slot0 = class("PlayerConst") slot0.ResGold = 1 slot0.ResOil = 2 slot0.ResExploit = 3 slot0.ResDiamond = 4 slot0.ResOilField = 5 slot0.ResDormMoney = 6 slot0.ResGoldField = 7 slot0.ResGuildCoin = 8 slot0.ResBlueprintFragment = 9 slot0.ResClassField = 10 slot0.ResBattery = 101 slot0.ResPT = 102 function slot1(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE then if getProxy(PlayerProxy) then slot3:UpdatePlayerRes(slot1, slot2) end elseif slot0 == DROP_TYPE_ITEM and pg.item_data_statistics[slot1] and getProxy(BagProxy) then if slot2 > 0 then slot4:addItemById(slot1, slot2) elseif slot2 < 0 then slot4:removeItemById(slot1, -slot2) end end end function addPlayerOwn(slot0, slot1, slot2) uv0(slot0, slot1, math.max(slot2, 0)) end function reducePlayerOwn(slot0, slot1, slot2) uv0(slot0, slot1, -math.max(slot2, 0)) end function getPlayerOwn(slot0, slot1) slot2 = "" slot3 = 0 if slot0 == DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE then slot2 = pg.item_data_statistics[id2ItemId(slot1)].name if getProxy(PlayerProxy) then slot3 = slot5:getRawData()[id2res(slot1)] end elseif slot0 == DROP_TYPE_ITEM and pg.item_data_statistics[slot1] then slot2 = if getProxy(BagProxy) then slot3 = slot5:getItemCountById(slot1) end end return slot2, slot3 end function slot0.addTranDrop(slot0, slot1) slot3 = pg.item_data_statistics slot4 = pg.ship_skin_template slot5 = pg.item_data_frame for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot0) do slot12, slot13 = function (slot0) if slot0.type == DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE then slot4 = ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_PT_CRUSING for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivitiesByType(slot4)) do if pg.battlepass_event_pt[].pt == then return nil, Item.New({ type = slot0.type, id =, count = slot0.number or slot0.count }) end end elseif slot0.type == DROP_TYPE_SKIN then if (slot0.number or slot0.count) == 0 then return Item.New({ count = 1, type = slot0.type, id = }) else slot2, slot3 = Player.skin2Res(, slot1) return Item.New({ type = DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE, id = slot2, count = slot3, name = uv0[id2ItemId(slot2)].name .. "(" .. uv1[].name .. ")" }) end elseif slot0.type == DROP_TYPE_ICON_FRAME then if (slot0.number or slot0.count) == 0 then return Item.New({ count = 1, type = slot0.type, id = }) else slot2, slot3 = Player.headFrame2Res(, slot1) if slot3 <= 0 then return nil end return Item.New({ type = DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE, id = slot2, count = slot3, name = uv0[id2ItemId(slot2)].name .. "(" .. uv2[].name .. ")" }) end elseif slot0.type == DROP_TYPE_NPC_SHIP then return Item.New({ count = 1, type = slot0.type, id = slot0.number or slot0.count }) elseif slot0.type == DROP_TYPE_VITEM then if Item.New({ type = slot0.type, id =, count = slot0.number or slot0.count }):getConfig("virtual_type") == 13 then slot4 = Item.VItem2SkinCouponShopId( if not getProxy(ActivityProxy):ExistSkinCouponActivity() then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("coupon_timeout_tip", uv0[].name)) return elseif slot3:ExistSkinCouponActivityAndShopId(slot4) then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("coupon_repeat_tip", uv0[].name)) return elseif getProxy(ShipSkinProxy):hasSkin(pg.shop_template[slot4].effect_args[1]) then if slot1.count > 1 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("coupon_repeat_tip", uv0[].name)) end return Item.New({ id = 14, type = DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE, count = pg.shop_discount_coupon_template[slot4].change, name = uv0[id2ItemId(14)].name .. "(" .. uv0[].name .. ")" }), slot1 end elseif slot2 == 21 then return nil, slot1 elseif slot2 == 6 then slot3 = uv3.taskId if getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityByType(ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_REFLUX) then slot6 = slot5.data1KeyValueList[1] slot6[slot3] = defaultValue(slot6[slot3], 0) + slot1.count slot4:updateActivity(slot5) end return nil, slot1 end end return Item.New({ type = slot0.type, id =, count = slot0.number or slot0.count }) end(slot11) if slot12 then table.insert({}, slot12) pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.ADD_ITEM, slot12) end if slot13 then pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.ADD_ITEM, slot13) end end if slot1 and slot1.taskId and pg.task_data_template[slot1.taskId].auto_commit == 1 then return {} else return slot2 end end function slot0.BonusItemMarker(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0) do if slot6.type == DROP_TYPE_VITEM and slot6:getConfig("virtual_type") == 20 then slot6.catchupActTag = slot1[] slot1[] = true end end return slot0 end function slot0.MergePassItemDrop(slot0) uv0.PassItemOrder = uv0.PassItemOrder or { other = 100, [DROP_TYPE_SKIN] = 1, [DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE] = { 8, 8, [14.0] = 2 }, [DROP_TYPE_SHIP] = 9, [DROP_TYPE_ITEM] = setmetatable({ [20001.0] = 3, [21101.0] = 12, [16502.0] = 6, [50006.0] = 10, [16024.0] = 7, [16004.0] = 7, [17023.0] = 16, [17024.0] = 11, [17034.0] = 11, [30015.0] = 13, [42036.0] = 4, [30025.0] = 13, [21131.0] = 12, [30035.0] = 13, [17013.0] = 16, [17003.0] = 16, [20013.0] = 14, [17044.0] = 11, [17004.0] = 11, [15008.0] = 15, [21121.0] = 12, [16014.0] = 7, [42030.0] = 5, [17014.0] = 11, [17033.0] = 16, [21111.0] = 12, [17043.0] = 16, [30045.0] = 13, [15001.0] = 17, [54007.0] = 5 }, { __index = function (slot0, slot1) if pg.item_data_statistics[slot1].type == 13 then return 9 end end }) } slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0) do slot1[slot6.type] = slot1[slot6.type] or {} slot1[slot6.type][] = defaultValue(slot1[slot6.type][], 0) + slot6.count end slot2 = {} for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot1) do for slot11, slot12 in pairs(slot7) do table.insert(slot2, { type = slot6, id = slot11, count = slot12 }) end end table.sort(slot2, function (slot0, slot1) return CompareFuncs(slot0, slot1, { function (slot0) if type(uv0.PassItemOrder[slot0.type]) == "number" then return uv0.PassItemOrder[slot0.type] elseif type(uv0.PassItemOrder[slot0.type]) == "table" and type(uv0.PassItemOrder[slot0.type][]) == "number" then return uv0.PassItemOrder[slot0.type][] else return uv0.PassItemOrder.other end end, function (slot0) return end }) end) return slot2 end return slot0