slot0 = class("RefluxScene", import("..base.BaseUI")) slot0.TabSign = 1 slot0.TabTask = 2 slot0.TabPt = 3 function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "RefluxUI" end function slot0.init(slot0) slot0.tabs = { slot0:findTF("left/left_bar/tabs/sign"), slot0:findTF("left/left_bar/tabs/task"), slot0:findTF("left/left_bar/tabs/pt") } slot4 = "panel_pt" slot0.tabPanels = { slot0:findTF("panel_sign"), slot0:findTF("panel_task"), slot0:findTF(slot4) } slot0.panelLetter = slot0:findTF("panel_letter") slot0.btnLetter = slot0:findTF("left/left_bar/letter") slot0.btnBack = slot0:findTF("left/left_bar/back") slot0.txTime = slot0:findTF("time/text") for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.tabs) do onToggle(slot0, slot5, function (slot0) if slot0 then uv0:SetTab(uv1) end end, SFX_PANEL) end setText(slot0:findTF("time/icon"), i18n("reflux_word_1")) end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnBack, function () uv0:emit(BaseUI.ON_BACK) end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.panelLetter:Find("btn_share"), function () pg.ShareMgr.GetInstance():Share(pg.ShareMgr.TypeReflux) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnLetter, function () uv0:DisplayLetter() end, SFX_PANEL) end function slot0.willExit(slot0) = slot0:GetTab() LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0.tabPanels[uv0.TabPt])) if slot0.ptAchieveTwId then LeanTween.cancel(slot0.ptAchieveTwId) slot0.ptAchieveTwId = nil end end function slot0.onBackPressed(slot0) if isActive(slot0.panelLetter) then slot0:HideLetter() return end triggerButton(slot0.btnBack) end function slot0.SetActivity(slot0, slot1) slot0.activity = slot1 slot0.offlineTime = slot1.data1 slot0.activateTime = slot1.data2 slot0.bonusPoint = slot1.data3 slot0.battlePhase = slot1.data4 slot0.lastSignTime = slot1.data1_list[1] slot0.reduceSignDays = slot1.data1_list[2] slot0.activateLevel = slot1.data1_list[3] slot0.activateShipCount = slot1.data1_list[4] slot0.ptAccount = slot1.data1KeyValueList[1] print("offlineTime: " .. tostring(slot0.offlineTime)) print("activateTime: " .. tostring(slot0.activateTime)) print("bonusPoint: " .. tostring(slot0.bonusPoint)) print("battlePhase: " .. tostring(slot0.battlePhase)) print("lastSignTime: " .. tostring(slot0.lastSignTime)) print("reduceSignDays: " .. tostring(slot0.reduceSignDays)) print("activateLevel: " .. tostring(slot0.activateLevel)) slot5 = slot0.activateShipCount print("activateShipCount: " .. tostring(slot5)) print("pt account: ") for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.ptAccount) do print(slot5 .. " : " .. slot6) end slot0:UpdateTime() end function slot0.SetPlayer(slot0, slot1) slot0.player = slot1 end function slot0.SetTask(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.tasks) do if == then slot0.tasks[slot5] = slot1 break end end end function slot0.SetTasks(slot0, slot1) slot0.tasks = slot1 end function slot0.SortTasks(slot0, slot1) function slot2(slot0, slot1, slot2) function slot3(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(uv0) do if slot0 == slot5 then return slot4 end end end return slot3(slot0) < slot3(slot1) end table.sort(slot1, function (slot0, slot1) if slot0:getTaskStatus() == slot1:getTaskStatus() then return < else return uv0(slot0:getTaskStatus(), slot1:getTaskStatus(), { 1, 0, 2 }) end end) end function slot0.TriggerTab(slot0, slot1) triggerToggle(slot0.tabs[slot1], true) end function slot0.GetTab(slot0) return end function slot0.SetTab(slot0, slot1) if ~= slot1 then = slot1 slot0:UpdateTab() end end function slot0.UpdateTab(slot0) if == uv0.TabSign then slot0:UpdateSign() elseif == uv0.TabTask then slot0:UpdateTask() elseif == uv0.TabPt then slot0:UpdatePt() end end function slot0.DisplayLetter(slot0, slot1) slot0.onLetterClose = slot1 slot2 = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance() slot3 = slot2:STimeDescS(slot0.offlineTime, "*t") setText(slot0.panelLetter:Find("billboard/year"), slot3.year % 100) setText(slot0.panelLetter:Find("billboard/month"), slot3.month) setText(slot0.panelLetter:Find("billboard/date"), setText(slot0.panelLetter:Find("billboard/days"), slot2:DiffDay(slot0.offlineTime, slot0.activateTime)) setText(slot0.panelLetter:Find("billboard/count"), slot0.activateShipCount) onButton(slot0, slot0.panelLetter:Find("billboard"), function () uv0:HideLetter() end, SFX_PANEL) setActive(slot0.panelLetter, true) end function slot0.HideLetter(slot0) setActive(slot0.panelLetter, false) if slot0.onLetterClose then slot0.onLetterClose() slot0.onLetterClose = nil end end function slot0.UpdateSign(slot0) slot1 = slot0.tabPanels[uv0.TabSign] slot6 = "reduce/text" setText(slot1:Find(slot6), slot0.reduceSignDays) for slot6 = 0, slot1:Find("days").childCount - 1 do slot7 = slot2:GetChild(slot6) slot9 = slot7:Find("checked") slot10 = slot7:Find("item"):GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(Image)) slot11 = slot6 + 1 <= slot0.reduceSignDays and Color.gray or Color.white for slot15 = 0, slot10.Length - 1 do slot10[slot15].color = slot11 end setImageColor(slot8, slot11) setActive(slot9, slot6 + 1 <= slot0.reduceSignDays) end end function slot0.UpdateTask(slot0) slot0:SortTasks(slot0.tasks) slot1 = slot0.tabPanels[uv0.TabTask] slot2 = UIItemList.New(slot1:Find("scrollview/viewport/list"), slot1:Find("scrollview/viewport/list/task")) slot2:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then slot3 = uv0.tasks[slot1 + 1] slot4 = slot2:Find("goto") slot5 = slot2:Find("finish") slot6 = slot2:Find("achieved") slot8 = slot2:Find("name") slot10 = slot2:Find("drops"):Find("item") for slot14 = 0, slot2:Find("cat").childCount - 1 do setActive(slot7:GetChild(slot14), slot14 == slot1 % 3) end setText(slot8, slot3:getConfig("desc")) slot12 = UIItemList.New(slot9, slot10) slot12:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then slot3 = uv0[slot1 + 1] updateDrop(slot2, { type = slot3[1], id = slot3[2], count = slot3[3] }) end end) slot12:align(#slot3:getConfig("award_display")) setActive(slot4, slot3:getTaskStatus() == 0) setActive(slot5, slot13 == 1) setActive(slot6, slot13 == 2) slot14 = slot3:getProgress() slot15 = slot3:getConfig("target_num") if slot13 == 0 then setSlider(slot4:Find("progress"), 0, slot15, slot14) setText(slot4:Find("progress/text"), slot14 .. "/" .. slot15) elseif slot13 == 1 then setSlider(slot5:Find("progress"), 0, slot15, slot14) setText(slot5:Find("progress/text"), slot14 .. "/" .. slot15) end onButton(uv0, slot4:Find("button"), function () uv0:emit(RefluxMediator.OnTaskGo, uv1) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(uv0, slot5:Find("button"), function () uv0:emit(RefluxMediator.OnTaskSubmit, end, SFX_PANEL) end end) slot2:align(#slot0.tasks) end function slot0.UpdatePt(slot0) for slot7 = slot0.tabPanels[uv0.TabPt]:Find("scrollview/viewport/list").childCount, #pg.return_pt_template.all - 1 do cloneTplTo(slot3:GetChild(slot7 % 10), slot3) end slot4 = 0 for slot8 = 0, slot3.childCount - 1 do slot10 = nil for slot14, slot15 in ipairs(slot1[slot1.all[slot8 + 1]].level) do if slot15[1] <= slot0.activateLevel and slot0.activateLevel <= slot15[2] then slot10 = slot9.award_display[slot14] break end end slot11 = slot3:GetChild(slot8) slot12 = slot11:Find("item") slot14 = slot11:Find("progress") setText(slot12:Find("text_unlock"), i18n("reflux_word_2")) setText(slot12:Find("text_pt"), slot9.pt_require .. "PT") updateDrop(slot12:Find("award"), { type = slot10[1], id = slot10[2], count = slot10[3] }) setActive(slot11:Find("checked"), slot8 + 1 <= slot0.battlePhase) slot15 = slot8 + 1 <= slot0.battlePhase and Color.gray or Color.white for slot20 = 0, slot12:GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(Image)).Length - 1 do slot16[slot20].color = slot15 end setImageColor(slot12, slot15) slot14.sizeDelta = Vector2(slot8 == 0 and 86 or 125, 20) setSlider(slot14, 0, slot9.pt_require - slot4, slot0.bonusPoint - slot4) setActive(slot14:Find("Fill Area"), slot4 < slot0.bonusPoint) setText(slot14:Find("text"), slot9.pt_require .. "PT") slot4 = slot9.pt_require slot17 = slot8 == slot0.battlePhase and slot9.pt_require <= slot0.bonusPoint setActive(slot11:Find("achieve"), slot17) if slot17 then if slot0.ptAchieveTwId then LeanTween.cancel(slot0.ptAchieveTwId) slot0.ptAchieveTwId = nil end slot0.ptAchieveTwId = LeanTween.moveLocalY(go(slot18), 70, 1.5):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInOutSine):setFrom(90):setLoopPingPong().uniqueId onButton(slot0, slot11, function () uv0:emit(RefluxMediator.OnBattlePhaseForward, uv0.battlePhase + 1) end, SFX_PANEL) else removeOnButton(slot11) end end slot0:ScrollPt(slot0.battlePhase - 1, true) setText(slot2:Find("reduce/text"), slot0.bonusPoint) onButton(slot0, slot2:Find("bg/help"), function () for slot4 = 1, #Clone(i18n("reflux_help_tip")) do if slot0[slot4] and slot0[slot4].info then slot0[slot4].info = string.gsub(slot0[slot4].info, "%[task=(%d+)%]", function (slot0) return uv0.ptAccount[tonumber(slot0)] or 0 end) end end pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = slot0 }) end, SFX_PANEL) end function slot0.ScrollPt(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = slot0.tabPanels[uv0.TabPt] slot5 = slot4:Find("scrollview") slot6 = slot5:Find("viewport") slot7 = slot6:Find("list") slot8 = slot7:GetComponent(typeof(HorizontalLayoutGroup)) slot9 = slot7:GetChild(0):GetComponent(typeof(LayoutElement)) LeanTween.cancel(go(slot4)) if slot2 then slot5:GetComponent(typeof(ScrollRect)).horizontalNormalizedPosition = math.clamp(math.max(slot1 * (slot9.preferredWidth + slot8.spacing) - slot6.rect.width * 0.5 + slot9.preferredWidth, 0) / (slot7.childCount * slot9.preferredWidth + (slot7.childCount - 1) * slot8.spacing - slot6.rect.width), 0, 1) else LeanTween.value(go(slot4), slot13.horizontalNormalizedPosition, slot12, math.abs(slot13.horizontalNormalizedPosition - slot12) * 1):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.horizontalNormalizedPosition = slot0 end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () if uv0 then uv0() end end)):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInOutSine) end end function slot0.UpdateTime(slot0) slot1 = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance() slot2 = slot0.activity:getConfig("config_data")[4] setText(slot0.txTime, slot2 - math.clamp(slot1:DiffDay(slot0.activateTime, slot1:GetServerTime()), 0, slot2 - 1)) end return slot0