slot0 = class("BobingPage", import("...base.BaseActivityPage")) function slot0.OnInit(slot0) if PLATFORM_CODE == PLATFORM_CHT or PLATFORM_CODE == PLATFORM_CH then setActive(findTF(slot0._tf, "bobing"), true) setActive(findTF(slot0._tf, "lottery"), false) else setActive(findTF(slot0._tf, "bobing"), false) setActive(findTF(slot0._tf, "lottery"), true) end slot0:bind(ActivityMediator.ON_BOBING_RESULT, function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if PLATFORM_CODE == PLATFORM_CHT or PLATFORM_CODE == PLATFORM_CH then uv0:displayBBResult(slot1.awards, slot1.numbers, function () uv0.callback() end) else uv0:displayLotteryAni(slot1.awards, slot1.numbers, function () uv0.callback() end) end end) end function slot0.OnUpdateFlush(slot0) if PLATFORM_CODE == PLATFORM_CHT or PLATFORM_CODE == PLATFORM_CH then slot0:bobingUpdate() else slot0:lotteryUpdate() end end function slot0.lotteryUpdate(slot0) slot1 = slot0.activity slot2 = findTF(slot0._tf, "lottery/layer") if not slot0.lotteryWrap then slot0.lotteryWrap = { btnLotteryBtn = findTF(slot2, "lottery_btn"), phase = findTF(slot2, "phase"), nums = findTF(slot2, "nums") } end if slot1:getConfig("config_id") <= slot1.data1 then setActive(findTF(slot3.phase, "bg"), false) setActive(findTF(slot3.phase, "Text"), false) setActive(findTF(slot3.phase, "finish"), true) else setActive(findTF(slot3.phase, "bg"), true) setActive(findTF(slot3.phase, "Text"), true) setText(findTF(slot3.phase, "Text"), setColorStr(slot1.data1, "FFD43F") .. "/" .. slot4) setActive(findTF(slot3.phase, "finish"), false) end if slot1.data2 < 1 then LeanTween.alpha(slot3.btnLotteryBtn, 1, 1):setLoopPingPong() setActive(findTF(slot3.btnLotteryBtn, "mask"), false) onButton(slot0, slot3.btnLotteryBtn, function () if uv0.activity.data2 < 1 then uv0:emit(ActivityMediator.EVENT_OPERATION, { cmd = 1, activity_id = }) uv0._event:emit(ActivityMainScene.LOCK_ACT_MAIN, true) end end, SFX_PANEL) else LeanTween.cancel(slot3.btnLotteryBtn.gameObject) setActive(findTF(slot3.btnLotteryBtn, "mask"), true) setActive(findTF(slot3.btnLotteryBtn, "mask/1"), slot0:getIndexByNumbers(slot1.data1_list) == 1) setActive(findTF(slot3.btnLotteryBtn, "mask/2"), slot5 == 2) setActive(findTF(slot3.btnLotteryBtn, "mask/3"), slot5 == 3) onButton(slot0, slot3.btnLotteryBtn, function () if uv0.activity.data2 < 1 then uv0:emit(ActivityMediator.EVENT_OPERATION, { cmd = 1, activity_id = }) uv0._event:emit(ActivityMainScene.LOCK_ACT_MAIN, true) end end, SFX_PANEL) end setText(findTF(slot3.nums, "text"), string.format("%s / %s", slot1.data2 == 0 and "FFD43F" or "d2d4db", 1 - slot1.data2, 1)) end function slot0.getIndexByNumbers(slot0, slot1) slot3 = 3 if ActivityConst.BBRule(slot1) and slot2 >= 1 and slot2 <= 2 then slot3 = 1 end if slot2 and slot2 >= 3 and slot2 <= 4 then slot3 = 2 end return slot3 end function slot0.displayLotteryAni(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = slot0:getIndexByNumbers(slot2) slot6 = slot0:findTF("omikuji_anim", findTF(slot0._tf, "lottery")):GetComponent(typeof(DftAniEvent)) slot6:SetEndEvent(function (slot0) setActive(uv0.gameObject, false) slot1 = uv1:findTF("omikuji_result", uv2) setActive(slot1, true) for slot6 = 1, uv1:findTF("title", slot1).childCount do setActive(slot2:GetChild(slot6 - 1), slot6 == uv3) end setText(uv1:findTF("desc", slot1), i18n("draw_" .. ({ "big", "medium", "little" })[uv3] .. "_luck_" .. math.random(1, 3))) setActive(uv1:findTF("award", slot1), false) removeAllChildren(uv1:findTF("award_list", slot1)) if uv4 then for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(uv4) do slot13 = cloneTplTo(slot6, slot7) updateDrop(slot13, { type = slot12.type, id =, count = slot12.count }) onButton(uv1, slot13, function () uv0:emit(BaseUI.ON_DROP, uv1) end, SFX_PANEL) end end uv1._event:emit(ActivityMainScene.LOCK_ACT_MAIN, false) onButton(uv1, slot1, function () setActive(uv0, false) uv1() end) end) setActive(slot6.gameObject, true) end function slot0.bobingUpdate(slot0) slot1 = slot0.activity slot2 = findTF(slot0._tf, "bobing") if not slot0.bobingWrap then slot3 = { bg = slot0:findTF("AD", slot0._tf), progress = slot0:findTF("award/nums", slot2), get = slot0:findTF("award/get", slot2), nums = slot0:findTF("nums/text", slot2), bowlDisable = slot0:findTF("bowl_disable", slot2), bowlEnable = slot0:findTF("bowl_enable", slot2) } slot3.bowlShine = slot0:findTF("bowl_shine", slot3.bowlEnable) slot3.btnRule = slot0:findTF("btnRule", slot2) slot3.layerRule = slot0:findTF("rule", slot2) slot3.btnReturn = slot0:findTF("btnReturn", slot3.layerRule) slot3.item = slot0:findTF("item", slot3.layerRule) = slot0:findTF("top", slot3.layerRule) slot3.itemRow = slot0:findTF("row", slot3.layerRule) slot3.itemColumn = slot0:findTF("column", slot3.layerRule) setActive(slot3.layerRule, false) setActive(slot3.item, false) setActive(slot3.itemRow, false) setActive(slot3.itemColumn, true) slot4 = pg.gameset.bb_front_awards.description slot7 = UIItemList.New(, slot3.item) slot7:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then updateDrop(slot2, { type = uv0[slot1 + 1][1], id = uv0[slot1 + 1][2], count = uv0[slot1 + 1][3] }) onButton(uv1, slot2, function () uv0:emit(BaseUI.ON_DROP, uv1) end, SFX_PANEL) end end) slot7:align(#slot4[1]) slot8 = UIItemList.New(slot3.itemColumn, slot3.itemRow) slot8:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then slot4 = UIItemList.New(slot2, uv1.item) slot4:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then updateDrop(slot2, { type = uv0[slot1 + 1][1], id = uv0[slot1 + 1][2], count = uv0[slot1 + 1][3] }) onButton(uv1, slot2, function () uv0:emit(BaseUI.ON_DROP, uv1) end, SFX_PANEL) end end) slot4:align(#uv0[slot1 + 1]) end end) slot8:align(#_.slice(slot4, 2, #slot4 - 1)) onButton(slot0, slot3.btnRule, function () setActive(uv0.layerRule, true) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot3.btnReturn, function () setActive(uv0.layerRule, false) end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, slot3.bowlEnable, function () uv0._event:emit(ActivityMainScene.LOCK_ACT_MAIN, true) uv0:displayBBAnim(function () uv0:emit(ActivityMediator.EVENT_OPERATION, { cmd = 1, activity_id = }) end) end, SFX_PANEL) slot0.bobingWrap = slot3 end setActive(slot3.layerRule, false) setActive(slot3.get, slot1:getConfig("config_id") <= slot1.data1) setActive(slot3.bowlDisable, slot1.data2 == 0) setActive(slot3.bowlEnable, slot1.data2 > 0) if slot1.data2 < 1 then LeanTween.alpha(slot3.bowlShine, 1, 1):setLoopPingPong() else LeanTween.cancel(slot3.bowlShine.gameObject) end setText(slot3.progress, string.format("%s %s", "FFD43F", math.min(slot1.data1, slot4) .. "/", slot4)) setActive(slot3.progress, slot1.data1 < slot4) setText(slot3.nums, string.format("%s", slot1.data2 == 0 and "FFD43F" or "d2d4db", slot1.data2)) end function slot0.displayBBAnim(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0:findTF("bobing/bb_anim") slot3 = slot0:findTF("ship", slot2) if not slot0.animBowl then slot0.animBowl = slot0:findTF("bowl", slot2):GetComponent(typeof(SpineAnimUI)) slot0.animBowl:SetAction("bobing", 0) slot0.animBowl:SetActionCallBack(function (slot0) if slot0 == "finsih" then setActive(uv0, false) setActive(uv1, false) uv2() end end) end function slot5() setActive(uv0, true) setActive(uv1, true) uv2.model:GetComponent(typeof(SpineAnimUI)):SetAction("victory", 0) end if not slot0.model then PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetSpineChar(getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().character):getPrefab(), false, function (slot0) uv0.model = slot0 uv0.model.transform.localScale = Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 1) uv0.model.transform:SetParent(uv1, false) uv2() end) else slot5() end setActive(slot2, true) end function slot0.displayBBResult(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot0.animation = findTF(slot0._tf, "bobing") setActive(slot0:findTF("bb_anim", slot0.animation), false) slot4 = slot0:findTF("bb_result", slot0.animation) slot5 = slot0:findTF("numbers", slot4) slot7 = slot0:findTF("rank", slot4) slot8 = slot0:findTF("bgRank", slot4) setActive(slot0:findTF("number", slot4), false) setActive(slot0:findTF("award", slot4), false) removeAllChildren(slot0:findTF("award_list", slot4)) if slot1 then for slot14, slot15 in ipairs(slot1) do slot16 = cloneTplTo(slot9, slot10) updateDrop(slot16, { type = slot15.type, id =, count = slot15.count }) onButton(slot0, slot16, function () uv0:emit(BaseUI.ON_DROP, uv1) end, SFX_PANEL) end end slot11 = UIItemList.New(slot5, slot6) slot11:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then uv0:setSpriteTo("bobing/bb_icon/dice" .. uv1[slot1 + 1], slot2) setImageAlpha(slot2, 0) end end) slot11:align(#slot2) setActive(slot7, ActivityConst.BBRule(slot2) < 7) setActive(slot8, slot12 < 7) if slot12 < 7 then slot0:setSpriteTo("bobing/bb_icon/rank" .. slot12, slot7) setImageAlpha(slot7, 0) end slot13 = false if slot12 == 7 then LeanTween.value(go(slot5), 0, 1, 1):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0:each(function (slot0, slot1) setImageAlpha(slot1, uv0) end) end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0._event:emit(ActivityMainScene.LOCK_ACT_MAIN, false) uv1 = true end)) else LeanTween.value(go(slot7), 0, 1, 0.2):setDelay(1):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) setImageAlpha(uv0, slot0) uv0.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(Vector3(2, 2, 2),, slot0) end)) slot15 = slot0:findTF("rank_p", slot4) or cloneTplTo(slot7, slot4, "rank_p") slot0:setSpriteTo("bobing/bb_icon/rank" .. slot12, slot15) slot0:setSpriteTo("bobing/bb_icon/rank" .. slot12, slot7) LeanTween.value(go(slot15), 1, 0, 0.3):setDelay(1.5):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) setImageAlpha(uv0, slot0) uv0.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(Vector3(2, 2, 2),, slot0) end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0._event:emit(ActivityMainScene.LOCK_ACT_MAIN, false) uv1 = true end)) end setActive(slot4, true) onButton(slot0, slot4, function () if uv0 then setActive(uv1, false) uv2() end end) end function slot0.setSpriteTo(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot2:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).sprite = slot0:findTF(slot1):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).sprite if slot3 then slot4:SetNativeSize() end end function slot0.OnDestroy(slot0) if slot0.bobingWrap then clearImageSprite( LeanTween.cancel(slot0.bobingWrap.bowlShine.gameObject) end end return slot0