slot0 = class("MetaCharacterProxy", import(".NetProxy")) slot0.METAPROGRESS_UPDATED = "MetaCharacterProxy:METAPROGRESS_UPDATED" slot1 = pg.ship_strengthen_meta function slot0.register(slot0) = {} slot0.metaProgressVOList = {} slot0.metaTacticsInfoTable = nil slot0.metaTacticsInfoTableOnStart = nil slot0.metaSkillLevelMaxInfoList = nil slot0.lastMetaSkillExpInfoList = nil slot0.startRecordTag = false for slot4, slot5 in pairs(uv0.all) do slot6 = MetaProgress.New({ id = slot5 })[slot5] = slot6 table.insert(slot0.metaProgressVOList, slot6) end slot0.redTagTable = {} for slot4, slot5 in pairs(uv0.all) do slot0.redTagTable[slot5] = { false, false } end slot0:on(63315, function (slot0) print("63315 get red tag info") for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.arg1) do table.insert({}, MetaCharacterConst.GetMetaShipGroupIDByConfigID(slot6)) end if slot0.type == 1 then for slot5, slot6 in pairs(uv0.redTagTable) do if table.contains(slot1, slot5) then slot6[1] = true slot6[2] = false else slot6[1] = false slot6[2] = false end end end end) slot0:on(63316, function (slot0) print("63316 get meta skill exp info") slot1 = {} slot3 = uv0.metaSkillLevelMaxInfoList or {} for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0.skill_info_list) do print("shipID", slot8.ship_id) slot12 = slot8.skill_exp uv0:addExpToMetaTacticsInfo(slot8) uv0:setLastMetaSkillExpInfo({}, slot8) uv0:setMetaSkillLevelMaxInfo(slot3, slot8) if pg.gameset.meta_skill_exp_max.key_value <= slot8.day_exp or getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(slot8.ship_id):getMetaSkillLevelBySkillID(slot8.skill_id) < slot8.skill_level then pg.ToastMgr.GetInstance():ShowToast(pg.ToastMgr.TYPE_META, { metaShipVO = slot15, newDayExp = slot13, addDayExp = slot8.add_exp, curSkillID = slot10, newSkillLevel = slot11, oldSkillLevel = slot17 }) end slot15:updateSkill({ skill_id = slot10, skill_lv = slot11, skill_exp = slot12 }) getProxy(BayProxy):updateShip(slot15) end if #slot3 > 0 then uv0.metaSkillLevelMaxInfoList = slot3 end if #slot2 > 0 then uv0.lastMetaSkillExpInfoList = slot2 end end) end function slot0.getMetaProgressVOList(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.metaProgressVOList) do slot5:setDataBeforeGet() end return slot0.metaProgressVOList end function slot0.getMetaProgressVOByID(slot0, slot1) if[slot1] then slot2:setDataBeforeGet() end return slot2 end function slot0.updateRedTag(slot0, slot1) if slot0.redTagTable[slot1][1] == true then slot0.redTagTable[slot1][2] = true end end function slot0.getRedTag(slot0, slot1) return slot0.redTagTable[slot1][2] == false and slot2[1] == true end function slot0.isHaveVaildMetaProgressVO(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0:getMetaProgressVOList()) do if slot6:isShow() then return true end end return false end function slot0.isHaveBuildMetaProgressVO(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0:getMetaProgressVOList()) do if slot6:isPassType() and slot6:isInAct() then return true end end return false end function slot0.setMetaTacticsInfo(slot0, slot1) slot0.metaTacticsInfoTable = slot0.metaTacticsInfoTable or {} if MetaTacticsInfo.New(slot1) then slot0.metaTacticsInfoTable[slot1.ship_id] = slot3 slot3:printInfo() else errorMessage("Creat MetaTacticsInfo Fail!") end end function slot0.addExpToMetaTacticsInfo(slot0, slot1) if slot0.metaTacticsInfoTable[slot1.ship_id] then slot3:updateExp(slot1) slot3:printInfo() else errorMessage("MetaTacticsInfo is Null", slot2) end end function slot0.switchMetaTacticsSkill(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.metaTacticsInfoTable[slot1] then slot3:switchSkill(slot2) slot3:printInfo() else errorMessage("MetaTacticsInfo is Null", slot1) end end function slot0.unlockMetaTacticsSkill(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot0.metaTacticsInfoTable = slot0.metaTacticsInfoTable or {} if slot0.metaTacticsInfoTable[slot1] then slot4:unlockSkill(slot2, slot3) else slot0.metaTacticsInfoTable[slot1] = MetaTacticsInfo.New({ ship_id = slot1, exp = slot3 and 0, skill_id = slot3 and slot2, skill_exp = { { exp = 0, skill_id = slot2 } } }) end slot4:printInfo() end function slot0.requestMetaTacticsInfo(slot0, slot1, slot2) if #(slot1 or getProxy(BayProxy):getMetaShipIDList()) == 0 then return end if slot2 then slot0:sendNotification(GAME.TACTICS_EXP_META_INFO_REQUEST, { idList = slot3 }) elseif not slot0.metaTacticsInfoTable then slot0:sendNotification(GAME.TACTICS_EXP_META_INFO_REQUEST, { idList = slot3 }) end end function slot0.getMetaTacticsInfoByShipID(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.metaTacticsInfoTable then return MetaTacticsInfo.New() end return slot0.metaTacticsInfoTable[slot1] or MetaTacticsInfo.New() end function slot0.printAllMetaTacticsInfo(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.metaTacticsInfoTable) do slot5:printInfo() end end function slot0.setMetaTacticsInfoOnStart(slot0) if slot0.startRecordTag then return end slot1 = true if slot0.metaTacticsInfoTable then for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.metaTacticsInfoTable) do if slot6 then slot1 = false break end end end if slot0.metaTacticsInfoTable and not slot1 then slot0.metaTacticsInfoTableOnStart = Clone(slot0.metaTacticsInfoTable) slot0.startRecordTag = true end end function slot0.getMetaTacticsInfoOnEnd(slot0) if not slot0.metaTacticsInfoTableOnStart then return false end slot1 = {} for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0.metaTacticsInfoTable) do slot9 = slot8.shipID slot11 = slot0.metaTacticsInfoTableOnStart[slot9] or MetaTacticsInfo.New() if slot2[slot9]:isAnyLearning() and slot11:isAnyLearning() and not getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(slot9):isAllMetaSkillLevelMax() and not (slot11 and slot11:isExpMaxPerDay() or false) then if slot16 > 0 then table.insert(slot1, { shipID = slot9, addDayExp = slot16, isUpLevel = slot10.curDayExp - slot11.curDayExp > 0 and getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(slot9):isSkillLevelMax(slot10.curSkillID), isMaxLevel = slot17, isExpMax = slot10:isExpMaxPerDay(), progressOld = slot11.curDayExp / pg.gameset.meta_skill_exp_max.key_value, progressNew = slot10.curDayExp / pg.gameset.meta_skill_exp_max.key_value }) end end end slot0:clearMetaTacticsInfoRecord() return slot1 end function slot0.clearMetaTacticsInfoRecord(slot0) slot0.metaTacticsInfoTableOnStart = nil slot0.startRecordTag = false end function slot0.setMetaSkillLevelMaxInfo(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot4 = slot2.skill_id slot6 = slot2.skill_exp slot7 = slot2.day_exp slot8 = slot2.add_exp if getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(slot2.ship_id):getMetaSkillLevelBySkillID(slot4) < slot2.skill_level and pg.skill_data_template[slot4].max_level <= slot5 then slot15 = false for slot19, slot20 in pairs(slot1) do if slot20.metaShipVO.configId == ({ metaShipVO = slot9, metaSkillID = slot4 }).metaShipVO.configId then slot15 = true break end end if not slot15 then table.insert(slot1, slot14) end end end function slot0.getMetaSkillLevelMaxInfoList(slot0) return slot0.metaSkillLevelMaxInfoList or {} end function slot0.clearMetaSkillLevelMaxInfoList(slot0) slot0.metaSkillLevelMaxInfoList = nil end function slot0.tryRemoveMetaSkillLevelMaxInfo(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.metaSkillLevelMaxInfoList and #slot0.metaSkillLevelMaxInfoList > 0 then slot3 = nil for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0.metaSkillLevelMaxInfoList) do slot9 = slot8.metaShipVO if slot1 == and slot2 ~= slot9.metaSkillID then slot3 = slot7 break end end if slot3 then table.remove(slot0.metaSkillLevelMaxInfoList, slot3) end end end function slot0.setLastMetaSkillExpInfo(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot4 = slot2.skill_id slot6 = slot2.skill_exp slot7 = slot2.day_exp table.insert(slot1, { shipID = slot3, addDayExp = slot2.add_exp, isUpLevel = getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(slot2.ship_id):getMetaSkillLevelBySkillID(slot4) < slot2.skill_level, isMaxLevel = pg.skill_data_template[slot4].max_level <= slot5, isExpMax = pg.gameset.meta_skill_exp_max.key_value <= slot7, progress = slot7 / pg.gameset.meta_skill_exp_max.key_value }) end function slot0.getLastMetaSkillExpInfoList(slot0) return slot0.lastMetaSkillExpInfoList or {} end function slot0.clearLastMetaSkillExpInfoList(slot0) slot0.lastMetaSkillExpInfoList = nil end return slot0