slot0 = class("BackYardShopLayer", import("..base.BaseUI")) slot1 = Furniture.INDEX_TO_SHOP_TYPE function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "BackyardshopUI1" end function slot0.preload(slot0, slot1) PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetUI("BackYardIndexUI", true, function (slot0) uv0.filterTF = tf(slot0) uv1() end) end function slot0.setPlayerVO(slot0, slot1) slot0:updatePlayer(slot1) end function slot0.setFurnitures(slot0, slot1) slot0.furnitureVOs = slot1 end function slot0.setDorm(slot0, slot1) slot0.dromVO = slot1 end slot2 = { i18n("word_theme"), i18n("word_wallpaper"), i18n("word_floorpaper"), i18n("word_furniture"), i18n("word_decorate"), i18n("word_wall") } function slot0.SORT_FURNITURE_FUNC(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if (slot0:getConfig("gem_price") > 0 and slot0:getConfig("dorm_icon_price") <= 0 and 2 or slot0:getConfig("gem_price") > 0 and 1 or 0) == (slot1:getConfig("gem_price") > 0 and slot1:getConfig("dorm_icon_price") <= 0 and 2 or slot1:getConfig("gem_price") > 0 and 1 or 0) then if (slot0:isTimeLimit() and slot0:inTime() and slot0:canPurchase() and 1 or 0) == (slot1:isTimeLimit() and slot1:inTime() and slot1:canPurchase() and 1 or 0) then if (slot0:canPurchase() and 1 or 0) == (slot1:canPurchase() and 1 or 0) then if slot0:getSortCurrency() == slot1:getSortCurrency() then if (slot0:isLock(slot2) and 1 or 0) == (slot1:isLock(slot2) and 1 or 0) then return ((slot3 or 1) == 1 and { < } or { < })[1] else return slot10 < slot11 end else return slot0:getSortCurrency() < slot1:getSortCurrency() end else return slot9 < slot8 end else return slot7 < slot6 end else return slot5 < slot4 end end function slot0.init(slot0) slot0.shopPanel = slot0:findTF("shopPanel") setParent(slot0.filterTF, slot0._tf) slot0.tagsPanel = slot0.shopPanel:Find("bg/tags") slot0.themePanel = slot0:findTF("bg/frame/theme", slot0.shopPanel) slot0.themeView = slot0:findTF("bg/frame/theme/bg", slot0.shopPanel) slot0.furnitureTypePanel = slot0:findTF("bg/frame/furniture_type", slot0.shopPanel) slot0.furnitureTypeView = slot0:findTF("bg/frame/furniture_type/bg", slot0.shopPanel) slot0.descPanel = slot0:findTF("descPanel") slot0.themDesc = slot0.descPanel:Find("frame/theme_desc") slot0.themDescBtn = slot0.descPanel:Find("frame/theme_desc/theme_tpl/buy_btn") slot0.descView = slot0.descPanel:Find("frame/bg/themeView") setActive(slot0.descPanel, false) slot0.resGem = slot0:findTF("shopPanel/res_gem/Text") slot0.resDormMoney = slot0:findTF("shopPanel/res_dorm/Text") slot0._overlayUIMain = pg.UIMgr.GetInstance().OverlayMain slot0.msgBoxPanel = slot0:findTF("msgBox") slot0.orderFlag = nil slot0.searchInput = slot0:findTF("bg/filter_panel/InputField", slot0.shopPanel) slot0.ascToggle = slot0:findTF("shopPanel/bg/filter_panel/order_btn") slot0.ascTxt = slot0:findTF("asc", slot0.ascToggle) slot0.dascTxt = slot0:findTF("dasc", slot0.ascToggle) slot0.filterBtn = slot0:findTF("shopPanel/bg/filter_panel/filter_btn") setActive(slot0.filterTF, false) setActive(slot0.msgBoxPanel, false) slot0.UIMgr = pg.UIMgr.GetInstance() slot0.UIMgr:BlurPanel(slot0.shopPanel) slot0.cardItems = {} slot0.descItems = {} end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) slot0:initTags() onToggle(slot0, slot0.ascToggle, function (slot0) uv0:updateFurnitureOrder(slot0) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.filterBtn, function () uv0:openIndexPanel() end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.descPanel, function () uv0:closeItemDesc() end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0._tf, function () uv0:emit(uv1.ON_CLOSE) end, SFX_CANCEL) slot0.searchKey = "" onInputChanged(slot0, slot0.searchInput, function (slot0) uv0.searchKey = slot0 if (uv0.index or 1) ~= 1 then uv0:setFurnitrues(uv1[slot1 - 1]) uv0.viewRect:SetTotalCount(#uv0.furnitures, -1) else uv0:sortThemes() end end) triggerToggle(slot0.tagsPanel:Find("tag_1"), true) slot0:setFurnitrues() slot0:initSubFurnitureType() triggerToggle(slot0.ascToggle, true) end function slot0.updateFurnitureOrder(slot0, slot1) slot0.orderFlag = slot1 and BackYardShopFilterPanel.ORDER_MODE_ASC or BackYardShopFilterPanel.ORDER_MODE_DASC setActive(slot0.ascTxt, slot1) setActive(slot0.dascTxt, not slot1) if slot0.indexPanel then slot0.indexPanel:filterFurnitures(slot0.furnitures, slot0.orderFlag) else slot0:setFurnitrues(uv0[(slot0.index or 1) - 1]) end slot0.viewRect:SetTotalCount(#slot0.furnitures, -1) end function slot0.updatePlayer(slot0, slot1) slot0.playerVO = slot1 setText(slot0.resGem, slot0.playerVO:getTotalGem()) setText(slot0.resDormMoney, slot0.playerVO.dormMoney) end function slot0.initTags(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(uv0) do slot6 = slot0.tagsPanel:Find("tag_" .. slot4) setText(slot6:Find("Text"), slot5) onToggle(slot0, slot6, function (slot0) if slot0 then uv0:filter(uv1) end end, SFX_PANEL) end end function slot0.filter(slot0, slot1) setActive(slot0.themePanel, slot1 == 1) setActive(slot0.furnitureTypePanel, slot1 ~= 1) if slot1 == 1 then slot0.index = nil slot0:initTheme() else slot0.index = slot1 slot0:setFurnitrues(uv0[slot1 - 1]) if slot0.indexPanel then slot0.indexPanel:filterFurnitures(slot0.furnitures) end slot0.viewRect:SetTotalCount(#slot0.furnitures, -1) end end function slot0.initTheme(slot0) slot0.themeVOs = {} for slot5, slot6 in pairs(pg.backyard_theme_template.all) do if BackYardTheme.New({ id = slot6 }):getConfig("is_view") == 1 then table.insert(slot0.themeVOs, slot7) end end slot0.themVewRect = slot0.themeView:GetComponent("LScrollRect") function slot0.themVewRect.onInitItem(slot0) uv0:initThemeItem(slot0) end function slot0.themVewRect.onUpdateItem(slot0, slot1) uv0:updateThemeItem(slot0, slot1) end slot0.themeItems = {} slot0:sortThemes() end function slot0.createThemeItem(slot0, slot1) slot2 = { tr = tf(slot1), _go = slot1 } slot3 = findTF(, "theme_tpl/desc"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot2.maskBought = findTF(, "theme_tpl/bought") slot2.maskLocked = findTF(, "theme_tpl/mask") slot4 = findTF(, "theme_tpl/name/Text"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot5 = findTF(, "theme_tpl/icon"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)) slot6 = findTF(, "theme_tpl/tags/tag_discount") slot7 = findTF(, "theme_tpl/tags/tag_new") slot8 = findTF(, "theme_tpl/tags/tag_hot") function slot2.update(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot0.themeVO = slot1 uv0.text = slot1:getConfig("desc") uv1.text = slot1:getConfig("name") SetActive(uv2, slot1:getConfig("new") == 1) SetActive(uv3, slot1:getConfig("hot") == 1) SetActive(uv4, defaultValue(slot1:getConfig("discount"), 0) > 0 and pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():inTime(slot1:getConfig("discount_time"))) setText(findTF(uv4, "Text"), defaultValue(slot5, 0) .. "%off") if not slot4 then SetActive(uv5.maskBought, slot1:isBought(slot3)) SetActive(uv5.maskLocked, not slot1:isUnLock(slot2)) end uv6.sprite = GetSpriteFromAtlas("furnitureicon/" .. slot1:getConfig("icon"), "") end return slot2 end function slot0.initThemeItem(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0:createThemeItem(slot1) onButton(slot0, slot2.maskLocked, function () uv0:showMsgBox({ icon = uv1.themeVO:getConfig("icon"), content = i18n("backyard_theme_lock_tip"), desc = i18n("backyard_theme_open_tip", uv1.themeVO:getConfig("deblocking")) }, nil, true) end) onButton(slot0,, function () if not uv0.themeVO or not uv0.themeVO:isUnLock(uv1.playerVO) and not uv0.themeVO:isBought(uv1.furnitureVOs) then return end uv1:openItemDesc(uv0.themeVO) end) slot0.themeItems[slot1] = slot2 end function slot0.sortThemes(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.themeVOs) do if not slot6:isOverTime() and slot6:isMatchSearchKey(slot0.searchKey) then table.insert(slot1, slot6) end end slot0.tempThemeVOs = slot1 table.sort(slot0.tempThemeVOs, function (slot0, slot1) if (slot0:isBought(uv0.furnitureVOs) and 0 or 1) == (slot1:isBought(uv0.furnitureVOs) and 0 or 1) then if (slot0:isUnLock(uv0.playerVO) and 1 or 0) == (slot1:isUnLock(uv0.playerVO) and 1 or 0) then if slot0:getConfig("deblocking") == slot1:getConfig("deblocking") then if slot0:getConfig("new") == slot1:getConfig("new") then if slot0:GetDisCount() == slot1:GetDisCount() then return slot1:getConfig("id") < slot0:getConfig("id") else return slot11 < slot10 end else return slot9 < slot8 end else return slot6 < slot7 end else return slot5 < slot4 end else return slot3 < slot2 end end) slot0.themVewRect:SetTotalCount(#slot0.tempThemeVOs, -1) end function slot0.updateThemeItem(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot0.themeItems[slot2] then slot0:initThemeItem(slot2) slot3 = slot0.themeItems[slot2] end slot3:update(slot0.tempThemeVOs[slot1 + 1], slot0.playerVO, slot0.furnitureVOs) end function slot0.openItemDesc(slot0, slot1) slot0.selectedThemeVO = slot1 slot0.isOpenItemDesc = true SetActive(slot0.descPanel, true) setParent(slot0.descPanel, pg.UIMgr.GetInstance().OverlayMain) slot0:updateThemeDesc(slot1) slot0:updateSubThemeList(slot1:getConfig("ids")) end function slot0.updateThemeDesc(slot0, slot1) slot0:createThemeItem(slot0.themDesc):update(slot1, slot0.playerVO, slot0.furnitureVOs, true) setActive(slot0.themDescBtn, not slot1:isBought(slot0.furnitureVOs)) onButton(slot0, slot0.themDescBtn, function () uv0:showMsgBox({ number = 0, isShowCalc = true, maxNumber = 1, isTheme = true, hideGem = true, max = 1, ids = uv1:getRemainFurIds(uv0.furnitureVOs), icon = uv1:getConfig("icon"), desc = uv1:getConfig("desc"), content = uv1:getConfig("name") }, function (slot0, slot1) uv0:emit(BackYardShopMediator.BUY_FURNITURE, uv1:getRemainFurIds(uv0.furnitureVOs), slot0) end) end) end function slot0.updateSubThemeList(slot0, slot1) slot0.descItemVOs = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1) do if slot0:getActiveFurnitureById(slot6) ~= nil then table.insert(slot0.descItemVOs, slot7) end end slot0.descRect = slot0.descView:GetComponent("LScrollRect") function slot0.descRect.onInitItem(slot0) uv0:onInitThemeDesc(slot0) end function slot0.descRect.onUpdateItem(slot0, slot1) uv0:onUpdateTheme(slot0, slot1) end slot0:sortSubTheme() end function slot0.getDescItem(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.descItems) do if slot5 == slot1 then return slot6 end end return nil end function slot0.onInitThemeDesc(slot0, slot1) if slot0:getDescItem(slot1) == nil then slot2 = FurnitureCard.New(tf(slot1):Find("furniture_tpl")) or slot2 end function slot3() slot0 = uv0.furnitureVO:getConfig("name") return { isShowCalc = true, ids = { }, icon = uv0.furnitureVO:getConfig("icon"), desc = uv0.furnitureVO:getConfig("describe"), content = uv0.furnitureVO:getConfig("name"), dormMoney = uv0.furnitureVO:getPrice(6), gem = uv0.furnitureVO:getPrice(4), max = uv0.furnitureVO:getConfig("count") - uv0.furnitureVO.count, maxNumber = uv0.furnitureVO:getConfig("count"), number = uv0.furnitureVO.count, purchased = not uv0.furnitureVO:canPurchase(), comfortable = uv0.furnitureVO:getConfig("comfortable") } end onButton(slot0,, function () if not uv0.furnitureVO then return end if not uv0.furnitureVO:inTime() then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("buy_furniture_overtime")) return end uv1:showMsgBox(uv2(), function (slot0, slot1) uv0:purchase(slot0, slot1, uv1) end) end) onButton(slot0, slot2.maskTF, function () uv0:showMsgBox(uv1(), nil, true) end) slot0.descItems[slot1] = slot2 end function slot0.purchase(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = {} for slot8 = 1, slot2 do table.insert(slot4, end slot0:emit(BackYardShopMediator.BUY_FURNITURE, slot4, slot1) end function slot0.onUpdateTheme(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot0.descItems[slot2] then slot0:onInitThemeDesc(slot2) slot3 = slot0.descItems[slot2] end slot3:update(slot0.descItemVOs[slot1 + 1], slot0.playerVO) end function slot0.sortSubTheme(slot0) table.sort(slot0.descItemVOs, function (slot0, slot1) return uv0.SORT_FURNITURE_FUNC(slot0, slot1, uv1.playerVO.level) end) slot0.descRect:SetTotalCount(#slot0.descItemVOs, -1) end function slot0.closeItemDesc(slot0) if not go(slot0.descPanel).activeSelf then return end SetActive(slot0.descPanel, false) setParent(slot0.descPanel, slot0._tf) slot0.isOpenItemDesc = nil slot0.selectedThemeVO = nil end function slot0.getActiveFurnitureById(slot0, slot1) slot2 = nil slot3 = false if not slot0.furnitureVOs[slot1] then slot2 = Furniture.New({ id = slot1 }) else slot2 = slot0.furnitureVOs[slot1] slot3 = true end if not slot2:isNotForSale() and (not slot2:isForActivity() or slot3) and not not slot2:inTime() then return slot2 end end function slot0.setFurnitrues(slot0, slot1) slot0:setAllFurnitrues(slot1) if slot0.indexPanel then slot0.indexPanel:filterFurnitures(slot0.furnitures) else table.sort(slot0.furnitures, function (slot0, slot1) return uv0.SORT_FURNITURE_FUNC(slot0, slot1, uv1.playerVO.level, uv1.orderFlag) end) end end function slot0.setAllFurnitrues(slot0, slot1) slot0.furnitures = {} for slot6, slot7 in pairs(pg.furniture_shop_template.all) do if slot0:getActiveFurnitureById(slot7) and slot8:isMatchSearchKey(slot0.searchKey) then if slot1 and table.contains(slot1, slot8:getConfig("type")) then table.insert(slot0.furnitures, slot8) end end end end function slot0.initSubFurnitureType(slot0) slot0.viewRect = slot0.furnitureTypeView:GetComponent("LScrollRect") function slot0.viewRect.onInitItem(slot0) uv0:onInitFurnitrue(slot0) end function slot0.viewRect.onUpdateItem(slot0, slot1) uv0:onUpdateCard(slot0, slot1) end end function slot0.getCardItem(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.cardItems) do if slot5 == slot1 then return slot6 end end return nil end function slot0.onInitFurnitrue(slot0, slot1) if slot0:getCardItem(slot1) == nil then slot2 = FurnitureCard.New(tf(slot1):Find("furniture_tpl")) or slot2 end function slot3() return { isShowCalc = true, ids = { }, icon = uv0.furnitureVO:getConfig("icon"), desc = uv0.furnitureVO:getConfig("describe"), content = uv0.furnitureVO:getConfig("name"), max = uv0.furnitureVO:getConfig("count") - uv0.furnitureVO.count, maxNumber = uv0.furnitureVO:getConfig("count"), number = uv0.furnitureVO.count, dormMoney = uv0.furnitureVO:getPrice(6), gem = uv0.furnitureVO:getPrice(4), comfortable = uv0.furnitureVO:getConfig("comfortable"), purchased = not uv0.furnitureVO:canPurchase() } end onButton(slot0, slot2.go, function () if uv0.furnitureVO then uv1:showMsgBox(uv2(), function (slot0, slot1) uv0:purchase(slot0, slot1, uv1) end) end end, SOUND_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot2.maskTF, function () if uv0.furnitureVO then if uv0.furnitureVO:inTheme() and uv1.playerVO.level < pg.backyard_theme_template[uv0.furnitureVO:getConfig("themeId")].deblocking then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("backyard_theme_lock_tip")) return end uv1:showMsgBox(uv2(), nil, true) end end) slot0.cardItems[slot1] = slot2 end function slot0.onUpdateCard(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.cardItems then if not slot0.cardItems[slot2] then slot0:onInitFurnitrue(slot2) slot3 = slot0.cardItems[slot2] end slot3:update(slot0.furnitures[slot1 + 1], slot0.playerVO) end end function slot0.showMsgBox(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot0.isShowMsgBox = true setParent(slot0.msgBoxPanel, slot0._overlayUIMain) setActive(slot0.msgBoxPanel, true) slot6 = slot0:findTF("frame/border/infoPanel", slot0.msgBoxPanel) setActive(slot0:findTF("frame/btns/ok_btn", slot0.msgBoxPanel), true) setActive(slot0:findTF("frame/btns/cancel_btn", slot0.msgBoxPanel), true) setActive(slot0:findTF("frame/btns/dm_btn", slot0.msgBoxPanel), false) setActive(slot0:findTF("frame/btns/gem_btn", slot0.msgBoxPanel), false) setActive(slot0:findTF("frame/border/calPanel", slot0.msgBoxPanel), slot1.isShowCalc) setImageSprite(slot0:findTF("frame/border/icon", slot0.msgBoxPanel), GetSpriteFromAtlas("furnitureicon/" .. slot1.icon, "")) setText(slot0:findTF("frame/border/desc", slot0.msgBoxPanel), slot1.content or "") setText(slot0:findTF("frame/border/desc_1", slot0.msgBoxPanel), slot1.desc or "") slot11, slot12 = nil setActive(slot0:findTF("frame/border/express", slot0.msgBoxPanel), slot1.ids) if slot1.ids then slot13 = {} for slot17, slot18 in ipairs(slot1.ids) do table.insert(slot13, Furniture.New({ id = slot18 })) end slot14 = slot0.dromVO:getComfortable() function (slot0) setActive(uv0:findTF("icons/green", uv2), Clone(uv0.dromVO):getComfortable(slot0) - uv1 > 0) setActive(uv0:findTF("icons/yellow", uv2), slot2 == 0) if slot2 > 0 then setText(uv0:findTF("Text", uv2), "+" .. slot2) else setText(slot3, "+0") end end(slot13) if not slot1.isTheme then function slot11(slot0) for slot4 = table.getCount(uv0), slot0 - 1 do table.insert(uv0, Furniture.New({ id = uv1.ids[1] })) end for slot4 = 1, table.getCount(uv0) - slot0 do table.remove(uv0, #uv0) end uv2(uv0) end end end slot13 = 1 if slot1.isShowCalc then slot14, slot15 = uv0.calcFurnituresPrice(slot1.ids) if slot1.hideGem then slot14 = 0 end slot16 = slot0:findTF("value/Text", slot5) setText(slot0:findTF("max/Text", slot5), "+" .. slot1.max) slot18 = slot0:findTF("price/gem_icon/Text", slot5) setActive(slot0:findTF("price/dm_icon/Text", slot5).parent, slot15 > 0) setActive(slot18.parent, slot14 > 0) setActive(slot0:findTF("price/line", slot5), slot15 > 0 and slot14 > 0) setText(slot17, slot15) setText(slot18, slot14) if not slot1.isTheme then function () setText(uv0, uv1) setText(uv2, uv1 * uv3.dormMoney) setText(uv4, uv1 * uv3.gem) if uv5 then uv5(uv1) end end() onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("arr_left", slot5), function () if uv0.max == uv1 then return end uv1 = math.min(uv1 + 1, uv0.max) uv2() end) onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("arr_right", slot5), function () if uv0 == 1 then return end uv0 = math.max(uv0 - 1, 1) uv1() end) onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("max", slot5), function () if uv0.max == uv1 then return end uv1 = uv0.max uv2() end) else setText(slot16, 1) removeOnButton(slot0:findTF("arr_left", slot5)) removeOnButton(slot0:findTF("arr_right", slot5)) removeOnButton(slot0:findTF("max", slot5)) end setActive(slot9, slot15 > 0) setActive(slot10, slot14 > 0) setActive(slot7, false) end setActive(slot6, slot1.purchased) setActive(slot5, not slot1.purchased and slot1.isShowCalc) setActive(slot4, not slot1.purchased and slot1.isShowCalc) setActive(slot8, not slot3) if slot1.purchased then slot14, slot15 = uv0.calcFurnituresPrice(slot1.ids) if slot1.hideGem then slot14 = 0 end slot20 = slot0:findTF("price/gem_icon/Text", slot6) setActive(slot0:findTF("price/dm_icon/Text", slot6).parent, slot15 > 0) setActive(slot20.parent, slot14 > 0) setActive(slot0:findTF("price/line", slot6), slot15 > 0 and slot14 > 0) setText(slot19, slot15) setText(slot20, slot14) setText(slot0:findTF("count/Text", slot6), slot1.number .. "/" .. slot1.maxNumber) setText(slot0:findTF("comfortable/Text", slot6), slot1.comfortable) setActive(slot7, true) setActive(slot8, not slot3) setActive(slot9, false) setActive(slot10, false) end onButton(slot0, slot7, function () uv0:closeMsgBox() end, SFX_CONFIRM) onButton(slot0, slot8, function () uv0:closeMsgBox() end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, slot10, function () uv0:closeMsgBox() if uv1 then uv1(4, uv2) end end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, slot9, function () uv0:closeMsgBox() if uv1 then uv1(6, uv2) end end, SFX_CANCEL) end function slot0.calcFurnituresPrice(slot0) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0) do slot8 = Furniture.New({ id = slot7 }) slot1 = 0 + slot8:getPrice(4) slot2 = 0 + slot8:getPrice(6) end return slot1, slot2 end function slot0.updateFurnitrue(slot0, slot1) slot0.furnitureVOs[] = slot1 if slot0.descItemVOs then for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.descItemVOs) do if == then slot0.descItemVOs[slot5] = slot1 break end end slot0:sortSubTheme() end if slot0.furnitures then for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.furnitures) do if == then slot0.furnitures[slot5] = slot1 break end end if slot0.index then slot0:filter(slot0.index) end end if slot0.isOpenItemDesc and slot0.selectedThemeVO then slot0:updateThemeDesc(slot0.selectedThemeVO) end end function slot0.updateThemes(slot0) slot0:sortThemes() end function slot0.closeMsgBox(slot0) slot0.isShowMsgBox = nil setParent(slot0.msgBoxPanel, slot0._tf) setActive(slot0.msgBoxPanel, false) end function slot0.openIndexPanel(slot0) if not slot0.indexPanel then slot0.indexPanel = BackYardShopFilterPanel.New(slot0.filterTF, BackYardShopFilterPanel.TYPE_SHOP) slot0.indexPanel:attach(slot0) slot0.indexPanel:updateOrderMode(slot0.orderFlag) end setParent(slot0.filterTF, slot0._overlayUIMain) slot0.indexPanel:show() if (slot0.index or 1) ~= 1 then slot0.index = slot1 slot0:setAllFurnitrues(uv0[slot1 - 1]) slot0.indexPanel:setFilterData(slot0.furnitures) end function slot0.indexPanel.confirmFunc() if uv0 ~= 1 then uv1.viewRect:SetTotalCount(#uv1.furnitures, -1) end setText(uv1.filterBtn:Find("Text"), uv1.indexPanel.sortTxt) end function slot0.indexPanel.onHideFunc() setParent(uv0.filterTF, uv0._tf) end end function slot0.onBackPressed(slot0) if slot0.isShowMsgBox then slot0:closeMsgBox() elseif slot0.isOpenItemDesc then slot0:closeItemDesc() elseif slot0.indexPanel and go(slot0.indexPanel._go).activeSelf then slot0.indexPanel:hide() else triggerButton(slot0._tf) end end function slot0.willExit(slot0) slot0.UIMgr:UnblurPanel(slot0.shopPanel, slot0._tf) setParent(slot0.descPanel, slot0._tf) if slot0.isShowMsgBox then slot0:closeMsgBox() end for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.cardItems or {}) do slot5:dispose() end for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.descItems or {}) do slot5:dispose() end if slot0.indexPanel then slot0.indexPanel:hide() slot0.indexPanel:detach() end slot0.indexPanel = nil PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnUI("BackYardIndexUI", slot0.filterTF) end return slot0