slot0 = class("SecondaryPasswordLayer", import("..base.BaseUI")) slot0.SetView = 1 slot0.InputView = 2 function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "SecondaryPasswordUI" end function slot0.init(slot0) slot0.window = slot0:findTF("window") slot0.setView = slot0:findTF("sliders/set", slot0.window) slot0.inputView = slot0:findTF("sliders/input", slot0.window) slot0.frame = slot0:findTF("frame") slot0.informBg = slot0:findTF("top/bg/information", slot0.window) slot0.textTitle = slot0:findTF("title", slot0.informBg):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.textTitleEn = slot0:findTF("title/title_en", slot0.informBg):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.inputpanel = slot0:findTF("inputpanel", slot0.window) slot0.containerbtn = slot0:findTF("btns", slot0.inputpanel) slot0.btngroup = slot0:Clone2Full(slot0.containerbtn, 10) _.each(slot0.btngroup, function (slot0) slot1 = (slot0:GetSiblingIndex() + 1) % 10 = tostring(slot1) setText(slot0:Find("text"), tostring(slot1)) setText(slot0:Find("highlight/text2"), tostring(slot1)) end) slot0.btnconfirm = slot0:findTF("confirmbtn", slot0.inputpanel) slot0.btndelete = slot0:findTF("deletebtn", slot0.inputpanel) slot0.btnclose = slot0:findTF("top/btnBack", slot0.window) slot0.resources = slot0:findTF("resources") slot0.selectFrame = slot0:findTF("resources/xian") slot0.setDigitGroup = {} slot0.setLine1Grid = slot0:findTF("line1/input/grid", slot0.setView) slot0.setLine2Grid = slot0:findTF("line2/input/grid", slot0.setView) slot0:Clone2Full(slot0.setLine1Grid, 6) slot0:Clone2Full(slot0.setLine2Grid, 6) for slot5 = 0, slot0.setLine1Grid.childCount - 1 do table.insert(slot0.setDigitGroup, slot0.setLine1Grid:GetChild(slot5)) end for slot5 = 0, slot1 - 1 do table.insert(slot0.setDigitGroup, slot0.setLine2Grid:GetChild(slot5)) end slot0.btnhide = slot0:findTF("line1/hidebtn/hide", slot0.setView) slot0.btnshow = slot0:findTF("line1/hidebtn/show", slot0.setView) slot0.tipseterror = slot0:findTF("line2/tip", slot0.setView) slot0.inputDigitGroup = {} slot0.inputLineGrid = slot0:findTF("line1/input/grid", slot0.inputView) slot0:Clone2Full(slot0.inputLineGrid, 6) for slot6 = 0, slot0.inputLineGrid.childCount - 1 do table.insert(slot0.inputDigitGroup, slot0.inputLineGrid:GetChild(slot6)) end slot0.inputMode = false slot0.timers = {} slot0:InitInteractable() end function slot0.InitInteractable(slot0) _.each(slot0.btngroup, function (slot0) onButton(uv0, slot0, function () slot0 = (uv0:GetSiblingIndex() + 1) % 10 if uv1.inputPos + 1 > 0 and slot1 <= #uv1.digitGroup then uv1.inputs = uv1.inputs .. tostring(slot0) setText(uv1.digitGroup[slot1]:Find("text"), slot0) setActive(uv1.digitGroup[slot1]:Find("filled"), false) setActive(uv1.digitGroup[slot1]:Find("space"), false) if not uv1.inputMode then if uv1.timers["input" .. slot1] then uv1.timers["input" .. slot1]:Reset(function () setText(uv0, "") setActive(uv1.digitGroup[uv2]:Find("filled"), true) end, 1, 1) else uv1.timers["input" .. slot1] = Timer.New(slot3, 1, 1) end uv1.timers["input" .. slot1]:Start() end uv1:SetInputPos(slot1) end setActive(uv0:Find("highlight"), true) if uv1.timers["btn" .. slot0] then uv1.timers["btn" .. slot0]:Reset(function () setActive(uv0:Find("highlight"), false) end, 0.2, 1) else uv1.timers["btn" .. slot0] = Timer.New(slot2, 0.2, 1) end uv1.timers["btn" .. slot0]:Start() end) end) onButton(slot0, slot0.btndelete, function () if uv0.inputPos > 0 and slot0 <= #uv0.digitGroup then uv0.inputs = string.sub(uv0.inputs, 1, -2) setText(uv0.digitGroup[slot0]:Find("text"), "") setActive(uv0.digitGroup[slot0]:Find("filled"), false) setActive(uv0.digitGroup[slot0]:Find("space"), not uv0.inputMode) if uv0.timers["input" .. slot0] then uv0.timers["input" .. slot0]:Stop() end uv0:SetInputPos(slot0 - 1) end setActive(uv0.btndelete:Find("highlight"), true) if uv0.timers.btndel then uv0.timers.btndel:Reset(function () setActive(uv0.btndelete:Find("highlight"), false) end, 0.3, 1) else uv0.timers.btndel = Timer.New(slot1, 0.3, 1) end uv0.timers.btndel:Start() end) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnconfirm, function () if uv0.mode == uv1.InputView then uv0.inputnone = false if #uv0.inputs ~= 6 then return end uv0:emit(SecondaryPasswordMediator.CONFIRM_PASSWORD, uv0.inputs) else uv0.inputnone = false slot0 = true if #uv0.inputs ~= 12 then slot0 = false end for slot4 = 1, 6 do if string.byte(uv0.inputs, slot4) ~= string.byte(uv0.inputs, 6 + slot4) then slot0 = false break end end if not slot0 then uv0:UpdateView() return end slot1 = string.sub(uv0.inputs, 1, 6) slot2 = nil slot4 = nil pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ modal = true, mode = "settips", hideYes = true, title = "setting", type = MSGBOX_TYPE_SECONDPWD, references = {}, onYes = function () slot0 = uv0.inputfield.text uv0.lasttext = slot0 uv1 = { modal = true, content = string.format(i18n("secondarypassword_confirm_tips"), slot0), onNo = function () pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox(uv0) end, onYes = function () uv0:emit(SecondaryPasswordMediator.SET_PASSWORD, uv1, uv2) end } pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox(uv1) end, onNo = function () uv0:emit(uv1.ON_CLOSE) end, onPreShow = function () uv0:Hide() end }) end end) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnhide, function () uv0.inputMode = not uv0.inputMode uv0:UpdateInputSlider() setActive(uv0.btnhide, not uv0.inputMode) setActive(uv0.btnshow, uv0.inputMode) end) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnshow, function () uv0.inputMode = not uv0.inputMode uv0:UpdateInputSlider() setActive(uv0.btnhide, not uv0.inputMode) setActive(uv0.btnshow, uv0.inputMode) end) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnclose, function () if uv0.mode == uv1.InputView then uv0:emit(SecondaryPasswordMediator.CANCEL_OPERATION) end uv0:emit(uv1.ON_CLOSE) end, SOUND_BACK) onButton(slot0, slot0._tf, function () end, SOUND_BACK) end slot1 = 69 function slot0.didEnter(slot0) if slot0.contextData.parent then setParent(slot0._tf, slot0.contextData.parent) else pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():BlurPanel(slot0._tf, true, { groupName = slot0:getGroupNameFromData(), weight = slot0:getWeightFromData() }) end setActive(slot0.setView, slot0.contextData.mode == uv0.SetView) setActive(slot0.inputView, slot1 == uv0.InputView) slot0.mode = slot1 slot0.type = slot0.contextData.type slot0.digitGroup = slot1 == uv0.SetView and slot0.setDigitGroup or slot0.inputDigitGroup slot0.textTitle.text = slot1 == uv0.SetView and i18n("words_set_password") or i18n("words_information") slot0.textTitleEn.text = slot1 == uv0.SetView and "PASSWORD" or "INFORM" slot2 = slot0.informBg.sizeDelta slot2.x = slot0.textTitle.preferredWidth + slot0.textTitleEn.preferredWidth + uv1 slot0.informBg.sizeDelta = slot2 slot0.inputs = "" slot0:SetInputPos(0) slot0.inputnone = true slot0:UpdateView() slot0:UpdateInputSlider() end function slot0.UpdateInputSlider(slot0) slot0:ClearInputTimers() slot1 = slot0.inputMode slot0:SetInputXian(slot0.inputPos + 1) for slot5 = 1, #slot0.digitGroup do slot6 = slot0.digitGroup[slot5] slot7 = slot5 <= #slot0.inputs and string.char(string.byte(slot0.inputs, slot5)) or nil setText(slot6:Find("text"), slot1 and slot7 or "") setActive(slot6:Find("space"), not slot1 and slot7 == nil) setActive(slot6:Find("filled"), not slot1 and slot7 ~= nil) end end function slot0.ClearInputTimers(slot0) for slot4 = 1, 12 do if slot0.timers["input" .. slot4] then slot0.timers["input" .. slot4]:Stop() slot0.timers["input" .. slot4] = nil end end end function slot0.ClearAllTimers(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.timers) do if slot5 then slot5:Stop() end end slot0.timers = {} end function slot0.ClearInputs(slot0) slot0.inputs = "" slot0:SetInputPos(0) slot0:UpdateInputSlider() end function slot0.UpdateView(slot0) if slot0.mode == uv0.InputView then slot0:UpdateInputView() else slot0:UpdateSetView() end end slot2 = nil function slot3(slot0) slot1 = pg.SecondaryPWDMgr.GetInstance() uv0 = uv0 or { [slot1.UNLOCK_SHIP] = function (slot0) slot3 = getProxy(BayProxy) slot4 = slot3:getData() if slot3:getShipById([1]) then return string.format(i18n("words_desc_unlock"), slot5:getName()) end end, [slot1.UNLOCK_COMMANDER] = function (slot0) if getProxy(CommanderProxy):getCommanderById( then return string.format(i18n("words_desc_unlock"), slot3:getName()) end end, [slot1.RESOLVE_EQUIPMENT] = function (slot0) if getProxy(EquipmentProxy):getEquipmentById( then if % 20 > 0 then slot4 = .. "+" .. tostring( % 20) end return string.format(i18n("words_desc_resolve_equip"), slot4) end end, [slot1.CREATE_INHERIT] = function () return i18n("words_desc_create_inherit") end, [slot1.CLOSE_PASSWORD] = function () return i18n("words_desc_close_password") end, [slot1.CHANGE_SETTING] = function () return i18n("words_desc_change_settings") end } return uv0[slot0] end function slot0.UpdateInputView(slot0) slot3 = slot0.inputView:Find("line1/tip") setText(slot3, getProxy(SecondaryPWDProxy):getRawData().notice) setActive(slot3, not slot0.inputnone) setText(slot0.inputView:Find("line1/tip1"), uv0(slot0.contextData.type) and slot5(slot0) or "") end function slot0.UpdateConfirmButton(slot0) slot0.btnconfirm:GetComponent(typeof(Button)).interactable = #slot0.inputs == #slot0.digitGroup setActive(slot0.btnconfirm:Find("gray"), #slot0.inputs ~= #slot0.digitGroup) end function slot0.UpdateSetView(slot0) setActive(slot0.tipseterror, not slot0.inputnone) end function slot0.Clone2Full(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot4 = slot1:GetChild(0) for slot9 = 0, slot1.childCount - 1 do table.insert({}, slot1:GetChild(slot9)) end for slot9 = slot5, slot2 - 1 do table.insert(slot3, tf(cloneTplTo(slot4, slot1))) end return slot3 end function slot0.SetInputPos(slot0, slot1) slot0.inputPos = slot1 slot0:SetInputXian(slot1 + 1) slot0:UpdateConfirmButton() end function slot0.Hide(slot0) slot0:willExit() setActive(slot0._tf, false) end function slot0.Resume(slot0) slot0:didEnter() setActive(slot0._tf, true) end function slot0.SetInputXian(slot0, slot1) if slot0.inputMode and slot1 > 0 and slot1 <= #slot0.digitGroup then setParent(slot0.selectFrame, slot0.digitGroup[slot1]) else setParent(slot0.selectFrame, slot0.resources) end end function slot0.willExit(slot0) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():UnblurPanel(slot0._tf, pg.UIMgr.GetInstance().UIMain) slot0:ClearAllTimers() end return slot0