slot0 = class("FragmentShop", import(".MonthlyShop")) slot0.GoodsType = Goods.TYPE_FRAGMENT slot0.type = ShopArgs.ShopFragment function slot0.update(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) = slot1 slot0.configId = slot1 slot4 = { [slot9.shop_id] = slot9.pay_count } for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot2) do -- Nothing end for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot3) do slot4[slot9.shop_id] = slot9.pay_count end table.clear(slot0.goods) if and > 0 and slot0:getConfigTable() then slot9 = "blueprint_shop_goods" for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot0:getConfig(slot9)) do function (slot0, slot1) uv1.goods[slot0] = Goods.Create({ shop_id = slot0, buy_count = uv0[slot0] or 0 }, slot1) end(slot10, Goods.TYPE_FRAGMENT) end slot9 = "blueprint_shop_limit_goods" for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot0:getConfig(slot9)) do slot5(slot10, Goods.TYPE_FRAGMENT_NORMAL) end end end function slot0.Reset(slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} slot6 = "blueprint_shop_limit_goods" for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0:getConfig(slot6)) do if slot0.goods[slot7] then table.insert(slot2, { shop_id = slot7, pay_count = slot8.buyCount }) end end slot0:update(slot1, {}, slot2) end return slot0