slot0 = class("Ship", import(".BaseVO")) slot0.ENERGY_MID = 40 slot0.ENERGY_LOW = 0 slot0.RECOVER_ENERGY_POINT = 2 slot0.INTIMACY_PROPOSE = 6 slot0.BACKYARD_1F_ENERGY_ADDITION = 2 slot0.BACKYARD_2F_ENERGY_ADDITION = 3 slot0.PREFERENCE_TAG_NONE = 0 slot0.PREFERENCE_TAG_COMMON = 1 slot1 = { vanguard = i18n("word_vanguard_fleet"), main = i18n("word_main_fleet") } slot0.LOCK_STATE_UNLOCK = 0 slot0.LOCK_STATE_LOCK = 1 slot0.WEAPON_COUNT = 3 slot0.PREFAB_EQUIP = 4 slot0.MAX_SKILL_LEVEL = 10 slot0.ENERGY_RECOVER_TIME = 360 slot0.STATE_NORMAL = 1 slot0.STATE_REST = 2 slot0.STATE_CLASS = 3 slot0.STATE_COLLECT = 4 slot0.STATE_TRAIN = 5 slot2 = 4 slot3 = pg.ship_data_strengthen slot4 = pg.ship_level slot5 = pg.equip_skin_template function nation2print(slot0) return Nation.Nation2Print(slot0) end function slot0.getRecoverEnergyPoint(slot0) return slot0.propose and 3 or 2 end function shipType2name(slot0) return ShipType.Type2Name(slot0) end function shipType2print(slot0) return ShipType.Type2Print(slot0) end function shipType2Battleprint(slot0) return ShipType.Type2BattlePrint(slot0) end function shipRarity2bgPrint(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot1 and pg.ship_skin_template[slot1].rarity_bg and slot5 ~= "" then return slot5 end slot4 = "" if slot2 then slot4 = "0" elseif slot3 then slot4 = "1" end return slot4 .. ShipRarity.Rarity2Print(slot0) end function shipRarity2FrameColor(slot0) return ShipRarity.Rarity2FrameColor(slot0) end function slot0.rarity2bgPrint(slot0) return shipRarity2bgPrint(slot0:getRarity(), nil, slot0:isBluePrintShip(), slot0:isMetaShip()) end function slot0.rarity2bgPrintForGet(slot0) return shipRarity2bgPrint(slot0:getRarity(), slot0.skinId, slot0:isBluePrintShip(), slot0:isMetaShip()) end function slot0.getShipBgPrint(slot0, slot1) slot2 = pg.ship_skin_template[slot0.skinId] slot3 = nil if not slot1 and slot2.bg_sp and slot2.bg_sp ~= "" and PlayerPrefs.GetInt("paint_hide_other_obj_" .. slot2.painting, 0) == 0 then slot3 = slot2.bg_sp end return slot3 and slot3 or and > 0 and or slot0:rarity2bgPrintForGet() end function slot0.getStar(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("star") end function slot0.getMaxStar(slot0) return pg.ship_data_template[slot0.configId].star_max end function slot0.getShipArmor(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("armor_type") end function slot0.getShipArmorName(slot0) return ArmorType.Type2Name(slot0:getShipArmor()) end function slot0.getGroupId(slot0) return pg.ship_data_template[slot0.configId].group_type end function slot0.getGroupIdByConfigId(slot0) return math.floor(slot0 / 10) end function slot0.getTransformShipId(slot0) if pg.ship_data_trans[pg.ship_data_template[slot0].group_type] then for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot2.transform_list) do for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot7) do for slot17, slot18 in ipairs(pg.transform_data_template[slot12[2]].ship_id) do if slot18[1] == slot0 then return slot18[2] end end end end end end function slot0.getAircraftCount(slot0) slot3 = {} for slot7 = 1, 3 do if table.contains(EquipType.AirDomainEquip, pg.equip_data_statistics[slot0:getEquip(slot7) and slot0:getEquip(slot7).configId or slot0:getConfigTable().default_equip_list[slot7]].type) then slot3[slot9] = defaultValue(slot3[slot9], 0) + slot0:getConfigTable().base_list[slot7] end end return slot3 end function slot0.getShipType(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("type") end function slot0.getEnergy(slot0) return end function slot0.getEnergeConfig(slot0) slot2 = slot0:getEnergy() for slot6, slot7 in pairs(pg.energy_template) do if type(slot6) == "number" and slot7.lower_bound <= slot2 and slot2 <= slot7.upper_bound then return slot7 end end end function slot0.getEnergyPrint(slot0) slot1 = slot0:getEnergeConfig() return slot1.icon, slot1.desc end function slot0.getIntimacy(slot0) return slot0.intimacy end function slot0.getCVIntimacy(slot0) return slot0:getIntimacy() / 100 + (slot0.propose and 1000 or 0) end function slot0.getIntimacyMax(slot0) if slot0.propose then return 200 else return 100 end end function slot0.getIntimacyIcon(slot0) slot1 = pg.intimacy_template[slot0:getIntimacyLevel()] slot2 = "" if slot0:isMetaShip() then slot2 = "_meta" elseif slot0:IsXIdol() then slot2 = "_imas" end if not slot0.propose and slot0:getIntimacyMax() <= math.floor(slot0:getIntimacy() / 100) then return slot1.icon .. slot2, "heart" .. slot2 else return slot1.icon .. slot2 end end function slot0.getIntimacyDetail(slot0) return slot0:getIntimacyMax(), math.floor(slot0:getIntimacy() / 100) end function slot0.getInitmacyInfo(slot0) slot1 = pg.intimacy_template[slot0:getIntimacyLevel()] return slot1.icon, slot1.desc end function slot0.getIntimacyLevel(slot0) slot1 = 0 for slot6, slot7 in pairs(pg.intimacy_template) do if type(slot6) == "number" and slot7.lower_bound <= slot0:getIntimacy() and slot0:getIntimacy() <= slot7.upper_bound then slot1 = slot6 break end end if slot1 < slot0.INTIMACY_PROPOSE and slot0.propose then slot1 = slot0.INTIMACY_PROPOSE end return slot1 end function slot0.getBluePrint(slot0) slot1 = ShipBluePrint.New({ id = slot0.groupId }) slot2 = slot0.strengthList[1] or { exp = 0, level = 0 } slot1:updateInfo({ blue_print_level = slot2.level, exp = slot2.exp }) return slot1 end function slot0.getBaseList(slot0) if slot0:isBluePrintShip() then return slot0:getBluePrint():getBaseList(slot0) else return slot0:getConfig("base_list") end end function slot0.getPreLoadCount(slot0) if slot0:isBluePrintShip() then return slot0:getBluePrint():getPreLoadCount(slot0) else return slot0:getConfig("preload_count") end end function slot0.getNation(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("nationality") end function slot0.getPaintingName(slot0) return pg.ship_skin_template[pg.ship_data_statistics[slot0].skin_id].painting end function slot0.getName(slot0) if slot0.propose and pg.PushNotificationMgr.GetInstance():isEnableShipName() then return end if slot0:isRemoulded() then return HXSet.hxLan(pg.ship_skin_template[slot0:getRemouldSkinId()].name) end return pg.ship_data_statistics[slot0.configId].name end function slot0.getShipName(slot0) return pg.ship_data_statistics[slot0].name end function slot0.getBreakOutLevel(slot0) return pg.ship_data_statistics[slot0].star end function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) = slot0.configId = slot1.template_id or slot1.configId slot0.level = slot1.level slot0.exp = slot1.exp = slot0.lockState = slot1.is_locked slot0.intimacy = slot1.intimacy slot0.propose = slot1.propose and slot1.propose > 0 slot0.proposeTime = slot1.propose if slot0.intimacy and slot0.intimacy > 10000 and not slot0.propose then slot0.intimacy = 10000 end slot0.renameTime = slot1.change_name_timestamp if and ~= "" then = else = pg.ship_data_statistics[slot0.configId].name end slot0.bluePrintFlag = slot1.blue_print_flag or 0 slot0.strengthList = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1.strength_list or {}) do if not slot0:isBluePrintShip() then slot0.strengthList[ShipModAttr.ID_TO_ATTR[]] = slot6.exp else table.insert(slot0.strengthList, { level =, exp = slot6.exp }) end end slot2 = slot1.state or {} slot0.state = slot2.state slot0.state_info_1 = slot2.state_info_1 slot0.state_info_2 = slot2.state_info_2 slot0.state_info_3 = slot2.state_info_3 slot0.state_info_4 = slot2.state_info_4 slot0.equipmentSkins = {} slot0.equipments = {} if slot1.equip_info_list then for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot1.equip_info_list or {}) do slot0.equipments[slot6] = > 0 and Equipment.New({ count = 1, id =, config_id =, skinId = slot7.skinId }) or false slot0.equipmentSkins[slot6] = slot7.skinId > 0 and slot7.skinId or 0 slot0:reletiveEquipSkin(slot6) end end slot0.skills = {} for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot1.skill_id_list or {}) do slot0:updateSkill(slot7) end = slot0:getConfig("rarity") slot0.transforms = {} slot3 = ipairs for slot6, slot7 in slot3(slot1.transform_list or {}) do slot0.transforms[] = { id =, level = slot7.level } end slot0.groupId = pg.ship_data_template[slot0.configId].group_type slot0.createTime = slot1.create_time or 0 = getProxy(CollectionProxy) and slot3.shipGroups[slot0.groupId] == nil if table.indexof({ pg.gameset.test_ship_config_1.key_value, pg.gameset.test_ship_config_2.key_value, pg.gameset.test_ship_config_3.key_value }, slot0.configId) == 1 then slot0.testShip = { 2, 3, 4 } elseif slot5 == 2 then slot0.testShip = { 5 } elseif slot5 == 3 then slot0.testShip = { 6 } else slot0.testShip = nil end slot0.maxIntimacy = pg.intimacy_template[#pg.intimacy_template.all].upper_bound if not HXSet.isHxSkin() then slot0.skinId = slot1.skin_id or 0 else slot0.skinId = 0 end if slot0.skinId == 0 then slot0.skinId = slot0:getConfig("skin_id") end if and ~= "" then = elseif slot0:isRemoulded() then = HXSet.hxLan(pg.ship_skin_template[slot0:getRemouldSkinId()].name) else = pg.ship_data_statistics[slot0.configId].name end slot0.maxLevel = slot1.max_level slot0.proficiency = slot1.proficiency or 0 slot0.preferenceTag = slot1.common_flag slot0.hpRant = 10000 slot0.strategies = {} slot0.triggers = {} slot0.commanderId = slot1.commanderid or 0 slot0.activityNpc = slot1.activity_npc or 0 if uv0.isMetaShipByConfigID(slot0.configId) then slot0.metaCharacter = MetaCharacter.New({ id = MetaCharacterConst.GetMetaShipGroupIDByConfigID(slot0.configId), repair_attr_info = slot1.meta_repair_list }, slot0) end end function slot0.isMetaShipByConfigID(slot0) slot3 = false if pg.ship_meta_breakout.all[1] <= slot0 then for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot1) do if slot0 == slot8 then slot3 = true break end end end return slot3 end function slot0.isMetaShip(slot0) return slot0.metaCharacter ~= nil end function slot0.getMetaCharacter(slot0) return slot0.metaCharacter end function slot0.unlockActivityNpc(slot0, slot1) slot0.activityNpc = slot1 end function slot0.isActivityNpc(slot0) return slot0.activityNpc > 0 end function slot0.getActiveEquipments(slot0) for slot5 = #Clone(slot0.equipments), 1, -1 do if slot1[slot5] then for slot10 = 1, slot5 - 1 do if slot1[slot10] and slot6.config.equip_limit ~= 0 and slot11.config.equip_limit == slot6.config.equip_limit then slot1[slot5] = false end end end end return slot1 end function slot0.getAllEquipments(slot0) return slot0.equipments end function slot0.isBluePrintShip(slot0) return slot0.bluePrintFlag == 1 end function slot0.updateSkinId(slot0, slot1) slot0.skinId = slot1 end function slot0.updateName(slot0) if ~= pg.ship_data_statistics[slot0.configId].name then return end if slot0:isRemoulded() then = HXSet.hxLan(pg.ship_skin_template[slot0:getRemouldSkinId()].name) else = pg.ship_data_statistics[slot0.configId].name end end function slot0.isRemoulded(slot0) if slot0.remoulded then return true end if pg.ship_data_trans[slot0.groupId] then for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1.transform_list) do for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot6) do if pg.transform_data_template[slot11[2]].skin_id ~= 0 and slot0.transforms[slot11[2]] and slot0.transforms[slot11[2]].level == slot12.max_level then return true end end end end return false end function slot0.getRemouldSkinId(slot0) if ShipGroup.getModSkin(slot0.groupId) then return end return nil end function slot0.hasEquipmentSkinInPos(slot0, slot1) return slot0.equipments[slot1] and slot2:hasSkin() end function slot0.getPrefab(slot0) slot1 = slot0.skinId if slot0:hasEquipmentSkinInPos(uv0) then slot1 = uv1[slot0:getEquip(uv0):getSkinId()].ship_skin_id end return pg.ship_skin_template[slot1].prefab end function slot0.getAttachmentPrefab(slot0) slot1 = {} if slot0:hasEquipmentSkinInPos(uv0) and uv1[slot0:getEquip(uv0):getSkinId()].attachment_key ~= 0 and not slot1[slot4] then slot1[slot4] = slot3 end return slot1 end function slot0.getPainting(slot0) return pg.ship_skin_template[slot0.skinId].painting end function slot0.GetSkinConfig(slot0) return pg.ship_skin_template[slot0.skinId] end function slot0.getRemouldPainting(slot0) return pg.ship_skin_template[slot0:getRemouldSkinId()].painting end function slot0.updateStateInfo34(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.state_info_3 = slot1 slot0.state_info_4 = slot2 end function slot0.hasStateInfo3Or4(slot0) return slot0.state_info_3 ~= 0 or slot0.state_info_4 ~= 0 end function slot0.isTestShip(slot0) return slot0.testShip end function slot0.canUseTestShip(slot0, slot1) return table.contains(slot0.testShip, slot1) end function slot0.updateEquip(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.equipments[slot1] = slot2 and Clone(slot2) or false if slot0.equipments[slot1] then getProxy(EquipmentProxy):OnShipEquipsRemove(slot3,, slot1) slot3:setSkinId(0) end if slot2 then getProxy(EquipmentProxy):OnShipEquipsAdd(slot2,, slot1) slot0:reletiveEquipSkin(slot1) end end function slot0.reletiveEquipSkin(slot0, slot1) if slot0.equipments[slot1] and slot0.equipmentSkins[slot1] ~= 0 then if table.contains(pg.equip_skin_template[slot0.equipmentSkins[slot1]].equip_type, slot0.equipments[slot1]:getType()) then slot0.equipments[slot1]:setSkinId(slot0.equipmentSkins[slot1]) else slot0.equipments[slot1]:setSkinId(0) end elseif slot0.equipments[slot1] then slot0.equipments[slot1]:setSkinId(0) end end function slot0.updateEquipmentSkin(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot1 then return end if slot2 and slot2 > 0 then slot4 = pg.equip_skin_template[slot2].equip_type slot5 = false for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot0:getSkinTypes(slot1)) do for slot14, slot15 in ipairs(slot4) do if slot10 == slot15 then slot5 = true break end end end if not slot5 then return end slot0.equipmentSkins[slot1] = slot2 if (slot0.equipments[slot1] and slot0.equipments[slot1]:getType() or false) and table.contains(slot4, slot6) then slot0.equipments[slot1]:setSkinId(slot0.equipmentSkins[slot1]) elseif slot6 and not table.contains(slot4, slot6) then slot0.equipments[slot1]:setSkinId(0) end else slot0.equipmentSkins[slot1] = 0 if slot0.equipments[slot1] then slot0.equipments[slot1]:setSkinId(0) end end end function slot0.getEquip(slot0, slot1) return Clone(slot0.equipments[slot1]) end function slot0.getEquipSkins(slot0) return Clone(slot0.equipmentSkins) end function slot0.getEquipSkin(slot0, slot1) return slot0.equipmentSkins[slot1] end function slot0.getCanEquipSkin(slot0, slot1) if slot0:getSkinTypes(slot1) and #slot2 then for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot2) do if pg.equip_data_by_type[slot7].equip_skin == 1 then return true end end end return false end function slot0.checkCanEquipSkin(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot1 or not slot2 then return end for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot0:getSkinTypes(slot1)) do if table.contains(pg.equip_skin_template[slot2].equip_type, slot9) then return true end end return false end function slot0.getSkinTypes(slot0, slot1) return pg.ship_data_template[slot0.configId]["equip_" .. slot1] or {} end function slot0.updateState(slot0, slot1) slot0.state = slot1 end function slot0.addSkillExp(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot0.skills[slot1] or { exp = 0, level = 1, id = slot1 } if (slot3.level and slot3.level or 1) == pg.skill_need_exp.all[#pg.skill_need_exp.all] then return end slot6 = slot3.exp and slot2 + slot3.exp or 0 + slot2 while pg.skill_need_exp[slot4].exp <= slot6 do slot6 = slot6 - pg.skill_need_exp[slot4].exp if slot4 + 1 == slot5 then slot6 = 0 break end end slot0:updateSkill({ id =, level = slot4, exp = slot6 }) end function slot0.upSkillLevelForMeta(slot0, slot1) if not slot0:isSkillLevelMax(slot1) then slot4 = (slot0.skills[slot1] or { exp = 0, level = 0, id = slot1 }).level + 1 end slot0:updateSkill({ exp = 0, id =, level = slot4 }) end function slot0.getMetaSkillLevelBySkillID(slot0, slot1) return (slot0.skills[slot1] or { exp = 0, level = 0, id = slot1 }).level end function slot0.isSkillLevelMax(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0.skills[slot1] or { exp = 0, level = 1, id = slot1 } return pg.skill_data_template[slot1].max_level <= (slot2.level and slot2.level or 1) end function slot0.isAllMetaSkillLevelMax(slot0) slot1 = true for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(MetaCharacterConst.getTacticsSkillIDListByShipConfigID(slot0.configId)) do if not slot0:isSkillLevelMax(slot7) then slot1 = false break end end return slot1 end function slot0.isAllMetaSkillLock(slot0) slot2 = true for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(MetaCharacterConst.getTacticsSkillIDListByShipConfigID(slot0.configId)) do if slot0:getMetaSkillLevelBySkillID(slot7) > 0 then slot2 = false break end end return slot2 end function slot0.canAddAttr(slot0, slot1) return slot0:getAttrValue(slot1) < slot0:getMaxAddAttr(slot1), slot2 / slot3 end function slot0.getMaxAddAttr(slot0, slot1) return pg.ship_data_lesson[slot0.configId][pg.attribute_info_by_type[slot1].name] end function slot0.bindConfigTable(slot0) return pg.ship_data_statistics end function slot0.isAvaiable(slot0) return true end function slot0.getFleetId(slot0) return getProxy(FleetProxy):getFleetByShip(slot0) and end slot0.PROPERTIES = { AttributeType.Durability, AttributeType.Cannon, AttributeType.Torpedo, AttributeType.AntiAircraft, AttributeType.Air, AttributeType.Reload, AttributeType.Armor, AttributeType.Hit, AttributeType.Dodge, AttributeType.Speed, AttributeType.Luck, AttributeType.AntiSub } slot0.PROPERTIES_ENHANCEMENT = { AttributeType.Durability, AttributeType.Cannon, AttributeType.Torpedo, AttributeType.AntiAircraft, AttributeType.Air, AttributeType.Reload, AttributeType.Hit, AttributeType.Dodge, AttributeType.Speed, AttributeType.Luck, AttributeType.AntiSub } slot0.DIVE_PROPERTIES = { AttributeType.OxyMax, AttributeType.OxyCost, AttributeType.OxyRecovery, AttributeType.OxyRecoveryBench, AttributeType.OxyAttackDuration, AttributeType.OxyRaidDistance } slot0.SONAR_PROPERTIES = { AttributeType.SonarRange } function slot0.intimacyAdditions(slot0, slot1) for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot1) do if slot6 == AttributeType.Durability or slot6 == AttributeType.Cannon or slot6 == AttributeType.Torpedo or slot6 == AttributeType.AntiAircraft or slot6 == AttributeType.AntiSub or slot6 == AttributeType.Air or slot6 == AttributeType.Reload or slot6 == AttributeType.Hit or slot6 == AttributeType.Dodge then slot1[slot6] = slot1[slot6] * (pg.intimacy_template[slot0:getIntimacyLevel()].attr_bonus * 0.0001 + 1) end end end function slot0.getShipProperties(slot0) slot1 = slot0:getBaseProperties() if slot0:isBluePrintShip() then for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0:getBluePrint():getTotalAdditions()) do slot1[slot7] = slot1[slot7] + calcFloor(slot8) end slot0:intimacyAdditions(slot1) elseif slot0:isMetaShip() then for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot1) do slot1[slot5] = slot1[slot5] + slot0.metaCharacter:getAttrAddition(slot5) end slot0:intimacyAdditions(slot1) else slot3 = uv0[pg.ship_data_template[slot0.configId].strengthen_id] for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0.strengthList) do slot9 = ShipModAttr.ATTR_TO_INDEX[slot7] slot1[slot7] = slot1[slot7] + calcFloor(math.min(slot8, slot3.durability[slot9] * slot3.level_exp[slot9]) / math.max(slot0:getModExpRatio(slot7), 1)) end slot0:intimacyAdditions(slot1) for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0.transforms) do for slot13 = 1, slot8.level do slot14 = pg.transform_data_template[].effect[slot13] or {} for slot18, slot19 in pairs(slot1) do if slot14[slot18] then slot1[slot18] = slot1[slot18] + slot14[slot18] end end end end end return slot1 end function slot0.getTechNationAddition(slot0, slot1) return getProxy(TechnologyNationProxy):getShipAddition(slot0:getConfig("type"), slot1) end function slot0.getEquipProficiencyByPos(slot0, slot1) return slot0:getEquipProficiencyList()[slot1] end function slot0.getEquipProficiencyList(slot0) slot2 = Clone(slot0:getConfigTable().equipment_proficiency) if slot0:isBluePrintShip() then slot2 = slot0:getBluePrint():getEquipProficiencyList(slot0) else for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot2) do slot8 = 0 for slot12, slot13 in pairs(slot0.transforms) do for slot18 = 1, slot13.level do if (pg.transform_data_template[].effect[slot18] or {})["equipment_proficiency_" .. slot6] then slot8 = slot8 + slot19["equipment_proficiency_" .. slot6] end end end slot2[slot6] = slot7 + slot8 end end return slot2 end function slot0.getBaseProperties(slot0) slot1 = slot0:getConfigTable() slot3 = { [slot8] = ({ [slot8] = slot0:getGrowthForAttr(slot8) })[slot8] } for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(uv0.PROPERTIES) do -- Nothing end slot7 = "lock" for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0:getConfig(slot7)) do slot3[slot8] = slot2[slot8] end for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(uv0.DIVE_PROPERTIES) do slot3[slot8] = slot1[slot8] end for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(uv0.SONAR_PROPERTIES) do slot3[slot8] = 0 end return slot3 end function slot0.getGrowthForAttr(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0:getConfigTable() slot3 = table.indexof(uv0.PROPERTIES, slot1) if pg.gameset.extra_attr_level_limit.key_value < slot0.level then slot5 = slot2.attrs[slot3] + (slot0.level - 1) * slot2.attrs_growth[slot3] / 1000 + (slot0.level - slot4) * slot2.attrs_growth_extra[slot3] / 1000 end return slot5 end function slot0.isMaxStar(slot0) return slot0:getMaxStar() <= slot0:getStar() end function slot0.IsMaxStarByTmpID(slot0) slot1 = pg.ship_data_template[slot0] return slot1.star_max <= end function slot0.getModProperties(slot0, slot1) return slot0.strengthList[slot1] or 0 end function slot0.addModAttrExp(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0:getModAttrTopLimit(slot1) == 0 then return end if slot3 < (slot0:getModProperties(slot1) + slot2) / slot0:getModExpRatio(slot1) then slot0.strengthList[slot1] = slot3 * slot4 else slot0.strengthList[slot1] = slot5 + slot2 end end function slot0.attrVertify(slot0) if not BayProxy.checkShiplevelVertify(slot0) then return false end for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.equipments) do if slot5 and not slot5:vertify() then return false end end return true end function slot0.getEquipmentProperties(slot0) slot1 = { [slot7] = 0 } slot2 = {} for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(uv0.PROPERTIES) do -- Nothing end for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(uv0.DIVE_PROPERTIES) do slot1[slot7] = 0 end for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(uv0.SONAR_PROPERTIES) do slot1[slot7] = 0 end for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(uv0.PROPERTIES_ENHANCEMENT) do slot2[slot7] = 0 end slot1[AttributeType.AirDominate] = 0 slot1[AttributeType.AntiSiren] = 0 for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0:getActiveEquipments()) do if slot8 then for slot13, slot14 in ipairs(slot8:GetAttributes()) do if slot14 and slot1[slot14.type] then slot1[slot14.type] = slot1[slot14.type] + slot14.value end end for slot14, slot15 in pairs(slot8:GetPropertyRate()) do slot2[slot14] = math.max(slot2[slot14], slot15) end if slot8:GetSonarProperty() then for slot15, slot16 in pairs(slot11) do slot1[slot15] = slot1[slot15] + slot16 end end if slot8:GetAntiSirenPower() then slot1[AttributeType.AntiSiren] = slot1[AttributeType.AntiSiren] + slot12 / 10000 end end end for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot2) do slot2[slot7] = slot8 + 1 end return slot1, slot2 end function slot0.getSkillEffects(slot0) _.each(slot0:getEquipmentSkillEffects(), function (slot0) table.insert(uv0, slot0) end) return slot0:getShipSkillEffects() end function slot0.getShipSkillEffects(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0:getSkillList()) do if require("GameCfg.buff.buff_" .. slot7) and slot8.const_effect_list then for slot12 = 1, #slot8.const_effect_list do slot13 = slot8.const_effect_list[slot12] slot16 = 1 if slot0.skills[slot7] and slot8[slot0.skills[slot7].level].const_effect_list and slot17[slot12] then slot14 = slot17[slot12].trigger or slot13.trigger slot15 = slot17[slot12].arg_list or slot13.arg_list end slot17 = true for slot21, slot22 in pairs(slot14) do if slot0.triggers[slot21] ~= slot22 then slot17 = false break end end if slot17 then table.insert(slot1, { type = slot13.type, arg_list = slot15, level = slot16 }) end end end end return slot1 end function slot0.getEquipmentSkillEffects(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0:getActiveEquipments()) do slot8 = nil if slot7 and slot7.config.skill_id[1] then slot8 = require("GameCfg.buff.buff_" .. slot9) end if slot8 and slot8.const_effect_list then for slot13 = 1, #slot8.const_effect_list do slot15 = true for slot19, slot20 in pairs(slot8.const_effect_list[slot13].trigger) do if slot0.triggers[slot19] ~= slot20 then slot15 = false break end end if slot15 then table.insert(slot1, { level = 1, type = slot14.type, arg_list = slot14.arg_list }) end end end end return slot1 end function slot0.getEquipmentGearScore(slot0) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0:getActiveEquipments()) do if slot7 then slot1 = 0 + slot7:GetGearScore() end end return slot1 end function slot0.getProperties(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = slot1 or {} slot5 = slot0:getConfig("nationality") slot6 = slot0:getConfig("type") slot7 = slot0:getShipProperties() slot8, slot9 = slot0:getEquipmentProperties() slot10, slot11, slot12 = nil if slot3 and slot0:getFlag("inWorld") then slot13 = WorldConst.FetchWorldShip( slot10, slot11 = slot13:GetShipBuffProperties() slot12 = slot13:GetShipPowerBuffProperties() end for slot16, slot17 in ipairs(uv0.PROPERTIES) do for slot23, slot24 in pairs(slot4) do slot18 = 0 + slot24:getAttrRatioAddition(slot17, slot5, slot6) / 100 slot19 = 0 + slot24:getAttrValueAddition(slot17, slot5, slot6) end if slot17 == AttributeType.Speed then slot7[slot17] = slot7[slot17] * (slot18 + (slot9[slot17] or 1)) * (slot11 and slot11[slot17] or 1) + slot19 + slot8[slot17] + (slot10 and slot10[slot17] or 0) else slot7[slot17] = calcFloor(calcFloor(slot7[slot17]) * slot20 * slot21) + slot19 + slot8[slot17] + slot22 end end if not slot2 and slot0:isMaxStar() then for slot16, slot17 in pairs(slot7) do slot7[slot16] = slot7[slot16] + slot0:getTechNationAddition(slot16) end end for slot16, slot17 in ipairs(uv0.DIVE_PROPERTIES) do slot7[slot17] = slot7[slot17] + slot8[slot17] end for slot16, slot17 in ipairs(uv0.SONAR_PROPERTIES) do slot7[slot17] = slot7[slot17] + slot8[slot17] end if slot3 then slot7[AttributeType.AntiSiren] = (slot7[AttributeType.AntiSiren] or 0) + slot8[AttributeType.AntiSiren] end if slot12 then for slot16, slot17 in pairs(slot12) do if slot7[slot16] then if slot16 == AttributeType.Speed then slot7[slot16] = slot7[slot16] * slot17 else slot7[slot16] = math.floor(slot7[slot16] * slot17) end end end end return slot7 end function slot0.getTransGearScore(slot0) slot1 = 0 slot2 = pg.transform_data_template for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0.transforms) do for slot11 = 1, slot7.level do slot1 = slot1 + slot2[].gear_score[slot11] or 0 end end return slot1 end function slot0.getShipCombatPower(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0:getProperties(slot1) return math.floor(slot2[AttributeType.Durability] / 5 + slot2[AttributeType.Cannon] + slot2[AttributeType.Torpedo] + slot2[AttributeType.AntiAircraft] + slot2[AttributeType.Air] + slot2[AttributeType.AntiSub] + slot2[AttributeType.Reload] + slot2[AttributeType.Hit] * 2 + slot2[AttributeType.Dodge] * 2 + slot2[AttributeType.Speed] + slot0:getEquipmentGearScore() + slot0:getTransGearScore()) end function slot0.cosumeEnergy(slot0, slot1) slot0:setEnergy(math.max(slot0:getEnergy() - slot1, 0)) end function slot0.addEnergy(slot0, slot1) slot0:setEnergy(slot0:getEnergy() + slot1) end function slot0.setEnergy(slot0, slot1) = slot1 end function slot0.setLikability(slot0, slot1) slot0:setIntimacy(slot1) end function slot0.addLikability(slot0, slot1) slot0:setIntimacy(Mathf.Clamp(slot0:getIntimacy() + slot1, 0, slot0.maxIntimacy)) end function slot0.setIntimacy(slot0, slot1) if slot1 > 10000 and not slot0.propose then slot1 = 10000 end slot0.intimacy = slot1 if not slot0:isActivityNpc() then getProxy(CollectionProxy).shipGroups[slot0.groupId]:updateMaxIntimacy(slot0:getIntimacy()) end end function slot0.getLevelExpConfig(slot0, slot1) if slot0:getConfig("rarity") == ShipRarity.SSR then slot2 = Clone(getConfigFromLevel1(uv0, slot1 or slot0.level)) slot2.exp = slot2.exp_ur slot2.exp_start = slot2.exp_ur_start slot2.exp_interval = slot2.exp_ur_interval slot2.exp_end = slot2.exp_ur_end return slot2 else return getConfigFromLevel1(uv0, slot1 or slot0.level) end end function slot0.getExp(slot0) if slot0.level == slot0:getMaxLevel() and LOCK_FULL_EXP then return 0 end return slot0.exp end function slot0.getProficiency(slot0) return slot0.proficiency end function slot0.addExp(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.level == slot0:getMaxLevel() then if pg.gameset.exp_overflow_max.key_value <= slot0.exp then return end if LOCK_FULL_EXP or not slot2 or not slot0:CanAccumulateExp() then slot1 = 0 end end slot0.exp = slot0.exp + slot1 slot4 = false while slot0:canLevelUp() do slot0.exp = slot0.exp - slot0:getLevelExpConfig().exp_interval slot0.level = math.min(slot0.level + 1, slot3) slot4 = true end if slot0.level == slot3 then if slot2 and slot0:CanAccumulateExp() then slot0.exp = math.min(slot0.exp, pg.gameset.exp_overflow_max.key_value) elseif slot4 then slot0.exp = 0 end end end function slot0.getMaxLevel(slot0) return slot0.maxLevel end function slot0.canLevelUp(slot0) return slot0:getLevelExpConfig(slot0.level + 1) and slot0:getLevelExpConfig().exp_interval <= slot0.exp and not (slot0:getMaxLevel() <= slot0.level) end function slot0.getConfigMaxLevel(slot0) return uv0.all[#uv0.all] end function slot0.isConfigMaxLevel(slot0) return slot0.level == slot0:getConfigMaxLevel() end function slot0.updateMaxLevel(slot0, slot1) slot0.maxLevel = math.max(math.min(slot0:getConfigMaxLevel(), slot1), slot0.maxLevel) end function slot0.getNextMaxLevel(slot0) for slot6 = slot0:getMaxLevel() + 1, slot0:getConfigMaxLevel() do if uv0[slot6].level_limit == 1 then return slot6 end end end function slot0.isReachNextMaxLevel(slot0) return slot0.level == slot0:getMaxLevel() and slot0:CanAccumulateExp() and slot0:getNextMaxLevel() ~= nil end function slot0.getNextMaxLevelConsume(slot0) return[slot0:getMaxLevel()]["need_item_rarity" .. slot0:getConfig("rarity")], function (slot0) return { type = slot0[1], id = slot0[2], count = slot0[3] } end) end function slot0.canUpgradeMaxLevel(slot0) if not slot0:isReachNextMaxLevel() then return false, i18n("upgrade_to_next_maxlevel_failed") else slot2 = getProxy(BagProxy) for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0:getNextMaxLevelConsume()) do if slot8.type == DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE then if getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData():getResById( < slot8.count then return false, i18n("common_no_resource") end elseif slot8.type == DROP_TYPE_ITEM and slot2:getItemCountById( < slot8.count then return false, i18n("common_no_item_1") end end end return true end function slot0.CanAccumulateExp(slot0) return pg.ship_data_template[slot0.configId].can_get_proficency == 1 end function slot0.getTotalExp(slot0) return slot0:getLevelExpConfig().exp_start + slot0.exp end function slot0.getStartBattleExpend(slot0) if table.contains(TeamType.SubShipType, slot0:getShipType()) then return 0 else return pg.ship_data_template[slot0.configId].oil_at_start end end function slot0.getEndBattleExpend(slot0) return math.floor(pg.ship_data_template[slot0.configId].oil_at_end * slot0:getLevelExpConfig().fight_oil_ratio / 10000) end function slot0.getBattleTotalExpend(slot0) return slot0:getStartBattleExpend() + slot0:getEndBattleExpend() end function slot0.getShipAmmo(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0:getAllSkills()) do if pg.skill_benefit_template[tonumber(slot5 .. string.format("%.2d", slot6.level))] and slot0:IsBenefitSkillActive(slot8) and (slot8.type == uv0.BENEFIT_EQUIP or slot8.type == uv0.BENEFIT_SKILL) then slot1 = slot0:getConfig(AttributeType.Ammo) + defaultValue(slot8.effect[1], 0) end end for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0:getActiveEquipments()) do if slot7 and slot7.config.equip_parameters.ammo then slot1 = slot1 + slot8 end end return slot1 end function slot0.getHuntingLv(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0:getAllSkills()) do if pg.skill_benefit_template[tonumber(slot5 .. string.format("%.2d", slot6.level))] and slot0:IsBenefitSkillActive(slot8) and (slot8.type == uv0.BENEFIT_EQUIP or slot8.type == uv0.BENEFIT_SKILL) then slot1 = slot0:getConfig("huntingrange_level") + defaultValue(slot8.effect[2], 0) end end for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0:getActiveEquipments()) do if slot7 and slot7.config.equip_parameters.hunting_lv then slot1 = slot1 + slot8 end end return math.min(slot1, slot0:getMaxHuntingLv()) end function slot0.getMapAuras(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0:getAllSkills()) do if pg.skill_benefit_template[tonumber(slot5 .. string.format("%.2d", slot6.level))] and slot0:IsBenefitSkillActive(slot8) and slot8.type == uv0.BENEFIT_MAP_AURA then table.insert(slot1, { id = slot8.effect[1], level = slot6.level }) end end return slot1 end function slot0.getMapAids(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0:getAllSkills()) do if pg.skill_benefit_template[tonumber(slot5 .. string.format("%.2d", slot6.level))] and slot0:IsBenefitSkillActive(slot8) and slot8.type == uv0.BENEFIT_AID then table.insert(slot1, { id = slot8.effect[1], level = slot6.level }) end end return slot1 end slot0.BENEFIT_SKILL = 2 slot0.BENEFIT_EQUIP = 3 slot0.BENEFIT_MAP_AURA = 4 slot0.BENEFIT_AID = 5 function slot0.IsBenefitSkillActive(slot0, slot1) slot2 = false if slot1.type == uv0.BENEFIT_SKILL then if slot1.limit[1] == slot0.triggers.TeamNumbers then slot2 = true end elseif slot1.type == uv0.BENEFIT_EQUIP then for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot0:getAllEquipments()) do if slot9 and table.contains(slot1.limit, then slot2 = true break end end elseif slot1.type == uv0.BENEFIT_MAP_AURA then if slot0.hpRant and slot0.hpRant > 0 then return true end elseif slot1.type == uv0.BENEFIT_AID and slot0.hpRant and slot0.hpRant > 0 then return true end return slot2 end function slot0.getMaxHuntingLv(slot0) return #slot0:getConfig("hunting_range") end function slot0.getHuntingRange(slot0, slot1) slot3 = Clone(slot0:getConfig("hunting_range")[1]) slot8 = slot0 for slot8 = 2, math.min(slot1 or slot0:getHuntingLv(), slot0.getMaxHuntingLv(slot8)) do _.each(slot2[slot8], function (slot0) table.insert(uv0, { slot0[1], slot0[2] }) end) end return slot3 end function slot0.getTriggerSkills(slot0) _.each(slot0:getSkillEffects(), function (slot0) if slot0.type == "AddBuff" and slot0.arg_list and slot0.arg_list.buff_id then slot1 = slot0.arg_list.buff_id uv0[slot1] = { id = slot1, level = slot0.level } end end) return {} end function slot0.GetEquipmentSkills(slot0) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0:getActiveEquipments()) do if slot7 and slot7.config.skill_id[1] then -- Nothing end end return { [slot8] = { level = 1, id = slot8 } } end function slot0.getAllSkills(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0:GetEquipmentSkills()) do Clone(slot0.skills)[slot5] = slot6 end for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0:getTriggerSkills()) do slot1[slot5] = slot6 end return slot1 end function slot0.isSameKind(slot0, slot1) return pg.ship_data_template[slot0.configId].group_type == pg.ship_data_template[slot1.configId].group_type end function slot0.GetLockState(slot0) return slot0.lockState end function slot0.SetLockState(slot0, slot1) slot0.lockState = slot1 end function slot0.GetPreferenceTag(slot0) return slot0.preferenceTag or 0 end function slot0.SetPreferenceTag(slot0, slot1) slot0.preferenceTag = slot1 end function slot0.calReturnRes(slot0) slot2 = pg.ship_data_by_type[slot0:getShipType()].distory_resource_oil_ratio return pg.ship_data_by_type[slot0:getShipType()].distory_resource_gold_ratio, 0, pg.ship_data_by_star[slot0:getConfig("rarity")].destory_item end function slot0.getRarity(slot0) if slot0:isRemoulded() then slot1 = slot0:getConfig("rarity") + 1 end return slot1 end function slot0.getExchangePrice(slot0) return pg.ship_data_by_star[slot0:getConfig("rarity")].exchange_price end function slot0.updateSkill(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot1.skill_id or slot0.skills[slot2] = { id = slot2, level = slot1.skill_lv or or slot1.level, exp = slot1.skill_exp or slot1.exp } end function slot0.canEquipAtPos(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3, slot4 = slot0:isForbiddenAtPos(slot1, slot2) if slot3 then return false, slot4 end for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot0.equipments) do if slot9 and slot8 ~= slot2 and slot9.config.equip_limit ~= 0 and slot1.config.equip_limit == slot9.config.equip_limit then return false, i18n("ship_equip_same_group_equipment") end end return true end function slot0.isForbiddenAtPos(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not table.contains(pg.ship_data_template[slot0.configId]["equip_" .. slot2], slot1.config.type) then return true, i18n("common_limit_equip") end if table.contains(pg.equip_data_template[slot1.configId].ship_type_forbidden, slot0:getShipType()) then return true, i18n("common_limit_equip") end return false end function slot0.canEquipCommander(slot0, slot1) if slot1:getShipType() ~= slot0:getShipType() then return false, i18n("commander_type_unmatch") end return true end function slot0.upgrade(slot0) if pg.ship_data_transform[slot0.configId].trans_id and slot1.trans_id > 0 then slot0.configId = slot1.trans_id = slot0:getConfig("star") end end function slot0.getTeamType(slot0) return pg.ship_data_by_type[slot0:getShipType()].team_type end function slot0.getFleetName(slot0) return uv0[slot0:getTeamType()] end function slot0.getMaxConfigId(slot0) slot2 = nil for slot6 = 4, 1, -1 do if pg.ship_data_template[tonumber(slot0.groupId .. slot6)] then slot2 = slot7 break end end return slot2 end function slot0.getFlag(slot0, slot1, slot2) return pg.ShipFlagMgr.GetInstance():GetShipFlag(, slot1, slot2) end function slot0.hasAnyFlag(slot0, slot1) return _.any(slot1, function (slot0) return uv0:getFlag(slot0) end) end function slot0.isBreakOut(slot0) return slot0.configId % 10 > 1 end function slot0.fateSkillChange(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.skillChangeList then slot0.skillChangeList = slot0:isBluePrintShip() and slot0:getBluePrint():getChangeSkillList() or {} end for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.skillChangeList) do if slot6[1] == slot1 and slot0.skills[slot6[2]] then return slot6[2] end end return slot1 end function slot0.getSkillList(slot0) slot1 = pg.ship_data_template[slot0.configId] slot2 = Clone(slot1.buff_list_display) slot5 = 0 if pg.ship_data_trans[slot0.groupId] and slot4.skill_id ~= 0 then slot6 = slot4.skill_id slot7 = pg.transform_data_template[slot6] if slot0.transforms[slot6] and slot7.skill_id ~= 0 then table.insert(Clone(slot1.buff_list), slot7.skill_id) end end slot6 = {} for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot2) do for slot15, slot16 in ipairs(slot3) do if slot11 == slot16 then table.insert(slot6, slot0:fateSkillChange(slot11)) end end end return slot6 end function slot0.getModAttrTopLimit(slot0, slot1) return calcFloor((3 + 7 * math.min(slot0.level, 100) / 100) * pg.ship_data_strengthen[pg.ship_data_template[slot0.configId].strengthen_id].durability[ShipModAttr.ATTR_TO_INDEX[slot1]] * 0.1) end function slot0.leftModAdditionPoint(slot0, slot1) return math.max(0, slot0:getModAttrTopLimit(slot1) - calcFloor(slot0:getModProperties(slot1) / slot0:getModExpRatio(slot1))) end function slot0.getModAttrBaseMax(slot0, slot1) if not table.contains(slot0:getConfig("lock"), slot1) then return calcFloor(slot0:getShipProperties()[slot1] + slot0:leftModAdditionPoint(slot1)) else return 0 end end function slot0.getModExpRatio(slot0, slot1) if not table.contains(slot0:getConfig("lock"), slot1) then return math.max(pg.ship_data_strengthen[pg.ship_data_template[slot0.configId].strengthen_id].level_exp[ShipModAttr.ATTR_TO_INDEX[slot1]], 1) else return 1 end end function slot0.inUnlockTip(slot0) return table.contains(pg.gameset.tip_unlock_shipIds.description[0], slot0) end function slot0.proposeSkinOwned(slot0, slot1) return slot1 and slot0.propose and slot1.skin_type == ShipSkin.SKIN_TYPE_PROPOSE end function slot0.getProposeSkin(slot0) return ShipSkin.GetSkinByType(slot0.groupId, ShipSkin.SKIN_TYPE_PROPOSE) end function slot0.getDisplaySkillIds(slot0) return[slot0.configId].buff_list_display, function (slot0) return uv0:fateSkillChange(slot0) end) end function slot0.isFullSkillLevel(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.skills) do if pg.skill_data_template[].max_level ~= slot6.level then return false end end return true end function slot0.setEquipmentRecord(slot0, slot1, slot2) PlayerPrefs.SetString("equipment_record" .. "_" .. slot1 .. "_" .., table.concat(_.flatten(slot2), ":")) PlayerPrefs.Save() end function slot0.getEquipmentRecord(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.equipmentRecords then for slot8 = 1, 3 do end slot0.equipmentRecords = { [slot8] ="equipment_record" .. "_" .. slot1 .. "_" .. or "", ":"), 5 * slot8 - 4, 5), function (slot0) return tonumber(slot0) end) } end return slot0.equipmentRecords end function slot0.hasEquipEquipmentSkin(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.equipments) do if slot5 and slot5:hasSkin() then return true end end return false end function slot0.hasCommander(slot0) return slot0.commanderId and slot0.commanderId ~= 0 end function slot0.getCommander(slot0) return slot0.commanderId end function slot0.setCommander(slot0, slot1) slot0.commanderId = slot1 end function slot0.getSkillIndex(slot0, slot1) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0:getSkillList()) do if slot1 == slot7 then return slot6 end end end function slot0.getTactics(slot0) return 1, "tactics_attack" end function slot0.IsBgmSkin(slot0) return table.contains(slot0:GetSkinConfig().tag, ShipSkin.WITH_BGM) end function slot0.GetSkinBgm(slot0) if slot0:IsBgmSkin() then return slot0:GetSkinConfig().bgm end end function slot0.isIntensifyMax(slot0) slot1 = intProperties(slot0:getShipProperties()) if slot0:isBluePrintShip() then return true end for slot5, slot6 in pairs(ShipModAttr.ID_TO_ATTR) do if slot0:getModAttrBaseMax(slot6) ~= slot1[slot6] then return false end end return true end function slot0.isRemouldable(slot0) return not slot0:isTestShip() and not slot0:isBluePrintShip() and pg.ship_data_trans[slot0.groupId] end function slot0.isAllRemouldFinish(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(pg.ship_data_trans[slot0.groupId].transform_list) do for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot6) do if not slot0.transforms[slot11[2]] or slot0.transforms[slot11[2]].level < pg.transform_data_template[slot11[2]].max_level then return false end end end return true end function slot0.isSpecialFilter(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(pg.ship_data_statistics[slot0.configId].tag_list) do if slot6 == "special" then return true end end return false end function slot0.hasAvailiableSkin(slot0) slot1 = getProxy(ShipSkinProxy) for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot1:GetAllSkinForShip(slot0)) do if slot0:proposeSkinOwned(slot9) or slot1:getRawData()[] then slot4 = 0 + 1 end end return slot4 > 0 end function slot0.hasProposeSkin(slot0) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(getProxy(ShipSkinProxy):GetAllSkinForShip(slot0)) do if slot7.skin_type == ShipSkin.SKIN_TYPE_PROPOSE then return true end end return false end function slot0.getAircraftReloadCD(slot0) slot1 = slot0:getConfigTable().base_list for slot8 = 1, 3 do slot11 = pg.equip_data_statistics[slot0:getEquip(slot8) and slot9.configId or slot0:getConfigTable().default_equip_list[slot8]].type if underscore.any(EquipType.AirEquipTypes, function (slot0) return uv0 == slot0 end) then slot3 = 0 + Equipment.GetEquipReloadStatic(slot10) * slot1[slot8] slot4 = 0 + slot1[slot8] end end return { name = i18n("equip_info_31"), type = AttributeType.CD, value = slot3 / slot4 * ys.Battle.BattleConfig.AIR_ASSIST_RELOAD_RATIO * pg.bfConsts.PERCENT } end function slot0.IsTagShip(slot0, slot1) return table.contains(slot0:getConfig("tag_list"), slot1) end function slot0.setReMetaSpecialItemVO(slot0, slot1) slot0.reMetaSpecialItemVO = slot1 end function slot0.getReMetaSpecialItemVO(slot0, slot1) return slot0.reMetaSpecialItemVO end function slot0.getProposeType(slot0) if slot0:isMetaShip() then return "meta" elseif slot0:IsXIdol() then return "imas" else return "default" end end function slot0.IsXIdol(slot0) return slot0:getNation() == Nation.IDOL_LINK end function slot0.getSpecificType(slot0) return pg.ship_data_template[slot0.configId].specific_type end return slot0