slot0 = class("ShipExpressionHelper") slot1 = pg.ship_skin_expression slot2 = pg.ship_skin_expression_ex slot3 = false function slot4(...) if uv0 and Application.isEditor then print(...) end end function slot5(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) function slot6(slot0) if uv0.main_ex and slot1 ~= "" then slot2 = nil for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot1) do if slot7[1] <= uv1 then slot2 = slot7[2] end end if slot2 then return string.split(slot2, "|")[slot0] end end return nil end slot8 = nil if uv0[slot0] then slot8 = (not slot3 or not string.find(slot1, "main") or function () if not string.split(uv0, "_")[2] then return nil end if tonumber(slot1) - ShipWordHelper.GetMainSceneWordCnt(uv1) > 0 then return uv2(slot3) else return uv3() end end()) and function () slot1 = nil if uv0[uv1] and slot0 ~= "" then for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0) do if slot6[1] <= uv2 then slot1 = slot6[2] end end end return slot1 end() end return slot8 end function slot0.GetExpression(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) uv0("name:", slot0, " - kind:", slot1, " - favor:", slot2) if not uv1[slot0] then return nil end slot5 = slot4[slot1] if slot2 and uv2(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) then uv0("get expression form ex:", slot6) slot5 = slot6 end if not slot5 or slot5 == "" then uv0("get expression form default:", slot4.default) end uv0("get express :", slot5) return slot5 end function slot0.SetExpression(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot5 = tf(slot0):Find("face") if not uv0.GetExpression(slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) or slot6 == "" then if slot5 then setActive(slot5, false) end return false end if slot5 then setImageSprite(slot5, GetSpriteFromAtlas("paintingface/" .. slot1, slot6)) setActive(slot5, true) if findTF(slot5, "face_sub") then slot9 = GetSpriteFromAtlas("paintingface/" .. slot1, slot6 .. "_sub") setActive(slot8, slot9) if slot9 then setImageSprite(slot8, slot9) end end end return true end function slot0.DefaultFaceless(slot0) return uv0[slot0] and slot1.default ~= "" end function slot0.GetDefaultFace(slot0) return uv0[slot0].default end return slot0