slot0 = class("CommanderHomeSelCommanderPage", import("...base.BaseSubView")) function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "CommanderHomeSelCommanderPage" end function slot0.OnCatteryUpdate(slot0, slot1) slot0.cattery = slot1 slot0:Update(slot0.home, slot1) end function slot0.OnLoaded(slot0) slot0.scrollrect = slot0:findTF("scrollrect"):GetComponent("LScrollRect") slot0.okBtn = slot0:findTF("ok_button") setActive(slot0._tf, true) end function slot0.OnInit(slot0) slot0.selectedID = -1 = {} function slot0.scrollrect.onInitItem(slot0) uv0:OnInitItem(slot0) end function slot0.scrollrect.onUpdateItem(slot0, slot1) uv0:OnUpdateItem(slot0, slot1) end onButton(slot0, slot0.okBtn, function () if uv0.selectedID >= 0 then uv0:emit(CommanderHomeMediator.ON_SEL_COMMANDER,, uv0.selectedID) end end, SFX_PANEL) end function slot0.OnInitItem(slot0, slot1) slot2 = CommamderCard.New(slot1) onButton(slot0, slot2._tf, function () if uv0.commanderVO then slot1, slot2 = uv1:Check( if slot1 then if uv1.mark then setActive(uv1.mark, false) end if uv1.selectedID == slot0 then uv1.selectedID = 0 uv1.mark = nil uv1:emit(CatteryDescPage.CHANGE_COMMANDER, nil) else setActive(uv0.mark2, true) uv1.mark = uv0.mark2 uv1.selectedID = slot0 uv1:emit(CatteryDescPage.CHANGE_COMMANDER, uv0.commanderVO) end else pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(slot2) end end end, SFX_PANEL)[slot1] = slot2 end function slot0.Check(slot0, slot1) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.home:GetCatteries()) do if slot7:GetCommanderId() == slot1 and ~= then return false, i18n("commander_is_in_cattery") end end return true end function slot0.CheckIncludeSelf(slot0, slot1) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.home:GetCatteries()) do if slot7:GetCommanderId() == slot1 then return false end end return true end function slot0.OnUpdateItem(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 =[slot2] if not cards then slot0:OnInitItem(slot2) slot3 =[slot2] end slot5 = slot0.displays[slot1 + 1] slot3:update(slot5) if slot5 then slot6 = slot0.selectedID == setActive(slot3.mark2, slot6) if slot6 then slot0.mark = slot3.mark2 end setActive(slot3._tf:Find("info/home"), not slot0:CheckIncludeSelf( end setActive(slot3._tf:Find("line"), slot4 % 4 == 1) end function slot0.Update(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0:Show() slot0.home = slot1 slot0.cattery = slot2 slot0.displays = {} for slot7, slot8 in pairs(getProxy(CommanderProxy):getData()) do table.insert(slot0.displays, slot8) end if slot2:GetCommanderId() ~= 0 then slot0.selectedID = slot4 end slot5 = getProxy(FleetProxy):getCommandersInFleet() table.sort(slot0.displays, function (slot0, slot1) if (table.contains(uv0, and 1 or 0) == (table.contains(uv0, and 1 or 0) then return slot1.level < slot0.level else return slot3 < slot2 end end) for slot11 = 1, 8 - #slot0.displays do table.insert(slot0.displays, false) end slot0.scrollrect:SetTotalCount(#slot0.displays, -1) end function slot0.Hide(slot0) uv0.super.Hide(slot0) slot0.selectedID = -1 slot0.mark = nil end function slot0.OnDestroy(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs( do slot5:clear() end end return slot0