0:moveTile(uv0.tileTfs[slot4][slot8], { i = slot9, j = slot8 }, uv0.dropTime(slot10)) uv0.tileTfs[slot9][slot8] = uv0.tileTfs[slot4][slot8] uv0.tileIndicies[slot9][slot8] = uv0.tileIndicies[slot4][slot8] uv0.tileTfs[slot4][slot8] = nil uv0.tileIndicies[slot4][slot8] = nil end end end end uv0:fillTileIndicies() if uv0.combo > 1 and next(uv0:tryMatch()) == nil then slot2 = nil slot3 = Vector3.New(0, 0, -50) if uv0.combo == 2 then slot2 = cloneTplTo(uv0.goodEffect, uv0.tilesRoot) pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv3) elseif uv0.combo == 3 then slot2 = cloneTplTo(uv0.greatEffect, uv0.tilesRoot) pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv3) else slot2 = cloneTplTo(uv0.perfectEffect, uv0.tilesRoot) pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv4) end slot2.localPosition = slot3 uv0:managedTween(LeanTween.delayedCall, function () Destroy(uv0) end, uv5, nil) end uv0:managedTween(LeanTween.delayedCall, function () if not uv0.inGame then return end uv0:update() end, math.max(uv5, uv0.dropTime(math.max(uv0:fillTiles(), slot0))), nil) end, uv1, nil) end if slot0.inGame then slot0.hintTimer:Reset(slot0.hintFunc, uv9) slot0.hintTimer:Start() end slot0.updating = not slot1 end function slot0.tryMatch(slot0) for slot5 = 1, uv0 do end return slot0:bfs({ [slot5] = {} }) end function slot0.bfs(slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} for slot6 = 1, uv0 do for slot10 = 1, uv1 do if not slot1[slot6][slot10] then if not slot0:isConnected({ i = slot6, j = slot10 }) then slot1[slot6][slot10] = true else slot11 = { { slot6, slot10 } } slot12 = { { slot6, slot10 } } slot13 = slot0.tileIndicies[slot6][slot10] while next(slot11) ~= nil do slot14, slot15 = unpack(table.remove(slot11)) slot1[slot14][slot15] = true for slot19, slot20 in pairs(uv2) do if slot0.tileIndicies[slot14 + slot20[1]][slot15 + slot20[2]] and not slot1[slot21][slot22] and slot0.tileIndicies[slot21][slot22] == slot13 and slot0:isConnected({ i = slot21, j = slot22 }) then table.insert(slot11, { slot21, slot22 }) table.insert(slot12, { slot21, slot22 }) end end end if #slot12 >= 3 then table.insert(slot2, slot12) end end end end end return slot2 end return slot0