slot0 = class("CrusingScene", import("view.base.BaseUI")) slot0.optionsPath = { "top/home" } slot0.PhaseFrame = setmetatable({ [0] = 0, [95.0] = 1185, [100.0] = 1260, [90.0] = 1080 }, { __index = function (slot0, slot1) slot3 = 100 for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0) do if slot7 < slot1 and 0 < slot7 then slot2 = slot7 end if slot1 < slot7 and slot7 < slot3 then slot3 = slot7 end end slot4 = (slot1 - slot2) / (slot3 - slot2) return (1 - slot4) * slot0[slot2] + slot4 * slot0[slot3] end }) slot0.FrameSpeed = 10 slot0.PlaySpeed = 1.5 function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "CrusingUI" end function slot0.init(slot0) slot0.rtBg = slot0._tf:Find("bg") slot0.scrollMap = slot0.rtBg:Find("map_scroll") slot0.rtMap = slot0.scrollMap:Find("map") slot0.maps = { slot0.rtMap } while #slot0.maps < 3 do table.insert(slot0.maps, cloneTplTo(slot0.rtMap, slot0.scrollMap)) end slot0.btnTask = slot0.rtBg:Find("task_btn") slot0.textTip = slot0.rtBg:Find("tip") slot0.rtAward = slot0._tf:Find("award_panel") slot0.textPhase = slot0.rtAward:Find("phase/Text") slot0.sliderPt = slot0.rtAward:Find("Slider") slot0.comScroll = GetComponent(slot0.rtAward:Find("view/content"), "LScrollRect") function slot0.comScroll.onUpdateItem(slot0, slot1) uv0:updateAwardInfo(tf(slot1), uv0.awardList[slot0 + 1]) end slot0.rtNextAward = slot0.rtAward:Find("next") slot0.btnAll = slot0.rtAward:Find("btn_all") slot0.btnPay = slot0.rtAward:Find("btn_pay") slot0.btnAfter = slot0.rtAward:Find("btn_after") slot0.btnFinish = slot0.rtAward:Find("btn_finish") slot0.rtTop = slot0._tf:Find("top") slot0.btnBack = slot0.rtTop:Find("back") slot0.btnHelp = slot0.rtTop:Find("help") slot0.textDay = slot0.rtTop:Find("day/Text") slot0.rtWindow = slot0._tf:Find("window") slot0.LTDic = {} end function slot0.onBackPressed(slot0) if isActive(slot0.rtWindow) then slot0:hideWindow() return end uv0.super.onBackPressed(slot0) end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnBack, function () uv0:closeView() end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnTask, function () if uv0.phase < #uv0.awardList then uv0:emit(CrusingMediator.EVENT_OPEN_TASK) else pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("battlepass_complete")) end end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnAll, function () if #uv0.activity:GetCrusingUnreceiveAward() > 0 then slot1 = {} if uv0:checkLimitMax(slot0) then table.insert(slot1, function (slot0) pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("player_expResource_mail_fullBag"), onYes = slot0 }) end) end seriesAsync(slot1, function () uv0:emit(CrusingMediator.EVENT_GET_AWARD_ALL) end) end end, SFX_CONFIRM) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnPay, function () uv0:emit(CrusingMediator.EVENT_GO_CHARGE) end, SFX_CONFIRM) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnAfter, function () if #uv0.activity:GetCrusingUnreceiveAward() > 0 then slot1 = {} if uv0:checkLimitMax(slot0) then table.insert(slot1, function (slot0) pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("player_expResource_mail_fullBag"), onYes = slot0 }) end) end seriesAsync(slot1, function () uv0:emit(CrusingMediator.EVENT_GET_AWARD_ALL) end) end end, SFX_CONFIRM) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnHelp, function () pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = i18n("battlepass_main_help") }) end, SFX_PANEl) onButton(slot0, slot0.rtWindow:Find("bg"), function () uv0:hideWindow() end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.rtWindow:Find("panel/btn_back"), function () uv0:hideWindow() end, SFX_CANCEL) function slot4() uv0:hideWindow() uv0:emit(CrusingMediator.EVENT_GO_CHARGE) end slot5 = SFX_CONFIRM onButton(slot0, slot0.rtWindow:Find("panel/btn_unlock"), slot4, slot5) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.maps) do PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetSpineChar("chess_hude", true, function (slot0) setParent(slot0, uv0:Find("icon/model")) SetAction(slot0, uv1.isMoving and "move" or "normal") SetCompomentEnabled(uv0:Find("icon"), typeof(Image), false) end) end GetComponent(slot0.textTip, "RichText"):AddSprite("pt", GetSpriteFromAtlas(Item.GetIcon(DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE, slot0.ptId), "")) setText(slot0.textTip, i18n("battlepass_main_tip")) slot1 = slot0.activity.stopTime - pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() setText(slot0.textDay, i18n("battlepass_main_time", math.floor(slot1 / 86400), math.floor(slot1 % 86400 / 3600))) Canvas.ForceUpdateCanvases() slot2 = GetComponent(slot0.scrollMap, typeof(ScrollRect)) slot3 = slot2.content.rect.width slot6 = slot3 / 3 / (slot3 - slot2.viewport.rect.width) onScroll(slot0, slot0.scrollMap, function (slot0) if slot0.x < 0.1 then slot2 = uv0.normalizedPosition slot2.x = slot0.x + uv1 uv0.normalizedPosition = slot2 uv0.velocity = uv0.velocity elseif slot0.x > 0.9 then slot2 = uv0.normalizedPosition slot2.x = slot0.x - uv1 uv0.normalizedPosition = slot2 uv0.velocity = uv0.velocity end end) slot0:onScroll(slot0.comScroll, function (slot0) uv0:updateNextAward(slot0.y) end) slot0:updateAwardPanel() slot0:buildPhaseAwardScrollPos() if slot0.phase == 0 then slot0.comScroll:ScrollTo(0) elseif slot0.phase == #slot0.awardList then slot0.comScroll:ScrollTo(1) else slot0.comScroll:ScrollTo(math.clamp(slot0.phasePos[slot0.phase], 0, 1)) end slot0:updateMapStatus() LoadImageSpriteAtlasAsync(Item.GetIcon(DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE, slot0.ptId), "", slot0.sliderPt:Find("Text/icon"), true) if PlayerPrefs.GetInt("cursing_first_enter_scene:" .., 0) == 0 then PlayerPrefs.SetInt("cursing_first_enter_scene:" .., 1) slot0:showWindow() else slot0:updateMapWay() end end function slot0.willExit(slot0) if isActive(slot0.rtWindow) then slot0:hideWindow() end for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.LTDic) do if slot5 then LeanTween.cancel(slot4) end end end function slot0.setActivity(slot0, slot1) slot0.activity = slot1 = slot1.data1 slot0.isPay = slot1.data2 == 1 slot0.awardDic = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1.data1_list) do slot0.awardDic[slot6] = true end slot0.awardPayDic = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1.data2_list) do slot0.awardPayDic[slot6] = true end slot0.phase = 0 for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.awardList) do if < then break else slot0.phase = slot5 end end end function slot0.setConfigData(slot0, slot1) slot0.ptId = slot0.awardList = {} slot2 = { [slot7] = true } for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot1.key_point_display) do -- Nothing end for slot6, slot7 in ipairs( do table.insert(slot0.awardList, { id = slot6, pt = slot7, award = slot1.drop_client[slot6], award_pay = slot1.drop_client_pay[slot6], isImportent = slot2[slot6] }) end end function slot0.setPlayer(slot0, slot1) slot0.player = slot1 end function slot0.updateAwardInfo(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = <= if slot1:Find("mask") then setActive(slot1:Find("mask"), not slot3) end setText(slot1:Find("Text"), updateDrop(slot1:Find("award"), { type = slot2.award[1], id = slot2.award[2], count = slot2.award[3] }) setActive(slot1:Find("award/get"), slot3 and not slot0.awardDic[]) setActive(slot1:Find("award/got"), slot0.awardDic[]) onButton(slot0, slot1:Find("award"), function () uv0:emit(uv1.ON_DROP, uv2) end, SFX_CONFIRM) updateDrop(slot1:Find("award_pay"), { type = slot2.award_pay[1], id = slot2.award_pay[2], count = slot2.award_pay[3] }) setActive(slot1:Find("award_pay/lock"), not slot0.isPay) setActive(slot1:Find("award_pay/mask"), not slot0.isPay) setActive(slot1:Find("award_pay/get"), slot0.isPay and slot3 and not slot0.awardPayDic[]) setActive(slot1:Find("award_pay/got"), slot0.awardPayDic[]) onButton(slot0, slot1:Find("award_pay"), function () uv0:emit(uv1.ON_DROP, uv2) end, SFX_CONFIRM) end function slot0.updateAwardPanel(slot0) setText(slot0.textPhase, slot0.phase) if slot0.phase < #slot0.awardList then slot1 = slot0.phase == 0 and 0 or slot0.awardList[slot0.phase].pt slot2 = - slot1 slot3 = slot0.awardList[slot0.phase + 1].pt - slot1 setSlider(slot0.sliderPt, 0, slot3, slot2) setText(slot0.sliderPt:Find("Text"), slot2 .. "/" .. slot3) else setSlider(slot0.sliderPt, 0, 1, 1) setText(slot0.sliderPt:Find("Text"), "MAX") end slot0.nextAward = nil slot0.comScroll:SetTotalCount(#slot0.awardList - 1) slot0:updateNextAward(slot0.comScroll.value) slot1 = slot0.activity:readyToAchieve() setActive(slot0.btnAll, not slot0.isPay and slot1) setActive(slot0.btnPay, not slot0.isPay) setActive(slot0.rtAward:Find("text_image_3"), not slot0.isPay) setActive(slot0.btnFinish, slot0.isPay and slot0.phase == #slot0.awardList and not slot1) setActive(slot0.btnAfter, slot0.isPay and not isActive(slot0.btnFinish)) setButtonEnabled(slot0.btnAfter, slot0.activity:readyToAchieve()) end function slot0.updateMapStatus(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.maps) do slot6 = nil slot7 = {} eachChild(slot5:Find("line"), function (slot0) if uv0.phase < tonumber( then if not uv1 then uv1 = slot1 table.insert(uv2, slot0) setActive(slot0, true) elseif slot1 < uv1 then while #uv2 > 0 do setActive(table.remove(uv2), false) end uv1 = slot1 table.insert(uv2, slot0) setActive(slot0, true) elseif uv1 == slot1 then table.insert(uv2, slot0) setActive(slot0, true) else setActive(slot0, false) end else setActive(slot0, true) end setGray(slot0, slot1 <= uv0.phase) end) end end function slot0.updateMapWay(slot0) if slot0.exited or slot0.contextData.frozenMapUpdate then return end slot1 = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(string.format("crusing_%d_phase_display",, 0) slot5 = PlayerPrefs.SetInt(string.format("crusing_%d_phase_display", slot5), slot0.phase) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.maps) do slot7 = GetComponent(slot6:Find("icon"), typeof(Animator)) if slot1 < slot0.phase then slot0.isMoving = true slot9 = uv0.PhaseFrame[slot0.phase] slot7.speed = uv0.PlaySpeed slot7:Play("empty") slot7:Play("mix", 0, uv0.PhaseFrame[slot1] / uv0.PhaseFrame[#slot0.awardList]) if slot6:Find("icon/model").childCount > 0 then SetAction(slot6:Find("icon/model"):GetChild(0), "move") end slot10 = nil slot0.LTDic[LeanTween.delayedCall((slot9 - slot8) / uv0.FrameSpeed / uv0.PlaySpeed, System.Action(function () uv0.speed = 0 uv1.LTDic[uv2] = false if uv3:Find("icon/model").childCount > 0 then SetAction(uv3:Find("icon/model"):GetChild(0), "normal") end end)).uniqueId] = true else slot7.speed = 0 slot7:Play("empty") slot7:Play("mix", 0, uv0.PhaseFrame[slot0.phase] / uv0.PhaseFrame[#slot0.awardList]) end end end function slot0.buildPhaseAwardScrollPos(slot0) slot0.phasePos = {} for slot4 = 1, #slot0.awardList - 1 do table.insert(slot0.phasePos, slot0.comScroll:HeadIndexToValue(slot4 - 1)) end end function slot0.onScroll(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot1.onValueChanged slot3:RemoveAllListeners() pg.DelegateInfo.Add(slot0, slot3) slot3:AddListener(slot2) end function slot0.updateNextAward(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.phasePos then return end for slot7 = #slot0.awardList - 1, 1, -1 do if slot0.phasePos[slot7] < slot1 + slot0.phasePos[#slot0.phasePos] - 1 or slot0.awardList[slot7].pt <= then break elseif slot8.isImportent then slot3 = slot7 end end if slot0.nextAward ~= slot3 then slot0.nextAward = slot3 slot0:updateAwardInfo(slot0.rtNextAward, slot0.awardList[slot3]) end end function slot0.showWindow(slot0) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():BlurPanel(slot0.rtWindow) setActive(slot0.rtWindow, true) end function slot0.hideWindow(slot0) slot0:updateMapWay() pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():UnblurPanel(slot0.rtWindow, slot0._tf) setActive(slot0.rtWindow, false) end function slot0.checkLimitMax(slot0, slot1) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot1) do if slot7.type == DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE then if == 1 then if slot0.player:GoldMax(slot7.count) then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("gold_max_tip_title")) return true end elseif == 2 and slot2:OilMax(slot7.count) then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("oil_max_tip_title")) return true end elseif slot7.type == DROP_TYPE_ITEM and pg.item_data_statistics[].type == Item.EXP_BOOK_TYPE and slot8.max_num < getProxy(BagProxy):getItemCountById( + slot7.count then return true end end return false end return slot0