slot0 = class("MonthSignPageTool") function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) slot0._event = slot1 end function slot0.onAcheve(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = nil slot3 = coroutine.create(function () if table.getCount(uv0) > 0 then slot0 = getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityById(ActivityConst.MONTH_SIGN_ACTIVITY_ID) slot1 = pg.activity_month_sign[slot0.data2].resign_count slot3 = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():STimeDescS(pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime(), "*t") if slot0:getSpecialData("reMonthSignDay") ~= nil then uv1.reMonthSignItems = uv1.reMonthSignItems and uv1.reMonthSignItems or {} for slot7, slot8 in pairs(uv0) do table.insert(uv1.reMonthSignItems, slot8) end if > #slot0.data1_list and slot0.data3 < slot1 then Timer.New(function () uv0() end, 0.3, 1):Start() return else uv1._event:emit(MonthSignPage.SHOW_RE_MONTH_SIGN, uv1.reMonthSignItems, uv3) uv0 = uv1.reMonthSignItems end else uv1.reMonthSignItems = nil uv1._event:emit(BaseUI.ON_AWARD, { items = uv0, removeFunc = uv3 }) end coroutine.yield() slot5 = _.filter(uv0, function (slot0) return slot0.type == DROP_TYPE_NPC_SHIP end) slot7 = getProxy(BayProxy):getNewShip(true) _.each(slot5, function (slot0) table.insert(uv0, uv1:getShipById( end) if #_.filter(uv0, function (slot0) return slot0.type == DROP_TYPE_SHIP end) + #slot5 <= (pg.gameset.award_ship_limit and pg.gameset.award_ship_limit.key_value or 20) then for slot12 = math.max(1, #slot7 - slot4 + 1), #slot7 do uv1._event:emit(ActivityMediator.OPEN_LAYER, Context.New({ mediator = NewShipMediator, viewComponent = NewShipLayer, data = { ship = slot7[slot12] }, onRemoved = uv3 })) coroutine.yield() end end for slot12, slot13 in pairs(uv0) do if slot13.type == DROP_TYPE_SKIN then if pg.ship_skin_template[].skin_type == ShipSkin.SKIN_TYPE_REMAKE then -- Nothing elseif not getProxy(ShipSkinProxy):hasOldNonLimitSkin( then uv1._event:emit(ActivityMediator.OPEN_LAYER, Context.New({ mediator = NewSkinMediator, viewComponent = NewSkinLayer, data = { skinId = }, onRemoved = uv3 })) end coroutine.yield() end end end if uv2 then uv2() end end) function () if uv0 and coroutine.status(uv0) == "suspended" then slot0, slot1 = coroutine.resume(uv0) end end() end return slot0