slot0 = class("GuildDynamicBgShip") function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) = slot0._go = slot1.go slot0._tf = tf(slot0._go) slot0.parent = slot0._tf.parent slot0.spineAnimUI = slot0._go:GetComponent("SpineAnimUI") slot0.path = slot1.path slot0.speed = 1 slot0.stepCnt = 0 slot0.scale = slot0._tf.localScale.x slot0.furnitures = slot1.furnitures slot0.interAction = nil slot0.interActionRatio = 10000 / GuildConst.MAX_DISPLAY_MEMBER_SHIP = slot0.isCommander = slot1.isCommander slot0:Init(slot1) end function slot0.Init(slot0, slot1) slot0:SetPosition(slot1.grid, true) slot0.nameTF = slot0._tf:Find("name") slot0.nameTF.localScale = Vector3(1 / slot0.scale, 1 / slot0.scale, 1) slot0.nameTF.localPosition = Vector3(0, 300, 0) setText(slot0.nameTF, if slot0.isCommander then slot0.tagTF = slot0._tf:Find("tag") slot0.tagTF.localScale = Vector3(1 / slot0.scale, 1 / slot0.scale, 1) slot0.tagTF.localPosition = Vector3(0, 380, 0) end if not slot1.stand then slot0:AddRandomMove() end end function slot0.SetOnMoveCallBack(slot0, slot1) slot0.callback = slot1 end function slot0.SetPosition(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.exited then return end if slot0.grid then slot0.grid:UnlockAll() end slot0.grid = slot1 if slot2 then slot0._tf.localPosition = slot0.grid:GetCenterPosition() slot0:SetAction("stand2") end if slot0.callback then slot0.callback() end end function slot0.AddRandomMove(slot0) slot0.stepCnt = math.random(1, 10) slot0.timer = Timer.New(function () uv0.timer:Stop() uv0.timer = nil uv0:StartMove() end, math.random(1, 8), 1) slot0.timer:Start() end function slot0.IsCanWalkPonit(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.path[slot1.x] then return false end if slot0.path[slot1.x][slot1.y] then return slot2:CanWalk() else return false end end function slot0.StartMove(slot0) if not, function (slot0) return uv0:IsCanWalkPonit(slot0) end) or #slot2 == 0 then slot0:AddRandomMove() else slot0.stepCnt = slot0.stepCnt - 1 slot4 = slot2[math.random(1, #slot2)] slot0:MoveToGrid(slot0.path[slot4.x][slot4.y]) end end function slot0.MoveToGrid(slot0, slot1) function slot2() uv0:SetAction("stand2") uv0.idleTimer = Timer.New(function () uv0.idleTimer:Stop() uv0.idleTimer = nil uv0:AddRandomMove() end, math.random(3, 8), 1) uv0.idleTimer:Start() end slot0:MoveNext(slot1, false, function () if uv0.stepCnt ~= 0 then uv0:StartMove() return end slot0, slot1 = uv0:CanInterAction(uv0.interActionRatio) if slot0 then uv0:MoveToFurniture(slot1) else uv1() end end) end function slot0.MoveNext(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if not slot2 and not slot1:CanWalk() then return end if slot0.exited then return end slot1:Lock() slot0:SetAction("walk") slot0:UpdateShipDir(slot1.position.x < slot0.grid.position.x and -1 or 1) slot5 = slot1:GetCenterPosition() LeanTween.moveLocal(slot0._go, Vector3(slot5.x, slot5.y, 0), 1 / slot0.speed):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () if uv0.exited then return end uv0:SetPosition(uv1) uv2() end)) end function slot0.MoveLeft(slot0) slot1 = slot0.grid.position if slot0.path[Vector2(slot1.x - 1, slot1.y).x] and slot0.path[slot2.x][slot2.y] then slot0:MoveNext(slot3, false, function () uv0:SetAction("stand2") end) end end function slot0.MoveRight(slot0) slot1 = slot0.grid.position if slot0.path[Vector2(slot1.x + 1, slot1.y).x] and slot0.path[slot2.x][slot2.y] then slot0:MoveNext(slot3, false, function () uv0:SetAction("stand2") end) end end function slot0.MoveDown(slot0) slot1 = slot0.grid.position if slot0.path[Vector2(slot1.x, slot1.y - 1).x] and slot0.path[slot2.x][slot2.y] then slot0:MoveNext(slot3, false, function () uv0:SetAction("stand2") end) end end function slot0.MoveUp(slot0) slot1 = slot0.grid.position if slot0.path[Vector2(slot1.x, slot1.y + 1).x] and slot0.path[slot2.x][slot2.y] then slot0:MoveNext(slot3, false, function () uv0:SetAction("stand2") end) end end function slot0.SetAction(slot0, slot1) if slot0.actionName == slot1 then return end slot0.actionName = slot1 slot0.spineAnimUI:SetAction(slot1, 0) end function slot0.SetAsLastSibling(slot0) slot0._tf:SetAsLastSibling() end function slot0.MoveToFurniture(slot0, slot1) slot1[1]:Lock() for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot1[2]) do slot0.path[slot8.x][slot8.y]:Lock() end slot0:MoveByPath(slot3, function () uv0:InterActionFurniture(uv1) end) end function slot0.UpdateShipDir(slot0, slot1) slot0._tf.localScale = Vector3(slot1 * slot0.scale, slot0.scale, slot0.scale) slot0.nameTF.localScale = Vector3(1 / slot0.scale * slot1, slot0.nameTF.localScale.y, 1) if slot0.isCommander then slot0.tagTF.localScale = Vector3(slot2, slot0.tagTF.localScale.y, 1) end end function slot0.InterActionFurniture(slot0, slot1) setParent(slot0._tf, slot1._tf) slot0:UpdateShipDir(slot1:GetInteractionDir()) slot0._tf.anchoredPosition = slot1:GetInterActionPos() slot5 = nil if GuildDynamicFurniture.INTERACTION_MODE_SIT == slot1:GetInterActionMode() then slot5 = "sit" end slot0:SetAction(slot5) slot0:CancelInterAction(slot1) end function slot0.CancelInterAction(slot0, slot1) slot0.interActionTimer = Timer.New(function () uv0.interActionTimer:Stop() uv0.interActionTimer = nil uv1:Unlock() setParent(uv0._tf, uv0.parent) uv0:SetPosition(uv0.grid, true) uv0:AddRandomMove() end, math.random(15, 30), 1) slot0.interActionTimer:Start() end function slot0.MoveByPath(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = {} for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot1) do table.insert(slot3, function (slot0) if uv0.exited then return end uv0:MoveNext(uv0.path[uv1.x][uv1.y], true, slot0) end) end seriesAsync(slot3, slot2) end function slot0.SearchPoint(slot0, slot1, slot2) function slot3(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if _.any(slot0, function (slot0) return uv0 == slot0.point end) or _.any(slot1, function (slot0) return uv0 == slot0 end) then return false end if uv0.path[slot2.x] then return uv0.path[slot2.x][slot2.y] and slot4:CanWalk() end return false end function slot4(slot0) slot1 = {} table.insert(slot1, Vector2(slot0.x + 1, slot0.y)) table.insert(slot1, Vector2(slot0.x - 1, slot0.y)) table.insert(slot1, Vector2(slot0.x, slot0.y + 1)) table.insert(slot1, Vector2(slot0.x, slot0.y - 1)) return slot1 end function slot5(slot0, slot1, slot2) return math.abs(slot2.x - slot0.x) + math.abs(slot2.y - slot0.y) < math.abs(slot2.x - slot1.x) + math.abs(slot2.y - slot1.y) end slot7 = {} slot8 = {} slot9 = nil table.insert({}, { parent = 0, point = slot1 }) while #slot6 > 0 do if table.remove(slot6, 1).point == slot2 then slot9 = slot10 break end table.insert(slot7, slot11) for slot15, slot16 in ipairs(slot4(slot11)) do if slot3(slot6, slot7, slot16, slot2) then table.insert(slot6, { point = slot16, parent = slot10 }) else if slot16 == slot2 then slot9 = slot10 break end table.insert(slot7, slot16) end end table.sort(slot6, function (slot0, slot1) return uv0(slot0.point, slot1.point, uv1) end) end if slot9 then while slot9.parent ~= 0 do table.insert(slot8, 1, slot9.point) slot9 = slot9.parent end end return slot8 end function slot0.CanInterAction(slot0, slot1) if slot1 < math.random(1, 10000) then return false end slot3 = {} for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0.furnitures) do if not slot8:BeLock() then table.insert(slot3, slot8) end end if #slot3 == 0 then return false end slot8 = nil slot9 = slot0.grid.position for slot13, slot14 in ipairs(slot3[math.random(1, #slot3)]:GetOccupyGrid()) do slot15 = slot14.position if 999999 > math.abs(slot9.x - slot15.x) + math.abs(slot9.y - slot15.y) then slot7 = slot16 slot8 = slot15 end end if not slot0:SearchPoint(slot0.grid.position, slot8) or #slot10 == 0 then return false end return true, { slot5, slot10 } end function slot0.Dispose(slot0) if slot0.timer then slot0.timer:Stop() slot0.timer = nil end if slot0.idleTimer then slot0.idleTimer:Stop() slot0.idleTimer = nil end if slot0.interActionTimer then slot0.interActionTimer:Stop() slot0.interActionTimer = nil end if not IsNil(slot0._go) and LeanTween.isTweening(slot0._go) then LeanTween.cancel(slot0._go) end Destroy(slot0.nameTF) if slot0.isCommander then Destroy(slot0.tagTF) end slot0.actionName = nil slot0:SetOnMoveCallBack() slot0.exited = true end return slot0